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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1917)
x august u , mi . MAKES CLUBBING ARRANGEMENT WITH H m iH U tw op to the needs of the million« ef breakfast, dinner, *and rap per tables of the Nation, the United S ûtes Department of Agriculture quick surrey ef available foods and feeds throughout the country. This will cover supplies on the farm s, in factories, and commercial stores and warehouse«, in retail shops, mm ! on shelves and in the bins of the family pantry. The work will be carried on principally by the Bureau of Markets, the Bureau of Crop Estim ates, the Bureau of Chemistry, aad States So lations Service of the department, wi^h funds appropriated fa r the pur pose in the recently enacted food pro duction bill. The survey Is to bo made as of the daU August 81, and it ie expected th at statistics on the amounts of certain important products can be supplied within thro« sr few weeks after (he food survey is begun. In carrying out tbs nation-wide food survey, both actual inventories and estimates will be employ«*. E sti mates of tho food and feed products on farms will be made for the whole country by the Buropu of Crop Ee- Unusual ststs geologist of Wyoming, arrived hors Thursday aad have since been visiting coal laids and properties where it is hoped oil may/bs found. W ra Wilkie, said to bo a federal of- f a r , who had basa nudes disguise in Nmth Bead for several days, during whleh time be bAught liquor from Joe Hauser and Hans Hanson, filed a corni nity To Its Readers a M ONG <mr large circle of readers there are a great man} who are interestèd directly or indirectly in fruit growing dairying and other branches of farming. .All of these nat tirally wish to keep itj close touch with agricultural aerivi ties throughout the state; andato know about any fight which ii THE OREGON FARMER THE OREGON FARMER now a subscriber of , will he en titled to receive in combination with this paper at the same rate as for this paper alone. + . ♦ operators in tbs field. Informati«« regarding stocks in wholesale, Jobbing, storing, manufac turing, and other commercisi estab lishments, includtag large retail house«« will be obtained by from each concern a states ' * * This offer applies to all those who renew or extend their sub- criptipns as well as to all new subscribers. If you are interested directly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, do not miss this unusual opportunity but send your order in now. ♦ ♦ ♦ THE OREGON FARMER is the One farm paper n which, devoting itself exclusively to the farming activities and interests of Oregon.^, It has a big organization gathering the news of importance tq farmers, dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockraisers and poultrynfem Mid it has the backbone to attack wrongful methods and combinations and bad legislation, and support honest leaders and beneficial measures. W e are confident that our readers will congratulate us on our being able to make this splendid and attractive clubbing offer. ♦ ♦ ♦. f ♦ ♦ * for representative coontry districts by the States Relations Service throng* county agents and local farm bureau! end other local agencies. Through" these agenciM certain eelected dis tricts will be canvassed aad an setim- ate will then be made for the entire country. - .1 . & . 1 The nearly 100 items on whleh sta tistics are to be gathered, iw lnde grains end seeds, grain fond preduets, dried fruits and nuts, vegetable fate, sugar, sirups, stareh, meat and meat, products preserved in tin and other containers, dairy and related products, fish and feeds* - The departm ent's plans contemplate making immediately aqpiick survey «1 the holidays of approximately 18 of the more im portant products, follow ing this with monthly reports on such products and making a mors complete survey after the crops have bean gathered. It is proposed te utilise In so far ss possible existing eelablMhed agencies within the departm ent in the conduct of the survey, but the de partment, of oourse, dseirsa the hear ty cooperation and support of afil State and local agencies. Chaa. E. Welverton, Jnlge of Ü. S. District Court presiding a t Falk land, sustained Judge Sehlbrede, who, as referee, denied the petition of the trustees in the n u tte r ef Okie tL Wil son. of Marshfield, bankrupt, seehteg an order to require tbs bankrupt to turn over his homestead to the trus tees for the benefit of erediterà. there having been no former by any court on this exact Coos Bay Times. THE SENTINEL, One Year - - - THE OREGON FARMER, One Year All furnished for $1.50 to subscribers paying STRICTLY IN ADVANCE R. J. Galbraith, who lives with his family Just below the Sitka ntifi on the river, cams in Monday with a story which it will be well for sit hunters to road and carefully eon- G«ts Position at SpoluuMk » Harry G. Hoy, » well known Marsh field attorney, has been appointed to a position in the Federal Farm Loan Bank at Spokane and expects to move there shortly. He Is now arranging Me ag ain . The posi tien is a perman- the Myrtle.)