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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1917)
parties have arrived and are ready for inspection. The stock is large and well assorted, the coats are chic and extra good val ues—the popular Fall styles. Coquille Pow ers This is the season when we are able'to sup ply you at reasonable prices with many be luxuries at other times. things that Practically everthing, whether local or Cali fomia products, now being within reach of all, there is not anything better at this sea- CREAM to the right way. We are convinced that our cash plan b RIGHT, u i we want to coavtoce YOU. A trial Hhipment, or a month’s trial la batter, will prove to you that our branch—COQUILLE—has, to the abort time we have beea operating, M m much toward- patting the DAIRY BUSINESS on the PROPER BASIS. Don’t delay, bat start sending your cream to m PRICE TO DAY FOR BUTTERFAT delivered CoqniBe. .48c p er pound T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. W e Pay Portland Prices at oar pleat AT COQUILLE. YOU PAY NO EXPRESS TO PORTLAND ON BUTTERMILK. You «et your baU em ik back from na free. Do btméacaa with, y oor SokHera Te Pratoet Foresta. The flrst 'detachment of U. S. sol- diera to come to Coos county arrived ia CoquiUs Monday and wer* taksn out to thair station on the Middle fork by Kire Wsrden Crouch In his Buick car.* Thers wer* Ave men in the equad and it ia uaderstood that their orden are to “ shoot to Mil” in case they diseover any perties setting tbtt P e u G n * Fnát Pnmu . ' ' I. Everything the m arket affords and prices rig h t Busy Comer Grocery / w w Front and C Streets Coquille, Oregon Phones 691 and 641 Mrs. Susanha Hayss attended the last sad rites ©vsr her body Wednesday. Bov. Thomas Barklow conducted the funeral stevlcsa in the Brethren church in Myrtle Point and set Nor way where the'casket was placed be sides that o f hor husband, John Hayes, who proceeded her in 1906. She was born in Johnson county, Tennessee in IMS and was married to John Hayes in 1164. A t the does of the war they moved to North Carolina and from there to Jackson county, Oregon, and than to their homestead on the South Fork of tho Coquill« river in Coos county, which has been their boom since 1872. Tbs family knows much about pioneering in Coos county. There were eeven sons and all am here and thifty farmers. Their names are Jim, John, Henry, Mack, Teas, Jake shd Pete. * There Were sight daughters, three of whom are living, Mrs. Calvin Gant, of Myrtle Feint; Mrs. Ben Gant, of the North Fork; and Mih. Leonard fiartly, of the South Fork. Mrs. Hayes was “Grandma** to an neighbors on the river especial ly in early time» and her passu« leaver a great vacancy in the thought Wyoming, but later living near Mc Kinley, are in this week looking for a home so their Httle ones may have advantage of a good school. Young Mr. Coleman underwent a minor operation Wednesday at the Pemberton operating rooma. Miss Eileen Hughes, u trained raree from Santa Boss, Calif., was hors | last week visiting her brother, George, who is night dark o f the Guerin Hotel. T. G. Lajrson, o f Camas, was in Wednesday with a too of wheat—for A. F. Coleman returns this week to Glendale, Calif., to tako a second yews ¿reining as nurse. A small child who was being held up tp the fountain at Guorin’s corner and continued whan pulled away said, “ Mamma, Pm trying to drink it all.” Wm. Hartley sr., hash also pur- chaeed a 'tract of good land in the Shasta valley— 16 acres. He will ■rake him e home there end his son, Lsn, son-in-law, Zack Grant, and daughter, Mrs.* Alice Morgan, will fol low. B- F. Purdeo, of Cottage Grove, is he*» this week looking over oor best tenches with thought of buying. He w « return to come again. Fred Von Fagert, of Coquille, is as sisting D. D. Pierce in the building of the Catching creek shingle mill. You will please send the Sentinel to the Postmaster at Broadbent. He “told me so." Wo rod# up thore and buck on a loaded truck and made the round trip in 20 minutes “ going time.” The teachers of High school for the •nmiing term ere as follows: John L. Gary, Olivo A. Koch., Myrtle Tobey, Victor P. Morris, of Grammar school; Mra. Daisy B. Short, Mrs. Boll* B. Whittaker, Mrs. Florence Davidson. Metta Hansen, Lois Green, Agnes Mc Cracken, Nellie Barton, Claude Nos * • * “ 4 C. A. Davidson music teacher and F. L. Handeraon Janitor. Lusts? Dement, assistant cashier in the Flanagan bank, has returned •fter a two weeks’ vacation and Myn ho was all the time on his stock ranch w "J * “ P on D u »«* creek. a t 0 )4 C' * c - “t i i r s T L d l i ' 12’ W*dn**<iar’ * * ir * nd , huherteon has bought Ahsrt * kBaw" •• »he Ryder tract of 200 Jems on South Fort, of Lewis and tow ng end will put it all in