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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1917)
Patriotic Celebration June 1 3 ,1 4 ,1 5 - ,1 9 1 7 ThU annuel event will be enn o f the greatest patriotic celebrations ever hold in the Pacific Northwest Come, join in and return home a happier and truer Am erican Low Round Trip Fares On Sale June 12, IS, 14,15 Return Limit June 18th IburNose Knows Aak your local agent for information JOHN M. SCO TT, General Passenger Agent Portland, O re SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES Haue you bought a Liberty B ond ? By its fragrance alone does the makes its universal appeal. N or can < one foo l you on tobacco either if you on your unerring, personal sense ' fragrance . T ob a cco without a without Y our Nose Knows.' - THE CITY COUNCIL FOR 1916 FUCKERS OUT farm hand, they can help to win the war b y taking over responsibility fa r lighter week, and so relieve men fa r the harder work. B y taking charge o f the hogs on the form e boys w ill be helping to solve the form -labor prob lem . They w ill be helping to produce a very im portant food fp r the men in the A rm y and N avy. reached, there appeared to be no way by which the city could assume the improvem ent tax as contem plated in Mir. Collier's option. No action was taken by the council but it appears that the legal obstructions w ill nega tive the acceptance o f the option by the eity. A s the city o f Coquille must provide a right o f way fo r the bridge before next November if it la to secure the three year's annual appropriation 110,000 from the county fo r a bridge it is now up to the city to try another tack. Marshal Epperson reported that the cost o f the repairs on First street was *137.84 with one small bill yet to be rendered. This will be pro rated among the lots on that street whose owners have agreed to pay the ex- at The monthly report o f Fire Chief OK’d bills were allowed. A . B. Gidley, o f Marshfield, request ed payments on warrants held by Moon A Gidley, for street im prove ment work dons last year. It is ex pected to take care o f this as soon as the Ashton lots on Henry street, which have occasioned the delay, have either been sold by the city to pay their por tion o f the expense, or a new owner liquidates the amount e f fo e city's Mr. Gidley also said if it was de sired to place a bituminous rock cov ering on the concrete bam on Second street, his company could la y it for net to exceed *1 .28 a square yani If ordered within six weeks and it m ight be fo r less. Or they would do it at force account plus six per ce n t The question o f covering them few blocks was le ft fo r Mr. Mansell to take up with the property owners, m ost o f whom w ill have to pay fo r it in cash i f it jp done—the property being bond ed fo r the original Improvem e n t No other business appearing, Mr. Sanford, who has Just ended a service o f fou r years as councilm an, m oved to adjourn sine die. M ayor Johnson speeded the departing eouacilmen— Sanford and Nealer— with words o f Beys taking charge ad the farm herd should join a p ig club. P ig- d u b members have already proved their ‘ ability as h og raisers. They H i is individual, T our Note Know..” —'■ * ------ . S - _ _e • g ro t Im dese. A p ig-d u b member publicly enHsts as a Junior "soldier o f the eom- m fcsary.” Fathers w ill have mere faith in their boys i f they are pig- * club members, and w ill be readies to o f appr eciation, etc. M r. Hawkins said that ho had en make them partners and put them hi charge o f the farm herd. A p ig-d u b joyed the work o f and w orking with boy means business. He keep« rec the form er councilman— Sanford and ords and shews Just what it cost.i to Nosier— and moved that they be ex produce a pound o f pork. Records tended a vote o f thanks and apprecia help to correct m istakes. They make tion, which was voted unanimously. raising hogs a business proposition. In putting the m otion, M ayor Johnson A boy can do much with the form said that one main reason he had fo r herd. V ery little work will be n eed-1 m aking a change in the office o f city ed that he can not do. W ith such treasurer was the faith fu j, U gh order careful attention as a boy gives, (he o f service rendered by Mr. Sanford pigs thrive better. Sanitation is im fo r ' several years, and ha thought ha proved and the diseases lessened. The had earned recognition by fo e eity of instructions to a pig-d u b member are a more substantial nature than the valuable and practical and help to mere honor o f holding oflleo. Recorder Lawrence also thanked Mr. produce m ore profits. Boys wishing to Join a pig d a b and take charge o f Sanford fo r fo e assistance he had giv the farm herd should see the county en in various m atters o f city business agent, or write to their State C olleg and Mr. Sanford fittingly expressed es o f A griculture, or the United his sincere appreciation o f fo e seati- States Department o f A griculture. ment shown by the council, m ayor and A t Banden Sunday m orning about while N ight Officer A lex Erickson was 'attem pting to arrest Chet Carmichael for drunkenness, Jack Hultin, who runs a logging camp at Dsa ser Hilt, Interfered and the o f ficer struck him with his club. Hui tín, who is a b ig man, took the club away from the officer and knocked him down with H. 'Various reports are made as to what happened, but it is said that Hultin was belaboring the officer when the latter drew his gun and fired three times, one shot taking effect. The bullet struck the fem ur bone in the right leg, shatter ing i t Dr. Loop w as summoned at 'once but no attem pt to probe fo r the bullet was made until yesterday, when Dr. Hamilton assisted foe Bandoa physician in extracting the bullet and setting the fracture. Hultin is rust ing easier now and w ill probably be all right again in a few weeks. During fo e shooting Carmichael es caped and gutting his horse started X» » *. s sppcsnnf u um ^ b m . .. as . T ry this Teat: Rub a little T uxedo briskly in the palm o f your hand to ' bring out its full 'arom a. Then smell it deep—its deli- cious, p a rs fragranoa w ill *vJ convince you. T ry this test ( * m with any other tobacco and w e w ill let Tuxedo stand or fall on your judgment— •v i Jack H a iti# Badly Wounded. b lm __. R Kg K IP l l IF IN THE DISTRICT COURT o f the I ! U nited States fo r the D istrict o f O re- ; gon— In the m atter o f K. F. Clark, ; S o’clock bankrupt— Request fo r bids: . - .¿ e tc - 1 ■ ~ ~*mm the c i t y . "* The m ayor ealled on Leo J . Cary— “ the sage o f Front street"— and a form er councilm an. Mr. Cary said he hadn’t missed the first session o f a city council fo r fou r years aad didn't want to sligh t this one was the ruasiui fo r his presen ce. He then asked fa r inform ation about the F irst 'street cam which hod been finally decided that .day by Judge Coke. In order to secure the inform ation it w as decidsd to adjourn till next Turn day at 7:80 p. s l , when the F irst street propssty owners, the attorneys and the council would m eet fo r an sm W K l« I w ill receive sealed bids fe e the follbw ing stock o f merchandise and fixtures, form erly the property o f the above- named bankrupt, situate at Coquille, Or., up to and until 18 o ’clock noon o f the 18th day o f June, 1917, at my office, 740-47 M organ bldg., Portland, O r.: Stock o f goods, warm and merchandise, consisting - principally o f g roceries. H o w 's T h i s ? er Oes Hundred Dollars Howard case o f Catarrh that cannot be r H airs Catarrh Medtetae. New Home inventoried value o f . . . . . . Fixtures pertaining to the same, o f fo e Inventoried * 1768.40 Judge’s decision fo r se ttle * B efore adjournm ent W. J, 1 1 1 1 < Quality ' > « Choosers M .J.H A R T SO N