Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, October 15, 1909, Image 2

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My head * In a muddle, •
My heart's full of trouble.
And little the wonder, as soon you may
t want a w ife badly,
And raarrj I'd gladly,
But that's where ir.y heart and my
head disagree.
My heart says, When you love
lie eure that It's true love
Feiore you dare venture to ask for her
Then my head whispers, Charmers
Are useless to farmers,
• t ake a lass of good stock and a fistful
of land.
Oh. Sheela Is artful,
She carries a heartful
O f Cupid's devices hid under her
A smile to allure you,
A glance to assure you,
Then a toss of her head that makes
light of them all.
My Impudent Kitty,
So smiling and witty.
So busy and bright when there's com­
pany near;
She'd banquet a neighbor.
But thing It a labor
To work for the poor man that loved
her so dear.
Bad luck to the fairy
That saddled poor Mary
tVlth a face and a fortune so contrari­
Though her features are twisted.
Could the farm he resisted,
Bure her cows and young pigs would
bring tears to your eyes.
But the lass that will love me—■
By all that’s above me! —
*’11 take her and wed her for love's own
sweet sake;
I f she’s fair, all the better,
I’m thankful to get her,
Rich, poor, plain or handsome. I ’m w il­
ling to take!
— II. M. Johnston, In Spectator.
He paused and the typewriter click­
ing was heard again.
“ I ’ll put the paper weight at her
door," he said, and turned and picked
up the polished cube and started for
the door. He swung It open and
slipped Into the hall. As he did so a
puff of gray smoke came up the ele­
vator shaft.
"W hat’s that?” he cried, and ran to
the iron gates. A stronger puff smote
him In the face. He drew back cough­
ing and gasping. For a moment he
hesitated. Then he ran to the narrow
stairway at the end of the hall. The
srnoke was puffing up there, too.
In a second ho was back at the door
of the room adjoining his own. He
could hear the clicking typewriter
within. He rapped deliberately. The
clicking stopped. There was a mo­
ment of hesitation. Then the door
was opened by the girl.. She started
at sight of John Chalmers.
" I beg your pardon,” he said "fo r
alarming you, but I'm
afraid the
building Is on fire."
“ On fire !" she echoed. As If to con­
firm his words a fresh puff of smoke
whirled through the elevator doors.
The g irl’s face paled.
“ There Is no cause for Immediate
alarm,” said John quietly.
“ What are we to do?”
the girl
“ We can do nothing but wait,” he
answered. "Th e fire seems to have
gained some headway. We can’t get
through that smoke on the stairs, and
the new fire escape has only reached
the sixth story. No doubt the firemen
are on their way and we w ill soon be
She was watching his face as he
spoke. Now she faintly smiled.
" I will put away some papers,” she
said, "and get my Jacket.”
He hurried to the elevator doors
again, but the smoke drove him back.
He could see the white walls of the
shaft slowly reddening.
As he re­
treated his eyes caught sight of a coll
of rope on the floor In a corner. He
remembered why It was there. Just
the day before a steeplejack had paint­
ed and gilded the flagstaff on the tow
erlng structure and the rope was part
of his apparatus. John Chalmers
caught up the coll and dragged It to
his room and flung It
through the
"Come," he said to the girl.
She quickly obeyed him.
"W e ll? " Bhe said.
"Come into my room. It Is a little
farther from tho shaft. This smoke
Is getting unsupportable.
We must
bar it out."
She followed him into hts loom and
John Chalmers looked at his watch,
the watch hla father had given him
the day ho was 21.
’’Eight thirty,"
he muttered, and
closed the case with a Bharp click.
He stared at his desk, at the papers
In confusion, at the overturned waste­
basket and the litter on the floor.
Then ho went to the window and open­
ed It.
The night was dnrk and the eaHt
sky was
sprinkled with stars that seemed
strangely near. Far below the street
lamps trailed away In orderly rows.
The night was oppressively quiet.
Ho turned back. A peculiar sound
caught his ears It was a rapid click­
ing that cante front beyond the north
wttll of the room.
"It's the girl at the typewriter.”
•» / > A
he muttered.
' Those fellows don’t
Fpnre her. But she doesn’t seem like
the complaining sort. I never saw her
when she wasn't looking bright and
cheerful. I wonder what she finds In
And because he had found very lit
tie In life, he kicked the wastebasket
Viciously and flung himself Into Ills
desk chair.
He was .11, a young man who hail
grown old In experience and had tired
of the game.
Ills castles had gone
crumbling, his hopes were withered,
his faith In himself was wrecked. He
had thrown up his hands in surren­
W t t l l \ S I T AMY A N I ) COW K l t K ' l . 1*TI.I..
closed the door and pushed the win
Out of the little fortune he had won
hv his shrewdness and daring, there dow a little higher.
"H ark." he said. The rlnng of bells
was a handful of dollars left
But he
didn't fear
He had
his below could be heard. He leaned out
health, lie had his hands, lie was Mg "T h e apparatus Is coming from nil di­
rections," he said. "A h !"
nml sluing and he had Ills quick brain.
There was n crash of glass and it
There was no question about hts
nbllltv to keep the w olf from the puff of smoke from a window several
But he couldn't bring himself stories below.
"What was It?" the girl enlled.
to the thought of working for a mas
"Th e fire seems to be on the seventh
ter. lie had always been so free, so In
floor." he answered.
“ The heat Is
breaking the glass."
Hut no, he was tired of It all
He went to the door and opened It
had played tils cards and lost lie was
down, he wiis humiliated, he was glad a little wav. Then he closed It quick­
to quit.
ly and came back and leaned again
from the window.
For two nights he hadn't slept, tint
"Thev are getting the Indders up."
there was a long sleep ahead of him
"Th ey arc breaking In the
And the Inisv typewriter beyond the he said
window s."
north wall clicked on
lie spoke quietly us a mere specta­
"I fanev I've been too much alone,"
tor might speak. He must not alarm
he muttered and a little wave of self
the girl
He realized that they wen
plt\ ran through his mind.
"If I had
penned In tills tall tower like trapped
married," he paused with a short
Would help come?
if so. It
laugh ' That v iri’ pleasant face Is rats>Ing ni * seni mental.
I wish must come soon.
Suddenly the lights went out.
I had spoken to her this ntorn
Thai was to be expected," ho said
her » dtirt
the elevator door
prettily calmly.
rip* room seemed very dnrk.
The girl cante closer. The smoke
I'd like t leave her some
thing." he murmured
"Whitt shall It was getting dense.
"May I may I take your hand?"
l" ? When a man Is making Ills will
he can't he too careful. I wonder If she timidly asked
"W hy. yes." lie answered, and their
slic'd care for that paper weight? It cut from a mummy case tn old hands met In the darkness
You do not tremble." said the girl
Egypt. It’s thousands of years old. If
Hattershy is right. I ll put It on her "A re you not afraid?"
I ant afraid of nothing save niv
door sill with my card.
For the girl
w ith tho cheery fa ce."’ He laughed self," he murmured.
«gain and then looked at his watch
I do not want to die," said the girl
"Guess I've settled up everything." "There Is mv mother, yott know. She
he said. "N o man will be the poorer would >»* left quite alone "
for my going, and no titan will he the
The man ground his teeth.
better If I stay " He arose and cross
turned to the window, still holding
ed to the window. "I'v e only to drop fast to the slender hand, and barked
from tilts.” be slowly
down nrross the sill.
"T w elve stories
No doubt 1 will be
' Thry have run up nn extension lad
dead before 1 reach th»» pavement." der." he satd
'It's hist beneath tis.
lb* iteered down at the tw inkling
I'hey don't there Is anybody on
light:a far be! < * '
E X iT «! nee I was a these upper floors " He leaned far out
boy t treat helights Itavi» fa.»
"H I! below
ysclnated me. and gave a hoarse shout
Thev seem ti> draw in * with Invisible th ere!" He paused
"A fireman on
bands I have bad lo clutch at some
the ladder Is looking up He sees me!
thing to save myself from that fatal
11.» is pointing me out. They are shift
hire Tho Invisible hands will get me !ng Ihe searchlight
The crowd sees
at last "
A faint roar cante from
m W A \ ;
the street. “ The firemen are waving
their hats to me. They mean cour­
age. Here," he suddenly turned to the
girl, “ take my place for a moment.
They must not think I have suc­
cumbed. Careful. Careful. Not too
far. There, they see you." Another
hoarse roar came from the street.
The girl, with the searchlight flaring
upon her, waved her hand to the
crowd below, and another deep roar
came up.
John ChalmerB was dragging the
coll of rope to the window. Then he
dropped It on the floor and ran to the
He drew a match from his
pocket and, lighting It, snatched up
a sheet of paper and scribbled half a
dozen words.
He fastened his mes­
sage to the end of the rope with a
rubber band and quickly paid out the
He watched It with an eager
gaze. Was the rope long enough?
" A h !” he cried.
" It reaches— the
fireman has caught It." He knotted
the end of the rope about a chair leg
and flung off hts coat.
The smell of burning wood was
strong In the room. The smoke forced
Its way about , the door. There wat
a dull red glare through the transom.
John caught up the rope again and
peered down.
"They are coming with extra hose,”
he cri»d.
“ There, there, they are
fastening the rope to It. Hurry, lads,
hurry. They are waving their hats
to me. Yes, yes, I understand.
With a steady and powerful pull he.
drew In the rope. Hand over hand ha
drew It In. And below the ladder the
firemen passed up the hose— passed It
up with trained muscles, swiftly and
John did not waste his strength. He
knew that the weight would sorely
tax his back and arms. But he had
been the strong man of his class at
college, and he was glad to feel that
hla muscles were gamely responding
to the strain. Heavier and heavle
grew the burden.
He clenched hla
teeth and drew the rope foot by foot,
And as he labored he breathed
thankful prayer that he had unwit
tingly prepared himself for the eater
gency, and that now he was meeting It
like a man.
His back was sorely cramped his
arms ached In their sockets a red mist
swam before his eyes, and then with
a final pull he brought the brass noz­
zle within reaching distance and
clutched It and with a mighty effort
drew it across the Bill, and so into
tho room. And from the street below
came another hoarse cry.
Coughing and half strangling, for
the smoke was getting more and more
dense, John hauled In the hose until
It reached close to the closed door
"Now," he cried to the girl, “ lean from
the window and wave your arms to
the men below. Make them under
stand that you want the water. Make
them understand."
The girl obeyed.
John crept to the door and flung It
Then he threw himself on the
hose with a Rtout grasp on the nozzle,
and his head close to the door, and
The hall was gray with smoke, and
flames were darting through the ele­
vator ironwork. Above the elevator
shaft the red tongues of Are were run­
ning here and there. In n mofnent, It
seemed as If the whole Interior Of
the hallway might be filled with n
roaring flame.
“ Do thev understand?” he cried.
The girl heard hint.
"Yes, yes, I think they do,” she an
"W ave your arms again."
The girl leaned out.
"D o thev answer?"
"Th ev are shouting up to me
can’t hear what they arc saving They
are holding the hose tightly against
tho ladder.
Yes, yes. the water Is
John put hts hod/ upon tho hose
nml, lying prostrate, waited.
Then tho hoso suddenly stirred Ilko
a living thing and the water gushed
from the nozzle. It « is not a pow­
erful stream the height was too great
hut little by little the force in­
creased. yet not enough to Imperil
John's firm gras]) on tho nozzle.
And now he was directing the heavy
flow through the open doorway against
tho blazing vvoodw
Round about
the hallway the torrent flew and scat­
tered and scraped With a mighty ef-
fort John drew the
se forward a
little farther and ole
ng tho nozzle,
swept away the rtann
at were creep
lug about the wool
k above the
This was not done
moment. The
tin was stubborn at
t go its hold
The girl came o!
to John and
dropped on her knee
side him.
Somehow ho felt 1 presence,
Are you there""
"Y e s .”
He drew a quick b renili.
"You're fine," he
whimper, not a tear I didn’t suppose
there was such a girl
Do you know why I have been so
brave?" she asked
It is because you
arc with me. You encouraged me, you
save nte strength. >ou gave me hope.
I didn't dare to bo weak and foolish.
You were so cool. s0 >ulet. so strong
What a power for c o,| , ninn like you
can b e '"
There was a little - lonoe. and the
steadv stream swop ilkutt the hall
and drove a river
»a te r down the
"T h e danger Is . ile over. I think."
he presently suM
No doubt the Are
men have conque *1 the flames be-
low "
The girl still kn i heslde him
■‘ I — l can't than! 'oq for what von
have done." she s 1 with a sudden
break in her voice
Don t try, he interrupted
' v
don't *w e me any thanks.
I f you
hadn't been here I wouldn't— well, 1
wouldn't have had any Incentive to
— to do what I have done. You have
taught me a lesson— perhaps I ’ll tell
you some time what It Is. There, that's
all the water we can put to use— ex­
cept a little for our grim y faces. W ill
you wave your arms again to the boys
The girl ran to the window and
looked down. A wild cheer greeted
Who wrote the fourteenth amendment? is a question which has been
her. She waved her arms and pres­
ently »he water was shut off
answered so variously that any new and authoritative word on the subject
John arose from his cramped posi­ Is sure to claim attention front students of political history. In a book re­
tion anu stretched himself and walked
cently lsssued called 1 The Adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment," Horace
about a little.
Then he splashed
Edgar Flack devotes some space to the claims advanced In behalf of differ­
through the water and raised the hall
ent persons, among them Judge Stephen Neal, who died at Lebanon, Ind.,
windows and let out the- smoke.
In June. 1905. Robert Dale Owen, the communist, and John A. Bingham.
The sky lightened and the moon
Congressman from Ohio.
had risen, and the upper floor was no
At the time of Judge Neal’s death the papers throughout the country
longer wrapped in gloom.
quite generally recognized him as the father of the amendment. Judge
John looked at his watch.
Neal himself flrntly believed that the amendment, as adopted, followed a
"Nine o’clock," he said. “ A pretty
measure which he had formulated and sent to Godlove Stoner Orth, an In­
lively twenty minutes."
timate friend, at that time representative In Congress from the Lebanon
“ 1 hope,” said the girl, “ that my
district. To support this claim he had preserved a letter from Congress­
mother will not worry. If she hears
man Orth In which the latter told him that he had submitted Neal's plan
about the fire It will greatly alarm
to the congressional committee of fifteen, considering reconstruction meas­
her And If I am late she w ill be very
ures. and that the committee had adopted it almost verbatim.
An unprejudiced and dispassionate reader of Mr. Flack's book w ill
John turned suddenly.
probably agree with him that the amendment was really not the product of
"I'm going to take you home,” h*
one mind, but of many; that it was not a spontaneous creation, but a
said. "And If there are any explana
product of evolution, and that Its growth from the time when Its first sec­
lions to make you can rely on me to
tion was presented to the reconstruction committee until all Its five hetero­
make them."
There was a heavy step on the stair­ geneous propositions were finally adopted by sufficient States to make It a
part of the Constitution can be traced in the records of the period.
way. A fireman with a lantern arose
When Congress refused to accept President Johnson's reconstruction
from the depths below.
plans and claimed for Itself the right to determine conditions on which the
He raised his lantern above his head
seceding States should be admitted Into the Union, a Joint committee of
as he tame forward.
fifteen was appointed by the two houses to take Into consideration the whole
"Oh. there you a re !" he cried. He
let the lantern shine on the grim y and
subject of reconstruction.
bedraggled man and thrust out hi 3
The thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments were adopted as
reconstruction measures. The fourteenth was undoubtedly adopted by Con­
"How are you, brother?” he said,
gress In the hope that it would deprive the South of what Northern Repub­
with a coarse laugh.
licans considered unfair use of political power by granting to negroes the
John laughed as he gripped the big
franchise, which they would use in support of the party which had freed
them. Strangely enough, the second section of the amendment, which by
"Fine," he answered. "But here, I
appealing to the self-interest of the Southern States compelled the granting
want you to know my assistant fore­ of the suffrage to the negro, has not accomplished its object, several South­
ern States having educational qualifications which practically shut out Illit­
And the fireman and the girl grave­ erate blacks. But It has established the principle that a higher qualification
ly shook hands.
than that of race must serve as the basis of the voting privilege.
“ Glad to know you, ma'am,” said
A sharp distinction exists between the war amendments and the eleven
the big fireman. "T h ere’s nothing too
which preceded them, as Mr. Flack states In his book. "Th e first eleven
good In the departtment for either of
amendments to the Constitution of the United States," he writes, "w ere In­
you.” Ho looked at John admiringly.
tended as check or limitations on the federal government and had their
"You're a bunch of muscles, all right,”
origin In a spirit of jealousy on the part of the States. This jealousy was
he said "W e didn't any o f us believe
largely due to the fear that the federal government might become too strong
you'd get the hose to the window." He
and centralized unless restrictions were Imposed upon it. The war amend­
turned and threw the light about.
ments marked a new departure and a new epoch In the constitutional his­
"You certainly saved the roof.” he
tory of the country, since they trench directly upon the powers of the States,
cried. "But there, you’ll want to go
being In this respect just the opposite of the early amendments.”
down now, no doubt. The fire was on
the seventh floor— and up here.
made a pretty clean sweep. But you
can get down to the sixth floor, all
right. You'll find the lights still burn­
llrltlN h X o h le m a u P re illrtN C a p tu re -
l>y G e p m a n y .
ing there, and you ran wash tip nnd
the elevator man will take you the rest
The Earl of Clanwilliam, who Is
in Winnipeg with his bride on his.
of the way. And you want to look out
way to Alaska, expressed himself as
when you rearh the street— there's a
crowd there ready to eat you up.”
of the positive belief that England,
A few moments later they were on
is doomed. He says Germany has
the stairs.
made every preparation, has strength­
"And to think.” said the girl, a little
ened her army and navy, and MU in­
hysterically, "that a half hour ago you
vade England without a moment's no­
and I were strangers—and might never
Nothing will prevent England
have met.”
being devastated and captured. The-
"And might never have met,” he
British are unprepared. Her army ts
E x e r c is e f o r th e F lit.
gravely echoed.
Although the food that one takes weak and she could make little resist­
"And row I seem to have known
often has much to do with the amount ance against an Invading force.
you for such a long while. L ife !s
It is such talk as this that has.
of fat put on, and a restriction In
very strange at times. Isn't It?”
kept many Britons in a condition of
"Yes,” John replied.
prevent the refutation of more fat in nervous anxiety for months, so much
“ But It's worth living."
the tissues or even effect a reduction, 30 that the nation may be said to
And she laughed lightly, and her
have been hysterical.
But it seems
laugh was as pleasant as her pretty it is seldom that this alone will prove ro us that such talk Is all rot. Per­
A strict diet Is Irksome, and most haps Germany could take England.
John looked hack at her. hut she
people are too easy-going to carry The question is, however, could she
could not see his face because the
It out faithfully.
This is not that hold It? Japan could take the Phil­
stairway was dark.
ippines from us almost without an
"Y es." he said, “ life Is worth liv ­ they are weak or deficient In self-
effort. The United States could cap­
ing.” — W. R. Rose, In Cleveland Plain
content with their flesh to be willing ture Canada or Mexico, Great Britain
to suffer overmuch discomfort In any could take Denmark and Russia could
effort to rid themselves of it. More­ conquer Sweden In a month. But in
over, too radical a change tn a diet none of these cases would the matter
t 'le v e ln m l* » A iis n u r to S lin k e « p en re
may prove Injurious, and It Is bet­ end there. Nations tn these days are
ln v ltn tto n
\ v e r t e d a C riaiN .
ter to be too fat— a little too fat. any­ not permitted to go forth on pillaging
A fter President Cleveland had sen* way— than to suffer from Indigestion and conquering expeditions against
Ills famous Venezuela message to Cou- or damage to the kidneys, as one may their peaceful neighbors. Civilization
gress lu 1N95, he wrote a letter In re­ easily do by inconsiderate and Injudi­ would not stand for that. The other
It Is much better to powers would be asking questions and
sponse to an invitation to deliver an cious dieting.
address in Birmingham on Shakes­ restrict somewhat the Intake of fat­ taking action before the sun could
peare's birthday which did much to forming foods, enough to prevent the set twice. No, no; the old days are
public feeling in England. Increase of fat, and to effect the actual past and with them the old ways or
George F. Parker, former consul at reduction by mechanlscal means, tnat doing things.
m . 'n m
ptE frrinr D octor
Birmingham, quotes the letter in Me is to say. by exercise, massage, and
t h i l i l W o r k e r s II I H o l l n m l ,
In certain cases, by the wearing of a
The condition of the working class­
Washington, belt, or abdominal bandage. This last es In some of the manufacturing towns
March 30. 1S96. My Dear Mr. Parker: is sometimes useful when the abdo­ o f Holland is deplorable. Wages are
1 have received your letier Informing men is large, not only In making very low and the standard of life can­
me that the Birmingham Dramatic the girth seem smaller, but actually not be maintained unless mother and
uid Literary Club intends to celebrate 1 |n causing an absorption of fat by children take their places In the fac­
the birthday of Shakespeare on th > the action of the constant slight tory side by side with the head of the
21st of April, and extending to me on pressure.
behalf of the club an invitation to he
Massage, when skilfully performed—
As soon as the Dutch law allows the
resent on that occasion.
not simply desultory rubbing here nnd child to leave school— which is at the
Everything that tends to keep alive there— w ill do much In reducing flesh, age of 12— he enters the factory work­
the memory of Shakespeare anil pre when combined with dieting and with shop. Although the government has
rves a proper appreciation of his active ^xerctse In the open air.
passed a law recently forbidding boys
work, challenges my earnest interest
Exercise— systematic, active exercise under 16 to be employed In factories,
and approval; and though l cannot be — Is of the greatest value In restrain­ most o f the boys go In as soon as they
with you on the occasion you contem- ing a tendency to the overproduction leave school. Children leave their beds
date, I am glad to know that our of fat and iu causing a reduction of frequently at 5 or 6 In the morning or
Xinerican people are to be prominently fat already formed. It must, however, earlier, summer and winter, gulp down
epresented in the celebration.
be combined with dieting, otherwise some hot coffee, or what is commonly
It nat­ called so, swallow a huge piece of well-
There is much said and written, in Its object will be defeated.
heso days, concerning the relations urally Increases the appetite, especial­ known Dutch “ roggebrood," or rye
hat should exist, bound close by the ly when taken In the open air, and If bread, and then hurry In their wooden
strongest ties, between English-speak this appetite Is satisfied with the arti­ shoes through the quiet streets of the
ng peoples, and concerning the high cles of diet that the fat people prefer, town to their places of work.
lestiny that awaits them in concerted j the last state w ill be worse than the
Sometimes they have to return home
ffort. 1 hoi>e we shall never know a , first.
at 8 or 8:30 in the morning for a sec­
line when these ennobling sentiment- \ The best exercise Is w alking—not ond hurried breakfast.
Those who
w ill be less often expressed, or will strolling, but rapid, springy walking, cannot run home and back In the half
In the least lose their potency and In with shoulders back and arms swing I hour uguany anowe(1 (or the flrgt
Surely. If English speech supplies
the token of united effort for the good
of mankind and the impulse of an ex
alted mission, we do well fittingly to
honor the name and memory of W ill­
iam Shakespeare. Yours very truly,
"T h e reception of this letter by the
press was generous and high-minded:
Punch Joined the chorus with a pige
cartoon; and it ts safe to say that the
ghost which had been raised by the
Venezuela message was laid by the
Shakespeare letter written by Presi­
dent Cleveland on March 30, lSJtJ."
i n- _ ZJiv .k!n.d . ° f..Z Rl.klnK^ IIZ !ii® ! "*°h a ft" or meal time take their bread
bings with oxygen, which burns up the anj butter with them In a cotton or
fat. puts all the muscles In motion, linen bag, and their milk and water
by which a natural massage Is effect­
or coffee In a tin, and so shift as well
ed. and Increases the circulation, by as they can.
which the waste products are more
rapidly eliminated
ChAFoctep I n d tsp en an b le.
Golf Is an excellent game for the
Talent helps a man to obtain suc-
overstout. ar.d so Is tennis. If the heart | cess, but It Is character which secures
is strong
Equestrian exercise ts also It for him. A man will succeed with
good, but driving and motoring are character and very little talent, and
not the ways to reduce flesh, as they will never succeed without character.
Increase appetite and assimilation whatever talent he may have at his
without giving tVe requisite exercise. disposal.— Max O'Rell.
— Youth's Companion.
Some people's breakfast Is a sort of
Friendship Is terribly overworked, cereal star»