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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1917)
Grocery and ose it out within 5 days, ling will be sold to the it wholesale prices and Nothing will be reserved. * 8*n Francises, Whom hi V i / a *- — less. •oa p v d t quirin* am Mr. Hooka. B ig Haul o n Hardy. sheriff W. W. Gaea and hia bad uathod» a t prodicing and hand- I O - A few yean ago tldr loaa depu-1 >ln« tie# and tha polka Tuoaday night n a ia amounted to 50 adii ton dal 1er» or 17 tha biggeat haul o f liquor yot found on P*r ceot of the total egg pro,lection; Coot Bay efrea the »U te want dry,land the laea ia eras greater at pree- saya tha Record. They boarded th e l« * - ThiM «orm oua waste could steam schooner Hardy at North Bend I hurgely be prevented, aaya C. C. and came to tha Standard 0 0 dock ia Lamb> «Ptoialiat <■ poultry huebandry Marshfield, sou th in g enrouta and a f-I •* ° - C. 7 1 J Ur the landing 'hero. Tbaoa engaged w en Sheriff Gage, Deputies Will An fatting Mr. Walker and the formar derson, W alter Richardson and L T. started for Coquille, and is expected Matthew, and Chief* o f Police J. W. hero today. I more canful at this time a f yedr than As far aa is known tha deceased has let any other time, and the bad pro duct will be thrown out, nsulttng in a leas to the producer. Hence, farm- era who » r a n t tor n k only good quality agga can demand more per doaoa then is paid for the iafsrk r product. . , In the cooler sections of the coun try the loot duo to hot weather k not to gn at. However, tha broody hen will spoil the o p s qukUy If a * kept away m a the aeat. ■ pro- Arraigned on Monday. during the warm season- Hsfts win la y aa wall without tha mate birds, gad therefore it is best to keep the rooster away from the flock after the breeding season. Nearly all the eggs laid two weeks after tha males is « re moved will be infertile. To prevent loss from dirty and mouldy eggs and from breakage, thd poultry house ia supplied with litter and the nest with risen straw. The * ¿ 1 V , - . 1 A » ‘ ______ _____ Fixtures are for sale.' Owing to lack of space we quote no prices, but a call will convince you that this is a bona fide sale. REMEMBER THE LOCATION . ’ ■ion seised him that hU friend w u not rteoiVtag ahy return» from hi» in vestment and,’ na ha thought, ha had not Matured the buainam aa it ahonM hara boon, ha could not throw a t tha halucinatloB that ha had boon treach- aroua to hi» friend, although tha lat- Buy your aaaaon ticket» aaw fo ri " r " 1 tar had written him frequenUy that tha Chautauqua. July 15 to 28. Prieo [ F .n n rw in n a f ngg of R a w * thinga would taka a turn for tha bat- I2J0 for adults. * * * * * * * at M a r T a » lori tor »on e time and that they would _ , _ , annually in tha United Statea from amha a gaad thin* out o f It Ha alao ¿ ^ \ : y • , S. Flatow and N. E. Clark Taka that sick car tft A . A* Anil, Coquill» Garage. Satisfaction guar* antaad. t t e t Is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. H ell’s Catarrh Medicine Is taken Internally end acts thru the Blood oa the Muaeua flur- pattent strength •tttution and see bottle other than by opening the door k to break tha bottle. Being at tached to tha top o f the door casing the bottle ia away from all moiesU- tion, such as smell boys, thieve* or cats, is bold rigidly upright and, fit ting clooely to tha holdar, ia free from the attention of tike or other insects. Mr. Beckett is now negotiating with a company for the manufacture of the article after which ha will be in »haps to dispose of elate and county rights. Ho has had several flattering offeV* for the rights to both this county and the entire state o f Oregon. liters tor e a r case that it fells ■nd for list c f testimonials. ’. J. CH KNBT « CO.. Toledo, h r ell Druggist. Ho. New Home Users Throe men indicted bp the grand jury last weak ware arraigned in the Circuit court here Tuesday, and were given until next Monday to plead. Jimmy Bwns, the Empire Indian, indetod for murder a tha Amt degree for sheeting Us son, Clay Fume, Whs the first one called. C. W. MeKUght will defend him. Mr. McKUght w u no> present Tuesday and J. T. Brand appeared with Urn. R aky and Weidnor, Indicted «to freed In the subscription eon toot o f the Agitator, were alao given until Monday. Quality Choosers M.J.HAKTSON Occident