The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, June 01, 1917, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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It 17.
f.n j
C. W
Dr. Ji
Portland on Tuesday
Lady Waah-
ington mod benne for mie.
E. A.
Mho. A. N. Ames goes down to Dor
is, run/nmia, this weak
Sentinel. Our p r a i hno just printed
10,000 lonfiete conUlning the oome
matter for distribution daring tbs last
day* «t the campaign™
L. H. Haxard, J. 8. Lawrence, A. N.
Gould, J. A. Lamb and their families
composed a Ashing party which wept
cat te the falls on North Fork beyond
Fairview last Sunday noon.
As a
sport the Ashing was nil.
Whew the cops Aad * kid of fifteen
or sixteen smoking cigarette new and
he delate that is arer “ 21,” they are
very likely te arrest Urn on Unde
Samis neeoaat if ha fails to register
in the war census next Tuesday.
Mrs. Peter Ensele, o f Jacksonville,
Ore., and Mrs. Emms Morgreiter, oi
Coquille, ore guests at the home o
Mrs. Prpnk McElroy, of Englewood.
Mrs. Ensele is Mrs. McElroy’s moth­
er and Mho. Morgreiter her sister—
Ceos Bay TiSte*.
In the Circuit court Monday Judge
Coke decided the ease o f Thomas Brad­
shaw vs. Harry J. KfanhaP J r, far on
accounting over a copartnership, in
favor o f the defendant and gave Kim­
ball a verdict of 1*71.7«, each side
paying its own coots.
Chas. Gardner and Goo. Batter
have purchased the Willard Storage
Battery o f Archie Ih ylor at Myrtle
Point and In a few days they w ill
- Whet s the 4
_ r a P S I§ ¡Ih c lí
♦ amateur wishes to know. IPs 4
♦ an la the fouedati^. door asm- ♦
♦ tour. By the way. let us digress 4
♦ nod discuss that word “ama- ♦
♦ tour," which la a Preach word, 4
♦ omening “one who lores.” Let 4
♦ M all think o f k In Its general 4
4 sense when we speak o f asm- 4
4 tear gardeners, we whs levo '4
4 dowers and gardens nod work 4
♦ la them, oat bocanas we moat *
4 bat that It M ear happiness tt> <4
♦ do io. Too see that our Bug- 4
♦ lisb meaning of amateur, “a be- +
4 glnner, or dabbler,” Is simply a 4
♦ degeneration of the word. Ap- +
♦ Ply It to pointing, te music, to <4
4 gardening, to what you wilt—Is 4
♦ It net mere true and delightful -4
4 M HO
4> A frame or box of wood cor- 4
4 orad with glam in a cold Aram»- +
4 It keepa oat dm ooUL It Is 4
4 aouolty set right on the ground, 4
4 or R may, hare a wooden bob 4
4 tern; the little ones sold for la- 4
4 dear asp bava
Now, when a frame to set over 4
4 a bed of menare, then It la a 4
4 hotbed; the 1 animal heat, the 4
4 chemical properties o f the ma- 4
4 aure, hasten Vaut growth. Do 4
4 you seel Ton would not wont a 4
4 hotbed lu your living robm; you 4
4 may am a cold frame, known 4
4 as a bourn frame. They cost 4
4 «USO and ere 18 by 10 Inches 4
4 If you grow bum brooms In a 4
4 shod or cellar you would moke 4
4 I hotbed of fresh manara oa s 4
4 tette or beach.
Out In the garden right new 4
4 you may have either a hotbed or 4
4 a cold frame with viólete end 4
4 panales glvtag you their early 4
4 sweetness for the table became 4
4 of this protection end forcing. 4
4 On worm day* the glam la raised 4
4 * little, propped open with a 4
4 brick’perhaps, to admit sir. At 4
4 night the frame le closed, and 4
4 sometí mm pads or. Mankato ere 4
4 laid ovar the glam for further 4
4 protection In very cold weather. 4
fine# the Llhwty B u d id
WHEREAS It to M r 4aair* to
k, Z
mm in this commendable effort, appreciating the desirability
of kRTiaff the inooe thoroughly distributed aad digested for finan-
dnl aa well ma patriotic reasons,
• :
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVElX-TVst tho J fr jlfi^ “1>'
aji assistance to the Govenuueot aad M ke It P om M * * *
tho small investors, wage corners, aad other* to M * " th«*r JJ*
triotic imnuhtg la
i » f them to secure Liberty Bonds on the
. jlna of cany payment:
ANYONE, whether patroa of the hank or
siren to purchase a bond of $50.00 op $100.00 denomination, nmy
do no ea a deferred payment basin as follows: ,
Twenty per ceat to be paid in cash and bal­
ance in five equal monthly payments with
interest at the rate of 3 1-2 per cent, the
bond to bo given aa security.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the widest public­
ity be given to thin plan an it la the desire of the bonk* of Coos
County to render all aid possible to the Government in its effort
to quickly and satisfactorily finance itself.
Beginning to­
morrow night
Saturday, June
2, this store will
be open-every
Saturday evening.
Simultaneously with this change in
our Saturday closing hour, we will
inaugurate a SPECIAL SALE
Every Saturday Evening
, if * . T- ey£."
'.¿ V '- y Á
on some article or articles displayed
in the window.
1 This custom is
to be permanent— A S P E C I A L
S A L E every Saturday evening.
daily trips to MyrtU Point to master
all details o f its operation.
, *
E. D. Graham has boon engaged by
the government to do surveying work
for the government at the mouth of
the Cqquille,' Coos Bay, Winchester
Bay end the mouth of the Stuslaw
id te going to start shortly with
the crew of his gasoline bout “ Queen**
to begin the work.
J. D. Benham, of Fairview, wps a
caller Wednesday morning. He toys
he has three scree o f corn and lots of
nns up, but-they ore still the yellcw
Decoration Day address Wednesday. kind. Lota of planting yet remains
Mrs. J. E. Cowgill and daughter to be done in that section and unless
from San Carlos, California, came in the rains keep up well into July many
last Saturday evening for a visit With crops will be ligh t
her brother, L- P. Maury, and family. B .tk e J. H. Oerdlng A Sons’ myrtle
C. L. Starr, a Portland attorney, is wood factory te now turning out soma
here this week looking after the in­ of the handsomest of myrtle novettiqa.
terests of his cltodt, Prank Boutin, in They have secured the services of
tbs injunction cess in the' Circuit Henry Horstmsn, o f North Bond, who
ode most of the myrtle weed novel­
court here.
ties sent te the world's fair at Baa
F. C. C. Inraon, of Tacoau, chief raucisco from Coos county.
inspector of the PaciAe Lumber In­
J. W. NoMet, principal o f the lead
spection Bureau, was here yesterday
high school, has accepted a position
with the Anderson Business College
for the summer mouths until fall
hen he will resume his duties at tee
high school. He te to tench commer­
cial arithmetic end beginning book­
keeping at the busines college.
Note Osmundson, who returned
mdny from the orange twit in Cal­
ifornia, says that all through tee er-
‘ muds dawn there, gardens have hens
anted between the trees. I f all the
eps mature that are planted this
year we will have the largest pro­
duction o f Burden staff this conntry
ever knew.
J. D. WMgreon enlisted at the post-
office here lost week for the navy and
wont out to Portland. He te of Swed­
ish nationality sad claims* te have
been at work on on invention to pat
ibsnsrinee out of hnelnme ever since
the Bpantah-A mortem war, which he
w ill' bring to tho attention of the
Rated office!
How to T ra i» Them When Inouk
Chicks should be removed from the
i&CHbstof to tfet brooder it trtfM Hot
only ere they so Mor hsndlsd when It te
«a it, but they are more likely to re­
suda where they are pat ander the
hover. Por tho Brat night or two they
should be coalred rather closely te the
hover for this reason.
I f not carefully watched for the Ant
two or three days chicha may *buddle
together la a corner of
where they ess H U y to gat chilled, or
trample one soother te death in
efrorto to keep warm. It only takes e
couple of days to train them to take to
the borer.
Por the first few days chicks need
rest, mora than anything alas. I f «no­
ught autora the brooder they will spend
hours st s lisse huddled together en­
joying the natural warmth. This to
good ter them, as It helps to strengthen
Notare provMee ter a chick's oeui^
tobmeut for the Ant two or three days
of Ufe. Chicks should be given neither
food nor drink for the Atet forty-eight
hours I f fed sooner It will he harm­
ful and not helpful. The mas boor bed
portion of the yolk serves to supply
food te likely te catee
bowel troubla which should be avoided
by ell means More chicks a n lost
•very season by overtesffiag tena by
windowf for informa­
to the article on Bale.
W atch the
: /
' *• . ..
H. 0. Anderson
Complete House Furnisher
For TuHaWe A bstráete of Title and information
. about Corn County Root Estate see
lent of taxes.
Coquille Office
One of the finest dwellings nod lo­
cations in town at bargain termo.
Soo T. A. Walker.
Johnaon mill te
I yesterday the
mroaa the river
Call oa aa for Stationary.
Thia school offen thorough,
practical and individual In-
“ rr
Day aad Night
I College
for Catalogna
-n a n o » --. I f