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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1917)
FRIDAY, AUGUST 81. »17. C0UNTY COURT INSPECTS THE N fV TR D AD WORK. •f A i OH CMtkr. lay morning at Ms hems barg, Thomas W. Drang, dost settlors of tho lower OBITUARY OF LEADING MYRTLE POINT CITIZEN. Carry County. Pert Orferd Tribune.) Law- Port Orford Monday and ti» o lir three year on their claims. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Robbias and * nans from Gold Beach were Port Orford viator* the first e f the Dr. Robbias received Us m tm m j It Is not likely, »cording to the judge, that any o f the project* will be completed thie eeeaoa with the pee- aible exception of the Beadon-Oerry county rand. This, he hopes, will be completed this see eon. The state of* Mr. Benoon saying that the work be ing don* by E. G. Perham in many irf- ■taneea rival lad the beet of that done on the Columbia Highway whieh is the finest read west of the Rocky mountains.; The county party spent much time a sen, F. E. Draae, who as writ as his mother survive the husband and fath er. He is also survived by on* broth er, P. E. Draae, of this city, and a sister living in Oklahoma. During the dosing year of the Civil war Mr. Draae served fo r thepe months as a soldier in the Union the county, visiting Powers and look army. ing carefully into the needs of that community. Regarding the roads aad bridges requested there, Judge Wat W. B. Ayer, Federal Food C son said that there is one bridge badly needed but that to gain the necessary stonar for Oregon, le deetoem of #n- benefit from its construction five listing the berries* ef every OngoR miles of road must bs put in all win- housewife in the Hoover food 00RNNT ration plan. With an earn*.t pie* limited to construct both projects. for its serious conaideraMeu, tu 1 ms The matter of a choice is now under sent out the following mmaagt i : consideration. The estimated cost of the bridge at Powers is $8,000 and tha judge said that this sum'would put the five miles of road in fins shape. Without the road the bridge will not give the required service at this time. v Speaking of the trip to California, Judge Watson said that he felt that it would bo productive of great results with regard to the coast military highway. He says there was a large delegation at Crsoceat City pulling tor the Grants Pass road but with the pressure for the all coast highway he believed there was little ques tion as to the on* whieh would receive any state favors whieh may com* for a through winter roadway. — a. The year of 18*1 able force, smashing and min big eom- Fegen, ejnee which time pletely thè rediator of thè Ford, and a resident of Myrtle brealdng one o f thè springs and other* wise injuring thè RawUns car. . Tha little gas boat. Santa Clara, whieh gainod so much notoriety a few weeks ago by running oa thè beach about a mile soqth of town with a load and to this he gave his undividsd'at- of boom, wae launched from thè beach tention, occupying for that purpose a last Thuraday and ia now moored in thè bay ready far a now exploit. Her two story brick building. January 11, 18W, Mr. Benson was machinery wae taken oot of her on married at.Vinton, Iowa, to Cam* Vaughaü, a nativ* of Illinois. They have only ens child, Mabel Anita, wife Says H i b Damaged $10,000. Geo. W. King, o f Marshfield, haa just brought suit in thè Cirucit court bere against thè City of Marshfield for 110,000 damages. In attempting to anfore* thè prohibition law som* months ago perhapo “not wisely but too well,” thè oiBcers over at thè Bay raided King’s quarters and confiscated a botti* of port win*. The sum men- tiensd fu ll large, b«4 through his attorney, B. F. Mulkey, of Port land, King claims that when he goes out to buy stock there are always whisperings now that are to his detri ment aad that his erstwhile friends of Last Friday afternoon after tho Sen the fair sex only greet him with tinel was mailed Postmaster Leneve averted glances as they pass by at the office put the Arago package ia the sack that went up to Myrtle Point. Ho did this so that it might bo trans ferred to the Myrtle and cense down the river Saturday morning, instead of getting there that afternoon od ber trip up the river. By some one's ne- PAGE DETROIT VAPOR STOVE It works like gas; bums the poorest grades of oil, gaso line or distillate, without odor, waste, trouble or dan ger. It has no wicks. The DETROIT VAPOR BURNER is absolutely the only wick less burner. It makes a gas containing the. maximum amount of air and bums S -_ -- one-quarter less fuel than other makes. 2, 3 and 4 Burners. Guaranteed to give Satisfaction DfiWfa ii h r t- riniw ci m i ■oatum H u tito appearaaca ai a Gas Range. H. 0. ANDERSON Furniture and Hardware FOR SALti CHEAP—if taken once. A modern five room house and six loto on Seeoad and Myrtls. Inquire P. O. Box 682 or phone 6M. tStfi Victor P. Morris, minister. are being printed for ' ChrUtiaa Science Society. taking turas at the wheel the merry makers were driven to Marshfield, around the Seven Devils to Bandon and returned by Myrtle Point. Be tween Myrtle Point and Lee fernst fires were encountered which caused considerable, delay and the rooster’s crow was greeting tbs first streak of dawn when the car pulled up at the FOR SALE. Bred Duroc Jersey sows. Farrow in September. Phone 966. O. L. Smallwood, Coquille. S ltf Services nsxt Sunday at llHM a. m. YOUNG GRADE PERCHERON teams for sal*. Four miles up the river Subject, “Christ Jesus." from Coquill* on west side. An Wednssday evening meeting at 8 drew Anderson. 8It4 o'clock. Sunday school at 9 JO «. m. FOR SALE—Choice residence prop Free public reading room open ev erty containing 10 scree three ery day, except Sundays and holidays, blocks north and two east ii coart from 2 to 4 p. m. , ■*v house. Inquire of Matt Kerrigan The them* of the sermon will be, “The Corner Third aad Hall streets. on tho place for tanas. Old age Prayer of tho Diseased Soul to the Divine Physician." The Epwerth League at 7 p. m. Ik e topic is, “ Has Summer Playing Brought to your Soul." Miss FURNISHED ROOMS and modern conveniences. Inquire of Mrs. H. WANTED—Second hand forniture. Highest prices paid. Coquille F # - A. Isen««« in the B. Folsom House. L08T—Phi Delta Thka fraternity pin—Engraved P. L. H. on inside. Return to Alexander Lowe. Suit able reward. son’s statement that the Curry coun ty coast road is chiefly of scenic value, elsewhere published in this is sue of the Sentinel, the Port Orferd Tribune says: T o T h e L a d ie s :— Y ou are interested in Crochet .and Fancy-Work and we desire to extend to you an in vitation to step into our store and inspect our assortment o f Crochet and Tattin g Books, Crochet Thread and Crochet Hooks. Wfe have a great variety o f thread in all colors. Crochet and Tatting Books............... 10c Crochet Hooks........................5 and 10c Mercerized Crochet T h re a d ................ 10c Crochet Cotton......................... Sc tares. Speed es ■ Cyh* Paper sad S S 5 S ! FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY 0 ■■ %.T * Tatting Thread................................. Sc RACKET STORE MRS. B O N N IE W A L K E R , Prop.