Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, October 15, 1909, Image 4

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Capt. Hardy Performs
Difficult Feats.
Exhibition of Fancy Shooting Given in
Interest o f Local Concern Handling
Peters Cartridges. — Some of the
Captain’s Stunts.
Capt. A. H. Hardy, representing the
Peters Cartridge Company, gave an
exhibition in Cottage drove on Tuesday
afternoon in the interest o f the
(iriffin-Veateh Company, local repre­
A comparatively large
number o f spectators, including several
ladies, were in attendance, and all mar­
velled at the wonderful feats performed
by the captain with rifle, revolver and
shot-gun. The clever work done by
this "sharpshooter” includes: With a
rifle he hits small iron washers, thrown
into the air, pennies, marbles, etc.,
even shooting through the small holt
in the washer, which is pasted over
with paper; hits a small wooden ball
three and four times, and a tin can tiv<
times before it touches the ground;
hits small objects with rifle in all
sorts o f positions, while looking into a
m irror; also shoots objects with rifie
resting at hip, ejects a .22. cartridge
from rifle, reloads, and hits it while it
is in mid-air. This is no doubt the
most difficult trick performed by any
expert. Captain Hardy gives an ¡mi
tation o f a gattling gun, and shoots th<
profile o f Washington, Bryan, or any
person suggested by the audience. One
o f these is on exhibition at the Griffin-
Veatch Company’s store. The splitting
o f cards edgewise with a rifle bullet is
another of the captain's accomplish­
With a six-shooter in each hand, he
hits two objects at a distance o f twenty
feet, one swinging and the other sta
tionary, shooting both revolvers simul­
taneously. With the shot-gun fie hits
a tin can six times in mid-air; lays the
shotgun on the ground, throws two
objects in the air and hits both; throws
four objects in the air and breaks all
before they touch the ground ; ejects
empty shell from gun and tears it to
pieces before it touches the ground.
In this and many other interesting feats,
Captain Hardy uses an ordinary repeat
mg shotgun with I’eters factory loaded
That Capt. Hardy is a most wonder
ful shot is shown by the fact that he
has broken 1000 balls without a miss.
fmii a im . b r o k e n 500 halls in eleven
minutes anil sixteen seconds, loaded
his own rifles, and 100 balls in 8ft
Services to Be Held Next
General News.
cal program was rendered by Misses
Johnson, Francis Rosenberg, Mable
Veateh and Mable Rosenberg. Re­
freshments were served by the hostess.
The November meeting will be held at
the manse.__________________
Cottage Grove Merchants Are Entitled
to Your Patronage.
The mailorder house has doubtless
entered the privacy o f your home with
its many-paged catalogue, illustrating
all kinds of merchandising and quoting
high and low prices. There is much
sophistry in what they say hut so
plausible is their story o f savings that
the buyer must be almost an expert to
detect the Maws in their arguments as
well as their goods. The mail order
house has made a study o f publicity
and pushes its cheap goods in its liter­
ature to gain attention, and talks
quality for high-priced articles and
larger profits. These stores bad an
exclusive field a few years ago in the
small artieles sold at almost cost, but
business has grown so in the home
market that cash can buy at the local
stores more goods for the same money
than it is |xissihle to get at a mail
order house.
While we might easily show the
moral side of the question and thus
prove that the profits o f your trade
here remain at home institutions help
pay for wise administration o f govern­
ment, and otherwise make life worth
living in this community, we do not
desire to ask for trade on such grounds
alone, just as it is, but we want the
local buyer to give the home merchants
an op|xirtunity to meet the aggressive
competition o f the mail order house.
The retail trade is no longer tin
silent force that it was a few years
ago. Men o f capital, experience and
executive ability have learned how,
when and where to buy. They are in
close touch with the manufacturer,
having as free access to first cost as
any competitor. This is not alone in
farm implements, vehicles, hardware,
etc., but in textile fabrics, men's,
women’s and children’s wares, jewelry,
drugs and every line o f manufactured
goods. Tin1 motto o f the retail store
is not so high, hut how low if can sol
to make one sale an advertisement for
a permanent customer. So intense has
business become that the retail mer­
chant is acquainted with what prices
are charged by all competitors in fiis
line. The mail order catalogue is not
a closed book to him. He knows what
tempting deceptions are made his le­
gitimate trade to divert the coin o f the
realm from your own community. He
knows that the medium o f exchange
should not lie sent away and the arteries
o f commerce impoverished at home to
swell the blood o f the centers o f trade
the metropolitan cities.
He has read the prices o f the mail
irder house and can enlighten you on
■ithor weakness, because your trade
is necessary to fiis lift'. And you know
self pre; ervation is the first law o f na­
ture. If you have a mailorder catalogue
and expect to send another fat order
away from home, give your home mer-
hunt the courtesy of trial to compete.
He could ask no more, hill do you not
think lie i entitled to at least this
The Harvest Home program, given
by the Sunday school o f the Christian
church last Sunday morning, was inter
eating, and the attendance large. The
program opened at 10 o'clock with songs
by the school, followed by scripture
reading by Daniel Wood. Miss Jorilan
Lilly sang a solo, “ His Love Abideth
Notice of Special Election.
Forever,” after which there were short
talks by Prof. In low, Edw. Finerty,
Notice i hereby given that a special
Mrs Ida Caldwell, and Mrs. Ora Hem election will be held in the city o f
enway. The primary department sang C o t t a g e Grove. Lane County, Oregon,
the "Sunbeam Song,” and Miss Helen on VVedne-day, Octolier 20th, RHfJ, for
Baker a solo, which was followed by a the purpose o f voting upon the question,
procession around the church and be­ "Shall the Common Council o f the
fore a cross, where offerings to the ex ­ City o f Cottage Grove, Lane County,
tent o f about $8 were bestowed.
Oregon, issue anil sell coupon bonds o f
Mr. D. 11. Johnson, o f Colorado, who said city to an amount not exceeding
is a guest of his nephew, Mr. C. It. One Hundred Thousand Dollars, $100,-
Kennedy o f Saginaw, will deliver a (NMl, said bonds to run for 2!» years and
lecture in the M. K. church at that hear interest at the rate o f ft per cent
place on Sunday morning, under the per annum, payable sem-annually ; the
auspices o f tin* Young People's Tem­ purpose o f said bonds being for the
perance Society Mr. Johnson is said construction o f a pipe line for a munici­
to be an interesting talker.
pal water system, the water to he
The Rev. Elkins, o f the Christian taken from what is known as Lang
church, will take for his theme Sunday Creek at a |mint near the line o f the
evening; "Boosting Cottage G rove," forest reserve on said creek and to
after which a baptismal service will be connect with the present water system
held. At the morning service the Rev.
o f said c ity .”
Elkins will deliver his annual sermon to
The polls will be open for the purpose
the aged.
o f said election from ‘J o ’clock in the
The liev. Nave, formerly pastor o f | morning until 12 o'clock noon, and
the Cottage Grove Presbyterian church, from 1 o'clock until ft o ’clock in the
and later field representative for the afternoon on said day. 'Tom Allen’s
Albany College, has severed his con­ shop is the voting place in the first
nection with that institution, and ac­ ward and R. M. Veateh is designated
cepted a pastorate in Port land.
as judge and J. C. Wallace and J. K.
The Rev. Adams returned from a Barrett, judges and clerks o f said elec­
meeting of the Synod on Saturday tion in the First Ward.
afternoon, and contrary to e\|>cctn-
The Council room in the city hall is
tions regular services were held at
the voting place in the second ward,
the Presbyterian church on Sunday.
and O. jVeatch is designated as Judge
The most interesting program yet at and J M. Durham and N. H. Martin,
the Methodist church on Sunday. Bible judges and clerks o f said election in
schixil at 10 o'clock. Public worship
the second ward.
at 11, will) address by Robert Sutcliffe
The store room in H. C. Sehleef’s
on “ Peary and Cook Outdone.” Duet
building on the north side o f Main
by Dr. and Mrs. Van Winkle. Epworth street near the bridge is the (Hilling
League devotional meeting at «»
I place in the third ward and D. G.
People's |xipular service at 7 :J0. Topic
McFarland is designated as judge and
of pastor's lecture,"Romance o f a Pack
C. F. Walker and J. E. Ostrander as
o f Cards” .
judges and clerks o f said electionin the
Tfie Rev. Scldon C. Attains will
1 thin! ward.
preach at the Presby terian church next
By order o f the common council the
Sunday. The subject of the morning
Ith day o f ( Vtober. 1IKW.
theme is : "How shall I come to Jesus'.’ ”
C H. Van Denburg, City Recorder.
The evening address w ill l>e: "Is the
world growing lietter?”
A gasoline engine, two horse power,
The Presbyterian Brotherhotxl met m fine condition, is offered for sale
at the home of Mr Frank 11. Rosen­ by The Sentinel at almost your own
berg last Titbsday evening. After the price. Come and see it in opertion.
business session a very enjoyable musi- I Just the thing for a ranch.
Novel Experiment of an Editor to
Improve Conditions.
W e take great preasure in inviting the attention
of the ladies of this vicinity to our N E W A U ­
T U M N W E A R IN G A P P A R E L , which has
just arrived and is ready for your inspection. Every
garment represents the L A T E ST ID E A S IN
f? FA SH IO N , the workmanship is the best and the
materials include a wide range of the much-wanted
How He Hopes to Make Dexter, la.,
Larger and Better, Increase Its Trade
and Double the Profits of Its Mer­
chants— Loafers Cleaned Out.
A town near Des Moines, la., has
been making a novel experiment. It
has been allowing the editor to run
things—not the local editor, mind
you, but an editor from Des Moines.
The editor Is uot running things iu
person, hut has appointed an assistant
who Is u thoroughgoing business man.
So far the experiment seems to have
been u pronounced success. The mer­
chants are making more money, the
Blue Stripe Suitings lined with pearl gray satin, trimmed with black silk ^ I
collections are better, the streets are
S’ outock braid and embroidered silk buttons. Y ou pay $ 3 0 in Portland ^
cleaner and there Is Improvement in
for the same suit, special a t ______________________________________________ ^
many lines.
The town that is being experimented
on is Dexter, which is thirty-five
miles from Des Moines and has about
Ladies’ 9 -G o r e Panama Dress Skirts, latest designs and shades, the
£? 7 C
850 inhabitants. The editor is W. J.
regular $ 8 .0 0 kind, special a t _____
v D O » / 3
1‘ilkington o f the Merchants’ Trade
Journal of Des Moines. Ills assistant
is Guy C. Pogue. Pllklngtoii had a
theory that the methods found so suc­
Ladies’ I ailored Waists, black silk, covered silk buttons, hemstitched and
cessful iu the deportment stores and
tucked front, very c la s sy
_____________ _________
___ ______ _____
^ J
retail establishments of the large
cities could be tried as effectually in the
small towns. He told i la- merchants
o f Dexter that he could make more
Our made to order department tpves the ladies of Cottage Grove and
money for them, the hankers that he
could increase their deposits, and joy ­
an opportunity to buy right here at liotnejn the latest styles and ma-
ously informed the mayor that his
W e take measures for the Palmer Ladies’ Tailored Suits, and posi­
government was on the blink and if
satisfaction. Hundreds of fabrics to choose from, and an expert to
lie-th e editor—could do a little gov­
take your measure. Come and investigate.
erning he would make things hum
uni add to the population
To Pilkiugtou’s joyous surprise, Dex­
ter took him at his word. The mer­
chants wanted more profits, the bank­
ers were looking for larger deposits,
and. as for his honor the muyor, he
oiicluded that if anybody could ruu
that town better than lie was doing it
the other chap was welcome to the job.
Pintt is tbe kind o f a mayor to have.
No dog-iu-tbe-uiauger spirit about him!
lie was thinking of the good of his Plenty o f Cottage Grove Readers Have !
town and did not give a hang for his
This Experience.
own dignity.
You tax the kidneys—overwork them-1
1 do not know that mayor’s name, and
They can’ t keep up the continual
1 a iu sorry, for it ought to be publish­
ed to the ends of the earth as an ex­ drain.
ample to a lot of officials in other com ­
The hack gives out—it aches and
munities who do nothing themselves pains;
and let nobody else do anything.
Urinary troubles set in.
To return to the experiment. Pil-
Don’ t wait longer— take Doan’ s Kid-
kiugtou sent Pogue, and Pogue got ney Pills.
busy. The new departure started June
Cottage Grove people tell you how !
I and is to run seven months. Mr. they act.
Whose very name is sug­
Pogue obtained complete reports from
gestive of after-dinner
Walter Rodgers, of Cottage Grove, ;
each store and bank and began intro
naps, pleasant
luciug up to date business methods, Ore., says: “ I suffered for some time
with a novel or an hour’s
lie took a complete invoice of stock from pains in my back and sides caused I
and accounts. He got sales slips at by disered ’ kidneys. I thought tbe
rest and quiet after a
the end of each day so that he knew trouble would soon disappear, but instead i
hard day’s work.
what every store aud every depart­ it grew gradually worse. The kidney I
ment was doing He directed the win­ secretions were so frequent that I was I
course it is!
dow displays, the arrangement of forced to rise many times duriny the
goods, the prices and llie conduct of
night and tbe passages were attended
the clerks. He must be a wonder, for
anybody who t an regulate tbe conduct with pain. I tried every remedy that
o f the average clerk is surely a master was brought to my attention and also
o f men and women. Pogue does It, used liniments and plasters but did not
or so it is reported. 1 am not anxious succeed in finding any relief. I then
They Come in Many Styles. The backs are
for his job
read of Doan’ s Kidney Pills aud was so
all Adjustable and the Cushions Reversible
One o f the best tilings the new gen­ impressed that 1 procured a box at {ten-
eral manager of Dexter is doing is to son’ s Pharmacy. I received relief from
write the advertisements for the local the start and was so much encouraged
papers and in change copy with every
that I continued until a complete cure
issue Even l etter, he lias graded and
leaned tin- beets and put down side­ was affected.
For sale by all dealers. Price f>0 cents
walks. He moved the loafers off the
dry goods b o x e s and moved the boxes Foster Milhurii Co., Buffalo New York,
to the rear \galn. I do uot envy him sole agents for the United States.
Ills job, but once more | must admit
Remember the name Doan’s— and
that he is a marvelous mau. Anybody take no other.
No. 8
that can make a loafer move is a ben­
efactor as well as a wonder worker.
Portland and Return Only S 5 .9 0 .
Pogue lias put in new street lights
Southern Pacific Co. is now selling
and caused tin e and tbe ones already
trip tickets to Portland from Cot­
in existence in bum later at night.
He lias organ bed a baseball club and tage (»rove for $5.tH) good Saturday
band The farmers have awakened on No. Iff at 1:50 a. in. train, returning
to tlie fact Hint something is astir in Monday evening on No. 13 leaving Port­
in knowing your house
Dexter, and ns they want to timl out land at 7:30 p. in., giving all day Satur­
what it Is they are going to Dexter day, Sunday and Monday in Portland
is equipped with modern
to trade. The merchants arc pleased.
The same arrangements apply from Port-
They call lie Pilkiugton-Pogue idea
and sanitary plumbing.
the booster plan and are rapidly being nnd giving Portland people a chance to
onverted to loin the boosters' club. visit valley points at greatly reduced
Ii you are thinking of
Money Is being saved Iu buying and rates
in laid accounts
having work of this kind
The first month's report showed in-
reases in the leading stores, one es
kind done, we would be
lablishment running as high as $775
’ ->f
i V
Increase iu bus,ness and one or two
pleased to give you esti­
others reaching nearly the $500 mark.
In Dexter as elsewhere, improve­
. ........... 1
mates on the work and
ment pays. lap.
-s methods will, en­
terprise. clc.iuim s and printer's ink
spell prosperity
Here is Mi Pi , iugtou’s own state­
ment of his i, imiq for undertaking
the novel experiment:
I expect In
,ve the theory that a
certain Kind
ness may succeed tn
one town and t i
another. My conten­
tion is that
tin'« with up to date
business met I,,
an succeed, no matter
where Its
is. For this reason 1
A Roomy and Easy
Comfortable Chair
It t t .
Simeral & Van Denburg
There’s Lots of Satisfaction
selected l>e\o i
On every m .I c > re Is strong c om pell­
tlon. and If I s
e d 1 will have shown
to the busin. - there that 1 have
pulled trade p,
the territory In which
ties Moines ,i.a m a r t have been the fa-
It i i 'i ,11 town and Is a hot­
bed f o r tl ie Inal el tier business, and I
feel that t have nosen a town where It
will be the I m i .P t hind o f work to suc-
Reports - far are very encourag-
It is a great iden. and everybody
will watch will merest tbe new ooui-
lunation o f I'i.y Ington. Pogue, push
slid pluck
If it succeeds, the editor
may lie giten the job o f running other
towns. A g d many editors might
throw up tin
amis and any It Is all
they can do t, run their palters, but
others will !
ready to clean the
streets, elea
ut the loafers, get the
right sort f publicity and put things
on a liuslucsx basis.
To The Ladies
Reasonable Prices.
Special Attention
to Renovating Old Mat­
erials. Curling Plumes, etc
west of Catholic Church,
or Phone, Main 571.
tafana*-,; . V