The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, May 18, 1917, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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H O W can y o u
you ’re near the Sea 7
> ;
■ •» k
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Southern Pacific Lines
IWas From ths Bay.
(F ro m A m C oot B ay N ew s.)
W agee a t the Sm ith-Pow ers camps
wars recen tly advanced, sim ilar to the
increase offered a t the m ills.
A t the K n igh ts o f Columbus con­
vention in Portlan d la st w eek. Punt-
m aster H ugh M cLain was elected
state warden o f the order.
W ord received from A . K . Peck,
Saturday, w as to the e ffe c t that he
was a m em ber o f the eO eers' school
at the Presidio, San Francisco.
School N oU s.
The G eneral Science clam o f the
high school perform ed e public ser­
vice Tuesday by looking up a ll va ­
cant lots in town suitable fo r garden­
in g and not y et under cultivation. B y
d ietrictin g the town and goin g about
it system atically, th ey did the entire
Job in a little over an hour. Th e in­
form ation secured by them w ill be
used bf the Com m ercial Club in se­
curing load fo r those who w ish to
plant garden but have no ground.
The eigh th graders are takin g the
county exam ination today.
ere seventeen in the clam .
CapC B ritt, o f the const guard sta­
tion, has been authorised to have
tra il cut fro m the station to Baste
A ccording to a custom which has
dorff beach, to fa c ilita te m oving a
prevailed in the school fo r a number
paratus in case o f shipw recks.
The minimum «ra ge paid by E . G. o f years, the fourth graders w ill fu r­
nish s part o f the music fo r the de­
I ’erham, who is engaged oa i
The little folks
road contract, is »8 per day. . H e re­ clam atory contest.
cently raised the pay fo r a team
team ster fro m »6 to |T par day.
W h ile rounding th e corner from the
Bunker H ill road to ^roadw ay, F r i­
day night, Dick Sm ith 's ea r w ith six
occupants, turned over.
A ll
m ore or lam bruised, but fortu n ately
w ere not seriou sly injured.
The reta il price o f halibut, caught
on the banks o ff Coos B ay, in the lo ­
cal m arket la st w ish sms 18 cents
per pound.
D ealers say th at ths
price ia not exorbitan t v
pared w ith Portland and S eattle
W . L C larke, one o f the new pro­
prietors o f th e box fa c to ry a t N orth
Bend, a rrived from San Francisco,
Thursday, and is p a ttin g the fa cto ry
in chape w ith the intention o f
in g it as soon as possible. H . O. F ry
w ill be superintendent.
W . C. Hinm an, who w as a ctive tn
the organisation o f the Coast A r till­
ery com pany b*™ » end who la tely
was em ployed a t the K ruse A
shipyard, recen tly took the oath o f
office as m ajor ia the reser ve U . S.
arm y. M r. Hinm an served eigh t y a r n
in the W ashington state m ilitia, and
held the com m ission o f captain.
I t ia stated th at the governm ent
w ill adopt the plans o f th e new C. A .
Sm ith vessel, the Johanna Sm ith, fo r
the standard o f wooden veeeels that
w ill be constructed on the Pacific
Plans «rill be subm itted to
coast shipbuilders w ithin a fe w days
and it said th at bids «rill be asked fo r
by the governm ent instead o f guaran­
teein g a 10 per cent p rofit, as pro­
posed a t first.
W . S. Chandler is h avin g a speed
boat bu ilt a t San Francisco fa r use
bet«reea his summer hom e on Coes
riv e r and M arshfield. The boat «rill
be 36 fe e t lon g «rith IV6 fo o t beam,
and «rill bo fitted «rith a 185-horae
power engine. She is guaranteed a
speed o f 20 m iles an hour «rith tan
passengers, and «rhea stripped fo r
racin g «r ill m ake 2 » or 90 m i l « aa
Th e beat is expected here
about the firs t o f July.
P a t Hennessey, form erly superin-
(e n d e n tw f the Lib b y m ine, end who
recen tly retired ns m anager o f th e C.
A . Sm ith m ine e t H en ryville, returned
last «reek fro m a visK to San Francis­
co, w here he talked to prom inent coal
dealers concerning the outlook fo r the
developm ent o f coni properties. They
said th at the prospect
prin cipally o«rtag to the
oil is g e ttin g scares. Th ere ia
o f coni in Ceos county, b u t cap ital ie
needed to
the mines.
|mill than ever M o n . The output ia
•tM d iljr increasing and bat iit t l. trou­
ble in re ttin g eras to handle the hun­
te r is experienced. These facts, tak­
en in conjunction w ith the advance m
the lum ber m arket ia reH evtag the
loekh financial situation m aterially
end every one concerned is «rearin g a
m ere pleasant expression then here­
G ratae's camp, near R ivertoq, which
w ill also furnish Ioga fo r this s till, ax- ‘
peeta to be ready to begin delivery
eoase tim e this week, but w ith due a l­
lowance fo r possible delays, w ill no
doubt have logs in the boom not later
then the first o f next week. W ith
both this and the Aasen camp running
at fu ll capacity there is little doubt
that the m ill w ill be able to keep con-
There’s a salty tang in the air— a pare
fragrance that braces you.
Quite so
with a tobacco o f a fine, distinctive
flavor— it's the pure fragrance that epr
peals— “Y o u r Nose K now s.”
present. The contest this year w ill
be on Thursday evening, M ay 24.
' Ruby M cDonald and M arvel Skoals,
tw o o f the high school speakers in the
declam atory contest next week, are
already in possession o f m odels won
in the grade sections o f the coatat.
M arvel was the winner o f the second
section in 1214 w hile Ruby was the
victor o f the same section in 1916.
: R ub «lit t le T uxedo briskly
in the palm of your hand to
bring out its full arom a.
Then sm ell it deep— its deli­
cious, p o r e fragrance w ill
convince you. T ry this test
w ith any other tobacco and
w e w ill let Tuxedo stand
o r fall on your judgm ent—
L ast F rid a y was celebrated as Un­
iversity D ay a ll over the state o f
Oregon. In order that the occasion
m ight not pass by unobserved, Mrs.
M . 0 . Hawkins, M iss L e ts M ast and
Mrs. Edwin EUingson cams up to
high school assem bly and gave tbs
I U \.(?< U
A number o f the high school g irls
who belong to the Honor Guard have
been am is tin g tbs county agricu ltu r­
ist in tabulating
the agricu ltu ral
census o f the county.
S u p t V ictor P. M orris, o f the M yr­
tle Poin t schools, visited the high
sch ool, T urn day and addressed the
2 d istricts fo r the consolidation o f the
three into one targe d istrict. The pe­
titions w ill be subm itted to the boun­
dary board end i f approved an order
Fishing at Lakeside.
ta ll be im oed that these districts vote
oa the m atter a t the annual m eeting. | M r. and M rs. W . a Rom w e n
The Lakeside d istrict recently voted Lakeside visitors Sunday and report
bends to the amount o f »6,000 fo r a a fine tim e but not many fish. B ait
was the only method o f enticing the
finny beauties and they did not go
properly prepared, hence n sm ell
H ow ever, M rs. Rom proved,
herself the champion o f the day by
ferrod from the Coquille district to
landing the la rgest fish caught on the
take. M r. Rose says there w ere ban
idents on this land
o f people there from n early ev­
children to the near«
ery part o f the county.
paying tuition.
How's This?
Wa offer One Hundred Dollar»
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cored by Hall’s
Catarrh Cure.
....... _1~
_ r . J. e n r a n r r * c o , Toledo, < x
A s vadsralfBsd, have knows F. J.
For Unincumbered
New Home
\ *>
—A R E -
■ • v -0-.»
fa ll corner
lot; four blocks east of
State University, Eu­
gene. Price $1,500. W ill
■ e
trade for good piece o f
year. This is one od the
schools hi the sta tt
I >7,000 building and is a*
sm all s d o o i can be.
river bottom land.
1378 A c a u S t Elisene, < * .
^ vÿ’ r * i .* r , ■