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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1917)
EXCURSION 17 A D C C r A K E O The problem of keeping a'com plete supply o f feed S P E C IA L SU N D A Y on hand is a difficult one at the present tim e. doing our best to keep the line com plete. FA R ES. H olstein’s Dairy Feed, per sack JOHN M. SCOTT, General SO U T H E R N P A C IF IC LIN E S Mrs. Claud E. Clark o f Myrtle Poiqt, Oregon, The “VOGUE of San Francisco, Cal., the new störe with all new stock automobile hike with his wife over in the ▼»Hey»—London Springs and oth er health resorts—reports a fine time but not much health improrwmeat He was “out" six weeks. - Henry Feaater has stored into his Barr built bungalow—a real up-to- date Bung. It is on Sixth between Willow and Cedar streets. - Frank Harnish, of Gravel Feed, generally brings something when he eoutes to team. This time H is a dead hog for which he took 16c per pound. Robert Annin and family hare gene by auto to Portland sad vicinity for - W e are $2.00 Albers’ Scratch Feed, per sack - R edeaned Rolled Barley, per sack - 4 .5 0 2.10 Shorts, per sack -* Bran, per sack - - M iddlings, per sack - 1-80 1.20 2 .5 0 . Rolled O ats, per sack W heat, per sack - - Cocoanut M eal, per sack - - - - - - - . - • - - SPECIAL PRICES IN TON LOTS 1-85 4 .7 5 2.50 , We have just received a car of New Crop Oat and Vetch Hay this week. TH E LATEST STY LES IN W om en’s Outer Wearing Apparel, Coats, Suits, Dresses and Skirts Busy Comer Grocery Yon get Quality, Service and Lowest Prices Front and C Streets Coquille, Oregon Phones 601 and 641 O RDER NOW The Honor Roll for July. We wiafa to aaaooace that wo have satabMahed a hraach of oar Portland plant at the COLLIER WAREHOUSE, COQUILLE, ORE. Have a competent creamery maa la charge aad ready to receive yoaf deliveries of cream. You ■ * ! deliver it yourself or it may be seat by boat, train or auto track There is no waiting 30 days or more to know what you are gettiag fer year product hot we pay SPOT CASH FOR EVERY DELIVERY at the very highest price for batterfat. ^ Call aad see ae or write or telephone. Foil information aad ahippiag tags furnished oa re- T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. Phone 161 Coquille, Oregon. Ib? WHITE ARROW LINE N ew Cars and Careful D rivers Lv. B axter H otel, C oquille 6:46—8:45—10:45 a m 12:45—1:45—5:15—8:00 pm Lv* Gallier and Bandon Hotels, 6:45 BANDO N 8:45-10:45 a m 12:45—2 :4 5 -5 :1 5 -6 :3 0 p ■ Makes connection with stages to Myrtle Point; Marshfield • • and Roseburg Fare 75c D. B. Maurice, Mgr. boys (they were boys here ones) work together “falling." Above them work was being dona oa a road to a new “landing" in which stum ps had to be The following ars the cows in th k association who h srs given mors than 46 pounds of butterfst during the per his rod and gun—and license. Ho will iod of SO days, ending July Slst, 1917. remain with us. Owner ■ Breed lb B. F. W. C. Cutler and family, with their baggage strapped onto their car lust C. H. Butter like “anybody” from Oregon, era now Than Clinton in California, not in Shasta valley, but just having s good time. Herman Paterson H. B. Her, of Scio, Oregon, is the Theo. Clinton new barber ia the O. K. Shop, and W. C. Cutter will also officiate as pastor of the Albert Schrosdar Christian church. Lundy A Son Mrs. K. C. Manse, of Berkeley, an W. C. Cutter aunt of the Bryant brother», who haa Theo. Clinton , been visiting here for several weak«, B. B artlett Herman Paterson Eighty-Six Years Old. July 24 Willian Culbertson, of Gravol Ford, celebrated Us 86th birth day. - A family picnic was held in Bennett’s grave a t which w errgatffo-- ed his sons and daughters, their fam ilies, and soma of the neighbor*. Whan the Culbertsons, the Hallers and tbs Brights are rounded up there srs soma numbers. A few of the grand children and greet grandchildren were teo far sway to be present. U r. Cul bertson carries his years easy and does not carry a grbuch. Homer Loop Not' Hart. A fter all the stories told about the death of Homar Loop, of Myrtle Point, in an aeroplane accident at Now Orleans, it transpired grot that he was fatally injured but not yet dead, than th at ha Would recover, next th at his wife could find no trace of him at Now Orleans, next thgt he had sugared no sack accident, and lastly th at he iras not a member of