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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1917)
WIN THE WAR Liberty Loan Bonds are the safest invest ment in the world today. They are <«««H "by the United States Government and are a mortgage on the United States of America —our country—the richest country in the world. They are Unde Sam’s promise to pay, and he is worth $225^000,000,000. Produce Liberty Loan Bonds pay 3, per cent interest and they may be had in any of the follow ing denominations: $50, $100, $500, $1000, $5,000, $10,000, $50,000 aqd $100,000 You can make a first payment as low as <me dollar and kave until Auguit 30 to pay the balance. Most big butinet* houses will accept liberty Loan Bonds same af cash A MESSAGE FROM SECRETARY W. G. M’ADOO: “Wars cannot be conducted without money. It is the first thing to be provided. In this war it U the most immediate help—the meet effective help that we can give. We must not be oontent with a subscription of two billion dollars—iws must oversubscribe this loan aa an indication that America Is stirred to the depths and arouasd to the summit of her great ness in the cause of freedom. Let us not endanger success by complacent optimism. Let us not satisfy ourselves with the reflection that some one else will subscribe the required amount. Let every man and woman in the land make it hie or her business to subscribe to the liberty Loan im mediately, and if they caiuiot subscribe themselves, let them induce some body else to subscribe. Provide the Government with the funds indis pensably needed for the conduct of the war and give notice to the enemies of the United States that we have billions to sacrifice in the cause of Liberty. "Buy a Liberty Bond today; do not put i^off until tomorrow. Every dollar provided quickly and expended wisely shorten the war and s/ve human life.” —W. G. M’ADOO, Seci or MERCHANT FOR APPLICATION BLANK 1917, by o n to of the Honorable James Watson, County Jude« of Coos Coun- ty, Oregon, dated the 4th day of June, 1917. v J. J. Stanley, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address, Coquille, Oregon, 21t7 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON FORECLOSURE. N etto la Hereby Given. That under and by virtue of an execution and or- dor of tale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of O r . « * , for taining one acre, more or toa. Also beginning at a point on the right bank of Coquille River, from ter bears N. 28 degrees W. 12 links distant, said point being N. 8 % do- LESS WORK NEW PI COQUILLE HARDWARE CO day of July, 19J7, the Eastern Man Has O p tisi m Lmrge Timber Trftcti* Gao. H. Chaney, of Duluth, Mton., of the Edmund Hall Lami Co, is the owner of approximately 100,- 000,000 foot of standing timber in Coos county, arrived la C oaru m tr la.t week from the east end will ambo several tim ber tracts « Ho is buying to his own thirteen West of the Willamette Mor. idian; also tide land frontín« Lot two Section thirteen and Lot four of Soc- tion eighteen above mentioned, sar- ing and excepting, however, from the foregoing description the following described parcels to-wit: Beginning a t that piace where the east boundary line of the right of way of the C. B. R. t E. R. R. i M. °°- int»r»*ct* the 14 % section lino, DE1“1"* * w - through the SWI4 « 8- !•» T- $•. 8 of E .vll, W. of the Willamette Meridien, thence N. *1 de- cribed reni property to satisfy the sum of $14,681.67 and the sum of $922.42, Attorney foes, and costs sad disbursements tasad at $20.20 with $% per annum from the 28th day of April, 1017. I WILL osr Saturday, the 9th day p i Juno, 1917, at the hour of 10 o'clock la the forenoon of said day at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Coquille, Coos Cour , Oregon, offer for sale dad sell u. public auction to the highest and beet bidder for cash in hand aU of the right, title aad interest of the defendants or either or any of thorn id and to the following described chains, thence N. 84 degrees E. 8.70 chains to 14 14 section Una running E. A W. through 8. H of S. 18, T. 28, S. of R. 12 W. of W. M. thence W. along said 14 hi section lino to the right bank of the Coquille River, thence up right bonk of Coquille Riv er to the place of beginning and eon- line running Et A W. through flm sw % of S. 18, T. 28, S. of Ranga 12, W. of W. M. intersects high tide line of the right bank of the Coquille River, thence E. 10 feet, thence in a southwesterly direction, keeping a t a distance of 10 foot from and parallel to said high tide line to the 14 H section line running N. A 8 . through the NE 14 of 8. 24, T. 28, S. of R. 18, W. of Willamette Meridian, thence N. to low tide line of CequilH River, thence in a northeasterly di-