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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1917)
TH£ ELLIOTT * SHUMAN FUJI CMTOSATIOK (M- A. * « ■ * » , raouns The W o rld ’s Greatest, Most Successful Am erican P lay T H E V E R ITA B L E U N C L E T O M ’® C A B IN O F FILM DOM —THE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST— S E E O N C E A G A IN T H E FA M O U S “ G R IF F ITH M A D E “ S C R E E N S T A R S M AE MARSH— H EN R Y W. W A LT H A LL—L IL L IA N GISH IN D. W. GRIEFITH’S EVERLASTING SPECTACLE COST I ■ $50,000 Railroad workers IS, Fag ineara IS, Dairymen 10, Construction mad 1«, Carpenters 8, M ìscs U sbooms 6, Tow- derm en 6, Clerks 4, Millmen S, Black smiths 8, Transfer mon S, Firemen 8. Masons X, Cooks 2, flaw Mars 2, Chauffeurs 2, L on ers J , Furniture ama 1, Steward 1, Millwright l, Salasi mani, Printer 1, Yhotographer 1, Briekmeulder 1, Deliveryman 1, Store keeper 1, Gardner 1, Waiter 1, Stu- IPEOPLE ■ m I LNEi I 18.000 PRICES 3.000 H O R SE S A C C O M P A N IE D BY C O M P A rfV ’S O W N M U S IC A L D IR E C T O R W IT H A S P E C IA L L Y A D A P T E D T H R E E H O U R S C O R E Their various ocupotions immedi- ateljTprior to the present work were as follows: Farmers 179, General Laborers SI, Teamsters SO, Roadmen 20, Railroad men 1«, Millmen IS, Miners 14, Log gers IS, Construction workers 11, En gineers 10, Dairymen 8, Carpenters S, Clerks 6, Freighters 4, Firemen 4, Chauffeurs 2, Cooks 2, Longshoremen 2. Shipbuilders 2, Waiters 2, Ware house seen 1, Millwrights 1, Photog raphers 1, Furniture men 1, Store keeper 1, Saw flier 1, Salesman 1, U. S. Goverment 1, Bridge tender 1, De livery sun 1, Gardner 1, To the question whether or not they had n specific reason for not worting in the In inhering or shipbuilding in dustry 864 answered yes, and 29 an swered no. The reasons given were ------3 SOLID HOURS------ THRILLSr—LAUGHTER—TBAR8—MUSIC BRING YOUR CHILDREN TO THE MATINEE— IT IS THE M ASTER C R AFT” OF “F IL M PER FECTIO N Theatre Beginning August 4th It I« Expensive to Cal In Experte Every Time. With a knowledge o f elmple carpen tering a woman can make all aorta of LOVR MR LITTLE, LO VS MB LON a really useful things tor a homo—no* T OVM me little, love im lo m •L4 Is the burden o f my song. the mean, silly little odds and cuds masquerading as ornaments, but small articles that are needed ▲ tiny bed- aide bookshelf, ßt bot for slipper», a low seat for the fireside covered with cretonne, a email table tor afternoon tee-these are things that are not at all beyond the skill o f e woman who has bed n tow lessons In carpentry. It m |M to be remembered that the domestic spirit does not necessarily lie In the making o f cushion covers and dollies and table centers. Many wotset bare a very keen love o f borne and nil that It means, but cannot make those things. Their ingenuity frequently lies in a mechanics! direction. CLEVER COMBINATION, >Oe Ysu Arcana» Year Veil de H Trime Yeur Hat? The tod now Is to wear a severely Storta. SMtothtag This Ttau. Jibe following la the resolution adopted at a recent msvtiag of the Myrtle Feint Commercial Cl ob which HEW Pi COQUILLE HARDWARE CO A WORD to the WISE W h e n y o u n e e d neat, n e w a n d n ifty L e tte rh e a d s , E n v e lo p e s , C irc u la rs o r oth er a d v ertisin g m atter, Tie CoqiiHe Valley Sentinel is r e a d y to fill th e bilL W e also have a U rge stock o f Business Cards, Fin e P a pers and Envelopes, plain or linen finish, and can give yon something neat for your office stationery SENTINEL PRINTING IS » QUALITY PRINTING Geme In Terse Uved With a Bullet In Hie Haart. A bullet movlng about free ly in n aoL dler’s lieert, tbougb caueing uo dlaeoas- fort, was tbe uuique dtacovery o f e Fiencb sutgsou. a fla r recovertag from n wouud recelved some mouths prevt- oualy tbe soidler insisted some ferelgn body wes still present ln bis chast, and a special X-ray eiam lnatioo was asade to sattle tbe matter. Tbie broogbt to notice tbe free shrapnel ballet in tbe left ventrldot »b e re it wpa bring swtri ’ ad about ovar tbe actlre ezteut of tbe eavtty at eacb coutractlon o f tbe haart. la Gotland Edam t hee» « la not ex- «•cried, but Is sliced off. and the Dutch bava a saying. “ Die myn Loss snydt ala een scbuyL die Jaag lk myn daat ulC —“ Whoso cute my cheese like » A T COQUILLE POSTOFFICE. TIM E CARp COQUILLE. (A ll 1 «ave for Bandon and way Undings except the Myrtle.) U ..................... .. p. m. C®nf* ....9 :1 8 a. a«, and 4:18 a. m. 11 “ d • * P ~ * ) . * * 0 p. m. S S S Z S .4*7*.....1M ► “ • Wjpateh Sundays............ 1 *0 p. m. N y rtl. for MyriU Priât . . l S ) ü ■fate Arriva. ........ .......19:80 a. —■ a n n i --..9Æ0 a. m. «u l 4 K » p. » . «* ■ '■ "> • * * > p .. . ....10:80 a. m. ••■»VsllsM Ma Bft. «LUI w'JJJ‘ * :0° ► “ •