The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, June 15, 1917, Image 1

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    the final sett lm i« * o f tha F irs t
itra c t case u ordered by Judge Coke
la his decision in that m bs
L. A. LH jeqrist wan praaant and
g a rs the council, many o f whom w ere
not aoquainted w ith a ll the details,
a resume o f the city ’s position and
also went into the m atter o f how to
wind ap the case in com pliance w ith
the court’s instructions.
to his view the c ity is out about $96
now m ore than it was a fte r repudiat­
ing and refu sin g to pay the $2260 o f
w arrants, now held by L . J. C ary,
J. P . B yers and A . F. Bergen.
B ut the fu ll settlem ent is fa r from
being made yet, there being a number
o f points on which A s court’s decision
did not g iv e positive instructions.
The council expects to hold another
m eeting soon to m eet w ith Urn F irst
street people's attorneys and a ll oth-
. ,
«selves in South-
for War Census.
lowest list
if Tfctp Can Satisfy
The Grand Jury was in suasion here
Monday and Tuesday > last.
holding night sessions it managed to
dispose o f the la rge amount o f busi­
ness b efore it in tbs tw o days.
Seven indictm ents w ere returned,
five o f which hove not been made
public. Jim m y Burns, an Indian from
Em pire was indicted fo r m urder in
the first degree. He shot end killed
U s fourteen year old crippled son.
When before the Jury Burns is ’ said
to have behaved in a dased, h a lf w it-
ted manner. Some o f the ju ry thought
ho Was feign in g insanity, but Sheriff
Gage, who has doubtless had better
opportunities to observe him, thinks
he is not in his rig h t mind. It would
certainly be to t ig credit o f human
nature i f that should p rove to bo the
B aiey and W eidner, the A g ita to r
subscription coptast men, w ere indic­
ted Jointly fo r lareony.
O f the other five not made pubic,
it has bogp raasored th at one is fo r
From the State A dju tan t General's
office a t Portland the Sentinel is in
receipt o f the follo w in g intorueting
inform ation to r the slack en who have
Would you Mod Coos county boys to tha
trenchaa to ig h t for TOUR liberty and
only occupants o f the sky parlor* now
in O regon are sligh tly low er than the
are the three men mentioned above
ssHwsts, Inasmach as the men to be
aa having been indieta^
called are chosen by lo t the failu re to
register o f aay man who should have
No More Jury Until October.
done so increases the chances against
Judge Coke was over hem Monday
every other man who did Ms duty and
and Tuesday to hold court fo r the
June term , advise the grand Jury and
receive th eir re p o rt H e w ill b* here
again n ext Tuesday to hear some
caaea. There w ill be no Jury, how ever,
fo r the present term , as the law
changing the term s o f court fo r this
county provided there should bo rone.
The new law provides fo r term s o f
court h e n begianing the fou rth Mon­
day in February, the first Monday in
June and the third Mbnday in Octo-
otherwise, can be called fo r the pres­
ent June term , there w ill be no m ore
Jury tria ls until October.
There w ill be an adjourned term o f
co u rt however, Oct. « , and the grand
Jury w ill convene on that date. The
regular October term w ill begin on
the 16th.
A t the session o f the circu it cou rt
this weak fou r divorce casev-were dis­
posed o f to the fu ll satisfaction o f dis­
satisfied w ives o f this county
E m ily
W ells was granted a divorce from
the Bod C lem w ill' bo ava ilable fo r
distribution. A t elephone.
has Just bean installed In the rooms.
A ll w e have to say fu rth er is to ex­
h ort everyone to g iv e according to
his a b ility to this noblest o f chari­
ties, and on no account to t a n aw ay
em pty handed these t h e h am volun­
teered fo r th e w ork o f en rollin g our
Su rely every g iv er w ill ko
blessed ia know ing th at ha Is contri­
buting to the r e lie f o f d ire c t sufferin g
into consideration fu lly (¿ 0 0 men o f
m ilitary age who have ««lis te d in the
Oregon N otional Guard, and in the
regu lar arm y, navy and M arine corps.
These men w ere not required to reg ­
ister because they ere already in tha