The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, August 17, 1917, Image 1

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    at Myrtle Point by n broken
ad other muto trouble* end
tench here until nix o’clock,
the «tate highway co— Melon doee
the paving. And that will handy bo
t etere the CoqoiUo Morehfield grad-
diviaion B od thia oectioa relative to
thè thè plein viaibUity od thè Ughta
in thè direction in which «neh ve-
hiele io yroeeeding.
are aectiona providing
dfcainst any peraon tfarewiag gieaa or
any other material which aaight work
injury to a car; prohibiting thè tek-
Ing of any part of anothor's machhìo
and thè entering of another’p car ex-
eept by an officer od thè law or by
thè e o m it od thè aeraar or peraon
lawfeily in charge of thè car.
Unleso* accompanied by parent,
guerdian or ormar of car, no peraon
oping into aomething more tangible.
The petitiong are now oaid to be
printing at North Band, but thè ticket
haa been ehanged according to thè
lateot reperto.
A t nastrate laat
night’« Record haa it that while K io
stili Stemmler for county judge, thè
Armstrong and Philip aro to be John
Yoakea, od the Coquille neighbor­
hood, and R. W. Bullard, the store-
coot. Indeed If the purchase od them
cella had baca made at the prices pro-
vailing thia year, the eeot od the out­
fit would have been fully double what