SUMES should telephone iu to wh tomed, is ket basket” and pay < not only the pries* be "The board hai »et about b libi in* value. Tba use « f WOO,000 ton. of .taam r, ¡ T ¿ will keep butter prices within the moatkê, and for thii tonnage Coogroaa reach of alL Cara in food appropriated »750,000,000. Thio will effoet a sacrificing any qualities of nutrition. V The American people, living in the midst of plenty, have unconsciously formed reckless habits of waste that should bo overcome. It is vitel that we practice economy in our use of foods and waste nothing. Better agriculture, tasted seed, proper draiaage and fertilisa­ tion wen never so mssallsl as at present. Every available acre should be intensively cultivated. “ Save the Calves” of beef breeds. All vacant land owned or ranted by the company or its employes should 1« utilised for garden crops. H is not a question of n - g * profit so much as to sdd “our hit” to the total food supply of the nation. Prices of necessities are now at a high level and there Is no occasion for un, this 28th day of May, A. D. \A . .* ' 1917. L. W. Oddy, County Clerk. sots COQUILLE LAUND R Y A ICE COM PANY 4 DR. C. W . ENDICOTT Str. Elizabeth Bandon to San Francisco J, a WALSTEOM. A f t . S—d—. Or*. authority for the 1876 sportsmen ol ed thirteen dear loose in the forasti doer shooting sona for twosty-twe ym E.&E.T. Kruse, Mgrs., 24 Calif. St, 8. F. J. E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore. JE plentiful than •SE - Dr. F. G. BUNCH - Poes Your Subscription Date Need Changing? t