The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, May 11, 1917, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    I public «O e m to asrict la the
m o f tbs law. lk t p lu h,
-, to rely on the people for the
execution of the law. It la
i that patriotic eitiaeaa will
air services fraa aa registrar*.
ba gratefully
toad- Volunteer, for this aer-
irTtaaa win
ident’a call:
There waa a tone hi the country's
hiatory when m ilitary enuaaeratora,
backed by bayoneta, want out among
the people to take a compulaory ear-
vice Today, under the prin­
ciple o f univaraal liability to aerrke,
eaaay taken frena the Coquille river
ta Taquina, whore aha will be uaed in
halibut fishing.
Mre. Max Timmerman laat week
nande an aasignmant of the Panama
MUHnery on Front i treat, in behalf
of her credi tora, to Albert Seelig, who
la at praaaot conducting the buainaaa.
Fred Larson, of Portland, atatod at
Cugeno Saturday that work on toe
“ We are in a poeition to aaaiat ev­
ery deaerving farmer to improve or
enlarge hia preoent farm; to ereet
more or better building*; to build ailoa
and otherwiae improve hi. milk sup­
ply; to purchaae more and bettor ent­
itle and thua inereaae hia prafite. Too
| will ever find ua ready and anxious
to do everything we can to aaaiat you
and your community in ita upward
and onward atop of progress and prop-
Darifood Product. Company.
Try thia T*at— Rub a little Tuxedo briskly
in die palm o f your hand to
bring out its full arom a.
Then smell h deep— its ddi-
dous, p u re fragran ce win
convince you. T ry this test
with any other tobacco and
we Win let Tuxedo stand
or fall on your judgment—
•T V ?
, .
“ V“ “ **0’
believe the entrance of that company
MU bring rignad by about WO sm- tato ^
moch m
I in the further development of our ag-
ricultural induatrieo and alao in tha
C u rry County N ew s.
I supply o f needed capital to ineroaM
(From the Port Orford Tribune.) |tb* rilkiency of the dairiee already
John llackenrie returned 8eturday I established and encourage the eetab-
with an auto truck from Portland, Ik S * * "1 o f other..
which he will run during the summer
between thia place and Bandon. He
Offer Prize for X NtBC.
experienced hardship, getting the
r_ _ _
,__. v
ln * ^onway company wnicn too*
Itruck here .that he win not *torget
Shortly south of Eugene he
torve without compensation. AU reg­ soon.
gave up trying to follow the Pacific
istrara must be rwora.
The voting place in each precinct [Highway, in which he.says he found
must be prepared for registration. places that be stuek a .tick over five
Full printed instructions covering feet long out of right, and turned off
every detail o f registration will ba to over the mountain, to the coast. A r­
riving at too mouth of the Umpqua
he found that the truck would not
negotiate the beach sands, and ha
had to havo it towed up too river to
has issued Ids proclamation, clerks Mapleton on a ecow and shipped on
of counties and d t W of over 80,000 the train to Coquilla. Coming down
must secure a supply o f blanks and I from Bandon Friday aom# of the
copiss of the registration regulations I parts worked loose and be had a
from tho sheriff or from the mayor. breakdown near Sixes, and it was
Sunday evening before the truck fin­
Absentees end the sick will apply to
the clerks to have their registration ally arrived at Port Orford.
cards fill ad s o t In no eriu shall
■uch persona bo given registration with Harry Poareo and Geo. Quiggley
certificates. They are to be instruc­ as assistants, has been opening the
ted by the clerk that the burden is on rid Bald Mountain trail from the Mid­
them to'see to it that the cards reach dle Elk letter box to Salal Spring*.
tho registrars of their home precincts This trail ha* been quite a eonven-
ience to Fire and Gama wardens in
by registration day.
their patrol duties, and will also auks
it easier for hunter, to get into the
is able to pack the silage does to the
wall aa thoroughly as in the center.
Tbe looseness of the material around
the edges, which often result, when
silage is packed by trapping, is a
source of considerable lose because
tbe afar goto into tha fodder and cause.
it to spoil. This machine is equipped
with a heavy cone-shaped roller whose
length is about equal to half tha di­
ameter of the silo. It is driven in a
circular course by a gasoline engine
mounted on the superting frame. The
Boots Depart.
|Acker can be quickly knocked down
(XU leave for Banded end way into ports, few of which weigh more
sndtaigs except the Myrtle.)
than 100 lbs., no that they can be low­
relegraph.........................1J0 p. m. ered down toe silo chute.
!h»rm . . . .8:16 a. m. and 4:16 p. m.
torma (mail and express).6:00 p. m.
Hi patch weak days.........1:00 p. m.
Hspatch Sundays............1:80 p. m.
telief .............................7:00 a. m.
fyrtle tor Myrtle Print ..1:00 p. m.
W om an’s Study Club.
The Woman’s Study Club mat
Friday in to# library and, except
a little tone given to burin saa.
voted the afternoon to the leeeos
Seven-room house, east
fo il
lot; four block* east o f
gene. Price $1,500. W ill
trade fo r good piece o f
1S7S Asate 8 t