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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1917)
SS*! M J r ;' t T H P fä llst r. s a t a » ... , Roll Bäck TcrvYou who have what you want and when you want it (oaf W e bought Florsheim Shoes before the last price advance. ’ ^ ' • > cured elsewhere. H. L O R E N Z - ' Coquille and Powers. m il l e r V br o s : Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Fish, etc Phone 731 I M A. M. N orth. 10:00 A. M. R est. 11 :M A. M. Spurgeon Hill DO YOU PREFER to w hat yea are keying. To bey n t k Do Your Trading at Home and more money will stay in your home bank, and more of it will be available for home use. The dollar that goes away hardly ever comes back. FIR ST N A T I O N A L BANK H igh Jinks a t W edding. General Science Club. The G eneral Science Club of the L ast F riday. May 11, m the tw en ty-fifth anniversary of the m arriage High School m et Tuesday afternoon of Mr. ami M rs. Geo. S. Davis, who a t 3 o’clock and had th e following Uve a few m iles above th is city on the program : E arly H istory of G lass—Paloma M yrtle P oint road, and the occasion v u celebrated by th eir friends w ith a surprise p arty w ith several unique featu res. They w ere invited im p e n d th e evening a t the home of A lbert Schreeder, a neighbor, and th eir neighbors and friends in th is city, to th e » « "» w of over SO, w ere notified to be present. The evening was spent in pleasant pastim es, w ith 0 serge ta the b u tt of m ost of th e jokes and was closed w ith a bounteous rep ast which Roll Your Dollars This Way •;'v and g e t values 700 couldn’t got n thousand m iks away. Your interest is our interest—our stock is large and complete. BOUGHT RIGHT and we only ask g fair profit We serve you promptly and ere always - here to eee that you are satisfied. at Fu ll line o f Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, etc. Tilg Stare of Satisfaction. “My brother and I were together for a long tim e, b a t FU nev e r rae kirn again. I guess." »aid the Big Silver D ollar to the Five D ollar Bank Note. "H e waa taken over to M anhdal# w ith a lot of shiny q u a rta n , while I came on hare to Cantor- villa, w here I ’ve certainly spent n busy six asoaths. I heard ho w as sent out of M arshdel* to • Soettle stall order house to pay fo r four pounds -t an... the kind th a t doesn’t ta ste so good somehow u you thought it would when you road about it in the catalog. ~ •' V ~ r j ; " ^ ........... “And how I’ve werhed since we separated! This is s live little city as you 11 soon learn ter yourself. I’ve moved about so much I call m yself T h e Rolling D ollar.’ “Every stop to think kow many bills s dollar can roll out flat, all ready fo r th e ‘Bill P aid' .file—th a t is, if the people will only keep track him and bold him w ithin reach in th eir own com m unity? “Why dozens of tim es I’ve been in the some trouser pocket tw ice ip th e sam e weak. You see, Centerville folks spend their, money hero in town. Perhaps th a t is one reason why it has doubled in sig h t years. “Ju st the other day I was paid out by a farm er on a grocery bill. 1 didn’t stay In th a t till very long, fo r it was payday and the delivery boy got me. Tbs next m orning I w ent into n cloth ing store. The clothing store m an took me borne and I had alm ost a day's r e s t Then his w ife bought tw o settin g s at fancy eggs from th a t same fan n er, and I w ent back to th a t house. The farm er’s w ife spent ms fa r sem e dry goods rig h t aw ay, and tb e next day I wont to a carpenter trim was putting n new p artitio n in the store. The carpenter used see fa r p a rt of his ra n t money, and I laid in the bank fo r an hour. Then the m inister draw s u out when he cashed a sm all cheek, and in U s home I rubbed up against a shiny |6 gold piece » bride groom gave him. “The m inister’s w ife took the two of us to the fu rn itu re store, and bought a new rocking chair. The sam e-day I w ent into th e butcher’s till, back into the bonk, and next day into a jew elry store. The jew eler bought some new lighting fixtures from the m an in th e next, block, so I moved down there, and then out into the country aqain when the fixture man bought n new horse. No, I couldn’t pay for th a t h o n e all by m yself, the others were new bills, fresh and crisp. “The man who sold the h o n e took me to pinning m ill, and I hoard him sey he could square up now th a t ho had sold the horse. I wont out of the m ill Saturday afternoon as wages, and on Monday I landsli in a shoe store.. The m an who carried me there said the boss had gtven turn tne raise ne had promised, because busiaesa w as looking up now. A t ony rate, the shoe m an had a saw shov^ window pu t In hia atom , and I helped pay fo r th a t. R ight aw ay I was dropped in th e cash reg ister of s restu ran t, and then back hare to the grocery store. Well, w ell see one another often I goes», you’re bound to move around in Centerville. -- a » . ■ y fnLi “How do I know I’ll never see my brother ag ain ? W hy, did you ever sea any of th e money th a t is sen t to Chicago or S eattle o r S t. Louis or New Y ork coming bock th is w ay? The m ail or d er booses don’t buy anything from th is d istrict—th e ir business is to sell to the folks hero and than lo t them ru stle around ns best they can to sell w hat they grow or make. The aaail order house doeent help yon any to g et the money, but H w ill help you to g et rid of i t by buying in larg er quantities th an you need and sometimes buying things yon can’t afford ju st because tb s picture in the catalog looks so nice. “B rother probably w ent to pay fo r n stre e t Improvem ent in S eattle or he helped—ju s t a little b it— to pay fo r a dinner in some Chicago g rill. I t’s good-bye whan you go th e n .” at W c sell th ee m uch lower than they can be sc- ‘ WHAT A DOLLAR WILL DO Keep your money in your own community end it will re turn to you quicker. T H E B U S Y C O R N E R ¥ r • V . . V , 1 The Modern Woodmen b u k e t social -omorrow night promisee to be a very pleasant affair from the preparations being made. Every Woodman and Royal Neighbor is asked to bring friends. Three 62.60 boxes of candy era offered to ladies .fo r baskets. One will go fo r the baaket which is m ost emblematic of W oodcraft; another for the b u k e t bringing the highest price a t the auction; and the third to the lady whose b u k e t is th e p rettiest. If you are a friend of a Woodman or Royal N eighbor you a re invited to be at Priesa will seea advance. Take advaatage proaaat price#. Come la aad let ua shew you our stock. LAMB & VON PEGERT % THE KEYNOTE ^ Success in medicine relies solely on its power to relieve illness, according to th e demands of its purpose. The keynote of success in the use of any medicine compounded by ua, is in the fact th a t ovary drug need is selected w ith the knowledge of its purity and potency, and compounded according to m ost scientific m ethods by sdt- cient^nharm acists. ...................... Y ourW oetor knows th e veins o f our work an d th e resu lts obtained from medicine compounded here and both ha and th e p atien t obtain the results desired through its use. :i FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY The Rsxmll Store. F R U I T f y i . . , - ; •-*-<>* : .1 May 14—F. S. Scofield vs. Leonard H artley, M ary 8. H artley, Benjamin H artley, Mollis H artley, L. A. Rob S t James Episcopal Church erts and Mabel A. Roberts. Sunday school a t 10 a. m. May IS—F. A. Spencer « G. W. Sunday a fte r Ascension—May 30. Shelley doing business as Spencer A Holy Communion and sermon a t 11 Shelley -vs. C. R. Bennett. a. m. Celebrant, Rev.. Dean H orsfall, May 17—Emily W ells vs. Clem B. of Bandon. ** W ells. Suit fo r divorce. Evening prayer and sermon a t 8 p. Valuable Bunch o f Hogs. L ast T ussday the D ispetch brought M. E. Church South. Coquill«, Oregon. J A R . a •; The Canning Season is about here. I t’s tim e to stock up on fru it jura. Wo soil tb s Economy, wide mouth self-sealing ma son ja r. Jolly glasses etc. LYONS & JONES Fine Groceries H. O. Anderson, m usical director. The church service a t 11 a. m. May 11—B. F. B losisr and M yrtle This service will be in the intereeta E . Lee per, bqth of M arshfieid. of C hristian Education, and the May 13—Léonard H. W allace and claim s of W illam ette U niversity will Emma E. W allace, of M arshfieid. be preented by Prof. John G ary and May 14—Edw ard Biescke and Ga- PASTURE Land fo r rent. gerd C ottor, of Prooper. The Epw orth League a t 7 p. m. May 14—Ira T ripp and Roxie E. The leader is M iss Carol Rahskopf. H atcher, of M arshfieid. The evening service a t 8 p. m. The May 14—Lea te r Yarbough and Vhr- pastor will preach on the theme ian Word. “C hristian Education, An Equipm ent May 14—D aniel B. Franson and H annah Nay. May 14—Frank Rover and Lena Presbyterian Church. ' H ardw are and CoquiOe, Oregon LOAN WANTED—$2,000 fo r t or 5 y ears on close-in M arshfield prop erty . W ill poy Security fi ret c lu e . le t« M arriage Lteenses* Christian Church. y Now is the time to buy a John Deere Plow or Harrow 6%. 60c per New Case« in Circuit C o v r t M. W. A . Baaket Social. 4 Ned C. Kfilley in if Fire U fe Accident Spring Housecleaning time is here. You will find a t the Racket Store a lot of houaecleaning aids for leei money. GoW Oust in 10c packages---------------------------- two for 15c Scrub Brushes-------------------------------------------- 10e and 16c Mop Sticks----------------------------------------------------------- i0e O’Cedar Mops----------------------------------------- 75c and $1.25 O’Cedar Polish ---------- 4 ox. 25c; 12 ox. 50c; 1 q t $1.00 Furniture Polish ------------ 10c cana, 25c bottles, 75c cans Paints and Varnishsa itili at tha old price of__________ 10e Whisk Brooms------------ ------------------------------- 10c 18c Special for Saturday, May Brooms, light, good quality 19 th R ACK ET STO RE MRS. B O N N IE W A LK ER , Prop.