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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1917)
pam an N : w mú DO YOU PAY YOUR DEBTS I It Task m Sixty Trip tu Coquille to It Tkut Nicht. EVERYMAN to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Dr. Unlim ited supply of On account o f SERVICES _____ RENDERED DEMOCRACY P ayable Ju n e 14,1917 Some are m aking payments oa thie by fir in g their bodies to stop bullets aimed at the heart o f Democracy. Others give up home, future prospecta, fam ily. O ther* fiv e only money. E V E R Y M A N W IL L P A Y — choose your medium o f paym ent IF YOU DON'T E N L IS T - REMEMBER THE RED CROSS W ilson's Appeal. —*•4* The following communication was recently received by Mr. L. Pierce, Western Executive Secretary of the Red Crom. President Wilson is ex-officio Pres ident of the Red Cross of America and is putting the full force of his office behind the hundred million dollar campaign. The White House, Washington. May 19, 1917. My Dear Mr. Pierce:—You and the western members of the finance com mittee of the Red Craea War Council, Messrs. Miller, Corbett, Crokor and Phipps, are about to undertake a great public service. The enterprise which yon will present to the loaders o f the business and professional life in the West is at this time one of the most important contributions to the country’s welfare which any patriotic citizen can make. W ill you not convey to the patriotic citizens of the West my vary earnest hops that they will deny you as ser vice which they can render? Cordially aad sincerely yours, Woodrow Wilson. the state at large, but o f Marion coun ty as well where a two to one vote was given against the proposition. Wo note that Marion county voted heavily against the good roads bands, too, as did ell the valley counties ex cept Yamhill and Polk. Either or those counties could furnish fine sites for a new penitentiary which could be purchased for a good deal less than the present one at Salem would sell for. And as Polk county lies right across the Willamette from Marioa H could still be built in a central loca- County Court Saturday. On Saturday several matters per taining to widows’ pensions and in Douglas Did Itaalf Proud. digent allowances were taken up. The people of Douglas certainly de Mrs. Irene Rosee, of Bandon, applied for a widow’s pension but her papers serve a good deal of credit for the wore improperly prepared, and Mrs. progressive spirit they manifested at the election last week. They not only plication. Both were placed on the gave the 84,000,000 state road bonds indigent list, the former temporarily bill a good boost, but at the same time and the latter permanently as she voted to issue 8484,000 of county does not come under the requirements bonds to put their ròads on line and o f the law. There were three discon grade. This will insure the construc tinuances on the indigent list for tion of the Roeeburg end of the Co- quill e-Myrtle Point- Roeeburg highway Durinr this m<___ ____ ______ ___ as soon as our end of that line is make . careful and syrimnatic invm- * * * ■ tigation of the widows’ pension indigent cases in the county with the idea of ascertaining actual facta re lating to oamo and if necessary will bold meetings at the various towns in the county where evidence will be A Great A t the Scenic theatre on Monday evening there will be presented the great Selig play, "The Ne’er-Do- W ell," written by Rax Beach. la many respects, critics assart that "The Ne’er-Do-Well” is even- greater than that other photo-drama, “The Spoilers,” also written by Bax Beach . and released by the Selig company, Colin Campbell directed "The Spoil- ’ a n ” aad "The Ne’er-Do-Well," and 4 Kethlyn Williams, who scheived such heights in “The 8pollers” the record made thetc as Mrs. Stephen Cortlandt in "The Ne’er-Do-Well,” Wheeler Oekamh plays the title role aad the draaffi, filmed in Pannina, the locale of Bax Beach’s story, abonada la plot, conn- tar plot» hand-to-h^id b tttlü , tnd strang love interest. Beautiful seen Jk effects are plentiful including won derful tropical scenery. A U N IQ U E RECORD. Very Few Like it ia Our Bread Re- Grataful testim onyfor Doan’s Kld- S R fU U ’ published evocywhmo itseM convincing evidence o f m erit Confirmed testimony forms stifi stranger evidence. Years ago. a clti- san o f this locality gratefully ac knowledged the benefit derived fruta Doan’s Kidney Pills. The étatiserai o’doek in ths msraing is a iwusual heur fer a weeding but ti was st that heur in the sir sema notes ia the pram re lest Tuesday morning that Harry ports about what did to make the Massines victory so Davis aad Edith Pondsrgraas, of i last Thursday will no doubt Marshfleld, were unitad in the holy bonds of matrimeny at ths homs of prove of internet! tho bride’s parants, by Justice C. L. is talk the great war being fought to s finish Ia addition to shutting tin airman out of any early participation in ths battio, the British airplanes wore is a larga degree responsible for the fact that the Germans could not launch a counter attack o f appreciable strength until 44 hours aftor the boti tie far the ridge began aad eftey hit o f ground desired by the British in particular operation been tak \ and secured. Far back of the German lines ths ritish planes seemed out troops in ary hamlet, town aad village. In several places they saw them gather ing or marching in the main streets, they flow down low at tpanad a fin which scat tered the Germans in all directions. A ll pilots report that thair accurate mg effect on the hostile troops. Convoys and aad supply attacked while oa the march aad the disorganized seen left thair ■ut paioli Has oa the ronda while they in hoarby ditches. Sacked troops in the rying to the cover o f their 4 One pilot aaade so ho fina] but ha stroke by lotting go his signal rockets at a platoon of soldiers who, evidently mistaking this for a particularly her rible now stylo o f war frightfulnesa, fled in all directions. Orman troops w on fin d upon in ry Davis, but no the more distant hack areas as they found. The post wart entraining for the fron t Many And a letter addr o f the enemy ratronting from the Brit ish attack and kiding in shall hot« •re aeon by the low-flying a im « id pelted with ballets. One British pilot patrolled a root for half aa hour before ha saw any to shoot a t Than a Gennai military automobile with throe officer! sitting in ths back scat earns along Tfca Britisher dived at them from i height of 800 fo ot firing as they eases He flew so low eventually that the o f Us undercarriage barely missed the automobile, whid into a ditch while going 40 hour and crashed iato a trn the day of the battle, when the eqemy machism had finally arrtv ed from more distant airdsmas, than ae good hard fighting in ths air, soma of it at doss quarters with collisions barely avoided. Twenty enemy machine) counted for in the fighting, I they broke up in ths air, and others b thair nosm in ye so far buck of ths fighting line tin t no the of the landscape. I One British pilot who rotumod to Sto most dangerous day’s fighting he ever participated he added, ‘qfcttg ani Ss many o f our machines you can hardly id a piace for yourself.” One obe e rv «, during the height of the serial activity, likened the Britiih squadron to clouds o f mosquitoes. Some of the moat marvel one work was done by artillery airplanes. One squad ron of these alone, acting with sever al batteries o f British , heavies, sue cecdcd in silencing 72 German better les before 4 o’clock in the morning. Lately British pilota have complain ed at their inability to get any consid erable num b« of Gormans to coma up to fight. Ths spirit of these youth ful daredevils of thè air is described by a brilliant Oaandlsn flyer attached to the British corps, who was told ho mat take a day off yesterday aftor a ask o f steady flying. Ha asked permission of Us com andar to fly 80 * an down the line to lunch with friends in one e f the This was noddy I of flying down along the Britsb lino, ha crossed far over behind the Gamma Haas aad had eight fights as the way and brought como: NEW PI FO R SA LE B T COQUILLE HARDWARECO. SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET. To the Clerk o f School District No. 8, Cooa County, Oregon: Following is a statement of the es timated amount o f money needed by the district during the fiscal year be ginning on June 18th, 1917, and end ing on June 80, 1918. This budget is dersigned has filed in the County Court far Coos County, Oregon, her final account in the matter o f the Ad ministration o f the estate o f Walter Culta, deceased, and that the County Court has set Saturday, the 14th day o f July, 1917, as the day and the coun ty court room In the county court house in Coquille, Coos County, Ore gon, as the place for hearing objec tions to —M final account «r «1 the set- and all other moneys o f tho district: BUDGET Teachers’ salarias.» . ....... 810,822.44 Furniture ............... . 100.00 Apparatus and supplies. such as maps, chalk, eras- era, stoves, curtains, ate.. «00.00 Library books .................. 40.00 Repairs o f schoolhousea, outbuildings or fences... 400.00 900A0 Janitor’s supplies............. 200.00 Fuel ................................ 400.00 Light .............................. 12.00 Clerk’s salary .................. 120.00 Postage and stationery.. . . 7440 Rent of Academy............. 80040 Installment and interest on street aeeeeesseut. « 840.00 For payment o f outstand ing warrants and Interest thereon ......................... T44444 Pauïï and P rances A. Arms, are dé fendants, beiag case No. 4784 of said Court and commanding me to se 11 the hereinafter dsecribed real property to satisfy the sum of 8410.88 ertth inter- 8 8,440.00 est st 4% from May 14, 1914, and at torney fee of 874.00 and costs and dis- buroements 84040, together with ac P « ............................ 840.00 cruing casts. Balance on t a x « to be col- I will on Saturday, the 14th day of 1 acted, belonging to the July, 1917,-at the hour o f 10 e’dock in district .................... £.4174 A ft the forenoon o f said day at tho frost Estimated amount to be re d o « of tho County Court. House ia the ceived from all other City of Coquille, Com County, Ore . sources during the com gon, o f f « for ante and sell at public ing school year.............. 1400.00 auction all the right, title and inter- Total estima tod recai pts, not including thè money to be recai ved from the tax which it is propossd * » T * - ..........................811,984.09 Total estima ted ex pensee for ths year........... «....821,884.09 Total eotimeted receipta not including tha tax to vot* 1 .............. 11,944.09 elenco, amount to ba rate ad by district tax............ 89,900.00 The »mount o f money to ha ratead by this spadai tax is m ar« than the aad by spadai school dis trict tax la the year immediately pre- thte, plus six par sent. It te to rates this additional by special tevy for th. fo l lowing reasons: Owing to tha bel o f taxes to ba collected never paid In fun the district is pay ing interest on the amount hold back ion!tod **■ 10tfc * * * demption in tbs manner provided I kW. Dated Juna U , 1917. ft* y W. W. GAGE, Sheriff of Cass County, O m W. L. Kistner. — -7 T - h . 0 ___ , à L f t True, Roani o f Dirocton «M und Ms. 8. A. IX