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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1917)
NORTH LAKE N BEACH COOLNESS Between all points in the Coos Bay Country NEW PI SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES CO Q U ILLE H A R D W A R E CO through Bunker H ill Addition in Coo* County, Oregon w ill be received by the County Court o f amid County at ita office in the Court House, Coquille, O regon, until 10:00 A . M. July 7, 1917. HUMOROUS LECTURER N o bid w ill be conaidered urtlaae ac VERY PO P U U F com panied by cash, bidder’» bond, or > certified check fo r an am ount equal to at leaat 6 par cent, o f the total am ount, o f the bid. A corporate aurety bond w ill be re quired fo r the faith fu l perform ance o f Everybody la looking forward tu the con tract in ^ aum equal to one- "Johnson hour" at Chautauqua. -John h alf the total amount o f the bid. son hour" la a famous Chautauqua Propoaal blank» and fu ll inform a pbraae throughout the East and Mid tion fo r bidder» m ay be obtained at the office o f the County C lerk o f aaid County, or at the office o f the Road- maater, in the Court Houae, Coquille, Oregon. Plana and »pacification» and form a o f con tract m ay be aeon at the same place or m ay be obtained upon the depoeit o f $15.00. The righ t ia reserved to reject any or all proposals or to accept the pro poaal or proposals deemed beet fo r •aid County. — COUN TY COURT OP COOS COUNTY. Jamas W atson County Judge C. J . A rm strong County Commiaaiooer A rchie Philip County Com m issioner * A tteet: L. W . Oddy County Clerk. Coquille, O regon, June 20, 1917. 23t3 F. B. Schow , G eo. N. Beatty Burt D oyle . LADIES made of pure gum m all colors, shapes and sizes drew Johnson, famous American bu morlst, on the platform and A ttngtlns audience "under Are." Johnson la originality plan Ho ha» the largest and cbok-eat assortment ol "bu llu eye bitter" anecdotes ever ahn< from the platform by any one msa This play on the humorous, however 1» only the tabaacAaance to the meal of bis thought. A ttractive and useful addition to the bathing costume Fuhrmans Pharmacy The Rexall Store ^ Probete Court Notes. Jana 19, a petition was filed in the the body, and they are relatively In- expensive. Bread ia cheap a t any m atter o f the gnardiaasU p o f Gordon M. Shelley by A ttorney N. C. McLeod, o f North Bend. The estate e f this ward consists o f $3,900 o f real proper ty. ' ' J n w 21 a petition was filed in the m atter o f the estate o f H onors Col lins, dsesasad with C. 8. W insor, o f North Bend, as executor. The estate N OTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Highway Construction, Casa County, Oregon. Sealed bids fo r the construction o f a portion o f the Ceos C ity D oug las County Line County B o-d . Coos C ity to Sumner Coos C ow ity, O regon w ill be received by the County Court o f said County at its office in the Court House, Coquille, Birds, IWm the ostrich dawn, ere lmk tative. The ostrich, where be Uvea alone, Is silent, but to n country where Ilona abound be roam. The reason tor this la that admiring the lion's roar, ha gradually learns to roar himself. Among small birds bunt Inga Imitate pipits and ies Imitate yellow i their food In the winter together, end they gradually at eel each other’s calla. The Jay la an Insatiable Imitator. Serna will includa songs o f other birds, but also the bloat of the lammend the neigh of a boras. Ia a nightingale's aong It la frequent ly easy to detect phrases he bea her mài County. COUNTY COURT OF 0 0 0 8 COUNTY.