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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1917)
, y" • ■ "Y «i ; wfW&jeSmw ■ _ ti*“ PAOS VOUE 7 Â * «M É BY YOUNG. fu ll In The ftrst W te be coaetrnetod wQL be 10 o f the n otorio«. B ox-Tlgard in W ashington couaty^ and 10 the local I « in (he Pasa Creek spots are in the stats. show that Multnomah county the bonding mensure. That has m ost o f ita ronde airead y paved and w ill get no share o f the tondm g fund. Y et they vetad in fa - v o ^ o f good ronde in the State by a m ajority o f about »,0 0 0 , while the total saajortty in the otate is only 17,000. I b is shows that whara people enjoy good roads they usually voto in fa vor o f more good roads. LAND GRAN T HOM E8TEAD9. in Oregon, under t ie Oregon A Cali fornia act, today was advised b ^ the at the old price * resulte regis W ith m than h all o f ita tered roll east at tha election throe week* aco» Douglas county gar# 2281 votes in fhvor o f the M ,000,000 state bend issue and *040 against—a m a- jo rd y o f 211. Its own county The Red Cross indexes an incarna tion o f the spirit o f Him who died on the cro e s'o f Calvary. It means doing fo r others in their dire need. Surely everyone w ill be w illing to lend a hand and do his bit fa r such an or ganisation. : _ * .. W e have a few pairs o f New Letters received from Commission er Tollm an, o f the general land office, deal with certain phases o f the Ore gon and C alifornia land grants. The com m issioner sets forth the fees and comm issions which w ill be required fo r settlem ent o f the agri cultural land o f the O regon and Cali “ In W ashington, Lieutenant de Teo- fornia grant. A t the date a fe n tr y li was approached by a pretty Am the charges w ill vary from $22 (or entering 180 acres within the pri erican g iri, w ho said: * ‘And did you kill a German sol mary lim its to $8.60 fo r a 40 sere d ier?’ .tract within the indemnity lim its. “ ‘Yea,’ he replied. A t the date o f Anal p roof there “ «With w hat hand did you do it ? ’ win be a like variation from $12 for 160 acres to $1.80 fo r 40 acres. Am addition to this, 60 sente an acre will be paid under the term s e f the bill at ¿¡Siffig ‘ ' l ' í?. ' i It will pay you to look them ■ over Sizes 18,19,20,21,22,26,27,29,31, Extra five hook stays. * Lyons & Jones F irst National Bank Building Of All the Books to man, the ravings the Department e f Justice are Jointly making computation o f the amounts due. Payments will be made prompt ly when the amounts have been finally and officially determined, he Oras ad- bank, book is the one that * ‘Heavens, man. why didn’t you tall her that you b it Urn t o death.' • — Kansas C ity Star. fine now and those who are cultivat ing them have th f. satisfaction o f feel How closely this affects overy per ing that they are doing their bit to son and every interest in this section help feed a world that is already on is very evident. In ancthor column short rations. o f this issue it will be seen that the people o f the Coquille school district have had to vote $2(000 additional taxes on themselves fo r the com ing year because these O. A C. taxes and other sim ilar taxes due Coos county remain unpaid, with the result that over $6,000 due the Coquille dintrictV school fund remains unpaid by tha county. I f either o f the big sum* so duo, the O. A C. taxes, the Southern The Am erican people are fa st wak ing to their responsibilities in the Oregon taxes, the Kinney taxes or the world war. F or tan m illion young Boutin taxes could be collected at ones it would relieve the pressure all aloag men to register themselves fo r tha the line and save the county a good war census, the people o f the country, deal o f money by enabling her to cell to oversubscribe a tw o billion war loan about another billion and then to in outstanding warrants and stop the KA8TERN OREGON PROSPEROUS. interest drain. give to the Rad Cross from one to two The Oregon V oter, who was one o f hundred m illions, all in a single month the band o f Portland fis s io n a risa to PBR1L8 SUBM ARINES RUN. certainly sets a new record fo r Amer Here is what a British naval offic- tour eastern Oregon fo r the Liberty ican patriotism . says about the unhealthfulnees o f Loan bond issue has this to say about is on a German submarine, w riting conditions there: Adssonitiens to help cut the high cost o f livin g are sometimes carried se fa r as to be ridiculous. The Popu lar Science M onthly says: “ Thousands o f boys and girls can each raise one or two sheep and find suffleynt pasture on their own lawn, thus tu n in g into food and clothes the grass which has previously been thrown away.” So m ight the waste corners o f the parlor be utilised by keeping pigs ditlon, ready to plunge at any moment tainly konws little about the habits o f ; across the North Sea to certain per- the sheep or how rapidly that animal 1 turbed waters in the north that are would eat a lawn down to the quick : the only possible ou tlet and every and ruin its beauty. » inch o f these waters is patrolled by British vessels— destroyers, motor - launches, traw lers, and the like, all ’ carrying guns, all carrying every de- r vice known to maq that will kill tha . submarine. “ W orse remain» behind. A smudge i o f smoke on the horizon, and down factor in restricting pradcutkm. It is idle to urge planting more i the submarine goes into darkness The i thudding o f the Diesel engines is re- acreage at presen t Where the c ity - placed by the soft purr o f the electric must co-operate is in getting labor » m otors. Then across the silence there into the country. t breaks a s o ft slow, grinding noise. '. The commanding officer looks at his NEW SPAPERS DOING TH EIR BIT. t coxswain by his side. In the thoughts Many lines o f business have been - o f both is the one idea— ‘Traw lers'— complimented fo r the loyal w ork they i and traw lers carry grappling hooks have done in aiding the governm ent • that will pierce the thin skin o f a sub- in its great plan o f preparedness. . marine in a score o f places as they Behind this all stands one industry are towed along at a leisurely pace, i “Then the note o f the traw ler’s pro- » Tellers is mixed with a sharper, d ear- r tr, faster whfrr. D estroyers! The - U -boat is in an unhealthy corner. i “ The commander dives low er and t swerves toward the coast. There is - cnly one thing to do—to rest many B fathom s down on tha sandy bottom i till it is dark. V f “ That is what happens under the 10,000,000 names in a single day. I happiest circumstances. There are On the newspapers fell the burden - others. There may be no sandy bed, o f advising the public o f the details o f l only treacherous rocks, with a lumpy the Liberty Loan Bonds and educating . sea running that means banging and the citisens to purchase them securi • battering the frail hull ’ till it leaks, ties. a Then the U-hoat must crawl on under On the newspapers fa ll the week e f - w ater hour after hour while them inform ing the people o f the Red Cram telltale propellers throb on the sur- plans to raise $100JM0JM0 i nthe U. S. The N orthw est is W orking Good. H arry W . Stona, m anager o f tha campaign e f the N orthw est division, predicta that O regon, Idaho, Montana and W ashington w ill do their share in responding to President W ilson’s ap ri. Returning from a trip over the district, M r. Stone said: “The cons ign in each 1ft the states is pro gressing satisfactorily. Oregon, in cluding Portland, Is responsible for $«00,000; W ashington fo r $1,000,000; Idaho fo r $860,000 and Montana fo r M,000. • Idaho voluntarily increased ita quota from $860,000 to $860,000. The people o f B atto, Montana, were asked, fo r $160,000. They V d Just subscribed $260,000 fo r the Y . M. C. A. and $160,000 fo r a hospital, but they said, “ lacreara our quota to $176,000." Bat Move Corn and Leas W h eat T o eat m ore corn and leas wheat is a sim ple way, whien everyone can a d op t to help in feeding the allies across the sea. Corn is a distinctly Am erican p rod u ct W e . raiee ap proxim ately tw o-thirds o f all that Is tomed to it, and w o know how to pre pare it fo r the table. In Europe, with the exception o f Italy, Austria-H un gary and Rumania, it is alm ost un known, and many people do not know how to cook corn meal and sim ilar products. W e can use o u r corn to ssneb bettor advantage here than they can abroad; and the m ore corn we do nee the m ore wheat, rye, and barley w ill be available fo r ex p ort The Oregonian says: “ M ore than a ton o f fishing licensee and stubs were burned Saturday at the crem ato ry by the State Game W arden. The liceoses were issued prior to M ay 1, on which date the price eras raised from $1 to $1.60, thus necessitating the calling in o f all licenses issued be fore the raise." W ORK TH A T TELLS. wiU soase la handiest days e f trouble. rtf; G et one of theee books by opening an i £ i T account w ith this bank. an account and it w ill grow am azingly if you give it at- FARMERS & MKCHANTS BJUIK Comm ercial and Saying D eposit» COQUILLE ■ THE - - DAIRYMAN’S - OREGON FRIEND Wisconsin fo r sale by A mo a com plete line o f Lamber, Dry Finish Rustic, Mouldings, Boxes and Crates Jmk V# ■nasa tata It doesn't taka much to start \ A ll o f this work is done fin ely, cheerfully and without pay. ' Publishers are probably the only «¡gyp* In