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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1917)
OUTING DAYS ----------------------- A R E = ------- ---- Events in the City KODAK DAYS O. G. 8wgn, of Gravel Ford, wae ta town Monday. A. J. Sherwood was a Marahficld Making hay white the sun «binas has been the principal busineea on the farm lataly. Charlea Hall wae ovar haro from the Bey tide morning and made the Sentinel a cell. E. E. Johnson and Roy Weraieh re turned from n business trip to flan Francisco Sunday evening. The Chantauqaa a t Myrtle Point cloeaa today. An evening in the Alpe Mrs. R. H. Mast returned teat night from Portland where she hgb been visiting for the past two weeks. Clifford Kern, of this city, was op erated on for appendicitis at Mercy Hospital in North Bond Tuceday. During a thunder storm test Satur day evening the lightning started 86 forest fires in the Roeeburg district F. W. Davie, the lumberjack Sky Pilot will conduct services Sunday morning in the Presbyterian church Mrs. M. O. Hawkins returned test Saturday night from Portland whore i be attended the Musical Festival last E. D. Graham and Bird Moalor wont back to the Umpqua Monday moria« where they will bf kept buoy with thè Queen on government anrvoy work for the next six week«. _ 1 Hie parente here have received word from Saa Francie«® that Jaaeaa Thrift, who recently eaiietod in the navy, U abdnt to «tart for China aa one of the crow of a war voaaoi. Glenn Bahekopf, who haa been over a« Marshfield with hie father for the pact two m on the, came home Monday evening* He ia feeling mach strong er and ia getting better every day. The Fourth Company of Cpaat Ar tillery in this «tate has bean ordered to mobilise at Beaabnrg neat Wednes day. They will be sent to Fort Stevens on the Columbia for training. I give yon professional, expert ser vice with no “Graft" prices attached. V, R. Wilson, Graduate and Licensed Optometrist, CoquiUe. F. B. Anderson, of the Business Col lege, visited Gravel Ford in the inter est of the school Monday and suc ceeded in enrolling four new pupils who will begin* their studi«« this week. Summer days and summer pleasures are here at last Why not add pa your pleasures a KODAK. Our stock is complete and we will be glad to show you how easy they are to use. A choice of prices from $1 to $55. There are people in Coquille who cnn recel 1 prices thet put the présent high coet of liviag ta tho shade. J net after comlng into the state Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Masser, while in eestsrn Oregon ia a naw mining camp, had to pay «S0 for a 100-lb. eack «g fleur, |1 KNOWLTON’S DRUG STORE -ato the bank on the road-side. When this was dene the car turned turtle end both the digniflod professor« were imprisoned under it. On« of thorn manogod to wriggte out a good deal bruised, but the other stuck until help arrived. As it was a Ford it Asa -¡wily lifted from tho man pinned be neath and they resumed their Journey. C om Bay Road Clooed. The Presbyterian Sunday School will have n picnic at Patterson’» Grove on Tuesday next. All members are requested to moot promptly at 10-J0 o’clock that morning at tho enuren. Mrs. L. P. Maury, Miss Boaate Mau ry and little Mias Jean Pierce depart ed Sunday msrntag far Medford whore they will visit a month or two with Mr. Maury’s brother and other The eld Coos Buy Wagon Band on the Bay to Roooburg te reportad Chittam Bark Oregon Grape Roots Dandelion Roots Rose Leaves Fox Glove Leaves and all othef drug plants, write to GEO. SCHUMACHER, Sumner, O k -1_ _ _ _ _ _V The postponement of work on the Bandon-Coquflte road because some of the rights of way have not been se cured probably meen» that this im provement will not be undertaken un til the war is ovar. One of the strongest banks of the Pacific coast ia the Hibernia Bank of San Francisco, whose advertisement appears on the seevath paga of this is sue of tho Sentinel. It haa seventy million dollars of assets. Jno. R. Siler, who was badly in jured in the logging camp at Sumner June 21 by having the muscles In his right arm cut, has so far recovered thet he wee able to retara to work tho regarding the establishment of n Roadmaster R. B. Murdock want men branch there of the Anderson»’ Busi over to the Bay Tuesday to inspect the construction work in progress in ness College of this city. Failure to secure «’quorum of tho that vicinity. city council Monday evening caused an adjournment of that body with no b usinées done. Nothing important disposition of tho First street case. H. T. Millar, manager of tho Par kersburg Cheese Co., ia having a fino pitel last Friday only kept her indoors modern bungalow erected at Parkars- a couple of days. approximately jl.W Juvenile C ovt Canes. L. A. Liljeqvist will be hep t after the county’s interests and contract with the county court. H. E. McVay. of Smith Rival aera. Dal Norte county, CaUfor Grace hospital as a m a lt of a similar iuceessfol treatment given by Dr. Richmond to hie brother John of this city. Mr. McVny likes Coos county but there ia no chance of wanning him from his love of Dal Norte county. Arthur EUingson add his family left in his car Tuesday morning far a month or six weeks’ trip, intending U. go first to S t Martin’s Springe near The Dallas. Prom there ha was un decided whether he weald ge north through Washington i r «oath through central Oregon and down into Calif or aie and back by way ef Gramm* City. Douglas county haa purchased about half a mite of the old right-of- way of tho proposed extension of tho Southern Pacific railroad from Drain to Coos Bay, and tho aaase will bo converted into a public highway. Rv- ktently the & P. never intends to build that Drain-Winchester Bay branch on which it expended about a million dol lars. Rev. F. G Jennings, whe is in charge of the Epteeopel pariah here, lms tendered his emvisaa to the Brit ish Imperial Army and ia «xpeeting to Im assigned to the French front be- Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Machón left for Portland Monday morning for a two weeks’ vacation to ha spent in the vi cinity of that city. H. M. Shaw M. D, Rye, Ear, Nasa and Throat Specialist, will bo at the Baxter Hotel, Coquille, July 27th, Friday. Glass«« fitted. ha is going to make some t>ig im provements at the Scenic, which will make it much more commodious, com fortable end popular. The nailery is to be remodelled sad enlarged so that K will »«at about a hundred more people than it does now. The chain on the lower floor will bo used op there and the main auditorium will ho m ooted with first class opera chain that will maks H a much m en JM C tom D u es t i l l s . Mrs. Hardy Mast and Mrs. Aletha Slagle report that the dapee they gave at Lee teat Saturday evening for tho Plays’ on Thursdays are always good. benefit of tho Bod Cross was a vary ‘Universal’ has praateed us a feature successful affair, netting about >80 for that good work. There were nearly 800 present, coming from all parts of tho county. A great many went from Coquflte who report a very enjoyable evening; also from Bandon, Shoreaeree, Myrtle Point and else where. • Mow PPosporo— Hum Ever. Coon Bay Times:—Leo J. Cary was here from Coquilte last evening on buoinooo, returning today. He says In the Juvenile court teat Monday George Lemmon, of Hauser, was com mitted to the Oregon Training School This morning tho case of May R. Johnson, a waif and a delinquent waif, was heard and she was dis charged for lack of testimony against The ease of the Abberson family which iadudoo bath Juvenile delin quency and indigency ia eet for hear ing next Monday morning. before AT COQUILLE POOTOFFlQE. RIVRR TIME CARD COQUILLE. tag aa ext «strive trip fa ing for a location. He in Myrtle Point and M