The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, August 10, 1917, Image 1

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    1 ;•
81.56 THE YEAR.
A uetim r it, m i .
ha and W. L Clark,
firm of Clark * Q
At tÿe meeting of U m
from the cities of Coos-eouaty at the
court houoo here last Jfoaday to take
up the proposed Investigation ef tho
read expenditures and engineering ia
this county, tho following
tiv ù waro peasant : Pater Loggia,
North Bond; H. J. Kimball, Marsh­
field; Lao 1. Cary, Coquille; Claud
Giles, Myrtle Point; E. 1.
i; L N.
They organised by electing E. J.
Looey, of
Loo 1. Cary, of Coquille, us
After going into it
onghly, tho mooting figurad out that
it would taka $fi00 to
part engineer and accountant to
investigation, and that if
investigation was
it would bo anisad They re­
ported back to the Coes County Good
Roods Association to this efffiet and have rot down the ett
left H up to Pr sablant Hall and Ms Our Myrtle Point
officials to decide whether to go ahead
and as to how tho money should bo
• ------------------
As everyone in Coquille knows, or
should know by this time, the city
bald out $4M en the contractors for
net complying with the specifications
far the improvement-ef that street
in failing to apply the required
amount of oil on the upper Mock pad
« half ef the street The failure to
apply the eil was duo to instructions
The Quarterly Conference of tho
M. E. Church South hare last Tues­
day evening eras one of tho stoat im­
portant in its history. A proposition
was presented from tho M. E. Church
for a federation of tho two churches.
Tho proposition came ad the unani­
mous désirs of tho M. E. people and
there wasn't a dissenting voice raised
by the people of the M. E. South
church, though it was the opinion of
the latter that in order to allay ail
forni, is 1*17,111. The:
County School Superintendent Ray­
mond E. Baker has favored the Sen­
tinel with a copy of hie annual report
for the year ending June 18, from
which we gather the following infor-
mission to he permitted to go out and
work on tho reads. Whether this re­
quest can legally ha granted is sow
bafc oointed out
te st Pink Latid, oí Myitio Potet,
boro oro of too baat roed batidor
that sartinn. «»4 w.«i bao
by Mr. Mardoek. *
Mr. Murdeek explained that Mr.
Lafrd had abeolutely violatod instrac-
tiona and iaatand of utUisiag bis dis-
trict fund so that the wbsli roed
coold he maiatained for the yoar. he
had expended sil too money ia grav-
eling only a portion of i t He asid
nicht bring a paid paasrogsr into
town, «aid that roch a fro on jitneys,
■Ufa and can for U n for pasaen-
|« n exclusively, would bo all right
and told tho jitney non if they would
present their wishes to the ordhtaaoe
com drittes, of which C. R. Barrow is
chairman, •" ipocitl mMting would bo
called to consider the anendment ef
the old ordinance, or the enactment
of a new one.
City Attorney Stanley expressed
himself confident that inch an ordin-
ance could be enforced.
The m atter was left to the street
committo and if those affected are
willing to pay'for it as an improve­
ment especially benefitting them it
will be built.
From tho Henry street improve­
ment fund $141.47 was refunded to
the general fund for engineering ex­
penses advanced by the city and $61.-
81 rehated to toe property owners. On
Elliot* street f i l i l i was paid back
to too general fund and $29.38 to the
property owners.
Mayor Johnson said that Wat. Daly
had made a proposition offering $109
an acre for too city 4.19 acres asar
toa Masonic cemetery and the council
loft the matter entirely in the ma­
yor’s hands.
In arder to dean up the Pirat street
(old town) improvement account, S
' 66,198
Bandon-Curry Co
Cequille-Myrtls Point
Coquille* Bindoli £
Coro Bay-North
Spacial Fond
M «l 1
28 tool 490
$977,814 $89.884
but atetad tim t’the Stato Highway The fact that Ues than a qui
Comm iu ion had adoptad a road plea tho read band fund had bean aa
Cash on hand................. .
District Tama ...............
County school fund...........
State School frmd........... 12,018.68
Tuition below high school
will bo held in the M. E. church South, Sals Bonds and W arrants 18,786.66
and that the two Sunday Schools and High School Tuition........ 6jM8.ll
Epworth Leagues and pmyhr asset, Other Items .....................
ings will be united. Some meetings
will be held in the M. E. church far
the time being, for ifisuranee reasons
if no other. One of the parsonages
Fuel and Supplies...........
Repairs, Janitors etc.
New buildings and Sites. 7,296.00
Bonds and W arrants paid
Total .............................. $280,622.08
Cash on hand............. $4,167.21
The bonded indebted neu of the dis­
tricts of the county is $248,566.92; the
amount of district warrants outstand­
ing ia $47,821.41; all other indebted­
ness, $10,180.69.
dated bock.
Undor this statuto the applicants
far socb pensions at thU time wore
given tim« to make the required proof.
and amaittiam the faHwwtag monthly