(Iht (Ünttanr (&xmt B a ttito i SUCCESSOR VOLUME IV ELECTRIC LINE COMING TO T H E W E S T E R N O R E G O N COTTAGF GROVE. OREGON. FRIDAY. OCT. 22, 1909 east, have devised a way o f bleaching ordinary $1 notes, and o f reprinting them, raising the amount to $10. Thus the original paper manufactured by the treasury department is used. However, the workmanship on the $10 note plates used by the counterfeiters, is declared to be crude. Examinations o f the counterfeit notes under a micro­ scope w ill show marks where the bleaching process has not been com­ pletely successful. NUMBER 4 IDEAL FOR WORKERS OF WOOD father o f the Wisconsin idea the res­ toration o f government to the people — which was not destined without a bit-1 ter struggle. But “ Bob” La Follette is nothing if not a tighter. We have! seen him in battle array. His set jaw, blazing eyes, and figure iustinct with energy are in themselves convincing j evidence that his cause is just and ! right. His buttles, both in state and j nation, are unparallelled, and he | That Cottage Grove is an ideal loca­ niand, and o f superior quality for w ill live in memory as the most splen- ! tion for wood-working institutions o f building purposes. It takes a very nice did type o f fighting citizen this genera­ Professor Quotes Freely From Des­ President Now on the Ground Making A N O T H E R P L A T P LA N N E D . tion has given to the commonwealth. tructive Critics. Infidels ¡and Dcistic various characters is ut once made ap­ finish. plans fo r Contemplated Extensions. Every intelligent student o f civic re­ parent by the almost inexhaustible Writers in Lectures at O regon's In­ The Noble Firs, sometimes called W ork Will be Done iu Stretches of Alderman Lawson Will Improve P ro p ­ stitution o f Learning. supply o f raw materials at its very Larch, are the giants o f the forest, form and political purity should hear erty When Crusher Arrives. Fifty Miles at a Tim e. threshhold. The only mystery is that and grow from two to three hundred him upon his visit to Cottage Grove. Cottage G rove’s continued growth Prof. 11. C. Howe, o f the English de­ George B. Motfatt o f New York, Messrs. John Bell and Bert Canton- long ere this capitalists have not feet in height, and three to eleven is evidenced by the fact that another partment o f the Oregon State U niver­ president o f the Oregon Electric R ail­ sought this favored locality for the feet in diameter, with rough, dark wine o f Eugene having leased the C. plat w ill be opened near the city park. sity, seems to think that he cannot earn way Company, is now in Portland con­ safe investment o f their wealth in gray bark, which reaches a thickness C. Case building on Main street have Alderman B. K. Lawson, who there his salary by adhering to his defined summating plans for proposed exten­ manufactories o f this kind. The pe­ o f several inches; wood, reddish brown been busily engaged during the past ' owns six acres o f land, w ill divide the duties, and launches into realms o f sions o f the company’s lines, and gives culiar adaptability o f the woods found to nearly white, close grained, com­ week fitting it up for an electric thea­ tract into twenty-six residence lots as theology. A fte r making the assertion assurance that Cottage Grove w ill even­ on the sloping mountain sides and in pact, light in weight, hard, strong and ! tre, which w ill be opened to the pub­ I soon, he says, as the municipality that there was no foundation for the tually be given the road. While it is the valleys o f this region for the manu­ elastic. Lumber from this wood is o f lic tomorrow afternoon. It w ill be gets crushed rocks for its streets that not certain how soon the work w ill be facture o f thousands o f articles of high commercial value, and w ill in- j known as the Star Theatre, and will doctrine o f the immortality o f the soul he may make modern improvements in the New Testament, and finding him­ done, Mr. M otfatt said in an interview commerce should attract attention, and crease rapidly in price because o f the ; have a seating capacity o f 200. The before placing the property on the self rather hard-pressed by some o f his that the present plans o f the company bring to us a tin-pail brigade number­ growing scarcity throughout the tim- screen w ill be large, and their aim w ill market. It is Mr. Lawson’s intention hearers, he announced that he would is to ultim ately extend the main line ing hundreds, i f not thousands. And bered sections o f the country. It be to give entertainments o f a high to grade and macadamize every as far south as Roseburg, and to send The Sentinel believes that if our re­ takes a high polish, is used extensively j character. Both gentlemen have fam­ give an hour to discussion o f the vital j thoroughfare in the plat, making 30- sources in this direction were intelli­ for inside finish, furniture and for fuel. ilies, and they will take up their resi­ Christian doctrines on Monday mid out branch lines to the most important foot streets, a park o f eight fe e t on Wednesday evenings o f this week. ¡joints in the valley. The company’s gently made known to the world this Red Fir is the most abundant, most | dence here. | either side, and sidewalks six feet in From his lectures The Sentinel in­ The Margaret lies Company is book­ line that is now being operated to end could be attained. Capital is ever useful tree in the Pacific Northwest, j j width. Shade trees w ill be set out im­ Salem, Mr. M otfatt said, is proving seeking new fields for investm ent; the In fact one o f the world’s greatest ] ed for the Armory October 28, and fers that he denies the D ivinity o f mediately upon the completion o f this Jesus, claiming that he is no more di­ even more profitable than has been timber resources o f the eastern states trees, is the Red Fir. This tree grows w ill doubtless be greeted by a large work, and each lot sold w ill be im­ vine than any other man. The doctrine hoped for at the time it was construct­ have practically been depleted, and in great abundance here, and adds ma­ audience, as it is unquestionably one o f proved ready for building. These ad­ o f the Atonement, as taught by the the very best attractions on the road. ed. One thing that may cause delay is other locations must be found for the terially to the wealth o f the country. vance improvements w ill necessitate the scarcity o f labor, which exists here successful prosecution o f numberless It reaches a height o f over three hun­ Manager Johnson is endeavoring to church, was branded as “ repulsive.” an expenditure o f something over $2,- at present. And then there are the businesses requiring the very woods dred feet, and two to fifteen feet in bring here only the best to be had on He did not use the hible, but quoted 000, but w ill be money w ell invested. fredly from the destructive critics, rights o f way to be secured, and if the found here in such magnificence diameter; heart wood, red ; sap wood, circuits o f this importance. from infiiiijj and deistic writers. company meets too many obstacles in and in such great abundance. Furni­ nearly white, hard strong, difficult to I Strauss, Renan and Paine seem to be gettin g them, it w ill have to delay ture o f almost every description, wood- work, but etxrem ely durable. This i work. It is the policy o f the company Oregon-Washington Association C on­ enware, cooDerage, veneering, willow- timber is used for construction and Woodmen o f the W orld Arranging fo r among his favorite authors. When asked how he accounted for venes In C ottage Grove Next. to make its extensions piecemeal, com­ ware, buggy boxes, baskets, and dimension timbers, ties, piling, lath, the Grand Session. the fact that the philanthropic work o f pleting about 50 miles at a time and A t a meeting o f the Oregon & Wash­ a thousand and one other articles of lumber, doors, flooring, masts, spars, j Although the head camp session o f gettin g it in operation before another ington Lumber Manufacturers’ associ­ every day use might be profitably furniture, barrels, railway cars, ship the Woodmen o f the World will not be­ account was done by those who believe extension is made. Extensions have ation, held in Rortland on Saturday, made in Cottage Grove and shipped building, veneering. It is admirably j held until next July, the Portland m em­ in the* “ Obnoxious Atonem ent.” he in­ been planned and surveyed form Salem the question o f holding occasional meet­ to every section o f the country, trans­ adapted for the construction o f agricul­ bers o f the organization are already sisted that he could cite many that east, south and west to various points. ings “ out o f town” in order to give the portation facilities o f the best being at tural implements, excepting those re­ making arrangements to tender their were uplifting humanity an w ere deny­ It has been intimated that the first valley lumbermen a better opportunity command. It may be interesting to quiring great tensile strength. The fellow lodge-men a hearty welcome. ing the Atonement. When presssed to give the name o f some such society he branch to be built w ill be from Salem to participate in the work, was discus­ The Sentinel’s Eastern readers to pitch is used in the manufacture o f There w ill be forty-tw o drill teams, mentioned the Phillip Older’s society of to Albany, and that it may extend to sed and met with favor. It is probable learn minutely o f the magnificent tim ­ balsam, turpentine and pyroligneous among others the crack team o f this New York. But the learned professor Eugene, and possibly Cottage Grove, a that the next session o f the association ber resources o f this immediate section acid. city, in Portland during the session, could neither tell the date o f its origin, distance o f twenty miles further. Our Hemlock is a large tree, a hun­ and the parade o f these alone w ill make w ill be held in Cottage Grove, this city and we therefore append detailed ex ­ its headquarters, nor where literature being headquarters for many millmen. planation o f the d iffère"* kinds o f dred to one hundred fifty feet high, a long procession. The committee e x ­ o f its good works could be found, nor FO R C E D T O B O R R O W C AR S. 1 '" " t in diameter, with pects to welcome 5IHI0 Woodmen to Port­ Tributary to Cottage Grove are thirty- forests most common 1 an instance o f its philanthropy named. Heavy Passenger T raffic on Southern one sawmills, the larger proportion o f adaptability to various it ite or red- land at that time. A campaign for new He begged for time to study up on that ■ i rs. light grain- Pacific Railroad. which number being within twenty the most common and members is being launched, find the* point. So heavy has been the passenger miles. From this w ill be seen the im­ growing in this count] >ugh. The committee expects to beat the, Ityouijt Il is --aid Unit only last, yea* I’rofrs- traffic over the Southern Pacific lines portance o f the lumber industry in this Fir is superioi Tabor initiation, :'i which ¿no c.mdt It is a slender gri M ■'«V soj Howe required one o f his mixed this season that it has been forced to section, and the appropriateness o f the ning from one to two h - luinb ■ alcalde for dates were initiated in one- night. Mr. classes fo read from a French novel, borrow equipment from other roads in association in meeting here. One o f height, and one to thre •; >« loists •-.>» lath, siding, Reidt had charge o f the work at that the character o f which was so degrad­ order to satisfactorily handle the in­ the principal resources o f southern ter, with a smooth, w ...— iini , 1 « k \ i •" , newell and time, and again he will be the man be­ ing that it is not read in the lowest creased business. The Cottage Grove Lane county, o f which Cottage Grove wood pale brown, sap wood nearly I panel woia, .. wood pulp. hind the ax. It is hoped to initiate a society, and that the head o f the local came in on Sunday with cars bor­ is the center, is its extensive forests of white, hard and close-grained. Lum­ The bark is used in tanning leather. class o f l ion, and this w ill be one o f French department petitioned Presi­ rowed from the Astoria & Columbia standing timber. Concluded on tw elfth page. There arc quarter ber from this species is in splendid de- j the big events o f the head camp ses­ dent Uampbell to put a stop to the fur­ railway, and although plush was ab­ sections that carry 22,000,000 feet o f sion. Mr. Reidt w ill appoint commit­ ther reading o f the book in class. sent from the seats and the varnish merchantable timber. The grade o f tees and start the work at once. Can­ There are citizens in Cottage Grove bedimmed by age, they answered the this timber is excellent, running as didates w ill be brought to the city who believe that an institution sup­ purpose, and under the circumstances high as 54 per cent clear. from all the 220 camps in the state. ported by people o f a great state, satisfied the traveling public. The The citizens o f Cottage Grove w ill ought not to tear down religion even if SU FFE R S S PR A IN E D A N K L E . Cottage Grove local is o f great con­ extend a hearty welcome to the visit­ it does nothing to build it up. The venience to the people o f this section, ing manufacturers o f lumber at the Brakoman Falls From Train While in a Sentinel believes that such teaching as w ell as traveling salesmen, and that approaching meeting, which w ill prob­ Tussle With a Hobo. will have a tendency on the part o f it is being w ell patronized is g ra tify ­ ably be held about the middle o f Claude Blair, a brakeman on the Cot­ many parents to send their sons and ing. This train takes produce from November. tage Grove local, met with, a serious daughters to the denominational col­ the farms along the 144 miles it trav­ accident on Saturday night while mak­ leges unless the University o f Oregon M A Y BU ILD P L A Y H O U S E . erses to the Portladn market. A r r iv ­ Bitulithic and Asphalt-Concrete Con­ Senator Robert LaFollette Will be First ing his regular run from Portland. A does something to square itself with hobo was riding on the platform be­ ing there late at night it makes it pos­ Oklahoma Man Com ing Here With sidered Most Durable Pavements Number in Lyceum Course Series o f its tax-paying constituents. sible to ship fruits and vegetables to That End in View. fo r this Locality—Comparison o f the Enter tainments.—Other Coming At­ hind the tender, and thinking perhaps that point fresh for the opening o f the the man was one o f the escaped con­ T w o Relating to Cost. O BSERVE A N N IV E R S A R Y . tractions. \ W. E. Gilkey o f Bartlesvills, Okla-i markets at 3 a. m. homa, is considering the advisability o f | Inasmuch as Cottage Grove contem­ “ Lena R ivers” attracted a fair-sized victs, he was delegated by Conductor Entertain Friends to Celebrate Tenth erecting an opera house in Cottage plates paving its principal thorough­ audience to the Arm ory on Monday Veatch to bring him into the car. A G E T S A LARGE ORDER. Year ot Married Lite. Grove, and is expected here in the near fare in the spring, arrangements for evening. The performance was pleas­ tussle ensued, during which Blair fell Ten years ago last Friday Mr. George Mr. Shortridge Will Ship Railroad Ties future to further his investigations. which improvement are now being ing, and the old-fashioned love story from the train, which was running at McQueen and Miss Bertha Griffin wen- to C olorado. For some time past Mr. G ilkey has made, it may be interesting to know written by Mary J. Homles lost noth­ thirty miles an hour, spraining one of united in the holy bonds o f wedlock, W. C. Shortridge, who has a sawmill been in corresjiondence with Manager that Corvallis has just awarded a $72,- ing in the telling. This emotional his ankles, and sustaining numerous one mile north o f London, has just re­ Conley o f the Commerial club in re­ 000 contract to the Warren Construc­ drama is the story o f an orphan girl, bruises. He returned to Portland on and ‘ twas but fitting that the anniver­ ceived an order from the Denver & Rio gard to the project. That a modern tion Company for bitulithic hard sur­ “ Lena R ivers,” who with her grand­ Sunday. It will be some days before sary o f the event be appropriately ob­ served. Mr. and Mrs. McQueen, Grande Railroad company for all the opera house would prove a paying in­ face pavement at $2.15 per square yard ; mother, is taken into the home o f he w ill be back on duty. therefore, entertained a number o f re­ ties he can furnish before January 1 vestment there can be little doubt. excavation 60 cents per square yard, wealthy relatives, where they are made A R R E S T E D FOR S T E A L IN G . latives and friends at six o ’clock din­ next, and he w ill forthwith set to work Few cities o f the proportions and im­ and curbing sixteen inches deep at 40 extremely unhappy by the sneers o f Form er Resident Taken lo Kelso on a ner, a fter which tin- evening was to g e t out at least 25,000. These w ill portance o f Cottage Grove are without cents. These figures are somewhat Caroline, a cousin o f Lena’s, who fre­ Serious Charge. pleasantly spent in social intercourse. be floated down the Coast Fork to Lath­ a commodious and well appointed play­ lower than other cities have paid, but quently taunts her with the shadow Thomas J. Boyd, form erly a Cottage- The host and hostess were made the am, and from there shipped to Grand house, and certainly, we should not be this is explained by varying condiions. that hangs over her parentage. Grove printer, was arrested in Rose- recipients o f a number o f g ifts com­ Junction, Colorado. Mr. Shortridge is in the background in this, or any other, A representative o f the Warren com­ A guest at the home is Durward Bel­ burg at the instance o f the Kelso, memorative o f the occasion, and those sawing on an average o f 15,000 feet o f respect. pany gives the cost o f paving in other mont, with whom Caroline is in love, Washington, authorities, on the charge | present departed wishing their enter- lumber a day. This product is hauled but who prefers Lena. Later guests cities as follow s: Ashland, $2.52 and P R O T E C T E D BY HIS W IFE. o f theft, and returned to the place o f - tamers a continuance o f their happy to Latham by wagon, and shipped east­ $2.42; Medford, $2.50 and $2.40; Eu­ are Mr. and Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Gra­ his alleged crime without extradition i and prosperous journey »down the tar­ ward. He has in his employ eighteen Eugene Man Saved From a T h ief Who gene, $2.25 and $2.20; Albany, $2.50, ham being the mother o f Durwaril Bel­ papers. The Roseburg News says : bulent stream o f time. Was Rifling His Pockets. men at present, but expects to quite $2.25 and $2.18; Salem, $2.13 to $2.17; mont. Mr. Graham proves to be the “ Boyd is well known in this vicinity, l While in Portland Sunday night J. The Dalles, $2.03; Twin Falls, $2.52; father o f Lena, having married her m aterially increase the force this fall. having been employed on the old Plain | Shows L l r Ke EarninK*- Mr. Shortridge has resided in this lo­ S. M agla d ryof Eugene, and well known Nampa, $2.52. mother under the name o f Rivers, and dealer, under the administration o f Ed- I Thc “ nnual relx,rt ,,f the So,,thcrn in Cottage Grove, would undoubtedly cality for twenty-seven years. The low price at the Dalles was made never knowing that she had died leav­ ¡tor Conner. When the latter left for »*■'•'«* «'«mpany has tieen receive,I at have been compelled to borrow money possible because the company was ing a daughter, ’till he is struck by her Y O U N G M AN S U IC ID E S . Cottage Grove, Boyd accompanied him, i ,h'' railroad commission, which shows from some brother Hoo-Hoo had it not given the use o f rollers and rock crusher resemhlance to her dead mother, whose ,, f i;,, i ! that the net income of that corporation Had Railway Rebate Check From C o t­ been for Mrs. Magladry, who accom­ and laid a four-inch macadam base be­ picture he carries. His first marriage remaining there for some little time. ing around 1 in *Oregon for the year ending June 31), Since then he has been roam tage G rove on Person. panied him for the protection o f her fore pressure, while at the other places he has kept a secret from his w ife, northwest, working wherever he • WHH $4,971,333.67. I In r< vi nui t"i Seating him self on a pile o f ties near liege lord and master. An unregister­ a four-inch base after pressure was and tells Lena to remain silent until he the ' the company in Oregon is $7,«99,081.23. could secure a position the railway station at Ashland, an un­ ed guest entered Mr. M agladry’s room required. shall tell his w ife. His fatherly kiss I Exlienses including taxes, $-1,127.887.- Oil macadam, says an authority, is at parting is seen by Durward, who known man who had evidently hailed at the Imperial hotel and was rifling Change o f Ownership. 65. Taxes paid to the i tate o f < fregoli from Cottage Grove, shot himself his trousers pockets when the faithful costing from eight and a half to ten grows jealous o f his stepfather, and Mr. D. J. DuBrille has sold his in­ reach $266,*117.32. The total earnings through the head with a revolver, dy- w ife nabbed the intruder, screamed for cenLs a square foot for pavement seven only the tim ely interference o f Cousin terest in The Leader to his partner, W. o f the Southern Pacifii for the year ig instantly. Beside the body was help and awakened her husband, who inches thick, with rock at about 70 John prevents trouble and all ends hap­ Connor, who will hereafter conduct the ending June 30 were $21,066,550.83. found an empty whiskey bottle, and on throttled the th ief and called for the cents a ton at the quarry, the cost de­ pily. business “ on his own hook.” The Sen­ Dividends $17,336,710.74. declared, pending on the amount o f grading and ____ The first numlier o f a series o f enter­ tinel extends the hand o f fellowship Seven per cent was declared on the his person $67 in money, and a rebate police. distance from transportation. For tainments under the auspices o f the to the new sole proprietor, and wishes check on a railway ticket from Cottage preferred stock and six per cent on the Want Additional Room. this work oil containing not less than 75 Cottage Grove Lyceum course w ill be him every success. Grove to Roseburg. common. There is now under consideration a per cent asphalt or a carefully prepar­ a leoture by Robert M. La Follette at plan to finish the basement o f the Pres­ Som e Potatoes. Says It's Splendid. List Only Partial. ed residum o f Southern California oil, the Christian church, Tuesday evening, John Allen has sold to the Rees-Wal- byterian church, the additional room to The Western Oregon, published by Elsewhere in The Sentinel today is containing 80 per cent asphalt and November 2. Senator La Fallotte is lace company 120 bushels o f potatoes be used for Sunday school purposes and not more than .02 per cent o f organic too well known to need any introduc­ our friend Bath, has been absorbed by pub|j8hed a parti al list o f new build- averaging nearly one pound each. by the Brotherhood. The work will matter, nor more than .25 per cent of The Sentinel, publlished by Lew. A. jn^H orc(.t,-d this season and in course tion by The Sentinel. There is no These tubers, the Mills Prize variety, probably be undertaken by the Brother­ construction, and the showing is sulphur. Asphalt-concrete pavement, stronger man on the platform today Cates. The Sentinel is a splendid pa- were raised on hillsides land without hood and the room w ill be nearly as per and has a good advertising patron- VL,ry Krat ify jng indeed. We fully laid in almost the same manner as the than he, and he has a hold ufion the in­ spacious as the main auditorium. The fertilizin g o f any nature. realize that the list is incomplete, it Warrens, has been had, royalties satis­ terest and confidence o f the American age. Newberg Graphic. Brotherhood is an organization o f men Sustain L o ts by Fire. being quite impossible for the nianage- Look Out fo r This Ten. fied, for 15 and 17 cents per square people enjoyed by few men. The A warning has been sent to banks either affiliated with the church or foot for pavement five inches thick, w riter knows whereof he speaks when The Booth-Kelly company sustained ment o f The Sentinel to get all, lic- and others to examine closely all $10 members o f the congregation, and is with very light street grading. The he states that LaFollette has builded a | o m o f several thousand dollars by cause o f the fact that his residence in gold certificates o f the series o f 1907, rapidly growing in numbers. Meetings Warrens have, it is understood, stopped his genius and his personality into the burning o f their w ell-filled stables Cottage Grove has covered a |ieriod o f check letter D, as a number o f counter­ are held once each month. the laying o f this class o f pavement every beam and pillar o f the govern­ at Wendling. The horses were saved, only one month. W o expect, however, fe it notes are in circulation. Counter­ The best fruit exhibit at the Seattle without royalty, which amounts to ment o f Wisconsin, which state has but the winter supply o f hay and grain to cover the matter more fully i»> some feiters. thought to be operating in the fair came from Oregon. future issue. bout one and a half cents per foot. many times honored him. He is the was burned. Mr. Moffat Says Road Will Be Extended Southward. COTTAGE GROVE ON ITS MAP BUSTING ATTHE RQCK University of Oregon Attacks Faith of Our Fathers. Cottage Grove Presents Grand Opportunities for the Establish­ ment of Manufactories of a Varied Character. DENIES DIVINITY OF CHRIST LUMBERMEN TO MEET HERE. HOPE FOR A BIG TIME. j COST OP STREET WORK THEATRE SEASON OPEN Prices Paid for Paving in Var­ Lena Rivers First Attraction at ious Nearby Cities. the Local Playhouse. THE WARRENS HAVE A CINCH NEW ELECTRIC SHOW READY i