Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, October 22, 1909, Image 6

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    the lumber business. A
with him
being used for this pur-
drag saw
A. L. Woodard, Cottage Grove, has |
“'dy j Prominent Promoters Address
disappear with the incoming o f the
spring months, when a substantial
pavement w ill be constructed. Land- |
lord Westbrook should be patient, and i
even though it becomes necessary t o 1
ferry his guests across the street he
should give the powers that be a
during the summer, but expects to re
sume operations soon. A new planing |
L arge Gathering.
shed, Hxl5, Hoyt planer and engine for
In the report received by F. H.
driving the planing mill have been |
Rosenberg, secretary o f the Western
Asks fo r Injunction.
added to the plant. The planing mill is CITIZENS FORM ORGANIZATION
Oregon Lumber Manufacture Asssoeia
The Booth-Kelly Lumber Company |
in operation.
tion, issued by the Department
has asked fo r a permanent injunction
The Wildwood Lumber Co. has in
Agriculture and covering the month o f
against the city o f Kugene in the con­
stalled a planer shed, 30x60, and a new
September, the following an the avi
Our Neighboring Town to be P re ­ struction o f its (lower plant on the Mc­
No. 10 llerlin sizer.
The plant had
rage prices obtaining for lumber i
The complaint cites
to the Outside W orld. - Cash Kenzie river.
been shut down since the first o f July
this section o f the state. No. 1, <(. G
that the way in which the canal is be­
for Publicity Subscribed.
but will resume about the 15th o f Oe
flooring, $29.75; No. 2, O. G. flooring
ing constructed w ill so reduce the flow
toiler. J. J. K reiger is manager.
On Saturday afternoon there assem o f water in the M cKenzie river fo r a
$26.75; No.2, flat grain flooring, $18.50
The Star Lumber Co. has bee
bled in Creswell the staunch business
No. 2, and better finish, $24.50; tiin
operating most o f the time The com men and enthusiastic citizens o f that distance o f seven miles that it will
her 12x12 to 1 fix 16, $15.00; dimension
make logging impossible, and w ill do
pany has purchased a tract o f timbe
place, who were looking forward to the
sized, $0.75; timbers t<j 12x12, $ 10.00
and secured a site near Disston, to date, when Tom Richardson Oregon’s irreparable damage to the plaintiffs.
It is, however, noted that since the
where its plant will be removed this Booster was to address the residents.
issuance o f this report lumber in the
Suffers Broken Leg.
fall. An additional boiler and engine The Creswell band was ready when
eastern market has taken on <|uit<
While watching football practice on
will be installed and the capacity o f the afternoon train pulled in and at
the High school campus yesterday at
firmer tone and inquiries are coming in
the plant increased.
once struck up one o f the late popular noon, Solomon Coffman, a son o f J. B.
much mor«; freely.
Taylor & Son, Star, resumed opera airs, to which the visitors responded
Coffman, was run into by one o f the
Tin- American Lumberman o f Or to tions about three months ago. Mana with hearty cheers.
The band then players, suffering quite severe injuries.
ber 16, commenting on the lumber con ger Taylor has some samples o f freak
took up the march from the depot to His right leg was fractured in two
ish grain fir, which he calls “ catfar
ditions in the west, states as follows
the W. O. W. hall, in which the honored places below the knee. His home is
“ The fir mills have shipped out so much the result of a blemish on the trei guest was to speak. The meeting was on Fourth steert.
stock in the last sixty days that they when young. Mr. Taylor w ill have the called to order by Dr. L. I). Scar
Portland and Return Only $6 .9 0 .
are not in the best o f shape to tak< material finished at a Portland factory borough, president o f the Creswell
The Southern Pacific Co. is now selling
care o f all classes o f orders. Inquiries and use when veneered for door panel
Commercial club.
The Row River Lumber Co., Star president o f the Kugene Commercial round trip tickets to Portland from Cot­
are satisfactory in number and car
and cargo mills are gettin g enougl whose plant is also located at Vaughn club, occupied a seat o f honor, and was tage Grove for $5.!H> good Saturday
business to keep their order files in : Spur, has been operating about fi
the lirst speaker introduced. He gave on Nq. 16 at 1:50 a. in. train, returning
healthy condition. The eastern demand months, cutting about 40,000 fe e t per valauable information along the line o f Monday evening on No. 13 leaving Port­
has improved perceptibly, and the lay. This plant consists o f the frami promotion work as followed out by land at 7:30 p. in., giving all day Satur-
ly, Sunday and Monday in Portland-
coastwise trade as quite active. C alif and equipment o f the mill form erly Kugene and other successful commun­
ornia is calling for considerable lumber owned and operated by J. II. Chambers ities. He urged communities to put The same arrangements apply from Port­
and the ability o f the cargo mills to it Alca. liuilding operations are go­ forth every effort to obtain a “ checker­ ent giving Portland people a chance to
market their output is one o f tin ing forward all the time at this mill
board factory,” the checker-board to visit valley points at greatly reduced
strong features o f the situation. For­ and when completed will be one o f the be made up o f checks o f ten acres each
eign business is fair, hut could stand
and on each check a family, this to
Some large railroad The company is contemplating install­ take the place o f tin great acreages >6Ulhtrn
ing a tram and cable system for doing now owned, but not carefully or pro-
orders have been placed lately aggri
gatin g about 10,0(H),000 feet, mostly its logging. A lbert Stocks is manager
lily tilled, by some o f the present
for construction purposes. The west o f the company and W. T. Hankins residents o f Lane county.
----------------- 1:48 a. m
ern pine situation continues well in tin secretary.
A fte r President Thompson had fin­
4:50 p. m
control o f produce and both prices and
ished, Dr. Scarborough introduced our
No. 14__________________ 4:43 a. m
is located about two miles from this
shipments are satisfactory.”
esteemed friend “ Kugene H a rtog.”
point, the product being flumed to the lie impressed upon the mind o f his No. 20________________ 11:32 a, m
The plant has not been
A t a meeting o f the Oregon Conser­ railroad.
audience the necessity o f carrying on a
vation Association, at Portland, a reso­ iperated for some time on account o f successful promotion campaign and \'o. 15 ---------------------
l:2Ga. m
lution urging the congressional delega­ scarcity o f water. Klmer Doolittle is that it was highly important that the No. 17------------------------10:15 p. m
tion o f this state to ask fo r a larger manager o f this company.
citizens o f Creswell and vicinity do So. 1 3 ------------------------ 6:30 a. m
The .1. II. Chambers Lumber Co.
appropriation for the work o f the
2:57 i>.m
verything in their power to bring No. 19________________
bureau o f entomology o f the Depart­ Dorena, is operating its planing mill success to the A. I '. Bornstedt people,
L. S. T A YLO R . Agent.
ment o f Agriculture was passed. In mil kilns at Dorena. The sawmill is who have recently became interested
speaking o f tim ber resources, F. ('. located about two miles from the rail­ in a large orchard tract at Creswell.
Speaking of
Knapp stated that Oregon contained road, the lumber being flumed down. The success o f Creswell depends much
one-sixth o f the standing timber in the The plant has a capacity o f 40,000 feet upon the success o f this company.
United States, it being estimated that per day, but has not been in operation They want families to purchase the
within the state’s borders there are for about three months, on account of orchard tracts which are being pre­
from 300,000,000,000 to 400,000,1KM), 000 shortage in water supply.
pared for the market and make homes
’red Russell has a splendid body o f
feet o f timber, with a total valuation
thereon. It is the small farm that
o f $600,000,000.
In spite o f this file
yields the largest profit on a small in­
James Lands is operating a camp at
appropriation o f the stall' for lire pro­
vestment, and it is essential that peo­ Let ns rem ind yo u that w e h ave
tection, he said, is not sufficient to pay
ple who are practical orchardists be
the postage o f the circulars and other the Brown Lumber Co., Cottage Grove. given the proper inducements to locate
— them
McKibben Bros’, sawmill is located
m atter sent out cautioning against the
T h e best to lie had!
upon land which has been tried and
spread o f destructive fires.
A. If. at McKibben Spur, about two miles found adapted to the culture o f certain
d ra fte d rig h t, g ro w n
Their present
Wasted stated that through the efforts from Cottage Grove.
righ t, sold rig h t and
o f the association the state now has plant is located on the exact site o f the
A fte r Mr. Hartog had finished it was
1,000 fire wardens. The deputy fire one destroyed by fire about a year ago.
then the pleasure o f the president to
rangers throughout the state, he e x ­ A ll their clears are consumed by the
introduce Mr. Tom Richardson, who
plained, with but few exceptions, give Cottage Grove Manufacturing Co. in
He gave the
their services free o f charge.
lie its planing mill and woodworking was royally greeted.
people o f Creswell plans upon which
thought the next legislature should plant at Cottage Grove.
so many districts in Oregon have
take steps towards gettin g money ap­
huililcd their booster campaigns. It is
propriated for this cause.
weeded that Mr. Richardson is the K e e p the m on ey at h om e and get
The mnkets in California for lumber
------ better stock -------
Death Claims Mrs. Myrtle Comer and best friend Oregon has in the capacity
show quite an increased demand, as is
o f Secretary-Manager o f the Portland
Mr. J. I< . Palmer.
evidenced by the fact that freight rates
ommercial club. He has never tired
Mrs. M yrtle Comer, w ife o f J. Mark
have advanced. This should be a help
f bis desire to give to the world the
Comer, died at the Portland Sanitar­
to the millmen in this section, and
wonderful possibilities offered by this
ium on Wednesday, and the body will
there is no doubt that inquiries from
Oregon country.
be brought to Cottage Grove this
California points are better, not only
A fter his address a list was opened
afternoon for burial. Consumption o f
as regards prices, but there seems to
or subscriptions at $10 per month.
tin* kidneys was the cause»of hordeath.
be a demand for the better grades.
Several men present responded with
’The deceased with her husband came
There is a well-grounded truth in the
the required sum. and others then fo l­
to Cottage Grove last April from St.
Carlton N u rsery Co.
reports that about $12,000,000 worth
lowed with smaller subscriptions, mak­
Paul, Minn., for a visit to relatives,
Large growers of local stock. Sup­
o f rolling stock and equipment has
ing a total o f more than $500 for the
and was conveyed to the Portland in­
pliers of commercial plants—clean, vig­
lately been placed in Chicago for ser
coming year's work within twenty
stitution about three months later.
orous and true trees. 11 navy on apples
vice on the Western railroads. There
A special soliciting com­
in Spitzenburg. Newton, etc. In pears
is no doubt but a part o f this will be She leaves an adopted daughter five mittee was then appointedby the pres­
years o f age, and an infant son aged
Bartlett, Anjou, Comice, elc. In cher­
placed with the western mills.
ident, whose duty it is to call upon
six weeks.
Her death is deeply
ries R . Anne, Lambert, Bing, etc. In
those who were not present to sub­
peaches 2 Crawfords, Muir, Sharlolte,
While I he car shortage problem is mourned by all who knew her, among scribe to the Booster fund fo r the com­
Salway, Elberla, etc. In prunes Italian,
again up during the moving o f the whom she was a favorite. The be ing year.
Small fruits, bushes, etc.
crops from Fasteru Oregon and Wash­ relived husband and relatives have the
Several business men from Kugene
Bo Sure Get One Prices. It Will I’ a-. You
ington. it docs not obtain to the extent sympathy o f many friends.
were in attendance. Manager Hartog
list of wants. Stock carefully grown
J. K. Palmer.
that was anticipated. The railroads
and shipped. We can handle your order
and Mr. Thompson, president of the
at right prices. Catalogue free.
The funeral o f the late J. K. Painter, Kugene Commercial club were the
have evidently prolitted bv former ex
Carlton Nursery Co.
Carlton. Oregon
perienoes and taken this serious matter
guests o f honor from Kugene. 1’rof.
morning after a long illness caused by K. K. Barnes. Manager F. G. Conley
in hand.
’The Itooth-K lly Lumber company dropsy , took place from the fam ily res and Clarence Boyd represented Cottage
now occupies new otlices at Bugi ne, ¡donee this forenoon, the Rev. Likins Grove.
said to be the most handsome in the conducting the service. The deceased
Seeks a Home Here.
was a native o f Kentucky, having been
Bireher and fam ily o f Klgin,
born at Madisonville in 1845.
A Tour ot ttie Fieli!.
i ime to Oregon six years ago, and has Minnesota, arrived here on Wednesday,
and w ill look over the country hoping
A representative o f The Timbri-man, resided here the greater portion o f
puhlished at Fort lami, recently visitisi that time. A widow, two sons and to be able to find a suitable location
upon which to establish his home. Mr.
Cottage Grove and thè titubar country four daughters survive him, and to
tributary thrreto along thè Oregon \ I them the sympathy o f the community Bireher has had considerable corres-
(londeni'e with Manager Conley of tin'
Southeastern, and ftdlowing are notes goes out in their atllietion.
Commercial club. He desires to pur-
gleaned by Inni during that visi! :
Mis|udges Our Size.
ehase about forty acres o f land, con­
Brown l.umber Co., Cottage Grove.
The follow ing appreciated
letter venient to sehiHil, market and trans­
is oprrutlng its plani on a idee line of
comes from a friend in Michigan; “ I portation. He p refer« to follow the
orders. Tliis pinot is Iteing vory ably
want to compliment you on the hand­ liee and poultry culture for the pre­
managed by I.. S. Ilill, uno o f thè cap­
some appearance o f The Sentinel. You sent, so that in a few years he can
atile san mi 11 moti o f thè Willumettc
surely do not mean that Cottage Grove have a eommereial orchard. He will
Volley, with F. II.
Rosoni a-rg in
has a population o f only .'l.tKKI and yet chose a location where the soil L
chargc o f thè hookkeeping department.
can sup|>ort a newspaper like the one 1 adapted to applo raising.
The company is operating ime camp on
R »w River. and sccurcs thè remainder have received. Send it to me regular­
Main S treet Posted.
ly. I take it from reading your editor­
o f its log supply frolli independent lug­
The unkindest cut o f all. as our la­
ials that you have the "grea test
ger«. Manager Lnn Hill indulge« in
mented friend Shakespeare would h;u
country on earth, "and it is worth $1.50
one part¡colar luxury, that o f driving
said, was the warning placed conspicu
a year to know more about it. I have
ime o f thè fanciest stopperà in that
ously at the corner o f Vain and Four:
had in mind for some time going west,
soction. Iain i« net only a gissi lum-
steets follow in g the rains o f Wedr, -
and I may conclude to pay your town
bermnn hut heis an o\|sTt horseman.
day. For the good name o f Cottage
a visit. Again, permit me to congrat­
The Disston l.umber t'o. w ill résumé
Grove The Sentinel dislikes to do.
ulate you iqsin the neat appearance o f
iqierations about thè lirst o f February.
it-« wonting, but as a purveyor o f v u ,
vour b latter.”
Suino minor improvoments will bo
it feels in duty bound to give it t the
maiio to thè plani, whieh is cquipped
Dobating aetivity is aroused at the world.
with a Berlin resaw and 6x15 Hoyt High sellimi. Quite a large number o f
Manager Harry Crites has students have signified their intention
No Fishing Allowed Here.
accopteil a contract and is cutting wnod o f trying for places on the various
This unsightly condition o f our main
for thè railroad during thè slack timo teams.
business thoroughfare, however, \iil|!
Pacific Railway rime-fable
to Grow
S. B. MORSS, Prop.
Why the Best Dressmakers
A GOOD dressmaker k n o w s ^
that, no matter how effectively/ •
she makes a gown, it will not| / ■ '
show ofT to advantageor satis-]
fy her customer unless fitted 1
and worn over the right cor- '
set. This is also true of the 'A
new ready-to-wear apparel as t
shown in our suit department. *f v
Particularly since the popular- ft»
ity of the present slender A \
modes, it is impassible to wear CV.«,
a modern gown correctly un- * • . F-
less the proper corset is worn.
This is the reason all good
dressmakers and fitters insist 1
' s~/
fib I
be worn.
W E carry a complete assort­
ment of the newest Hender­
son models with low, medium
end high bust, with conserva­
tive and extreme skirt lengths.
Our salesladies are prepared F ro n t L a r e .< l C o r-se ts
to demonstrate these models and give fittings to all women
PRICES, $ 2 .5 0 , $ 3 .0 0 A N D $ 4 .0 0 .
Rees - Wallace Co.
‘W H E R E Y O U D O B E T T E R .
To The Ladies
will Re-model Hats, in
Latest Styles, and at
Reasonable Prices. : :
Special Attention Given
to Renovating Old Mat­
erials, Curling Plumes, etc
Call at Residence, just
west of Catholic Church,
or Phone, Main 571. : ;
R unn
the T
has hot
the exi
by the
and tin
bears ot
to be,
find yet
this me
The re
more e
than a
brated (
he brouf
ore pron
many a
the Fail
from a
feet o f
the vein
to the ni
to Mr.
this ore
that it v
to the I
owned t
Albany (
It ha3
seven yi
John Co
this rich
Mr. M
o f The 5
the cam
Mining C
strike m
four yea
$ 200,000
T h e Sign of the R ed Cross is Symbolic
Drugs and Carefully Compounded
<J W e make a specialty
of our Prescription W ork,
a Registered
Pharmacist in charge at all times.
us your
Prescriptions, and
Careful attention.
Recipes and
they will receive
Toilet Preparations in Stock, as well as a
within a
8 level,
Mr. Me
visited t
ing Comp
free mill
the Kelso
A ll of the Standard
F ine
Perfumes, the
kind with a Lasting Fragrance.
time you need any, call and sample ours.
Topics tc
A t the
cliff on
Duet by \
ton. Peo
Phone 471
If You will take a Look in our Middle
window you will see jusl what you need
and want in Men’s Dress and Heavy Shoes.
A Complete Stock of High Tops.
Eight Styles A A Cut­
ters Just Arrived.
Our fall and winter stock
of Clothing is about all in.
Come and make your |se-
lection while we have a
full round of sizes.
Burkholder -
Woods Co.
T he D
ey -
Read The Sentinel, \ our Home
tor’s sen
Anthem b
Fades Tht
The Re'
church wi
ject next
A ll.” In
be “ Jesui
ing the s
service an
by some i
The Mil
byterian c
of Mrs. Hi
The Aid
will tende
the society
ium next
When the i
they will a
where Pas
aims and
and frater
being orgi
gressive M
pects are
running ori
The Rev
church will
next Sund
Cross.” It
be “ The Cl
taken t
man Hi
their s*
also be j
Joseph J
Matlock, E
over in the
son of the j
charge, pre
o f that city
Matlock at
street a fe
insanity wa
brother befi
w ill
be exi