The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, June 01, 1917, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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The E xcretes at the M. B.
Church South T ook Plue»
r Last Sunday Evening. f
B oard fo r IMphNMa
The M. E. C hord), South, woe
ded to its capacity last Sunday
high school studente and their M eade
and the people generally gathered to
attend the Baccalaureate eervieee.
The sermon was preached by J oh n L .
Gary, a member o f the High School
faculty, who has at various tim es dor
ing the peat year filled the pulpits in
our city churches very acceptably.
H r. G ary's text was MA man rsrswt
serve two m asters," and ho brought
home to the young people before Mm
the very definite conclusion that there
was a choice they must make between
the sim plicity o f the Itfe fo r which
Christ laid down the rules, and the
cem plexity o f the life that would re­
sult if they decided to follow some
other master. The influence o f each
a discourse could not be otherwise
than' salutary.
The special music which had been
prepared under the direction o f Hfes
Bay, was exceptionally fine.
who heard it are not surprised that a
recent visitor from the State Univer­
sity pronounced the Girts’ Glee Ctab
o f the Coquills high school, the best
o f He kind in the state.
the platform in a constant stream
B efore the exercises began the fron t
o f the platform which had been built
up from the flo o r at the start as a
bank o f greenery and bloom w as oilet
tw o feet deep with the accum ulating
Ooral tributes presented to the gradu­
ates by their friends.
And a little
lew er on either side o f the splendid
Am erican flag looped in the arch of
the proscenium were floral hoops o f
trailin g vines to crown the display.
These decora tid fly and the deep
piled flow ers only form ed the setting
and the fram e work /o r the reel pic­
ture on the platform , the fourteen
m em bers o f the senior d ees o f the
C oquille H igh 8chool fo r i » t t , fo r
CH A8. A . HOW ARD, Ph. B*
per cent o f the tram ps are college
graduates while M per cent o f them
have never g ot beyond the grades.
The three college men are twiee as
dominant in all the higher walks o f
life as the »7 who drop out o f the
race. The college bey has fifty times
as much chance to besom s prom inent
in Hfe as the other boys have, end eli
the while there is m ore leeaeail fo r
intellect end loss demand fo r muscle.
In I860 the little commonwealth a f
■towed upon you will enable you to
build a submarine and g o beneath the
sea where you w ill; and the submarine
—an American invention— is loss than
ten y ea n old.
W s have as yet hardly eat our feet
on the threshold o f the possiblltiee o f
the human race.
Man’s peculiar
trait* are not physical but mental.
It is only through mind and soul that
wu can approach Gad’s likeness. No-
w o n presented in a w ay to enkindle brawn.
One machine w ill make as
the am bition not only o f ovary boy esany brick as tw enty-five assn. No
and g irl who hoard bias, bu t alas o f law ehtoo can do wash requiring in-
every parent fo r the children grow ing tellectual effort, or toko the place o f a
up about them.
lawyer or a doctor.
They ware fa cts we have ell real-
Telling c f the w onderfully equipped
iaed before but w ere presented in an B ooth-K elly sawmill in Lane county,
unusually striking manner when ha the speaker suggested someone m ight
said that o f 100 pupils entering the ask who would run it if everybody
prim ary classes in our public schools, wont to co lla r*
Hie answer was,
barring the toll akkmwa and death In* “ I have never been on top o f Mt.
Variably toko, there ought to ho u H ood; I am physically lasy.
hundred grade graduates to enter the o f the human race ie intellectually
high school seven or eight years let- laay.’
ter, but the average proved to be only { On which side are you going to line
60. Then after fou r years o f high up your boy, the throe per cent or the
school the percentage dropped again 97 par e m it
to 26; while o f this remnant only j God never intended man to earn his
three a r e -le ft whan it com m to the Hviag by We m uscle alone. If he had,
com pletion o f a university or collegi- why did.ho make Mm the weakest o f
■eng “The Dance o f Spring” to the
M ight o f the audience.
A t this point the culmination o f the