The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, June 22, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Something New!
$15, $18, $20 and up to $25
FRANK C. PURSLEY, Proprietor
“I wish they’d had Electricity
when I was a boy”
1 was forever turning the grindstone*
churning, or «awing kindling when I wanted
to go swimming or fishing—never hid a
chance to reet—-always milking, cutting feed
or grinding com.”
Electricity hag taken the drud­
gery out of farm labor. Almost
every routine task on the farm, in
the dairy or about the house can
now be done by a G-E motor in a
fraction of the time formerly re­
quired and without physical exer­
tion. Costs less than hiring farm
hands, tool
Let us show you how
are many of m who would like to do
Lawbreakers are known to be hunt­
ing deer on Catching creek at night
a flashlight.
A Joy party of eleven in a 9-pas­
senger car—some of them Myrtle
Pointers—made the round trip from
Banden to Powers last Sunday. To
Bandon from Coquille they west in
one hour and ten minutes. Dr. Mas­
son is said to have beaten all records
from Bandon to Myrtle Point last
We have to correct our statement J. M. Robinson came down from
last week that Mrs. Sly treat to south­ Powers last week minus a finger
ern California for her health. She which he cut off with an axe while
goes nowhere for her health, aa she
“takes it with her.” Mrs. Sly will Mrs. Ralph Rackleff is in Portland
visit friends in California and Mr. Sly visiting relatives this week.
trill remain here looking after his F. F. Baird, of River Falls, Wis, ia
church business.
her* visiting bis daughter, Mrs. Bow-
The annual school meeting was held
Monday with a «mail attendance, as
usual. The clerk presented a state­
ment for the past fiscal year in Ms
usual prompt and businesslike manner.
There were two nominations for
received the same number of votes.
We trill later know whether the new
director be a lady or gentlemen. The
“good of the order” talk included need,
of a truant officer and Heating of the
high school. Another taether will be
employed in the high school.
J. N. Myers, the painter and paper-
hanger, was taken suddenly ill this
weak and ia under the doctor’s care.
Commissioner Armstrong ia hare
with his coat off superintending the
moving of the county rock crusher
from its present ’ place to Cooper,
bridge on North Fork. Tho road will
now bo rocked from that point in.
Mr. am) Mr*. Frank Spencer will •
taka a run ia their car to southern
California, storting this weak. There
J. V. Geiger, for com« time dork in
the Rexall drug «tore, and who mi
born in Florida, baa returned to that
land of flower*. He thought that wo
wero «old, and wo wore in May.
Davo Haines, son of Uncle Jerry,
arrived from his home in Eureka, Cal.,
to bo with hit father, who ia 88 ysare
of ago, in hit possible last illneaa. »
Ed. Jenkins, the farm implamant
man, has acquired the fine arbor vftae
enclosed residence of Prank Pearson.
Prof, and Mrs. Davidspn left last
Saturday for southern California, ao
companiod by Vincent Arrington aa
“ballast” and Mias Lola Green who
will take a course in music while
there. All will return for next aaa
The autocratic boarder at the Guor-
in hotel, but who is without much
rendy funds, gives to the Red Cross
his beautiful “Indian” pipe which has
betn in the femily- -the Rate s ;]far
over a hundred years. H abeas-not
hear but is m great reader and whan
he gets full, of reading, makes others
hear him. The committee ia thankful
for the offer. He would like to have
the pipe go to Prance.
Jesse Clinton has this week filled
his 18x28 silo. Ha has planted Ms
per capita of spuds and beans.
Joe Lott and. Joe Root, of Norway,
Economy Jars, Mason Jars, New style Ma­
son Jars, E-Z Sea! Jars
Mason Jar Caps, per doz.________25
Economy Jar Caps, per doz* — 28c
Golden State Jar Caper per dosen, 30c
Schram Jar Caps, per doz.!______26c
White Crown Jar Caps, per doz., 25c
Stiver Thistle Jar Rubbers,
heavy____ _______3 dozen for 25c
Wellman Jar Rubbers,
extra heavy, per dozen . ..______ 10c
Again in stock:
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Scratch P eed _______ :_____
Chick Feed, per lb. 1
Bran _____________________
Shorts__ _________________
Rolled Barley
Rolled Oats
Ciacked Com
are becoming more plentiful. Just in
Busy Comer Grocery
Front and C Streets
Coquille, Oregon
Norway a beautiful Buick, which they
bought of J. D. Barklow. Aa for us
we like the car that w* ride in.
Ben Tracy saya he drove his ear
from Bandon to Myitis Point, with
Frits Mitier, .a young Russian $4
years of age who formerly lived here
and worked for John Felcher, but has
lately been working for the Smith-
Powers company, passed away last
night at the Pemberton hospital.
Tuesday while sitting on a cable eat­
ing his lunch a tree fell across the sa­
ble farther up which threw him about
$6 feat in the air. He lit on his head,
fracturing his skull. He was buried
in the Myrtle Point cemetery, Rev.
Chat. Barklow officiating.
Mrs. Alisa Sturtev»»t, on the
Roeeburg boulevard, ia building a ros-
idence bungalow style, second to none
in town.
The passing of Mbs. Dick Basil was
who had bom in attendance at the
State Grange. She remained over at
the Bay a few days visiting in the
families of Archie Kruse and Claude
Brown after which she will visit in
ths valley wth Jessie Clinton’s fam­
Attorney Frank Pearson, into part­
ner of S. D. Pulford in the law busi­
ness, has sold all his holdings hare
and will take his wife and baby in his
automobile and travel till he finds a
more settled location.
Lae Ray’s new motor car ia o jug-
gsraaught for siss and will haul all
it ought to.
Dan Miller’s young son was
brought in with a dislocated shoulder.
wsak: To Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mc­
Adams, of Powers, a 1 pound boy
Tuesday; to Mr. and Mrs. John Carl,
of Arago, a 9 pound son Wednesday;
to My. and Mrs. Ralph Chrstensen, of
Bridge, a 6% pound boy Thursday.
Uberty Lean Banda at Myrtle Point.
The following bought $1,000 bonds:
Flannagan A Bennett Bank, Mrs. Jen­
nie Graham, Bank of Myrtle Point.
The following bought $600: R. P.
Caiman, Lyman Rackleff.
The following $109: L. M. Supple,
M. H. Dement, Chas. Adams, J. H.
McCloekey, A. J. Radabaugh, Clar­
ence Barklow, N. P. Peterson, F. A.
Collins, L. B. Fetter, L. Strong, C.
Mollar, Thoe. Wilson, R. A. Annin,
J. D. Carl, Ellen M. Barklow, Mary
E. Kribbe, W. J. Strong,
The following $60: Dr. Clarke,
Mrs. Henry Schroeder, Dr. W P.
Grandy, Goo. E. Tonney, Harry Fena-
ler, J. D. Barklow, Goa Chong, Oscar
W l , F. X. Hansen, Wm. Abbey, Ma
jorie Stemmier, Belva Alice Stemm­
ier, Mrs. Eva Lane, R. R. Rackleff. H.
A. Standish, Olhrar F. Clarke, Elise
M. Tilton, Robert C. Clarke, P. W.
Laird, W. E. Lundy, Launcelot Baker,
A. H. Pance, Ray B. Dement, A lice E.
Arrington, Dr. Pemberton, Bra. Pern
berton, Mrs. E. C. Rackleff, Mrs. O. G.
Theyer, Henry Schroeder, Dr. F. G.
Bunch, Pacific Drug Company, Clarke
J. O. Stemmier, B arbara
Bunr, F. L. Handeraon, James Hobson,
John Felsher, Ellis Dement Berton
Stemmier, Harold Stemmier, L. T.
Wm. Berry, Catherine Stem-
Mi«, Clam Crawford, L. H. Peerce,
C. E. Holing, T. M. Stover, Mary E
Huling, H. G. Prey, Della Phelps, G
W. Shelley, Frank Langlois, Mrs.
Langloia, W . C. Fenslar, Haary 8tew-