Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, August 25, 1911, Image 1

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    12 ( I lu * ( í t f t f e u j ? ( ß n w
B a ttito i E
may capture hill prize increase flow of water
which the money appropriated for the
K i l l KI N
U u ivrra ltv « I Oregou Interrata Claim
Oulv Two Thousaud Signature*
Aie Legai West'» Dilemma.
Dctlurhig tlint thè pellllona mvnking
Ih*' referendum U| him Ole npproprluliona
tur Ih* Oniverxity of Oregon are ille-
gal. Ole board o f regenta, through S.
Il Friendly of Kugene, I ihh lileil amt
in thè eiri-uit eourl of Miirlun eounty
Mali mg Oiat Mie Seeretnry of State he
cnjoined troni piar mg thè tltle o f thè
lidia un Oie liallul. Kvery riami Imag
inalile ia aet up, amile tu whlrh are
kliiiwn liy thè writer tu he almoluli'ly
without foundation, as, for instance,
the our wherein It IN alleged thul rily
Recorder Sinovie o f Wimdhiirn verified
Kaki «ig u a ltires, whereas only Tiki names
were secured III and around that plaee.
It ia also alleged that the petitions
were addressed lo F. W. I!en*mi, as
secretary of »tate, when they «houli!
have beeil mlilreased to Hen. W. Olrolt,
hut Mr. Itenami wan secretary of stale
when the petition« were circulated, ami
the |ictition* had the approval of At
lorney Cenerai Crawford a* he mg h
gaily correct, a fact that T lie Senti ori
can auliataiitiale by prialuemg hi. • 1.
dorac merit.
Of courae the claim of forgeries re
tors largely into the i'ntiq tnl. It M
alleged that there purport* i he 18 . Î U
signature* to mir prtilio
Ifo IlM
appropriating $-&«,£•a )r j (•
hwtWtli « «
alai equipment for the am*
that In reality » hen all It*
arr consider.'! there are h al
m I»-
gal name* that on the peliti
«a s n b tn ^
Ike other brìi the •
' f
• IT'i.iaai i. * * liheary
it I f o fr «ma»
port* la he F I.«to *tg
iv t M
•mt L IM I
them ace
•4. It m p i> ■
aiate» the law O » •
bin ai tu re fe» a had
U r w la» |fo ^ M i l M m Ufo r§» I mmi
m |
fo fo
m i
I • hr« ||h— mm «Ufo*.
(M l I f o i fov « I f o K f o l f fo— fofo
V* Mi f o w l ! —
|f Ufo I »**• • *•
I* fr*|
fotr <rtk#afo Mb I o#«-m ■ m mm
fr lr ffv a fo « « f o t II — a
»I m »II f o « * fo» gm mmmm f —
fo If o foMfotlbv i f o — to—
• •II for Ml I f o fC M w fo> ffofofovf fo
fa f k fo M ^ — •
f o Ü M i f o » , I «fo f»
>if » K fo I f o » t f o r r l i —
fo. fv tfo h i foh
l l f o g f o l • l a i . i ft I w i M f f o , « M i « «MPI» «
t r f i l f o i l fo W ftfo fo ffo ffoft fo »
Ufo! 9. •f*M» •»♦• Irfttt • » fo n a mm
to r *wfo fo* «••** Ifo
H ra«| •—
• for*- l i « « V # I m a an a«— fop
•*« atr—l tke
fopftfoMfol" af |fo («fo t
I»» n w r
I 9 • *•
K u fr r »
» llhfot f «
•«in will r*.
f f « t the Mill •r the |ssflr
ti« ally certa , a a » a I he I If* g 1 It * >-f ■
few «lays ift
that a »«all " i l l Nr •««•Ha­
ted for the next general r k . t * a te
Consolidate the I'niveraity »>f U n fit*
aod the Agricultural t ..Ile g ., and In
save this from being .tone the larger
purl o f the appropriation* granted b>
the lust legislature for the former in
atitutlon must lie eapende*! n, eaten
sion work before the elector* voice
their sentiments. That this would
prove u strung argument against con­
solidation is fully understood by the
wise men of the county town, anil thev
are bending every energy to avoid | mw -
aihility o f n calamity.
Secretary in Dilemma.
A dispatch from Sa ein, under date
of August 19. says : "Secretary o f State
Dlcott will have 10 day» in which to flic
III* answer to the injunction suit
brought ugMinsl bite to prevent hi-
placing the univeraity referendum on
f« r ‘ he next general elec-
tion. A fte r the state’» answer the un-
1 iversity w
have until the second Mon-
day in October in which to reply but it
ia through the university attorneys.
*v T.
r Sluter,
....... M.
u E.
k> Rogue
u.... - ....*
and IV
W. X
Kinner, w ill file their r.'ply much soon­
"Judge Galloway will lie here before
the iilale fair opens und as soon as he
arrives it ia thought the attorneys for
the univoraity w ill ask that the case
he set down for early hearing.
atate also will want to expedite mat­
ter*, aerordiug to Asaiatunt Attorney
General Van Winkle. The hearing will
he before Judge Galloway,
"E ith e r able will have the right to
appeal the enae to the supreme court
und unless an unilaiially conclusive
light is put up hy one Nide and a "fu ll
dow n" registered by the other the case
will go to the supreme court. As neith­
er of these things are expected to oo-
cur hut rati er a close light is expected.
if ia anticipated that the case w ill he
passed upon hy the supreme court. The
case could hang fire In the courts over
12 months and yet he decided in time
to place the referendum on the ballot,
hut Asaisstant Attorney General Van
out •» ••"d »how visitor* and represen-
N E W DAM W I L L BE C O N S T R U C T- tative* o f the northwest w ill he on hand MISSIONARY EATING CANNIBAL
to answer question« about thia aection
o f the country. Cottage Grove haa
been requeated to forward literature to
If Special Car I* Supplied iOO Va- A m erican Ligh t A P o w er C o m p a e y ’ s t>„. port land Comme-rial club, ao that Converted to Protestant Faith Long
R ep resen tatives V isit In ta k e.
it can be sent on to Pittahurg. Thia
rietiea o f W heat W ill Be Taken
Years Ago, and Now Seeks Ed­
land ahow will he one o f the important
W ork to Begin .Soon.
Acroat. the Continent.
ucation in United States.
avenue* for reaching colonial« for the
Pacific northwest. I .orated an it ia
Mesar*. A. S. liyuck o f Portland and
Mr F d ix t'urrin I' h * lieen requeated
On Wedneaady afternoon a tall, black
where the three d a tes o f West V irgin ­
by Jame* H ill, the railroad magnate ( II. Green of Chicago, repreaerita-
individual with a straggley and uncul­
ia, O'jio and Pennsylvania corner, the
and empire builder, to make an exhibit liv e » of the American Eight A. Power
tivated beard, a crowning head, and
show attracts a great many farmers
of grains at the laral show to lie held company of City, were in the
clothes fa r frum the latest style, insin­
from fhia whole territory and the ex ­
in New York the coming winter, and city on T uesday, and in company w ith
uated nimaelf about The Sentinel sanc­
hibits o f what the went can do agricul­
the request ha* been accepted condì- Mayor W. H. Aliarm i and other city
tum, announcing in sonorous tones
turally will prove an inducement to
Mr. t'urrin ha* during the officiala made an inspection trip over
that he wan David Henry Allen Zatn-
many o f them to move out here and oc-
bosa Swackhammar, recently
paat aeaami grown over ISSI different the water pipe line to the intake in the
vacant landa^
Hayti. Swackhammer ia a real can­
varieties of wheat in experimental K* rest reserve, eighteen miles distant.
work tin seed coming from every conn- There ha* been complaint that a auffic-
nibal, and came from a cannibal iale.
Irv 01 the face of the glnlie. and III or lent flow o f water la not being secured,
where the first fifteen years of his life
der to properly 11 a pi is v then-and tin and the company that constructed the Commission Begins W re s tlin g W ith was «pent in follow in g his tribe look-
aialy i i.e varieties of barley aid fifty- system under contract w i'h the city
ing for missionaries, boiling and eating
State Levies.
To widen and enlarge the scope of them. In 1881 he tired o f thia diet and
two «»rietina of oats it would require will proceed forthwith to effect a rem-
» egr arranged especially f,,r *bn l,ur‘ «dy* According to Mr. Hyuck the dam the inheritance tax la w ; to exempt became converted to the Protestant
pose ami if this is supplied l*ie exhibit at the intake will be rebuilt, giving an mortgage notes from taxation ; to out- faith through a missionary who had
w ill lie made. Mr. Hill 1» offering a additional head o f three feet, which line a system o f exemptions and pro- been placed in the larder for future
During the intervening
Ilo issi silver cup for the lest | imi will, he *ays, double the amount of vide for exemption o f mortgages as reference.
f w h e a l displayed at Die show, water now being received at the reaer- well as mortgage n otes-th ese are a twenty-eight years Swackhammar haa
believed that he can voir east o f town. Instead of a How few o f the things that w ill be consider- not had a relapse ; haa even forgotten
tel M r turrit*
prixe. And >>■ t h is 'o f one million gallons per day, when
ed today when the commission to pre- hia appetite for human flesh. He haa
•1 1
upported hy Rowland Me the betterment is completed the supply pare a bill on taxations and exemptions been in thia country two years seeking
I m f ||lrf f o j
The for the people to vote on the next gen- an education, and was on his way to
K ## o f I li It.e government experiment will I m - two million gallons.
•I 4 '
f f Chico, California, fo» which I American Light A Power company’ * era I election meets in Salem. The com- Tacoma from a financial campaign,
>f the gram was grown
Mr. engineer will make plans for the dam mission w ill have several tax billa, in- 1 there to attend school that he may re­
sited the Currin ranch this without delsy, and work w ill be inaug- trodured in the last Legislature, as
turn to hia native land and teach hia
M- he-
o f v o ll. «
. r..r the purpose o f directing thip- ursu-d on the dam w ith ^ a few days. foundation for their work.
A ll tax tribesmen. The cannibal undertook to
G OLD H U M a U Y * S U P P L IE S
... .1 sod expressed th* opinion
Mr. I* S. I rue, who was connected measures w/iich came before the legii- give a little talk in Cottage Grove, but
tier wheat than som* » f theae mDi the work when the pip*- line was lature were turned over to thia com- somehow lie couldn’ t make connections.
Get eta a tflisei P l a i t Pta. » n a g am
a •# M t w • c u b i I h ?
l» U r fiiH'lf
mission. becuuse the legislature can­ He travels principally on foot and car­
Mem M l* *« ptah ta hie
• f f aln o nfvrral raah pair« near CfoTVO Cionlo mountain, in in not pasM lax meaHures without refer- ries with him sufficient paraphernalia
i f o I mihfovt, « f o 9mm fo«« « f o l t i
•fmrrfo by .Mr. Hill i f o thr pro- the city, and w ill have supervision o f h ng them to the people. This restric- for a small ci*cua. VV.,,,e a guest o f
c t«i—i « »fo I • * ^ l« y » f • U m mm tfo ftftfo |P#t«m •
.f 1 him extensive rarwh feels j huthliriK the dam.
tion was placed on the representatives the city the Honorable David Henry
R fo « f t * « # . f — # « » I m
« Ik « « « If o N a r
ma* • • «t h* could bring «im** ca*t-
law-making body by the county tax Allen Zamboss Swakhammar o f Hayti
• ft» ft« * f o l i f t
mm V « • * • * » 9««
I- ... . hack to Oregon with him.
amendment o f 1910.
bunked within his own disfigured tent
M f « l « i , ftfoifofoIfofo foefo* • »ft« foMM «
*-. gtmtn for the government is be-
and ate food prepared by the "black
M fo U M i l » JÊ f f o l « mm* —ft f t « « « I f o
. ,.*«**••■ f.*r shipment, sod will till
hand” in the open.
• if«««
t «fU M t ( « f o
ft« ftfoaa
G rove A fter Long Absence.
si ordinary freight car. It
The visitor interviewed a number o f
«•■fo Irfob M a » fo tmm mafty «««ft . . . . » .
"G randm a" Nowell, who haa resided in view a very material increase in the
I f » « « , ««fo f o t —« ftfo fofo» f i — M fo| • . • .«■ hrd in the sheaf 1*1 1 <>»••» nine miles up the Coast Fork nearly a amount o f indirect taxes to be secured citizens, including Col. James Hemen-
«fofo» t m « I ««ftfofotfofofofo1 ft« fofoR l à » Mafofo- M .M iwcWes arsi right feet Im g. some half renturv, was ir C ot'age Grove on for the state through taxation o f trana- " a y , the real estate man. Aa the can-
having st*"si nearly that
nibal gazed upon that rotund figure bit-
ftfof «fo l («M fo M y ftp ftfo t fol M m ««M i fo
Monday. It was her hral visit to thl*
harvested. It is probablt
Under the plan to be discussed by ter thoughts entered hia mind against
Ufo 9k «■ fo « MMfofoa— 9mm ftfo Mfofo«
city in seventeen year», and very na­
. »er
w ill show at the Lane
the commission, a aeries o f taxable those who had in the years agone setit
M foI « U l — ftftfoa
turally she marveled greatly at its
transfers w ill lie outlined to tie incor- such skinny missionaries to the land o f
ffob—ft ««■«• «fofor*« • * «
growth. To an acquaintance "Grand-
« s » t W . ash.tot will be . hipped U»
porated in the bill. Transfers w ill be hia birth,
•fo« ifofofoft « «#■#%« mm9m 9mm9
•# « « •
|ina" Nowell aaid: "W h y. just see the
• •**■*
- t a t r f a i r at M i l wa u k e e .
taxable when they are by will or by
I brick buildings, and this road, refer- Un Intestate law* ,.f the state of an>
• -» "is *
tw.i.lea the grama man-
I ring to the pavement on Main street! 1
w • t u rttn this year raised bis
intangible property, or of tangible Board of Education Employs Lucile
: it*« hard aa a rock. I never did see
* .* * w I varieties of vetches,
projierty within the state from any |>er-
| the. likes, * declare. When she last 1
Berg of Tacoma to Teach.
• ••w .
r .o i Kinds of |a as, ardi
non dying seized or possessed thereof
The board o f education convened in
• viaiUst Cottage Grove there were few
* » w i w i * * a •>» alfalfa, and th«*e will
while a resident o f the state.
buildings on the east aide o f the river,
adjourned session Saturday afternoon
*1 the exhibit.. It will un-
They w ill also be taxable when the
#» m fo « « « * » mm I
and completed the corps o f teachers for
but "G ran dm a" Now ell remembers
Mfog > « ■ « ■
the coming year by the election o f Misa
I that Lewis A Burkholder, each still in
tangible properry within the state when
• ................... .... individual, ami will
Lucile Berg o f Tacoma, Washington,
»»WW ••»«»••*» in exljioitilig the | h * s
the decedent was a non-resident; also
•Ufofofo «foatm «
for the second and third grades. Other
* • * . ■ * « - t i r * Oregon country.
when transfer is made either by resi-
ftfofoftssM ftfo 99m 4
than thia comparatively little business
now »lamia. I aaaing along Main street . ,
., .
dents nr non-residents o f property in
was transacted, though several mat­
M » : M » PLA TT NEWCOMB. »hr looked into the shop windows in ; ..
. .
the state when the transfer is made in
9 >1» m ffofofoafoà 4 I
ters were considered, among them be­
amusement, and wondered how so many i _______
• ! contemplation o f the death o f the gran-
•fofo w mm fo» M » T •
l o# T w e n ty Year* Passes
men could make - living aelling g , « i * ! tor ven),„ r or (|onor „ mi tht. trBrigfer ing slate blackboards for the severs
A w a y an Tuesday.
W W t lr t » « a h W e— M g
| to folk ..
Grandma N ow ell w . l l r e - i , , in|endwl
t»k e effect in possession school rooms. A contract for oiling
• comb, a native o f New
the floors o f the two buildings was
mam m I ottagi- < .r.-v*' several daya as
V t M fo f ? VfoMpfofo «fofo 9ftfo»
o f such after the death o f the grantor.
rue . to ( otlaV* Grove
awarded, the price being $50. The bill
th* guest o f her son, W illis Nowell, em­
ftlfoMfo mmmm « — hnp U m 99m fofoR fot«fo m9
The rule o f taxation o f a transfer
• twenty years ago, and
o f J. H. Chambers for 100 cords of slab-
ployed at the light plant.
fofoftvtfofoHMf «ft ftfo« f i t M » fo fifo $mm
will also operate on a corporation when
• ranch east o f town
wood at $2.50 per cord was allowed and
m- § « » I— t ft«t«U4 »||tf * « - |fo fo#«
] it becomes beneficially entitled in pos­
I - year* of this time, died
ordered paid. This is the first and only
«#| t g
« 4 <MM
session or ext ectancy to property or
m nee Tuesday fore-
bill thus far allowed by the present ad­
foft« «1
f fofofo *4 ftfo» fo fo — •
Marshal Snodgrass Issues Order to the income thereof.
, •*’• - i >, 4 »
I V f « 4 V ftl## ■ • #9 > * geese*
A schedule has been prepared under ministration. There are a number o f
• * ' Mr. Newcoiiili hail
Soft-Drinks Places.
I«V tftw reve*
ft. |fo#» p ftM fif ft#%A^|
o f'th e s e bills which will also be ott" :r 8m»H account, due. but theae w ill
tfoVfo •«■
II* rcaftrr there must be no gambling
■ alth f..r mar*
Hr • « I M r s
• ifo#fo. V f «afo foro
considered by the commission. Under
cons'(ler* tlon at a future
tfofofo « f we. hut had been confined t.
fnr ’ ’checks" at cigar ami aufl drinks
V (I he
Mr mmé Mr* Mrffo
Wwa than a fortnight, yj,,. place». Marshal Snodgrass having pro- this "schedule $2500 w ill be the mini- | Mips Berg having declined the poai-
Acwvelt, Mr orni Mr* t I IhaMwsaMo,
mum value to be affected bv the inber- ..
,. .
hi fr«im the Ha|iti»t mulgatcvl an oitier to that effect, which
. ., .
tion, the board met again on Tuesday
Mr. end Mr* J. Itla ria w r*. Mr end
itance tax law. and the taxes w ill be
•y morning at |n ¿10, and " i l l ** rigidly enforce 1. The order
and elected Miss Greenwood o f Eugene.
Mr* u th HU 'a ts r * . Mr. and Mr*
levied as follows : One per cent on es-
« * '•
hy a large cuncourne of ! rea«ls :
Geo. Ihieoard, Mr M d Mr*. M at tha*
tates from $2500 to $25,000, 2 per cent
School Begins September 18.
e ’ fiend». Deceased Icive»
*‘ <>n ami after thia date you will not .
„ r m i.
, . m n ,¥.
» » h i , Miaa I r a * l loe ward, t r e t e t ta A l
3 per cent
Three weeks from next Monday—Sep-
»on» and one daughter iwrinit anyone to play card» ami take
k ma*ui, Mr tren. art. Jr., Mr
IM k w. Samuel Uml K>lgar all the chi|i* for one game, commonly , from $100,000 to $250,000, 4 per cent tember 18—the public schools will op-
( ’ has. He* la.
N ran
•re residents of t'ottsge i calle»l t*ool. Complaint has come to me from $250,000 to $500,000, 5 per cent en, and the process o f pouring knowl-
Gev.vr i , r N. wromb and Mis. I.*»sie that certain parlies arc losing all they from $500,000 to $1,000 000. and 6 per edge into the sieve-like minds o f young-
Modern Methoda Adopted.
cent on estates valued in excess o f $1,- sters w ill
last through nine long
A li o f the kwomotiv*« a f the itortk Mehwa r. «».I* near Portland.
make playing this game. I f this order
000,000. A schedule much similar has months. Shoes and stockings must then
ern Pacific Company are rapidi) being
is not obeyed, rani playing will be i
Beggar Deposits Coin.
been outlined relative to taxable trana- be donned, faces must be washed at
equipfird with electric headhghta The
slopped altogether. Each man in the
arrvied in town on Tuesday
fers made by persona or corporations. least daily and embryonic man w ill be­
ay stem is the invention of one o f the
u(x>n game must get a chip, nnd it must be
In addition to the plan o f incorpor­ gin again his mental making. The two
men in the Sacramento »hopa nf the ••ght . IO U tram . blind
understood that unteas they want tv
• h.*. breast might have
ating into the proposed measure provis­ school buildings have been placed in
company ami conaiata o f a small tur­
pay for the game, they are not com-1
ions for the exemptions of mortgages good condition, some general improve­
bin*' etiigne ami generator. Thia emgne IhtMe fam iliar words. "H e lp me pleas.
pel led to do ao, and you are to demand
Wm I f o a h f o j j f o
and mortgage notes it is probable that ments o f a minor character having been
has the power o f generating thirty I -
the same. Anyone caught playing cards
vo|u „ f electricity.^"»urtn-i. n," f„r th. r a o * at tea Hotel Oregon, and on
the exemption o f the householder w ill made. The addition o f two rooms to
where one is taking all the chips will
h,.,,,,light, class,heat,on ligh t. an*l m-v- Wednesday morning began "w o r k " at
tie increased from $30 to some sum not the West Side building w ill, it ia be­
be arrested for gam blin g."
now decided.
, m t„ er )i||hu Mbout the pnKin,.
« prominent street corner, singing
lieved. afford ample accommodations.
It is also probable that the plan of
contro||wl by , sw jtfh |n lhr cni|nweI', muet horribly for nickles aud dimes.
Captain Supports His Colonel
Forest Fires at Divide.
CHb_ Thi„ d(, „ MW... wlth th. inw>n. o f which he received many. R aviolis
Capt. B. K. Lawson of this city, com , ! Senator Calkins for taxation o f régis
extensive forest fires raged in
venience of using the old fashioned lo t * k" " f u»’ h‘"
aVocalion that ! msmler o f Company E. fourth roKi. Dation o f mortgages will be taken into
torch nt Ili((hl when oilinK th,.
m -m m g. the blind man who pleaded ment, supporte the statement o f Col. I con* lderat,on* l ' n d e r the pl**n " h e n the vicinity o f the Orchard L a n d *
ao piteously for aid. had depo»jt„| $100 Yoran that Fort Stevens was not cap- '"ortgages o f real property are record- Timber company a aawmil near Divide
., ,
» ,
in « !<*•! hank.
lured hy the third regiment during the ^ lh* M 8h" " * * ■
th* ; ^exlnesday afternoon and at 6 o clock
Coke R ecall Languishes.
recent encampment. The captain savs recording o f the mortgage and not on >t was reported here that the mill was
Owing to a lack o f funds with which
Gold Found N ear
the "e n e m y " could not have effected • the mortgage itself. No mortgage that being wiped out by fiâmes. The rumor,
to circulate the necessary petitions, it
Raffcirl say* thst a rich jj „|,| ¡«'irike
capture had it four times the numlier ! i8 untaxe‘ 1 ,n th i8 m a n n ersh “ n be re- h0WeVer’ pF° Ved UntrUe‘ The
ia understood that the movement to has been made on the Nort|, Fork of
of men. When the fight was ra ile d 7 ff lea8,Hl’ di8ch» rKed o f re<,urd or received ( J»«ny s men and those from the neigh-
recall Circuit Judge John Coke o f (he Siuslaw river a few ni||es from the defenders still had one C(,m,mnv 1 <n evidence in any action or proceeding borhood. fought t he fire like beavers
Marshfield has been practically aban- Florence. A sample o f ora said to have
in reserve
! un,e88 the tax has been imposed.
»nd succeeded in subduing it without
It ia said that considerable been taken from the depo«it ln<* ¡,en|
This plan exempts mortgages and1 heavy loss.
difficulty was encountered in securing to the director o f mineral w«irg ,,t the
Commission Wants Information.
mortgage notes from taxation, and j
Sutherland-Bartels Nuptials
signatures in the outlying districts, es- j Oregon Agricultural College showed
The Oregon A Southeastern has r e -, places the tax merely on the fact o f
Mr. E. H. Sutherland, who recently
pecially in the four counties which, to- , JUG ounces to the ton. Report on an- otlved blanks from the railroad com-j their being recorded. The tax proposed oinie bere f rom Portland
to lake
gether with l.ane, comprise the second other sample sent to Washington I)
mission, on which report must be made is a nominal one, graduated according ,.barRe 0f the mason work on the new
judicial district. The charge preferred C., says that the gold resembles that of employes who have been employed to the size o f the mortgage, and Sen- p ir8t National Bank, and Miss Mary
against Coke hy the recallers was to found at ( ’ ripple Creek,
| more than the hours required by the ator Calkins believes it w ill result in Bartels, o f the Ladies’ T oggery were
the effect that his instructions in the '
<*i p iv
new labor I h w . The report must in- providing a large sum from indirect
Monday evening, and spent a
McClallen murder trial were such hm to
elude all of those employed between taxation and w ill still the cry that a tax couple o f days in Portiand’ on their hon-
bias the jury In favor o f the defendant.
8 Ht
's nnno»inced at
the offices o f the Southern R ,c|flc ¡n May 21 and August 1. Reports after on a mortgage is a double tax.
that must I hi forwarded monthly.
. . .
Kansans W ill Picnic.
'Frisco that six thousand men are lobe
Change of Management.
National Guard Bills.
The Kansas society will hold its hii * dropped from the p a y rjlls o f the pacific
Requests Our L itera tu re.
! On September 1 the management o f
Bills for the summer camp o f the
nmil picnic at the city park next Thura- system o f the road before the end of
Big Oregon apples w ill be distributed Hotel Calapooya, the health resorl a t , Oregon National Guard are arriving at
day, and a large attendance is expected September. Slack freight conditions at the Pittsburg land show October 12-1 London, w ill change, Mr. J. C. S ta p le -! the office o f the Secretary o f State.
from all sections o f Southern l.ane. A are given as the eau*e. The employ­ 28, this year, through the Oregon De- ! ton succeeding W. J. Wilson, who came j For all o f the companies in the Third
basket dinner w ill he partaken o f at es will he taken on again In October in velopment league. Space has been ! here from Spokane less than a year ' Infantry with the exception o f Compa
noon, to lie followed by an interesting the order o f their seniority, if condi­ taken at the land show by the league 1 ago. The hotel w ill hereafter remain nies G and 1, the coat was $9935, and
tion! improve.
literary and musical program.
and an information bureau w ill be ¡open throughout the entire year.
for Battery A the cost was $2120.
umv.._r*ity bccom*”. available under lh«
P a ik ia o ii W ill Return.
A limpatch fruii* Salem lunlirin« the
state...... mail« by The Sentinel tha*
Mr. Parkimii, who «eriired a majority
of th*. aignaturea to the referendum
petlliuiia, would return from California
and defend the alili Hied hy the imiver-
ally regent*
It la an follow*
" H . J. I'arkiaon will return to the
«tate to light the «ulta whlrh have been
■darted agamat the Univeraity of Ore
gon refereiid'.nri" mud W. S I Ken to­
das. " I have been keeping in ronatant
touch with him ainre hr le ft Portland
and know that he la now in Sari Jone,
Cal., and that he haa no m il i timi of
remaining away from the alate when
b,„ presence 1» wanted in connection
with thia suit."
Mr. l" K r n himaclf
examined several of the referendum
Petition* balay
“ I have no interest
in the fight for the appropriatimi* one
way or another," he >*nl " I am look­
ing over theae |ietltlo*>a liee.iuse. ff'-m
alii gallona that are maiie, I believe
they are of considerable pul.lie interest.
I tin believe in amending the law to
avoid fraud, *•. as to tsb* the pelilo-iva
out o f the hsi«l* I i s. l f .,«1 i-
suggestions malte yet
h aw h«*ar*l
teh*rh A|»|ari
• me as saltafartory f0»
I for amrfMtii»
of the reterei storti piai