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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1917)
.* PAGI SU *. ■ fi» i . * HK • m ft S0S- Bay road. it o f the But two P. F,M «rtfH tite winaar, the opposing bid of ■ale and Pish bain water were two city b e ite n , G«y W an! and Cerrado Michette, U m lat ter o f U m Italian lineage hie m m in dicates. They lied bot}» bean employed in the chain o% shops owned by Mi- ghetto’s brother and were firm friends and comrades, bat alas young Ward Turnkey Landrith at the sky parlors in the upper story o f the coart house annex, charged by Canade with hav ing stolen from Urn a Una o f sporting guns and ammunition. It happened after this wise. Before starting from Frisco these beys, one of them only 23 aad the other perhaps a couple of years older, had outfitted for a hunt ing expedition somewhere in the wilds of Southwestern Oregon and contri buted fifty-fifty towards the purchase of an outfit invoiced In this way: one shot gun, one 80-30 rifle, one 32-40 rifle, one 22 special rifle, two auto matic revolvers, with ammunition ga- Tbey called on Goorge Moulton at the old city building after coming ov er here Friday and wanted to know whore waa the beat place to try their firearms an the unsuspicious game of Coos county, and talked as if they in- They ware well dreaaed, spruce look ing young fellow*, aad ha gathered the impression that they might really be more anxious to got out o f Sound and hearing o f the conscription reg istration than to bag a lot o f game. Saturday afternoon Mighotto toolf a trip down to Band on by boat with out bidding his partner goodbye or tailing him where ha was going. Be fore that time, though, they had made a division o f their portable arsenal, so Mighotto says, and he got the 82- 40 and 22 rifles with the ammunition for them which ho left in Charley Baxter's ease at the hotel office. Apparently Ward got lonesome when he could not find his room mate and so took the Sunday morning train Portland-ward. Ha by the way ap- to have a brother teaching at Grants Paaa and another at Talent in Jack- son county, while ho was bora and raised no farther away than Myrtle creak in Douglas county, where mem bers o f his family still reside. But before going ho asked Baxter for tha guaa Mighetto had left in the office and not only took them but wont through tha suit ease belonging to his partner and extracted tha ammu nition from it. Baxter waa a little loath to let him have the stuff but as they roomed together and seemed to be perda all right, he 1st it go. Ward wrote a note to Mighetto dated at Coquilte but mailed after he got to Marshfield telling him he waa going to Portland, which said, " I f I'd known what you are (a piper) before, I'd have went on home to Portland. You loft me broke and you have money, but I leave for Port land this morning just the asm«. Ill frightened him away there aa ba want to another hotel and registered un der still another name. Anyhow he waa flat broke and wrote, as he claim- ad, to his sister at Myrtle Creek to send him some money to come home. Mighetto got out a warrant for Ward for stealing tha gone and Sher iff Gage took a trip out to Eugene and Norton’s price for doinj $10,068 White the only $12,800. But one bid, that o f tha Elliott Con tracting Company, waa received an tha Coos Bay North project aad this bid being far higher than tha aati- by tha County court. No definite plan fas this im provement have as yet boon made but it is under advisement to pay n atal for tha uaa of the equipment of some large contracting company in cluding the services o f a superinten dent and doing tha work under coun ty supervision. No bids wore received on the Co- quilte-Fairvtew project so the county will do this work on 4 force account. Roe lmaster Murdock and the two county commissioner* went over to in spect the South Slough bridge Wed nesday. It Is thought that tha con crete covering o f tha piling doao not extend down to the sand aad a diver will be tmpteyod to examine it. It about $1000 maintenance for this bridge annually and the court decide to put in concrete pier«. H was derided to discontinue tha gasoline boat night service between Marshfield end Esstside oa June 1, the regular ferry until mid night, using two thifte e day.' During rush hours a half heur service is to be given. «' A contest has developed out 4n the Brewster country whore Fred Baker and others are asking fo r a road in order to gat a bridge. Mr. Bridges, on whose land, tha bridge would land, is opposing it, claiming it would require three acree o f his land and damage him $600. He sajw only three families would ba accom modated. The eburt haa tit* matter every pupUs have < « f taking < The faculty m*ki*va’ BCM iB m m i BUUU calved e numb ing the matt* already. The will have a du which will fit l the teachers. will for e M re- regard- * Last weak tbs »«bool seat oat orer a thousand circulars to the farmers and dairymen o f Coos and Curry coun ties relative to their Harm course in bookkeeping by mail. Several in quiries have already bean received re garding the coarse end indications are that it will start foon with a fall complement o f pupil*. This course has received the endorsement not only of County Agriculturist Smith bat af the bankers end business men o f this city and should appeal strongly to the dairymen o f this section, v The school now pambers among its pupils man in almost every walk aA life, bookkeepers, professional men, business maa aad bays and girls who will later taka their places in the business ranks o f this city being pres ent. Former pupils o f both H. 0. Anderson and af fta n k B. Anderson are also attending the school and all are enthusiastic about the methods and training they are receiving. __ Ì... •I’ ,-,'. A r tr where th e honeysuck? òse Knows and with equal certainty your nose know* good tobacco. Pure fragrance is the soul o f things . A tobacco with a satisfying, pure fragrance w ill prove a sm oke with a souL Items From Arago. Lester Clinton and Mias Bessie Fin lay took the eighth grads examina tion at Fishtrap' Thursday and Fri day. Mrs. Gao. Halter want to Marsh field Monday to consult Dr. Mingus regarding her health. Bev. Mr. Ohman pleached at Fish- trap last Sunday morning and eve ning to an appreciative audience. Marion Clinton and man art laying A t the Monday session a widow's plank in the worst places on the road pension was allowed Li*ha L. Walter, peat Gao. Halter's place which had to of Banloa. The amount waa $28. She bo abandoned this winter whan the has three «mall children. fields ware used. Thera la also more A n . indigent allowance o f $10 % month was mad« to Mrs. Ethel Isabel drsn. The afternoon was taken up in con sidering the matter o f overhead cross ings on the various reads o f the coun ty and discussing ways and means on tha work which will be done under force accounts this month. A t tha afternoon aooaion it was de cided that the court would tend a tel- agray to President Wilson urging that a survey of tha Pacific Coast Mil itary Highway be made at the earli est possible mopient- This order is in pursuance of a request from the promoters o f this highway and mas sages o f a tike nature will be sent from all the cities aad counties of ths west on Way $1. The court will convene in regular session on June 6. In the meantime informal or called meetings may be <»!d to take np emergency matters. Ite* *' Such a T obacco is M ade, as it is, from an expert blending o f rich, ripe Burley leaves, grow n in the sunny “ Blue Grass” section o f O ld Ken tucky, TU XEDO has a pure fragrance that is all its ow n. Try tkk Test: Rub a littlfi T uxedo briskly in the palm o f your hand to bring out its full aroma. Then smell it deep—it« deli cious, puna fragrance w ill convince you. T ry this test with any other tobacco and w e w ill let Tuxedo stand or fall on your judgment— Mias Addis Newton, who has been at North Bend fear four months, re lumed home Monday. Miss Hattie Titus, o f Petrolia, Cal., who has born visiting at Mrs. Gou- ihier’s tha past weak, returned home Tuesday. io «■ «♦ te a m - — Ih iS S IS k A a E jn J M ip Ç S I y i ' ¡ O j u X l J / i 4 \ U Á V » . — * ■ Still Trying to Beat I t Now plans for evading tha prohi- i-ition law ara being devisad «very day ovar at tha Bay, and strange to say putting the booz^ into salt water is one o f the moat usual methods. Since it has become unsafe to bring a vessel to the wharves with any con traband goods aboard, aa toon as tha craft goto ovar the bar and into shoe) water they hanve the boxes foil of bottles and flasks overboard and of course they go to the bottom. But when the small boats in waiting sea the splash they put off to the spot and find a small float attached to a card by which the boose is readily pulled up. The strawboard wrappings of the bottles in the suit cases seized on the railroad bare recently bore ev idence of having received an immuni ty bath o f this sort. So long as Cal ifornia remains wet this overflow in to tha Coos country will probably con tinue to some extent. But it's a very jail His preliminary examination took p la n before Justice Stanley Wednes day evening. Walter Sinclair ap peared for him. Tha Justice waa in clinad to hold Ward to the grand jury in September, but tha attorney in sisted so strongly that the preparty claimed to bo stolen was really a partnership matter which his client had Incurred no liability by appro priating, that he derided to recommit the accused to jail to await a further hearing after District Attorney Haa) got home from the Grand Lodge at Rose Festival Round Tripa. The Eleventh Annual Boa« Festival Engine, whan the lawyers can thresh is to ba bald hi Portland this year, that matter out. Juna 13, 14 and 18. Special ratea have been announced for Portland vis itors o f a fare and a third aad ticket* at these priesa will ba on sale Jhne 12th to 16th, good for return till June 18th. The same fates will provali when the National Educational Asso ciation moots there in July and tick ets will ha on sale from the 8th to the 18th e f that month. M oose A re P atriotic. The local Loyal Order o f Moose lodge ti one o f the first to declare themselves in a patriotic manner re garding members who may be called to tha colors. A t a recent meeting a resolution was passed declaring that the lodge would keep paid the duea of any j member who joins tha army or navy. More than that they will co-operate with other societies in car ing for the families o f any citizen who may enter the service of the United States, either voluntarily or Liberty Loan Banda. What era tha terms o f a Liberty Loan Bond T Liberty Loan Bonds o f tha first is su« o f $2,000,000,000 are to boar date of June 18, 1017, and to ron for thirty yaara, except that tha Government reaarvaa tha right to pay them fifteen yanrs after date. If this right is not exercised by thy Government fifteen years from data, the bonds will run the full thirty yaara. The«« bonds bear interest at $% per cant pet annum, and the interest is payable semiannually on ¡the fif teenth day o f Decomber and1 the fif teenth day o f June in «od i year. Will Work Full Time. R. A. Wernich, o f the Sitka Spruce Company, yesterday announced that Unincumbered Seven-room house, east frontage, fall corner life Accident ■ « _ W **' * - 4 ' . ' • “V, * ’>r New Home ____ . Users —A R E - Quality $ i% "‘ Choosers • lot; four blocks east o f State University, Eu * ' IV , Call on us for Stationery. i __ ^ - - H O W • T h is ? For Trade Eire * the Sentinel to eartern fr l. lo g . will ba arriving from Croino.' camp this weak and that their mill £ S t o £ h iiE T t * will in future work full time with no more delays because o f lack of logs, meet reliable remedy for Catarrh. Ha Z j ” .7., _____' - - 4- Catarrh lfedicm« acts thru the Blood That this will b# welcome news to the th# Muroul w n c « . , lp,m nr the I various members o f their crew goes son from the Blood sad booling the < without saying. During tha past two **After°r«!o"hav* taken Hall's Cau months tha mill haa been compelled t Msdlrtas for a short time you will os . . . .___ . „ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ ' rrvot improvement la yonr gem to shut down from this cause many heaMhl start taklaa Heirs Catarrh M< times and It has cast the company ^ •» «htsrrh. • considerable effort end e not inconsid- - , c h e n e t a co ., Toledo, Oh* arable financial loos to keep the crew «* < hr all Drassiate. Ho. together. ... During the peat week« the decks ...........■........ have bean cleared of tha accumulation ____ _____ o f lumber and with adequate shipping 0 fW f « facilities which they are now prom- L _ J ised and with a sufficient supply of f| | T I g l| logs constantly on hand steady opera- JL V I A A M l ' tion is assured. Heretofore on sever- Liberty U aa Bonds. What is a Liberty Loan Bond? A Liberty Loan Bond la a - l . - . - promia« o f the United States to pay at maturity tha amount o f the bond to the holder thereof, and to pay in- teroat semiannually each year from the date a f the issuance o f tha borni V, ^ " gene. Price $1,500. Will M.J.HARTSON trade for good piece * o , f 0 river bottom land. COSQUILLE E. J. DAY 1378 Agate S t Eugene, Or. OREGON New Home Sewing Ma chine Company