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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1917)
a ,-* : ■ » . Y. AUGUST * lilT. plat c. T . P. *” Ss| OUTING DAYS ARE Telline Abort People Event* in the City M County. 1 i KODAK DAYS ‘■.Z+ - ■ ' . j - K - Ijjrfi'S'* — higher U n a U m Coquille school, while ; Summer days and bummer pleasure« are here at last Why not add to your pleasures a KODAK, Our stock is complete and we will be glad to show you how easy J. S. Saw yer, county road engineer and eae o f the board ad road viewers, Kao ju st rented the R. R. W ateoa res idence oppoeite the PreebyteHnn church. O nly a tw o lino want e d v t they are to use. A choice of prices from $1 to $55. KNOWLTON’S M r. ánd Mre. Leo J. Cary era re joicin g over the arrival od f arth er sen brought by the stork Wednesday DRUG STORE you w ant to the best prices for If .. , realize Grittam Bark Oregon Gripe Roots Dandelion Roots Rose Letves Fox Glove Leaves and all other drug plants, w rite to - GEO. SCHUMACHER, Sumner, Ore. effect W ednfoday. Everybody ia sating those Centen nials fr o n Folsom ’s Confectionary, Agency fa r W hitm an’s é Lowney*s high grads e s a tta '. Dr. Ham ilton repbqto the birth o f a ton-pound g irt to M r. and Mrs. Fred W aits, who liv e in the north end o f capped {o r the bridge a t Charles W at son's ranch. The total expanse to dato fo r the rem oval o f old structures, grubbing, grading, gra vellin g and bridge a t Charles W atson’s ranch is «SMJftr F ifty thousand fe e t o f repair plank in g are being laid at Fair-view. On the C oquilie-M yrtie Point road w ork ia in progress over the first m ile adjacent to CoquIHe and on the second m ile north from M yrtle P o in t A camp has been intallad a t N orw ay. F iv e thousand cubic yards o f m aterial have bean moved. ^ n average o f Society, was in Coquille on Wednes day and visited at the M. I . parson Kev. W . W . Youngeon, D. D. Dis trict Superintendent o f the Portland district o f the M- E. Church, es n vis ito r e t the M. E. parsonage on Thurs- day. J. E. Norton expects to leeve Mon day fo r Portland on buainoea and from thore do down to San He w ill be gene from one to three Jno. L. G ary wee in day. He is now located a t M yrtle Point with his fam ily where he w ill he principal^ e f the u g h school the com isg year* Mrs. A . J. Janice, o f Los itin g relatives McC. Johnson cott fam ilies. Douglas; Grammar grade history, science and drawing, Gladys Tread- gold ; F ifth grade, M artha M ulkey; Fourth grade, Joan Fitzgerald. M r.’ Douglas Is a graduate e f W il- lanwtto U niversity and ia at pc meat taking post graduato werk at O regea U niversity. $ Miss Tread gold is a graduato o f Larsen and daughter, Angelas, have been vis here this week, the C. end Dr. C. W . Endi- been confined fa r ever three months op to the tim e o f their escape. They w ere to have coma to tria l at the Oc tober term o f court provided no fu r ther delays w ere caused. The last delivery o f prisoners from the Ceos county ja il occurred on Feb ru ary 7, 1907, when Ballard and M a cau* ley, partners in a crim e o f felon y, sawed th eir w ay to liberty. Both w ere caught e few m iles above M yr tle Poin t a fte r lees then tw elve hours o f lib erty end afterw ard served term s in the stats peniton^ary. But tw o prisoners now remain in the county ja il. They ere A M. Zevely, charged w ith bootlegging, and Jinuny Burns, the South Slough Indian charged w ith murder. R aley and W eidner, who Inst night escaped from the county ja il here, have, during th eir confinement, per fected tw o or three patents which they have been w orking on fo r sever al years but which they have appar en tly not had tim e to com plete before. One o f them untt that o f the m ilk bot tle holder which has been credited to E. A . B eckett Another, on which the patent whs received by them last weak, is a wedge to be used in th« fe llin g o f big (im b er end is one which may come into unvorsal use in the tim ber o f this county e t some future tim e. It is thought by the sheriff’ s office that it was because o f these patents end t^e desire to be free* to push their sale that the men walked out o f the ja il last night. They have both been model prieonere during the period o f th eir confinement end have been given seme lib erty inside the building es a result o f the good bohavor. However, there is no thought that they bad any assistance In gettin g ea t either from an insida or outside source, though local parties w ere seen talking to them e t th eir cell door Monday. A live community wants a live newspaper. There can be no Hve newspaper w ithout the support o f these who wish each a A re yea doing your b it? F. C. Parsley returned Friday a few days spent in Portland on busi ness. M rs. Purelay and see panted him as fa r as Eugea she is visitin g her parents. J. L . Pierce, who fo rm erly ed e see end hand store in the Train Luilding, returned a fte r an eleven ■ C aliforn ia and M i J. A . C ollier. Alien and M rs. T . B. C arrie, last Thursday evening from w eeks' vis it e t Moscow, Idato found tbs w eather p retty to Shur-On ES iJ ■ ... - .i,; V ” r - “. MUM m w r-i