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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1917)
Books BY H. ¿ A S tS Z «noe, mm m m 1 m a Coquille aasMail ¡ WÊL the court will hold that Curry y is only a part of the state of Oregon aad that the part epa* tlw w h o l e . *" bank book la tlw one that wUl mow the too ao that is placed ca tite A 1st foot Is where U woken and the under foot all touches whoa is part of a to compel them to lone 4 te vote on the BO ad tape than 15 sente. No y esiti oa known to man, the ravings who i nee, t that i t t a h ^ ^ OSWALD WH8TFOJ If there la any way of Oswald West tram heeewing United | from Oregon to succeed Bar ry Lane, we should like to learn what it is, so we ran help the good cause. Of all the possible candidates men tioned, we have hoard the name of who would eoem to stand a i to beat the peppery ex-gover- received from the chairaran o í the I* a great federal shippíng rammisston s request yaar. to report ell veeeele o f orar 1,500 tone The senatorial primaries will be on operated b y the conpany and to otate top of'u s la a few months. It is a where the voséela era now. It lo tai* foregone conclusion that West will en that thia lo a etep in the gevera- beat Lane to a frassle at the primar ment's plan to taha orar merchent ies. •Úpe needed. If it «Iras neesssary to Everything depends upon whom the transport the lamber toan the Baüth republicans nominate, se far as the mili in raeaela of andar 1,560 tona lt ance to boat West at the election is The Cow county corn growers mouth distrae. The aa xiety of some of He members to bra r their heads get the blue ribbons at thn Coquille reqr is bring gratidei I while war Corn Carnival next faU will have te win further honors. At preparations lag. i a "Western Oregon Corn War prices for bunting aad fishing la to be itagfd Decomber 1L licenses after this week Saturday ia IS end 15, wit* »400 in prime. the last day you am got them at Grange end the Eugene Chamber of 81.80 The fifty per ran t raise will go are the sponsors of the a f into effect Monday. fair and there will ao doubt be » big West is hoosst ana gble, fanatical The sweep- and vindictive, persistent and pictur- is $85 end fra He will run like a house afire. they rang« from |15 down to $2A0 To boat him win not only requira a for different varieties and diff. of highest character and ability, ■ q l f r i l la the Beys’ co but 'one who in addition possesses the best bushel will get |50 and the qualities of political strength to unite the progressiva and republican votes. A reactionary hae been hasn't a Of the half a million men between ance on earth. A bitter campaign M and 80 to be »elected for the araty by the 8ret draft, MOO will he taken at the republican primaries would in Oregon. Our otate haa 106,100 split the party as usuai. Let us hope une one will be found around man JWtween theee agee. Five per the patriotic public sentiment cent of theee win be our quota after of the state may rally, mo that Oregon crediting no with men already in the National Guard. That will mean one may have ia the Senate chamber a awn for every 140 people'and the full sised statesman who will not only do his duty by ths nation but will not be blind to Oregon’s deVriopmental Of recent years our Oregon i eoem to have forgotten there a state as Oregon.—Oregon selling here for |1.7I Voter. The Sentinel editor has always had vary kindly fooling for Governor West for a good many reasons, but double crow d ourselves Harry Laos bseause we suldnt be switched from a al of induced to turn e Nothing could have to any crooked scheme of the interests, we don't fori quite so about West. Ybo same ia un- af Oswald West, and we hope ha b net to of anarchistic noth Lane go back on ths United states and the flag, and aU that they stand for, and do his little beet to help the Kaiear. Not intentionally, of course, but Just been see he wee unable to rise to the eituatien and i ! ■ 't o j H it liverea as he seemed. His think works Jute ran wild on a reverse curve, and ha landed in the ditch, that's ell. West is on the square, all rights cur only question , is whether bo pee- the sense ef proportion and the pretty nearly winded now, with the preeaore let up on the east front and gyroscopic quality neaded in a big theoeende of German troops being transferred to France to check the alliee’ advance. Thia la not going to “THEY HAD A MIND TO WORK.” After the Jews had been "hanging be any limited liability war. If wo are going t> prevent German armiee their harpe an the willowe" along the from landing on oar coasts, banting banka of the Euphratea at Babylon oar cities, dcartating our fields and far seventy yean, Nebemiah came intrenching themselves on oar high back to Jerusalem with a remnant ways, the place to do H is at Europe and began to rebalid the walls. They —quick. The eternal gab-feet of the were nothing bat beeps of stones end peat six weeks ia Cingrass has helped Germany a whole lot laughed at them as they went about their discouraging task. Bat the rec ord tells as "they had a mind to WB ABB MUDDLING TOO. Lord NarthdHTs contributes to the work" and H wasn't long before they Saturday Evening Poet a very timely were well fortified in their old capi article entitled "Democracy la a Rad tal. Going about our city now there War Makar.” H en is the pith of it: ere ample evidences that the people "Whan you rants to examine any of Coquille have a mind to work for gnat success, yon will usually hnd the production of food and do their that at the head of It are a few per- bit to increase oar nation's war sup soaeldes who, sitting around a table ply. To say that on* has a mind to work at regular intervals, give «heir orders with certain knew!edge thet they will is high praise, while to aey that on* be carried out without friction or te- id- willing to have something done trigue. Compare Ltoeeta’e position mean* very little, but to be willing in 1861 with that of the German Kais opght to mean the seme as to have e er ia 1914. Consider the antfilsh rf mind to, for both expressions mean mind, muddle, disorganisation, in the same thing. The will ip the hu trigue sad nasi ass waste of hnnan man dynamo and to be will-tag is to life that took place in your are y by have the currant tamed on and the That is what is reason of politics and wirepulling as wheels whirring. compared with the instant springing happening here and all over the conn- to arms of every fighting German in ty today, ao far as war preparedness We are beginning to 1914. Had that wonderful army that is concerned. buckle on oar armor and brace our selves for the fight. . Tract the Weamn Te Do It. H «« la a new aoccaetion on the atx million road bond iaaue. “ It’a dollar* to doughnuts,” says the Rooebarc New«, "that whom it eoama to voting on the bond iaaoe for better thoroughfares you will find the women casting their ballot in the affirmative. It’s aeldom you find the (entier sex oppoeed to lefitfanate Im- provementa. They uaually beat the old man' to it every time.” in handiest in days of trouble. Get one of these books by opening an account with this bank. It X dorant talco much to start • an n u m i and lt will grow ✓ amastagly if you give it at- MEROUNTS BANK and Savint Deposits OREGON COQUILLE Stain and Varnish ~ THAT Shabby Furniture M shabby or woodwork to worn can be easily re- with the batanee of the ACME QUALITY V A R N O -L A C G al sa or tor Sealed bids for the construction of a portion o f the Coquillo-Myrtle Feint Section of the C^os Bay- ‘ »way, in Coes' County, be received by the County Chart of raid County at its-office la the Court House, Coquille, Oregon, until 10:00 A. M. dune 7th, 1917. No bid will be considered unless ac- ’wnponied by cash, Udder’s bond, or wrtigfd chock for aa amount oqual to at least » par rant, of the total amount e f tim bid. A corporate surety bond, will be required for the faithful performance of the contract in a sum equal to coo-half tim total amount ef the Ud. Properal blanks eng full informa tion for bidders may be obtained at the office of the County CUrk of said County, or at tlw office of the Bond- master, ia the Court House, Coquille, Oregon. Plans and specifications and torm o of contract may bo soon at the same place or may be obtained upon the de posit of 815.00. The right ia rwerved to reject any or all proposals or to accept the pro pesa! or proposals deemed beat for said County. COUNTY COURT OF C 008 COUNTY. James Watson, County Judge O. J. .__ County Archie Philip, County Commissioner Attest: L. W. Oddy, County Clerk. Coquille, Oregon, May 9th, 1917. 1TM K S Arose Quality Varno-Lac stains and Tarnishes at one op eration predating popular stain effects aad Imitations ef ex pensive hardwoods. Can be need for furniture, Boers aad «road work. U is easy to apply. The Abme Quality Pointing Guide Beak tails all about stalling, varnishing aad painting.. What u te r is Is to use, bow much will be required add bow the work should be dene. Free • st our store. ' ** • FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY T h e m aterial for y ou r Wisconsin Silo b ready fo r use* f » C om e In and let u s g ive y o u an estim ate o n the cost* They ire indigpensible to E. E. JOHNSON A STITCH IN T IM E . «ir ambo : Net Neglect No kidney trbuble is unimportant. D ost overtook the slightest backache or urinary irregularity- Nature »may be warning you of gravel or Bright's disease ia seldom fatal If to time, h the warn. D eal kg back another day. Don’t ig- alsey spella, irregular or diaral- i-* m no « c o u c h , * u t ! m so t im e d on L OMPIMAMV TOBACCO au d w m w t a c m x w o f weion. tf yuuteal you arad kkL hrip ^ ......................... time-triad Pilla. w a d ---------- ll people W ham A. Lewis, 887 Miller 0 t, Ora, rays: "I bave been tore or toes by my kidneys • the Civil War. I ofter Tnft Cto