The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, July 13, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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Try One of These
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Hobson Sunburn Remedy
Rexall Tan and Freckle Lotion
fo r Tan, Sunburn. Windburn, Freckles and
«wnilar Blemishes caused by exposure to the beat
of tun or to wind and weather. Price 25c.
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy
“I wWithtyM had Electricity
whan I was a boy”
“I was forever turning the trindetooe.
churning, or «awing kindling when I wanted
to go swimming or filling— never had a
chance to re*— ehriy« milking, cutting feed
or grinding corn.”
Electricity has' taken the drud­
gery out of farm labor. Almost
every routine task on the farm» in
the dairy or about the house can
now be done by a G-E motor in a
fraction of the time formerly re­
quired and without physical exer­
tion. Costs less than hiring farm
hands» tool
We, the i
have token ever the
Gardner & Larsen
and Machine Shop, with eU its equipment
Our aim ia to turn ant all repair work promptly and aa
' Our pokey will ho a fair price far the work performed
to one end e l .
Plant *
ia the beat welding p u t tee known.
We have e thareaghly
cam patent man ia charge ef this departm ent
AutentoMte Repairs, Willard Storage Service Station.
Machinery Repair, Welding.
F. B. Schow, G eo. N . Beatty
Burt Doyle
Booking Bandon-Curry Road.
a.*.,. m ,1
n r
p T flfl M O A 6P» OX -U T B v V l
For Sunburn. Prickly Heat, Insect Bitea and
Inflammation of all kinds. Price 25c. .
(The Rexall Store)
One* Would Be Sufficient.
Newspapan have been one of the
most powerful forces In crystalixing
sentiment in New Jersey and other
states for the protection by proper
lews of fish and game as important
resources of the commonwealth. One
editor, a thorough sportsman, recent­
ly received from a reader, who de­
sired to take fish by questions bis
" O flB f w l o l
■r to see Ma wife in Mercy Hospi­
tal, where «he underwent a major «or­
mi operation last week. Sha la na­
turally optimistic and ia recovering
Armand Haberiy isn't sick, but ha
walks with a «tick. Ho told the doc­
tor it waa rheumatism and he pot the
electrolier to him—from foot to knee,
une to mflk.
Misa W tnchkul, a sister of Mrs.
Guy Ford, ia here fur à visit of a few
weeks. She came down with Master
Raymond Ford in his father’s car
which is not a Ford.
Harriot Patton is hart from Marah-
flald visiting bar cousin, Mrs. Joel
Ben and Alta wont a berrying Tues­
day to Norway, where there are lots
of them.
Mrs. Sorenson, of Los Angelas,
aughtor of Mr. and Mrs. 8. S. En­
dicott, arrived hare Tuesday of this
week for several weeks’ riait.
Mrs. May Endicott, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Hall of Catching
creek, arrived here by auto stage
from Romburg Tuesday p. m. Her
m ia in Eugene. She will remain
oral wanks with friends and rela­
ie. Mr. Endicott conducts
fectionary store. They lived here be­
fore marriage.
Do you crank your
Charlie Barklow attempted to crank
and aa ha erankod the crank thé
raetimee” happened and
other cranks his crank.
Myrtle Point now hae a Chineee di­
alect artist.
You should hear him.
Ha is not on the Chautauqua
gram. Wa will introduce him to
Mrasrs. Ellingaon and White.
The U. 8. flag pole a t the Chau­
tauqua park ia 88 feet high and ia of
bite coder.
Thomas Dolam, a brother of Mrs.
MacAraold, with his wife, arrived
here frqm Salida. He had not
c for many years bnt knew Mm on
sight. Ho ams a lot of wood going
to waste in thia country.
Dr. Clarke iatrodooed to Mr: and
Mrs. Gao. A. Moore a 7 Mi pound girl
last Friday, the 19th.
Claude Woodruff and mother have
come up from Bandon for a warmer
They live hi the McNair
cottage on Railroad avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Dreisbach, who have
been visiting with the Lundy ___
Lane families, left last Sunday for
their home in Sen yrenciaco. They
took with them their niece, Audrey
Lundy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W,
E. Lundy, who will remain till school
opens hero in 8 e p t
264 is the number of marriage car
Elmer Myera and Binar
Huntley are the last on his lis t The
date ia Friday, July 6th, 9 o’clock in
the evening in Myrtle P oint
Mrs. Nora Bona w in came in last
weak to be with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Barklow over Sunday
Christian Holler and family are off
in their auto for San Francisco visit­
ing friends at several placée on the
I Mr. Al Myers married Mr«. Jerry
Huntley last weak Friday. ■
Misa Alice Dunlap, a sister ef Mrs.
Charlie Schroeder of Coquille, arrived
e last week. She was born and ed­
ited here, so knows nearly every
body that waa here when she left—
to grown «P now and some gone.
8he came from her home in Modee-
to, Sen Joaquin Valley, Cal., with M*
and Mrs. Trask by auto. He is in
perintendent of their County Hospi­
tal bat will remain here if he likee
Our country la very
green, his ia vary brown.
Lewie Suplee, cashier of the F. A
B. Bank, left Sunday morning to visit
Wa old flaking ground in Dongles
county and will remain with them
a week. Harry Dement will be
the bank during Ma absence.
W. E. Lundy and family have g
outside for an outing and expect
be absent three weeks. . They a
visit Hot Springs and Crater Lake
fore their ratura.
Laundry H elps—Just In
Clean Easy Soap
4 Bare 25*
2 B a r si5 c
to make clothe* clean and
white without rubbing.
G uaranteed
No-Rubbing Washing Powder
Per Pkg 25c
To be used with regular laundry soap.
Makes washing easy. Guaranteed not to
injure the finest fabrics.
Something New
King’s Cubed Apples
Try a package—30c
They cook up like fresh fru it
Silver Thistle Brand Crab Meat
Extra Jine—just in.
Crab and less trouble.
Per Can 25c
cheap as fresh
Dromedary Dates.............................. 15c pkg.
. Peanut Butter in bulk................. 17 l-2c lb ..
Busy Comer Grocery
Front and C Streets
SUvenUle, Wash., is b e n with Mrs.
McDonald visiting their daughter,
Mrs. Geo. Rackleff, and ton, Norman
McDonald, a t Broad b en t
Mr. M.
like some m o n of us, looks somewha t
older but la well; and glad ha is alive.
They wUl remain for a few weeks.
A two-ye*t old boy kiddie got lost
last Saturday, and wms found in an
opon freight ear watching the unload­
ing pro ceas.
The automobile is a joy traveller.
A truckload of folks with Henry
Knight a s captain want to Band on
last Sunday. T h e n w o n 25 in the
party. They w e n Tom Knight and
family, Henry Knight and famUy,
Bern James and faaaUy, John Sparry
'and family, Johh Ruth and wife, Cal
Bay'S two sons and Lea Ray’s daugh­
The captain ran them right
Coquille, Oregon
They w e n married in a town naasod tertainm ent for all others.
Portland and Yakima North ia w h an
Jack Prassler, Ed Britton and Ray­
they'll Ihre. We know th at SaidOorn mond Ford are the new men on the
picked a prisa bacanas aba grew be- job a t our creamery since the Ford
brothers went to work in the Coos
Mrs. Claud Giles returned Tuesday Bey creamery.
Raymond ia a high
A hundred people or more know
that ¿he sidewalk on Spruce street
between Eighth and Railroad avenue
is dangerous—a t night to many peo­
We remember the thrills in Chau­
tauqua last year. We will have more
this year, 12 sessions, 6 days, begin­
ning Sunday a t 8:00 p. m.
J . M. Dickson, father of our Tom
Dickson, a builder is very ill from
a second attack of paralysis according
to a telegram received this week. He
fovmerly lived here.
Hi« present
home ia a t Ashland.
Our sawmill, the Whitaker mill, has
fine new big whistle by which we
Tha faaU y who brought down from
the North Fork a dock and
drabs, , —
to get the bug«
and slugs in the garden, have sent
them back today—after they had par-
formed the required service.
Frank Hermann» who ia a d a rk In
tho court house, comes up regularly
A. B. Gant, of Gant Bros., North
every Saturday evening. This is korngi Fork, ia in in a hurry today for sup­
to Frank; ha always lived h en .
plies. In addition to haying he is
Chas. Northup has morad fresa Nob having a Urge barn built, 100x76,
stanchions for 182 heal of cattle and
124 tons of hay. A. C. Lukena, of
Coquille, ia architect and builder.
Miaa Basel Goodman owns the new
▼vice you bare over the phone from
Point central.
We welcome
her from Roeeburg.
W. W. Perkins, son of N. G. W.
Perkins, of the Rexall Drug atore, a r­
rived home from Chalame valley,
Monterey county, California, Tuesday.
He will remain for a short visit. As
ha liked the climate and business he
will return.
Attorney E. C. Roberts has moved
Ms office from over the Flanagan &
It la not.
Bennett Bank to the Shine block di-
C d. Livingston, of Broadband
reetly across the s tre e t
token suddenly U] Sunday in
atrangars in autos, era whisk­
Guerin Hotel.
Dr. P e m b e rJ.
ing through our town.
Eg cement casings are a t the de­
Thera were 19 autoasobilee in
pot for culverts on the road to Co­
to Coquille Thursday m
quille. *
Comrade J. F. Mullen (O. A R.)
this week for the Home at
Milt Lea, who conducts the Shelly
« Bpcncar store a t Powers ia here, to
to some personal business. Mr.
Sbrily is there during Me abeopc*.
- ,
Hera «very day
wort: batter
-------- J . «•
of the year. AI-
Can do your "Op-
and cheaper than