The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, June 01, 1917, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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K W.
known to man, the savings
bank book to the one that
will «omo fa handiest in
days of trouble. Get one of
U m m book» by opening an
aceount with this bank, it
doesn’t take much to start
an account and it will gruw
amazingly if you give it at-
runes s herchmiis
and Saving D eposit*
h m
at tb« undergraduates la
their ituüM now «ad ptauge directly
nato U m carnata of burines» or aook
U m rod fiotda of cornar«, that ia drain­
ing the educational steam near ita
source; bat when U m pupils in the
an address before a eomaiittso of la­
dies in charge at the new Infantile
Protectories of France.
We tran s­
late a report from the Borne Bleue
(P a ris). Mr. Deschanel reminds his
bearers that in the forty-four yearn
between France’s two wars with Ger­
many, the population of hur tommy
had increased by 26 millions, while BUILDING SHIPS BT THE MILK.
Aa indicating what the British are
doing to replace the ships the Ger­
mans have sent fa the bottom, the fol­
lowing from an article by Jeffrey
F a ra d fa the Outlook to interesting.
The stream along which these ships
are building to probably the Clyde.
bunks teem with w erken where ships
are building; ships by the mile, by the
leagne, ships of all »hopes and of all
mach courage and self devotion fa our stesa, ships at mil sorts and far many
homes aa we showed fa the trenches?" different purposes. Here are great
With this question the President of
cargo boats growing hour by hour
the Cham bfr of Deputies yielded the
floor to P rd . Georgs-Raphael Levy,
one at the most eminent of French
economists. Profasaor Levy startled
of strange design, with torpsdo-bonts
his audience with the declaration th at
at uncanny shape, tram p eteamers.
the war would have been a t ah end
wind-jammers, squat colliers, and
long ago if Franco had had on August
squatter tu g s-th ao e last the ugliest
1, 1914, a population of « or 70 mil­
craft th at ever wallowed fa water.
lions, as aha would bava had if her
Mine-layers worn hem with mine­
birthrate had kept pace with th at of
sweepers and hospital ships—« heter­
Germany since 1070, when both na­
ogenous collection of well-nigh every
tions were numerically about equal. kind ef ship th at floats.
“Some lay finished and ready for
launching; others, Just begun, were
only n sketch, a hint of what soon
would bo a ship.
“On our right worn ships, on our
left worn ships and mom ships, a tong
freff». fa th at he will aleo ataad with
the great m ajority a t hone. Finally,
and thia counts for more than aught
elae just now, he piedgea himaelf
“To aupport the Nationed Admin-
iatration in every legitim ate effort it
may employ in ending the w ar to the
credit at America, and in bringing
about a lasting and honorable peace
to ail nations involved and to co-oper­
ate with any movement th at has for
Its purpose the suppression of gam­
bling and speculation in the necessi­
ties of life, to the end th at the con­
suming public shall pay a fair profit
to the producer only."
With the box fru it trade o f the Pacific
this would be working a tre­
mendous hardship because our m ar­
kets are widely scattered. It would
force a very large tonnage of fru it in
regions where perhaps it could not be
co n su m ed .
There is a possibility th at the Gov­
ernment win fix a minimum price for
farm products.
If this is done it
should apply to fru its as well as to
other foods. If it doss not the fru it
grower will have to pay the high wag­
es, taxes, ete„ and have no aaoumnee
that ho wUl secure a good m arket for
The F ruit Growers’ Agency, Inc.,
of W alls Walla, Washington, which to
the agency established by th e United
Sts tea Department of A piculture, re­
cently had a m eeting and an a result
telegrams were sent to all members
ef Congress representing the state*
jf Oregon, W ashington, Montana and
Idaho. Telegrams ware also sent tp
the International Apple Shippers’ As­
sociation, W estern F ruit Jobbers, and
the California F ruit Exchange.
The members of the Agency realise
that If the fru it should he discrimi­
nated against it will simply mean
ruin to thousands of people. F ruit to
a valuable food. Many people simply
look upon certain staples like wheat
and meat as neeassary food, and de­
prive their diet of the value ef fruits.
But on the other hand, thousands of
men end- woman Have dropped am at
from their daily diet and are bene­
ficially using fruits and nuts instead.
, Many others am including a larger
income« and then try to malm up for and larger proportion of fru its fa
them by putting mura taxas on tan, their diet; physicians are encouraging
coffee, sugar and other articles used the use of more fruits. They contain
by the people who am not rieh. We very valuable acids, extracts sad fib­
hope to me the House stand pat on ers and are rich in sugars. Some of
the original provisions of the w ar tax the fruits are very rich in oils.
F ruit end nut growers should w rits
a t once to their representatives and
That our war to going to b e n short senators urging th at no action he tak­
and not a bloody one appears to be in­ en which would Jeopardise the fru it
dicated by a m eant list of births in end nut industries of the Pacifie Coast
this section in which girls preponder­ which is destined to become one'of the
ated a t the rate of two to one. By greatest industries of the entire U nit­
the time they am in high school, ed States.—C. L Lewis, Chief Div.
though, they will be astonished to Horticulture, Oregon Agriculture Col­
learn them was ever a time when lege, Corvallis, Oregon.
women could not voto.
the Kitchen Walls
Enameled surfaces are smooth, hard, non-absorb­
ent and sanitary.
Dust, dirt, smoke and grease do
not cling to enameled kitchen walls.
They may be
kept clean, fresh and inviting by occasionally wiping
with a damp doth.
B tO B U r
produce genuine enamel finishes.
applied and are inexpensive.
They are easily
Coll a t our store and let us show you how you can secure
genuine enamel finishes on your pantry and cupboard shelves,
your refrigerator, sink and kitchen cabinet or any surface
about your homo.
Furnished in rich colors, delicate tints,
white oad black. j 2 jM~ t >
T h e material for your
is ready for use*
year to named “The Liberty Loan of
1917” because it to to be a loan from n
free people to be used in freeing the
It to the loan of a liberty-loving
people to bo devoted to the establish­
ment of liberty fa Europe and on the
high sens.
It is the loon of the grant democra­
cy of the New World to redress the
wrongs and support ths cause of the
democracy of the Old.
estimate on the cost*
They are indispensible
to dairymen
in the mud to the thing you are asked
to decide by your vote next Monday.
Thom of ua who can’t go to war
ought to do our bit by baying Lib-
Com e in and let us give you an
M K U .0 OU D U S.! YOU O O U H t
T A S T E D ANY A S « 0 0 © A S T mi <
wes CUT--THTITH--------—
from Secretary of W ar Baker,
brought heme to Oregon by President
P. L. Campbell, at the University of
Oregon, who went east to confer with
the Council of National Defense.
l i to the young sum’s first duty to
keep his hand, refuse to yield to undue
excitement or disorganisation, and to
flying nil over as. Yes, F rits to won­
derfully accurate, but"— hem aey
companion paused to flick soon* dust
from his braided cuff—"hut when we
began to knock him about a bit it was
funny, how it rattled Mm—quite fun­
ny, you know. HU shots get wider
and wider, until they were falling
pretty well n m il* wide—very fanny!"
and the lieutenant smiled dreamily
“F rits will shoe! magnificently if you
only w ont «hoot been. But really I
don’t blame him for thinking he’d
sunk ue.^ You see, them were six of
TM A-ee Y t A R lJ
TH E 0 U 0 9 I p v t )
THfttf V IA *» MM I
fta-table a t work with
and blinding dinar »
these ailm ents and ss
may follow. Begin usii
eouldnt see fa r spray-a"
rer to it Tads it o v e r w it!
r-B CUT—there’s so m ething
■boot the tobacco. It’» not |
.¡fr- jr* *'r****m*frim 1 A ü