FINANCIAL PREPAREDNESS e f TownaUp Thirty South, dfcn, fai asid County and Ono Hundred Sixty- 18-100 M m (109.18) more «ether with the tenement*,. in the United States really began two years ago when the Federal Reserve System was organised. It will be complete when every citizen is doing his share towards the maintenance o f the system. By depositing your money with us you can help directly in developing and strengthening it, pa we aro required to keep op deposit with our Federal Reserve Bank in San Francisco a portion o f your balance ed Juno l l . 1017. W. W. QAQE, Sheriff oo County, Oregon. a t Co A t the same time, and without cost,-you benefit di rectly from the protection the system affords us. “The Gonna Front today. ciriliM d «over sorted to ouch First and Henry DRB8SER8 Streets KITCHEN end DINING TABLES BED SPRINGS, Now end Old BEDSTEADS Und IT! bo Bmpen Und you wfll bo But Gott, if you M ' CREAM SEPARATORS - SADDLES RABBY BUGGIES . CHURNS * GREEN BONE CUTTERS GO-CARTS SHEEP SHEARING MACHINE COMMODES STANDS GARDEN TOOLS CARPENTER TOOLS and many other New and Second Hand Goods Will exchange G u m , Phonographs, and Kodaka for other season able g e o * . Alae make ape dal aim SCREEN DOORS and WIN DOWS. . Call and See These Bargains 493—Red Cross Headquarters “ Do your bit” by assisting the local com m ittee in rain ing the $18,000 allotted to Coos County. this happ of the Lo midnight. Telephone Your Contributions, NOTICE OF PINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby giren that the ns- dersigned has filed in the County Court for Coos County, Oregon, her final account in the nutter o f the Ad ministration o f the estate o f Walter Culin, deceased, and. that the Cmmty Obort has aot Saturday, tha 14th day o f July, 1917, as the day and the coun ty • court room in tha county court house in Coquillo, Ceos County, Qre- was «imply the Loginning o f tha at tack and sailor* wore often killed . j the *warning shots.’ This sort od warning was given easy to ear* tin expensive torpedoes worth $7,(XX ao within two weeks from the date of the first publication o f this notice, to- wit: from the flrat day o f June 18X7, in the office o f the County Clerk. Dated at Coquille, Coos County, Or egon, this 28th day May, A . D. 1917. L. W. Oddy, 20tS County Clerk. at and Any Inform ation W hich will be useful to the committee. ALW AYS USE YOUR TELEPHONE AND SAVE TIME. hepnymMentRstijower THE ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE tea operated continuously since its establishment some fourteen years ago has boon your Laundry. Rain or shine, good times and bed, it has been on th i J*b. are e number of customers that have patronised it continaally the beginning. Wo are grateful for this appreciation o f oar ee. Our afan is to improve the service in every way possible. We weak ever y thing washable. 'OQU1LLE LAUNDRY * ICE COMPANY DR. JC. W . ENDICOTT I ♦ J. J. STANLEY E .& E .T . Kruse, Mgra, 24 Calif. S t, S. F. J. E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore A. J. SHERWOOD Dr. R 6 . BUNCH ♦