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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1917)
' y ■ H t ,> SWlmP ; • 1#17 PAGE TWO EXCURSION FARES * ... • '■ ■ a ,,* . •>.*<'"■ '. i f f . j So you feel about OLEO- f « ¡a * ' ■v udiced? Or do you like it?-Uke like it for its Purity and fine Flavor, appreciate its economy? lim it fo SPECIAL SUNDAY PARES. Roaai Trip Tlekata, a t ! fares, wilt ha aoli am o a ly ,] Odd to Power« ladaahre, Harited to date of sale. If the latter you must have tried it You must have used it in your home, in the kitchen or at. the table. And like many oth ers you have been convinced of its excellence. Agent, Portland. JOHN M. SCOTT, Gaaarml Everyone who gives OLEOMARGARINE a fair trial is convinced. Then why prejudice at all? Frankly, we do not know. And we doubt whether anyone else does.. Test it and try it in every possible way—you are not lowering the standard of living a bit but merely lowering the living expense instead. A wholesome, economical product, sWfeet, pure and clean. SOUTHERNIPACIFIC LINES Tlw Price of . CREAM la atiH advamdag aad wa are ahrajm In the Market fer U. S. Inspected and Paused. •to • M q g p t Tto* ever increasing ► 1-lb. cartons 40c; 2-lb. cartons 75c WHITE CLOVER PRODU( • X Sat. . ... J f and our unlimited capacity for handling it enables us to pay you SPOT CA8H pt the very highest prioea for year bntteifat F.O. B. COQUILLB. Our price to you today is ' V. .... . ■» IH m Mallto Bart H oline «ad Lundy 47c. per pound . Busy Comer Grocery Front and C Streets • Coquille, Oregon Phones 691 and 641. T. iioae S. 161 TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO: « Mr. DAIRYMAN weight« pad to ta we « m il We h art the reer and IP DESIRED with Mr. and Mrs. Chet Bender to Portland on their return home a week ego and returned here by Sunday eve ning’s train—glad to get e cool breath. Joe De^hilt and family left Monday by ente for their new home at Oriand, Cal., where there to buttermilk. His household goods wiH be shipped by Pay Spot Cash fo r E V E R Y Delivery at the very highest price for battorfaL W e Pay Portland Prices at our phut AT COQUipLE. YOU PAY NO EXPRESS TO PORTLAND ON BUTTERMILK. You get your buttermilk bock froea aa free. Do boaiaeaa with your is invested ia COQUILLE VALLEY CREAMERY Coquille, Oregoa. Misses Maude end Lou Hooton, of Bridge, ere visiting at the hums of Marion a in toe this week. Dr. Matson has been testing cattle for tuberculosis in the Roy District end at Pat Elk. About 240 cows were were found on Fat Elk; C. E. Gabier, of Creacent Meadow Farm, who tea quite a percentage at thoroughbred Ayrshiree; Ed Gillespie, on the Fat Elk Creek Farm; end Sam Otoeoa’s youprej- William Chandler, of Flores emek, to in this week to attend the Brethren Conference, ee he is one of the minis ters. He eaye they are building a $1600 school bourn up th en in Dis trict $1. He also informs as that there are 64 settlers in 19 miles of the road leading to Myrtle Point and that Curry oounty to ahead of us in the building of this read, which is about impassable ia winter. They prefer to trade in Myrtle Paint but poor made make it sometimes impossible. There to good toad on Floras creak. O. W. Rouse also shipped a carload of stock to Portland last week. O. K. to up to anything that ha ought to be. WQUam Fisher, a brother of Mrs. Gurney, to here from Sutherland and will remain if .we treat Urn right— and we’ll “treat him.“ He to at pres ent a guest at W. H. Carlito. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Barter and sis ter, kin of MeArnold, are new eojoy- ing themselves with Mac end wife—a Alta and Ben went over to Marsh field Monday to see his mother and sister off for St. Paul, Minn. Miss Lets Clinton eared for the millinery store during Mrs. Abbott’s absence. Charlie Rutledge, who was hired man for Joe De vault for the past two years, felt as though he .were being separated from his own family as be bid them goodbye. He will now enter Frank Langiois and w tfs have re turned from their trip to many placea in the valley. He eaye that in ap proaching towns sign* greeted them tellng them where to camp and more or toss provisions made for conven ience and welcome! He says sfliy not here? He says loganberries are a great business over there and they can’t begin to produce them as we do here. He says that reliable busi ness men would put up a plant here if assured of the berries;—also that when travellers come here they don't know where to camp and go on. We went to Coqullle one day this week and a man sad we could sleep on his back porch ao— The city council worked Wednes day night and tot contracts for the following: To peve Spruce to Rafl- roed avenue, 4th from Spruce to Ash, ist from Spruce to «outh side of Mepie street end alley in Block 7. The pavement is to be concrete and Dean and Brown were given the con tract—There. We all know Charlie Fensler, he of virjr w t t o l education while render ing aervice and getting money. Finley Maet leave* hie home here this week for Mare Island where he will endeavor to enlist in the Navy. He will no doubt make good there as he hqs in every other position he Henry Cheney, the timber man, * in town shaking all kinds of A. Christensen baa sold his cream - ary, number four, at Lee to Mr. Jen son, of North Fork. Mr. Christen- eon will now have ample time to look after hie mhny other interest*. Mrs. Milton, of Idaho, Bister of Lee Ray, was carried to the Pemberton Hospital Tuesday evening. She has iufferpd a surgical operation. Mrs. Albro is ters nursing the patient. Harold' Loop and wife, of Powers, have toft for California. He is a nephew of Dr. Leep, of Myrtle Point, who has returned friAn the South where he learned his son was not hurt and not in New Orleans. . J. N. Roberts and the Fanners store have each treated itself to a new up-to-date sanitary display counter. A. O. Stevens, of Mapleton on the Siuslaw, is here looking for a house •nd would bring his wife and baby ** ho likes it bettor this side. Up south, on Salmon creek a pan- ther chased a couple of people. The P«*Pls in the bed of the creek-after they had slid down the steep rocky b*hk and the cat along above spitting them until intercepted. They were •kort of breath, scared and bruisel by th* slid* down the bank to the chan- A Johnny .Newman nurses a thumb. He was mending the door to'the hog P*" th l while holding the door in place with one hard ha reached be hind him for the screw driver and the d6or slipped on his thumb which pots him on the bum. The Hanson family and. Mr. Duncan ,.T 'rn®?i after • two weeks’ trip of 1676 miles in which they visited Sa to«. Albany, Portland and Seattle and p w g e Folsom in his Portland horn- tbs Misses Ada aad Lettto Pratt and an itod the home of Mr. Duncan’* par ad e and now are boom aad ready to go again. Oh yes! A new Ur* or two. °»* m m Car