ooks bunk book is the one that will come in handiest in days of trouble. Get one of them books by opening an account with thia bank. It doesn't taka much to start an am ount and it will grow amusingly if you give it at- & MERCHANTS BANK Swing Deposits OREGON COQUILLE priainc rach * combine aro u guilty of crime and u disloyal to their coun­ try aa tha robber who deliberately liberty Lean Brade. If these bonds are so desirable, why is it necessary to advertise them ex­ tensively T s: It is not necessary io advertise these bonds to sell the whole Irans, bat it is earnestly desired th at this loan shall be a popular loan, a lean by and from the people a t large of the United States, açd not alone from banks, tru st companies, and finafi- ciers. To th at end bonds are to be You can secure a lustreless, oil painted finish on your walla and ceilings by using Acme Quality No- Lustre Finish—forms an artistic surface that com­ bines the durability of an enamel or an oil paint w ith the restful tones and velvet beauty of fresco. -æ m NO-LUSTRE FINISH Can be applied over plaster, m etal, canvas, wood, wall board or any surface upon which paint can bo used. i t l i an ideal wall coating—mom durable than Kalsomin«, i artistic than paint or enamel and mom sanitary than wall tuck ra with gome breeding pastes. Ask for a free copy of the Acme Quality Painting Guide Book—ft tolls all about paint and painting. FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY The material for- your With mom potatoes in stock ovary- in this country mow than there a year ago, prices am four as high. It’s a holiday for the food gamblers wham they can get the people going south aa they have this year. Makes one feel inclined to Wisconsin Silo and Highway BUI— , People use hose to stand in ever» day in the year; garden hem are go­ ing into the soil millions of times e day in Coos county now; but garden hose la still enjoying a vacation. W ith a half million words, mom or lost, in the English language we still find it necessary to use the seme word for things th at have no likeoeea nor relation to each other, as for instance “spring” as well as “hose." Some young men am debating whether it would be better to enlist in the navy now and aerve four year’s in Uncle Sam’s eerviee or wait and run the chance of being drafted Purpose—Amending Section 1 of Article I of the Constitution of Ore­ gon by declaring th at it is the func­ tion of the Constitution to clearly de­ fine e consistent en«l Harmonious plan of government; th at to perpetuate such consistency and harmony, all constitutional amsndments shall be so worded th at their adoption will leave the amended Constitution without any conflicting provisions; that, aa the af­ fect of any amendment upon the en­ tire Constitution is a vital considera­ tion in construing the amendment, no amendment shall have the affect of rendering any other p art or parta of the Constitution ineffective without expressly and specifically repealing the earns. Vets Yes or No. Hem is another entirely vicious bit of constitution tinkering. It’s adap­ tion would probably nuke it possible for the reactionaries to kill any amendment th at the people m ight Purpose—Authorising the State Highway Commission to raise money for building roads in next five years in aa amount not erase