Armours UET US BAYS A CHAUTAUQUA. •R íce , Marshfield sad B uds* have had a Chautauqua far taro lo a n and they look so good to tho people of neigb- hnd Powers k art etgaed ap for a trial of the eaaea eart of thing next poor. So Coquille will bo tho only toara ta the county without a eerioa of Tho idea waa whan Hendon and Myrtle Point got oa the Ellingself W orn circuit tu e people nere would Tho etetooeoat that thaao dolían take advantage of tho opportunity to would go 63 timee around >» * little /ague but the conclueion that eovon LilOona of them “would make a path» way 15,000 feat wide appear» to bo speeifi*, definite and certain. Yot lot ao boo . A silver dollar ie a trifilo lona than an Inch aad a half in diameter. Seven billion doliere laid aide by aide would reach approxi­ mately ton aad a half billion indine. This would make 876 million feat or 166, 71» miles. Divido «hie by 8,00« the approximate diatanco from North Bond poople are no longer aet- milee, York to San Francieeo and we isfted to go to Marshfield for their Now it would cover that dietaaco 66 entertainments and have signed up a And times. In other words it would make guarantee contract for the sale of 66 rows of silver dollars laid does 600 season ticket* Tor a Chautauqua enough touch each other an tho of their own next year. Coquills way from to. the to the Pacido. which is more than three tiaeee as far Tho 66 lines of Atlantic make a from Myrtle Point ought to do the pathway aoven dollars'would feat wide instead of 16,000. But that would stake a petit- way ocean to ecepp wide enough for mm m m % shot Motorists and Mechanics A rwwriuMy affoetlvs d m aiiai soap P“ **» contains >wt eaeagh grit to carry the demising properties deep into all rida m u m and crevice«, driving oat «very atom «I grease, grime, stain and scum. Works quickly and thoreathlj without anmrt, scratch or irritation; loar- iag tho hands smooth and soft. For sale by LYONS & JONES First National Bank Building A western lumber company made exceptional use of t^e parcel poet sys­ tem not long ego when it shipped a consignment of 80,000 ( shingles through the malls. The destination of tits shingles was 62 miles from tho shipping point, and the postal chargee ware leas than »60. Although a ship­ ment of tide site is uncommon, The parcel poet is frequently used fat the »Witt ________ _ People a n driving through by auto from Humboldt county, California, to Port Orford—818 milee of fine coast scenery—in a single day. It te a t so much farther then that tram Coos Bay to Astoria, but it will bo many a long day before an auto goes over that route. . This is oertainly 1 great year far spuds. The United States raised only 286 , 437,000 bushels last year, while te for the 1917 crop to 428 ,- 000 , 000 . This will make about four f bushels for every person wtry—over 20 bushels for family. They ara certainly strings men, these Russians. Some ft them seam to think it ia an army's business to turn itself Into s debating society to deste» whether to ebay orders or hot And still mors unconventional is the that in parduming Liberty Loan Bonds the farm en of the United States were farnishing the moans Io their beet eustomere to purchase tim producta of their farme. Much of tim proceeds of tim Liberty Loan, botii that used by the United States Gov­ ernment and the amount loaaad to tim AlHee, ie to be expeoded in purchaeing food' and tuppliee for their armlos from the fermere of tim country. Thora a n other raasons, howevor, that make the Liberty Loan Bonds oa- A safo investment is particularly suited to a farmer because Jm is in most instances at a distance from bend markets and not in position either to know of or. immediately act opon information of matter* effect­ ing the value of bonds. The Liberty Loan Bonds a n invincibly safe, back- An additional 60 canta ie paid to the officer who serves the notice, which ia added to any Judgment given She plaintiff. In caaa the c«