The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, August 24, 1917, Image 1

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    A walk out on the Myrtle Point
row! a day or two ago showed tka
work, of making tka big Alls at tka
Colliar bridge and across tka Jacob­
ean orchard and garden etaedily pro-
greasing. Ike latter looka to be a boat
three-fourtha dbne, the material earn­
ing from sharp elbows of the hills on
either aide. To the east, nearly in V The following from its Washing­
front of Dr. Kirhman's residence, an ton's news bureau was published ia
entirety new roadway is bring cut
through twenty feat of MB to riimin- Tuesday’s Oregonian: *
ate a sharp curve. fCvan when the old The arrest in Now York of Hssner
gravelled road is left intact as a foun­ H. Loop, of Myrtle Point, Or., on the
dation for the paving the state is to double
charge of impersonation an
do, tka roadbed haa to be widened and A m y officer
passing worthless
in fact almost doubled in width to checks risers end
mystery wjticb
make the required twenty four feet surrounded the disappearance
When this road ia finished three autoe men at New Orleans, August 1, of when-
will be able to pass abreast anywhere he was reported shot.
on the road. Considerable reek 1» Loop -pas arrested in New * York
being struck in cutting away the hills
by special agents of the De­
now, bat it yields readily to the pick Saturday
ef Justice who have been
and requires no blasting.
trailing him for nearly a month, and
arrangements are bing made for his
removal to Now Orleans for trial on
was at the Mad of tie Chaney
schools, but has bean taking a summer
coarse at the University at Eugene.
The appointaient bureau of the Uni-
She alleges that a couple of-pears
or no ago Mien Coach was deeply In­
volved in litigation and believed ef­
forts ware being made *0 ruin him
financaBy add sead him to the peni­
tentiary and whan the lato J. L.
Kroneaburg had just secured e Judg­
ment of f4,(00 agalpst him end n cou­
ple of detectives were seeing him for
alleged services, hé gave e deed ef
trust to Hollister In the sum ef HA-
900 covering ell Ms prspsrt y except
To recommend the number ef pky
fiiflu^y uk { whit phyiiritnff i I hhi M b§
retained in the cites of Coos county
to core for the civilian population,
limiting the nanitiei to be withdrawn
for federal service, occurred e meet­
ing of the auxiliary medical defame
committee at the Marshfield Chamber
of Commerce Wednesday. : The ac­
tion was taken at tbs request ef fed­
eral authorities.
For North Bend. Myrtle M nt, Co*
quille, end M M R* the retention of
The church was beautifully decor­
ated with flowers mostly of the white
requested that four be held.
The doctors in the various
whom the defense committal
Coquille: Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Rich-
Myrtle Point
Lso J. Cary and family;
Branstetter and bar mi
The bride has boon a resident of
Coquille for over a year, having Just
resigned the position of stenographer
in Headmaster Murdock’s office to ac­
cept a better situation. She is e young
woman of engtiipg personality and a
happy disposition and was universally
papular among the young people and
the Pleaasant View (Stringtown)
school near Myrtle Point. In this
district the sixth, seventh and eighth
grads pupils will a Used at Myrtle
The Belloni sisters will teach again
at the Parkersburg school.
Charles E. Mulkey, the new school
supervisor will move to Coquille in
Next Sunday, August M, the South­
ern Pacific U going to run a train
from the Bay to Powers on the oc­
casion of the dedication of the Moose
Hall, to which the publie generally U
invited. The train will leave Marsh­
field at 7:80 and Coquille at 8:40, ar­
riving at Powws at 10:80. Return­
ing It will leave Powers at 6 KM p. m.
reaching Coquille at 0:50 and Marsh­
field at 8 KM.
The rates will bq one faro for the
round trip. Everyone ia advised to
take s lunch, aa it is not expected
Rev. W. S. Smith, of Bnndon. was
• caller yesterday morning. Ho says
coalitions are gradually improving in
Bnndon and a bettor feeling among
the busiitees men la plainly maMfsat
Benson on Const High way.
was of unsound mind and all the
while under the influence of liquor
and drugs.
Mrs. Conch asks that all tha In­
strumente executed by Coach ho de­
clared void and usurious, and that af­
ter the defendants have shown ex­
actly how much they advanced to
Coach and what the interest on it
would be, the money due by the es­
tate be turned over to the state of
Oregon and the root of the property
returned to her as administratrix of
A wail attended mooting of the Rod
Croos Auxiliary was held at the City
Hall Monday, Aug. 20.
accounts for their getting away.
Beth Mr. and Mrs. Hammers ley
formerly lived in this county, making
their hocse at the French settlement.
Mrs. Hammersley name before she
was married was Rohinott and she ia
quite well known in this vicinity. The
Junk dealer’s name was given ns Me
eana. When the two loft Myrtle
Point they took the S-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Hammersley with them,
but there are still five girls at heme,
who era without a mother’s care.
While hero, Mr. Hammersley stated
he oared little whether he over lived
with the woman again, hat desired
her return on account of the children.
At Marshfield Tuesday evening
State Highway Coasmieoioaor Simon
Benson spoke officially regarding the
probability of a coast highway and
favored the construction, yet ho warn­
ed the Assemblage the highway could
not bo built for a number of years.
Mr. Benson showed how grant the
cost weald bo and hew little Carry
long stretch of the propoood Mghway,
could bo expected to do toward the
building. With a bond issue, Curry
would be able to furnish but 99QJXM.
and the cost of simply grading the
road, Mr. Benson said, would bo more
than $600,000. This, he said, was one
of the difficulties which stands in the
way' of promptly keeping the agree­
ment with the California state Mghr
way commission and Governor Stov-
Another Bootlagger Get* Hie.
Julius Bracks, of North Bond, was
brought over from the Boy yester­
day afternoon and consigned to the
sky parlor of the annex. The sheriff
arrested Mm for bootlegging on com­
plaint of Jamas Gormley, and he
pleaded guilty ia Justice Shuster's
court on Wednesday and was given SO
days in jafl and a fl00 fine. He
pleaded guilty to three counts but
was sentenced only for the “first of-
P. H. Young,” and the Department of
Justice reports show that Loop fre­
quently used this alias.
Leap, according to the War Depart-
form of an Army officer, having been
dropped from the Dayton aviation
training camp before ho was com­
The Department of Justice has been
trailing him since the bed check was
returned to New Orleans. Leepls
friends in Washington are inclined to
think Ms mind ia affected.
Loop was a stenographer working
for Representative Young, of Taxes,
Homer Leep is a son of Dr. and
Mrs. K. A. Leep, of Myrtle Point, and
has many relatives in the valley.
A few weeks ago Dr. Loop re­
ceived a tslsgrsm from New Orleans
to the effect that’ his son had been
seriously injused while engaged in an
aerial flight. The telegram was pur­
ported to have boon signed by aa of­
ficial in charge of the aviation camp
Dr. and Mrs. Leep hastened to Now
Orleans, but upon arriving there eould
find no trace of their son. HU name
did not appear on the rooter of the
aviation corps and ho was not known
to the Mow Orleans officials. The