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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1917)
*■ « L .T * P T T í Mv - T. AUGUST a. mi. pagi nr* » s â i r * « * U i* $ p FINANCIAL. | PREPAREDNESS Some of Bp HVift ______ The Nary wants ever trade lines which 11 red« in the next few mas owing to the feet that intf* are closed, the Kone out that tha N ary is cnli olhce that only that inti* which offer good did opportunities. It is only tha following tions that enlistments are not made in at Kiectriciens, general; yeomen; trs end fitters; shipwrights; ekiphft- ers; blacksmiths; boilermakers; era and printers, men fitted under very often take a rating branches which are now open and in which men are needed badly. There is n big need today for ap- / .. - -r *ea2U-- --------------- —------ J j im ei . ► ———« in the United States really began two years ago when the Federal Reserve System was organised. It will be complete when every citizen is doing his share towards the maintenance of the system. • By depositing your money with us you can help directly in developing and strengthening it, as we are .required to keep on deposit with our Federal Reserve Bank in San Francisco a portion of your balance with us. i' [o;. > [ . V , A t the same time, and without cost, you benefit di rectly from the protection the system affords us. ¡First National Bank ^ f The Ol dest N a t i o n a l Bank in C o o s C o u n t y * first and aseond rlaea Thera is a ■pedal Opportunity for numWaSsa and almost every town to the state has a hand which could sond a tive to the Navy. This need is most urgent and much of the spirit and morale at the men on board ship length «ad driven down. Th* Inst stroke* at the b if ana ton h n an it a w n U m piling* down bnt ,nn inch nt a timo, which ia considerad by all «boa* informad to ha perfectly satis factory far all foundation purpoeee.— QUICK’S Seco*d Hand STORE First and W illard Street^ DRRS8RR8 urged to consider the call It U the band which gives the man their daily entertainment and relaxa tion from atom duty. The band helps the sailors in their M ils, and in pan erai ia recognised as a big factor ia the building up of the orgasásaUon ad the ship’s craw. In this connect!ea Calling cuds 100 fer.$1.00t t STOVES HOB8B NOTICE TO CREDITORS. HARNESS Notice is hereby given that Ji D. Laird has been duly appointed as itor at the estate of Clifford M. Laird, state are hereby notified to Slat the same to the undersigned nt Ceos County, Oregon, wft| voucher duly verified as re paired by law, within six months from a date of this nodes. Dated at SiUrum, Ceos County, Or egon, this SOth day of July, 1017. J. D. Laird, Administrator at U m estate of Clif ford H. Laird, deceased. 27tfi « ’ KITCHEN sad DINING TABLES BED SPRINGS, New and Old CREAM SEPARATORS CHURNS BARRY BUGGIES GREEN BONB CUTTERS * • GARDEN TOOLS STANDS CARPENTER TOOLS Call and See T hese B argain s V THE TELEPHONE Community Builder a n d C u r r y ^ e l b p h o n e Professional Cards superintendent THE ONE IN D U STRY IN COQUILLE that has operated coaUnaously sines its i years ago has bosh your Laundry. Baia or shine, good times and bad. it has been on the job. W e have e nuipber of customer s that have patronjmd it from U m beginning. We are ghttefql tar this epM fcttioa at Our aim ia to improve the service in every^Way Worifkah ever y thing washable. * COQUILLE LAUNDRY ft ICE COMPANY Str. Elizabeth J. J. STANLEY J. L W ALSTROM. Agent, Psedee, Ore. E.&E.T. Kruse, Mgrs., 24 Calif. S t , a F. J. E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore A. «I. SHERWOOD Dr. F. G. BUNCH ♦ O a le a asi ■■■ ; UÍíñuL '--'i A., y. «. • Our policy is service end courtesy. « *t ( t ■» . - N DOWS. C o m p a n y ; • A b e make ape del else SCREEN DOORS and W IN Coos J. A. RICHMOND ; W ill exchange Guns, Phonographs, end Kodaks for ether season- able geode. It links city and country together; . Annihilates distance and eliminates time; * Makes « wider market for the farmer; Reaches practically every business house and residence s . in the County. PH YSICIAN and BURG BON. K I And many other New End Second Hand Ooods A second class; (incidentally only twa a month can be an listed) ; landsman for baker; Baker, second class; Mess A t tendants, third class; I andsman for E SHEEP SHEARING M ACHINE COMMODES Notice in hereby given that the an te bean duly appointed duty. U s station is on the divide between Rogue river and the CoquOle, nt an elevation of M l * fan, earn- mending a fine view at a large por- tion at the surrounding country. It is, ed course, coaaoetod by phono with headquarters aad the otker aim tieaa, end fitted out with the usual appH- eases ed a lookout (tattoo.— Gold Beach Globa. ■ h, . — — ......... \ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. la Its ..obituary of Fred McLean, who died at Mercy Hospital at North Bond last Saturday morning, the Coos Bay Tfanea saya: t He end 0. J. Seeley (Tin*) became acquainted in Vancouver in 1M4, and since that time bava bean wans friends. They came to Cosa Bay ia M M with R. A. Graham to help build Uto Caos Bay, Boaeburg A Eastern R. R. * N. Go. After tha line was + BEDSTEADS SADDLES GO-CARTS ► • J ^ ‘ frap i