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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1917)
?* ' a n*> - ,.v •>r 86. »1 7 . North P R E PA R E D N E SS in the United States really began two years ago when the Federal Reserve System waa organised. It will he com plete when every citizen is doing his share towards the maintenance o f the system . By depositing your money with us you can help directly in developing and strengthening it, as we are required to keep on deposit with our Federal Reserve Bank in San Francisco a portion at your balance w ith us. • A t the same tim e, and without cost, you benefit di rectly from the protection the system affords us. One fight is all I Building al Graines* Camp. 6&id County, COUNTY DOUBT OF 0 0 0 8 COUNTY. First National Bank The Ol d e s t Na t i o n a l Bank In C o o s C o u n t y G.-B. Shanks want ta Culata* camp this week to bo«la U m enctfou of a QUICK'S Second Hand STORE NOTICE OF APPROPRIATION OF LAND FOB COUNTY BO AD. To Jacob Boaach: Yoa a n hereby notified and you will taka notice that the Coontjr Court of Oooa County, Oregon, to the im provement o f the Coquille-Mermbfield Section of the Coaet Highway have instituted proceedings for the appro priation of thoee portions of loto five (6), six <«). and eight (8). Block .ev en (7), of the town of Coaledo, lying, within thirty.feat on either aide of the central lino of the located County Roadway in Section 16, Township 87 South, Bang« U Wont, W. 1L, and that U m apropriation of said land will ha oonMdarud and the compenaa At night the northern hertooa to illuminated for mile after mile by the eight-mile-distant San Diego; flash lights from the U. 8. warships or U m lighthduee >t Point Loam aad other places stream bright light m r the dark skies. Turn to the oast southeast aad you catch U m iihuatoatioa o f Tla Juans, Mexico only four miles teem hero, in viting yoa to soam sport Go there if yon hove plenty o f money and truly you can soon got rid of. it, as hare done. ------- A couple o f weeks inter 1 our old Coos county Meads to El Ca jon. They all are thriving and pros p e rs «. Mr. Lamb,, who the first year of his arrival hare planted sev eral hundred peach trees, sold after they ware one year in tha soil $800 worth of pooches. th e neat pear brought him $800 and tide year, he expects 600 banes. Ho to agw » m and Henry and See These War ranch. Ha earns $8.76 par day. N«t bad, is H7 Mr. Hollenbeck, Dram Band on, to ber-ln-lnw to fonr or 1 laying heat and who knows Streets Will excbangs Guns, 1Phwngrepha 1 ahto gm la. Atoa mah 1 . DOWS. Call s. v&yarjr i *. m First B argains Efficiency Professional Carls be receives very good pey end is new able to improve hto os His good wife has begun to raise foul 168 prime ehktnns. wa tod pouch trues. The Hughes family frem Coquille enjoy a happy »; all are wed, rheumatics to a of U m post Hare to the city I stop now for a M m Mr. Gray, the artist from Myrtle of contract may be aa placa or may ha obtain poait of (U.00. U m right to reserve« or all propoaato or to i After givtog dotells of U m suicido posai er prepoeala da for a BM»nth, visiting one o f U m fieh- of Eugene Shields ■ a t Bancroft, the laid County. to the mountains. ftSg nanrta COUNTY COUNT OF COOS COUNTY. Coot and C ubby T iliph o n i C ompany GEO. E. RICHARDS ♦ ATTOBNBT.AT.LAW ♦ THE ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE C0QUHXE LAUNDRY ft ICE COMPANY The nom ai temperature m 69 degrooo. It rained but little terday and we had a quartar o inch durtog thè night and aarty n ing. Fruit to noi high; all boa« thè different knids of bentos ss thè storos far 6 osata. Orango« 10 to 21 conta par doasa, but tW] fully ripa and delicious. The ga< ing of all kinds of fndt wffl soc DR. C. W . ENDICOTT Str. Elizabeth Reed«« to San Francisco SW tt-SW * of We J. L i. J. STANLEY LAWYEf E. ft E.T. Kruse, Mgrs., 24 Calif. S t, 8. F. J. E. Norton» Agent, Coquille, Ore. A. J. SHERWOOD Buy direct firms the factory. Dr. F. G. BUNCH is Bask af Myrtle ickdown, $1.90. Crate of five, knockdown, $9.25 Inptjr Hives, knsrkdsw, $1.20. J. H. OERDING & SONS g r . P g Ui m El v a.