m ilitary duty has bean com pleted next in order w ill be the callin g up fa* physical exam ination by their local exem ption boards o f those who m ost respond on the first d r a ft “ Hera le t it be emphasised that no man from the city o f Portland or from Multnomah, Benton, Coos Crook, Douglas, Hood R iver, Jackson, Jose­ phine, Lane, Linn, M arion, Polk, T ill­ amook and Yam hill counties w ill be called on the first d r a ft . “ They are exem pt because the coun­ ties have already furnished, by v o l­ untary enlistm ents in the regular A rm y and N ational Guard e ll the men required to fill th eir quotas on the first d r a ft “ In succeeding d rafts men from the city o f Portland and the fourteen counties named w ill be called in the exact order in w hich th eir serial num­ bers w ere drawn. There w ill be no more drawings.“ a ge bought the garage, are the prin­ cipal defendants. The leasees o f the plant, Prank Sebow, Geo. N . B attey and Burt D oyle are alee made 'defen­ dants in the e a s t jk couple o f years ago Gardner A I.srssn bought the garage from Khne A Von P egert fo r 96-600 o f which IM 0 0 consisted q f rea l estate and 98,200 eras fa r the m achinery, stock.an hand and good w ill. O f this 92,000 was paid in cash, »1,500 in m ortgage on Gardner’s res­ idence property in Marshfield, 92,000 on securitise put up as collateral. The rem aining 9 M M was cover ed by assessed fo r real estate, fo r th eir 1917 taxes. This year’s taxes are not col­ lectable until next spring— one h alf before A p ril and the other h a lf be­ fore October— but i t is often the case that movables are taken out o f the county a fte r assessment w ithin the year before collection, so that the law requires the assessor to got busy quick in th eir case. The law was changed by the last legislatu re, how­ ever, so that instead o f 80 days a fter notice is sent out, only tea days is given, a fte r which the account is turned over to the 8 h erlff fo r collec- A fe w weeks ago Larsen sold his interest in the garage to Gardner tak­ in g a second m ortgage fo r 92990 in exchange fo r hie Interest. In chambers on Tuesday Judge Coke St M arshfield granted the appli­ cation fo r the appointm ent e f a re­ ceiver fo r the garage and G eorge T . Moulton was named fo r th at position. H e declined to eccept it, however, and M . H . H orsey was subsequently TO BE MADE IN STOCKADE The follow in g from the Portland Journal is o f interest as showing how im portant a part Coos county pro­ ducts are goin g to play in the groat w ar: “ It seems to be up to Oregon, the volunteer* state, to jd n the war. “ M ore definitely it m ay be that Coos county, Oregon, w ill w in the Eugcmc Fast Paying Oat. Nobody la to be perm itted to enter or leave this stockade during the year. The work wQl be the construction o f sense devise to be need by the gov­ ernment during the w ar— ’w hose in­ vention is not stated but that it is tubereulin test, however, th e quarters in which they have been kept must be disinfected before any indem nity can be obtained. The state and county to ­ gether pay the owner o f an infected anim al that is over tw o years old 926 w h en 'it is killed i f it U a grade, and FAREWELL FOB Í Í SOLDIER BOYS 2T C um County to Win the War. “ Because the experts te ll us that the w ar w ill be won in the air, and that to win the United States must •quip the allies w ith a preponderating fleet o f w ar airplanes. “ The finest grade o f spruce is needed to make airplanes and the supply is lim ited, in Am erica the supply being la rgely confined to Ore­ gon and W ashington, and Coop coun­ ty has a considerable part o f Ore- County A gen t Sm ith has been g o ­ in g over the county w ith Dr. C. M. Gardner, assistant state veterinarian, during the past tw o weeks, and they have in that tim e tested 27 herds o f cattle fo r tuberculosis, ten in the Co- quille section, eigh t on the low er Co- quills and nine in the Coos B ay sec­ tion. O nly one anim al out o f 1S4 in the la tter section was found to be in­ fected. On this side o f the county, however, the returns w ere not so sat­ isfyin g. O f the 641 cattle examined, 61, or nearly ten per cent, w ere found to bo affected, and in one bard on the low er river there w ore 21 out o f 29. In another there wore 29 and in a third ten. O f the affected anim als about fo rty w ere in the ea ri^ stages o f the die- ease which had only attacked some glands,and the meat could be need fo r canning, it is thought, w ithout dan­ ger. The disease jn ay m anifest it ­ s e lf fir s t in the glands, the Joints or the lungs. A cough is no criterion, as sound anim als w ill b ften cough w hile some th at are seriously affected The city o f Eugene has paid a ll but 918,790 o f 9160,000, the purchase price o f the Oregon Pow er Company’s distributing system under a contract entered into February 1, 1916, which gave the city a municipal ligh tin g monopoly. A paym ent o f 931-250 was made recently. The contract pro­ vided that the city should pay a t the rate e f e t least 91260 a month, which would have carried the payments ever a period o f six to seven years. The purchase price has alm ost en tirely been paid within a period o f I f Britt Scat To hftnury- start fo r Portland to Join the colors, was a d eligh tfu l social, event, though tinged w ith the sadnspo o f partin g fo r a future o f unknown duration. The guests o f honor wore J. P . M i­ chels, Carl Larson, Claude K insey and H arry Ocrding. The ladies in attendance wore Mes- dames V . L. Ham ilton, H arry Shark­ ey, and Bonnie W alker; Misses Cecils Hoffm an, A llis Phillips, M ary Pike, Esther Asplund, M adge Yoakam and Bonnie Smith. The other gentlem en wore Arthur K irct, Paul R yaaing, A rch ie W alker, V. L . Ham ilton, R. B. Murdock, H arry Sharkey and W a lter D—dh n - When the dance was over about 1:90 the company was invited to a banquet tendered them by Dr. and Mrs. Ham ilton at their residence. A fte r fu ll justice had been done to this delicious repast the rest o f the waning night was spent in a sort o f farew ell visit, during which many ko­ dak pictures were taken, and a t 6 o’clock they n il w ent down to the train together fo r a final farew ell. It was a night lon g to be reasem- bered by tboee who participated in the festivities and which the boys who volunteered at their country’s call w ill recall in the train in g campo, on the ro llin g ocean and in the fields o f Prance. Heaven bless and guard many dairym an who w ere not w illin g to have their herds tested now because this is the height o f the producing season and b u tterfat commands an ab­ norm ally high price at this tim e. O f course this is a very short sighted view to ' take when the disease spread« so rapidly once it Is introduced in a herd. I t is lik e lettin g a little fire It is said that the w in ter la the worst season fo r the spread o f this h eave, because then the cows being dry are not kept la ee good condition, and w ith low ered v ita lity and storm y weather they are much m ore suscep­ tible to it. B ritt Henderson, o f North Bend, hose name has frequ ently appeared the newspapers during the past tw o Gravai Ford Wodnosday te put in a claim fo r a borse killed w hile w orking on thè highw ay near thè Cooper bridge, a eouple o f weeks ago. He had hitched his team to a amali cui- v e rt to m ove it sligh tly when ona o f Nobody having bean drafted in Coos alm ost instantly. Th e claim against county the shipment o f about ninety the county is fo r 9200, though it is rather a nice question whether -the county is liable.'