’•v> * / l ì Ì . - i : -T ÍÍ* « '''. ■ V* (WS -a..,**.,-.« r r ^ , v ; r Other fruits are scarce now, but those sweet Naval 1 Will find k here of “just the things” to take for dinner Note the tempting 1 goods. No dan­ ger of dhrt or dust Oranges are at their best Not expensive. Ripe Olives. .gSc Joe Staffed O live«................................lie Jar Green Olive«.............................. *lc Jar Deviled Olives............................l#e can Potted Ham........................... ...M e can Chicken L.o«f.............................. 2fie can Meat Treat«............1 .0 » eaa Limberger Cheese..............'....H e eaa Roqueford Cheese......... ..V,'.**« can • the kiddles The season for the sweet ripe fruit is nearly over. Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy this wholesome fruit Tru-Blu Coookies. .. . . ....................Me lb. Fine assort’t of sweet and sour Pickles in bottles. L Y O First N National S & Bank J Building ONES Our Prices on Canned Goods guard. Mrs. Pearl Goodman passed away last Friday and the funeral was held Sunday in the Imtter Day Saints church,. Rev. Mr. Baker officiating. The Woman's Relief Corps, of which the was a member, also attended. The interment was made in Catching cnpk cemetery where other relatives are buried. £ . Mrs. L. S. Roberts, of Middle Fork, was in town Saturday. H. A. Todd, of Arago, was In Satur­ day aad says if there Is pet more safe­ ty in crossing the river at Myrtle Point soon and bettor roads there will not be much trading h en from his The Mortgage i An electric motor can lift anything. Let us tell you how . r G-E Electric Motors CeqaUle, Oregon HELP END THE WAR Make YOUR subscription to the Liberty Loan through this Company or your bank. DO IT NOW Powers-Myrtle Point Auto Stage LEAVE Culver’s Confect’ry POWERS Tffi A. M. 10:00 A. M. 1:00 P. If. 4sM P. M. Charter Trips Anywhere, Any Time We are here te accomodate You; command Ua P h o n e C a lls MYRTLE POINT, l i t i COQUILLE, U t POWERS, Culver's Ceafectkfcery. Does Your Subscription Date Need Chan Good Calif. Peaches Matches, per box — Carnation Milk, 2 cans — 25c Laundry Soap, per bar — 5c Fancy Calif. Rice, per lb., 6'4c Poet Toasties, per pkg. 10c Salt Pork, in brine, per lb., 25c Busy Comer Grocery family down from Power« and man­ age the farm for his mother, three- quarters of a mile south of town. The Roman Catholic Chapel, Car is hen ea the track and the priest with are lifting mortgages off hundreds of farms throughout the country. Phone 71 Standard Tom ato«-----------10c Solid pack Tomatoes, 2K lb. tins------------ 2 for 25c Solid pack Tomatoes, 3 lb. tins-----------------------15c Iowa C om ---------------------- 10c New York Com — .2 for 25c -16c Fancy Maine Corn • m% ■ rt . r>V. i • ft * f <• '• - - 1 OREGON POWER COMPANY still remain at the low mark of last year Front and C Streets Coquille, Oregon Phones 601 and 541 .uniijin r ' ' I m i LstnehsfrBByaowmeKgege. W« wiR foraiah Per. dozen^J^ììm iC - Two dozen. 45c ^ > our- ' ' . - self Three doz., 60c family and my farewell to wife «ad daughter, who will leave by the next steamer for Honolulu. The daughter 1» to meet her affianced and the moth­ er will accompany her and return af­ ter a abort stay. Mr. Lee alao at­ tended the High School commence­ ment exercises Saturday evening when his daughter, Mlsa Basel, re­ ceived her diploma. Mr. Loo is chair- Mrs. Allison Roberts has disposed of her bread store to her father-in- law, J. H. Roberts. On the evening of the 24th as the through train was passing Johnson’s, called Gil men’s sink hole, a man threw a rock through the car window, bite of glass striking a passenger ia the face. The section bom the place and found where the party stood watting for the train. The »mm was trampled. The print of shorn was about No. B men’s. Ray Stevens returns this week to his old Job as Amman oo one of tba Smith-Powers logging locomotives in the mountains. Prof. Jones, of Bfeadbeni was hero han we -Would have a m en regular supply of fish oa Friday. The several tripe to Portland by E. A. Dodge have been made in his ca­ pacity as U. 8. Commissioner—taking dispositions. Robert Muir, of North Fork, has received a telegram 'faon Nebraska of the extreme illness of his sister. The last proposition the Myrtle Point Commercial Club has attached is the cemetery, taking time by the forelock as H were. W. E. Lewellen renews Us subscrip­ tion to the Coquille Valley Sentinel. He «ays he wants the Myrtle Point The Agricultural Preparedness committee is very busy tkl» week picking up stray lots aad dropping in­ to thorn sundry kinds of good needs. G. 8. Floyd, who has been hem for wood dealer, etc., is this weak moving with hie family to Gaylord on Booth Fork. Rmnsen Bros., of Big creek, took out a now Mitchell wagon Tuesday. The sealer Branson is with us this R. A. Annin went to Coquille day to attend the convention of wants theirs first. P. W. came home in the rain wet to the skin but as usual waa up and at it agin, though he bad to go to bed feeling disabled. Coos and Curry County Fair will bs Sept. 1S-14-16 and will lie bigger than ever. A new feature the secre­ tary says will bs added- a sales day. Tba forenoon of the last day of the Fair. No stock will be offered except that which is entered as contestants for prises and has stood the tubercu­ lin« test. The High School commencement ex­ ercises were as follow«: Class Motto was, "Non Vespers aed mane.” Class illness. Hie name ia Arthur. He colors, Blue and White. Class flower, was injured in a football game. She Carnation. Class roll, Mary Jane sent him to California but tba climate Smalley, Kay Armstrong Leep, Hattie was not better for him. Dr. Byron E. Bell Wyland, Flentge Armston Per­ Miller is Ms physician. A major sur­ kins, Lottie horraine Rickman. Har­ gical operation was porformod, re­ old Paul Drake, Fairy Elisabeth Dav­ moving hne of the kidneys which was is, Thomas Verl Johnson, Florence Ed­ na Hall, William Dewey Christensen. Basel Marilla Lee, Chester I. Root, Inn Sumerlin, Ells May Hamlin, Ruby Irene Burr and Stella Evangeline Barklow. Class officers were: Thom­ as Very Johnson, President; Kay Armston Loop, Secretary; and Elva Lucy lie Green, -treasurer. Barton Stemmier, about 1<1 years old, is organising a (junior, of coure.) military company. He has already demonstrated bis ability as an agricul­ turist. The min seems to be ever but them Memorial day was appropriately wfll be a shower at Aunt Anni* Bark- observed here. The “old soldier” low's this week to express the goodwill gentlemen who were present «ere, Hatcher, Graham, Billings. Mullen, King, Hermann, Haling, Brownson, Edicott, Arnold, and Buell. At id a. m. they did not walk as formerly but went to the cemetery by automobile where after the usual ritual exercises, the G. A. R. graves were decorated with flowers of which Myrtle Point always has a profuse supply in sea- . In the afternoon an unusually fine program was rendered. Mr. C.eo. Tenney presided. A picked choir sang, children recited and then we had one of the finest addresses ever given by Honorable Binger Hermann, who for "»any years was our member of Con- n . After expressing proper ac­ knowledgement of those who served In the Civil war he spoke of the proh- • for ue today and left no doubt in the minds of his audience of the cor »ees of our position in this war. That until. Faieeileai. Prussianism. is W and out of their present estim- « of themselves, we cannot put up