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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1917)
Way and They Will Roll Back T o You who have what you want and when you want it FARM W e bought Florsheim Shoes before the last price advance« W e sell th e e m u ch low er than they can be se cured elsewhere* Full line o f Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, etc. H. LO REN Z CoquiDe sad Powers. MILLER BROS. Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Fish, etc Phone 731 S 4 » A . M. North. t e a s a . m . East. « t Aa A Iff o ------------------ Util Deliveries arw ssT W S S W V « 4 :00 P. M. Spurgeon Hill. p- aa n M- u w.v_____ Do Your Trading at Home and more money will stay in your home bank, and more o f it will be available fo r home use. The dollar that goes away hardly ever cornea back. F IR S T N A T I O N A L B A N K Last N ight's Contest. Party in H onor o f Choir. The F ifth Declam atory Contest of the Coqullle public schools was held a* Hall last evening with the usual large attendance. Each one o f the participant* ac quitted herself or him self creditably and their efforts showed careful prap- Givsn at the home o f M rs^pr. Rich mond Friday evening, May 18, was a party in honor o f the M. E. choir. A f ter a very pleasant evening spent in playing games, dainty refreshments VALUES Second Story. The Rolling Dollar U y In the same p a n e with a 960 yellow b ack. “ Speaking 0f children,” said that buay piece o f money, "w hy don’t people look ahead a little? Thfey think they are giving their boye and giria a fo o d start in life, when as a m atter o f fa ct they are handicapping them heavily. “ You and I know what it means fo r young people to make a start in the city. We know how many m ore good chances th e n a n at home— or ought to be. Yet lots o f folks, thinking they a n saving money, tear down their county town instead o f building it up, by buying everything possible from the catalog houses. “ When the children grow up they must stay on the farm or go to the city, fo r no town can grow and offer opportunities to a young man unless its merchants a n patronised. And few boys, seeing how dose the sher iff is after the business men o f his own town, win stay th e n while the distant d ty attracts them .. “The good people have forced their beys and girls into the fearful grind o f the d ty by their own short sightedness. The home town goes downhill, while the mail order houses get rich.” “ Farm values a n always higher i f th e n is a good live town in the county," responded the |60 yellowback. “ When the* farm er sells out and retires he can get a stiff price because h t sells location as well as land. W hy, farm land around Centerville here—-w hen folks kiep their money working right around in a circle so that, it gets back to them— is worth a quarter m o n than around Marsh dale, w h en the land is ju st as good. But the Marshdale country has the order bug. “ It Is human n atu n to want a good town to come to once in a while, and we^are all willing to pay fo r a live town’s advantages. The people in the Marshdale district send all their money to Chicago and the other mail order centers. Consequently their land is worth less money.* They haven’t figured yet that no terri tory, drained o f its cash constantly by a city which buys nothing from it in return, can offer any induce ments to investors dr newcomers. “ A good local market is worth money to the owner o f farm land, and you can’t have a good market i f there is no live town. “ Some people think the local furniture dealer, the clothier, the grocer and the hardware man are robbing them because there are but one or tw o stores o f that kind in the town. That is one excuse for mail order buying. * “ Here is proof to the contrary: City people are not a bit sm arter than country folks, and they fall fo r the catalog with the pretty pictures ju st the same. Why, I heard that Omaha sends $260,000 a year to one eastern house that has a fascinating scheme fo r selling soap. Now Omaha has a lot o f good stores, big ones, and com petition is so keen that “ robbery” is impossi ble. People there have some other excuse for ‘buying a" pig in s poke’ I suppose, and they get trapped the same w ay." Copyright, 1914. WOman’s Study Club. Methodist Episcopal. and get values you couldn't get a thousand Miles away. Your interest is our interest—our stock is large and complete. BOUGHT RIGHT and we only ask a fair p r o f i t , We serve you promptly and a n always h e n to see that you a n satisfied. Keep your money in your own community and it will re turn to you quicker. THE B U SY C O R N E R Now is the time to buy a John Deere Plow or Harrow LAMB & VON PEGERT THE KEYNOTE • Success in medicine relies solely on its power to relieve illness, according to the demands o f Its purpose. The keynote o f success in the use o f any medicine compounded by us, is In the feet that every drug used is selected with the knowledge o f its purity end potency, end compounded according to moat scientific methods by aA - ch at pharmacists. Your doctor knows the value o f our work end the results obtained from medicine compounded here and both be and the patient obtain the results desired through its use. FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY • The Boxali Store. Coqullle, Oregon. The Canning Season is about here. It’s tim e to stock up on fru it' jars. W s sell the Economy, wide mouth self-sealing ma son ja r. Jolly gisssss etc. LYONS & JONES Groceries .. Calling Carda 60c f er 60. Coquille, Oregon PASTURE Land fo r rent. 60c head per month. H. W itachey, Coal The last meeting o f the Woman’s Sunday Sehool at 10 a. m. Mrs. Study Club fo r 1916-17 was held last Georgia Richmond, superintendent; Frilay afternoon at the home o f Mrs. H. O. Anderson, musical director. H. O. Anderson. There were no les The Epworth League at 7 p. m. sons, the last meeting, according In The topic is, “ W hy 1 Should Attend time-honored preceadent, being a so a League Institute.” Miss Mary Le- Nosier and Mrs. Richmond. Rev. T. cial one. H. Downs made a few remarks o f the Except fo r a short prelim inary talk appreciation o f (he membership p f the on business, the tim e was devoted to church o f the choir fo r their faith conversation and needlework. It was fulness, after which Mr. Chess in be a delightful afternoon, ending fitting tions. In their Haymakers and Dai half o f the choir presented Miss Bay ly with dainty refreshments, served with a beautiful boquet o f carnations. by the hostess. PASTURE— fo r R ant G. A . Colvin, rym aids’ costume song they were fine CoqMle. m i The club will meet next on Friday, entertainers and at the close »bout LOAN W ANTED— 82,000 for 8 er 6 October 6, in the city library. r. dozen little girls o f that c la n , garb ed in night gowns and night caps, Rock Robison, Jr. A t Frank Wtl w ith dolls in their anas, sang “ The Probate Court Notes. D olls Lullaby.’” In Probate court last wesk petitions Presbyterian Church. In the first section q f the contest, FOR 8 ALB at a bargain—One 7-pas were filed fo r the adoption o f Harriet the fifth and sixth grades, Marie Lan- senger Studebaker, one Cadillac T«aching service from 10 to 11 a. m. and John F rits, o f Flatner. dreth won the medal, hie subject be Track in good condition. Address FOR SALE— 16 a cn e , all bottom , one Preaching service at 11 a. m. May 22 a petition was filed for let ing, "O ut on the Other Train.” Trav or call on A ug. Frixaan, Marshfield, Theme: “ The Service o f tho Sword.” m il* from Coquille p ostoflee; d ty ters o f administration by Annie M. is T yrrel, Kathleen Siler and Clara- D elightful Surprise Party. Oregon. . 17t4 Mrs. F . C. Purs ley and Mi«* Bay will water. Inquire John Hie kam. 9tf. Ekblgd, adm inistratrix o f the «state bell Peart were not fa r behind Merle Tuesday May 16, Mias Berna Irvine sing solos. o f Nels Ekblad, the appraised value was delightfully surprised by a num A cordial welcome is extended to o f which is $4,000 o f real property everyone interested in this annual In tbs second section B eryl W ood ber o f ladies o f the Royal Neighbor and $6,000 o f peraonaL The evening was pleasantly Memorial Servkq. ruff was awarded the medal. Her lodge. In the m atter o f the estate o f J. T. F. S. Shimian, Paetot. recitation was “ Engineer Conner’s spent in conversation and fancy work. Green, who died Jan. 10, 1917, in Son.” Kenneth Stanninger and Chea Marion county, a petition was filed ter Howard were the other contest Wednesday. The estate consists o f S t James Episcopal Church time is here. You will find at the Racket Store a ante and K waa no easy m atter te $200 real property. Sunday school at 10 a. m. make a selection between three «peek- lot o f housecleaning aids fo r less money. This morning L N. M iller filed the Sunday a fter Ascension—May 20. era, aH o f whom did so weil as they petition fo r the probate o f the will Rev. V. G. Jennings. Gold Dust in 10c packages_____________________ tw o fo r 16c o f Theodore Neuhaoa, deceased, whose Scrub Bruahea---------------------------------------------------10c and 16c N ellie Johnson, Leanna C urry, Ru estate consists o f $1400 real property Christian Church. by McDonald and M arvsl S k eel. ap ----------------------a____________ 10c Bibi« School at 10 a. m. peared in ths High School division. O’ Cedar Mops -------------------------- 76c and $1.26 Y . P . 8. C. B. at 6:80 p . m. M arvel winning the medal with the 4 o*. 26c; 12 ox. 60c; 1 q t 91.00 selection “ How the Church W as Built .10c can a, 26e bottles, 76c eana at Kahoe’e Bar.” I f fou r m edal, could Paint* and Varnishes still at the old price o f____________10c have been provided fo r the third sec Whisk Broom s----------- --------------- ----------------------- 10c and 16c tion, it would not beve been out o f place te have preeented each contest. Spring Housecleaning Special for Saturday, May 19th Brooms, light, good q u a lity____________________________ fiOe MRS. BONNIE W ALKER, Prop.