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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1917)
^ '.r T T — •• . • V . . - * ■1 f * aw w . * to ~ # 1 JJ -r,-- -• An Elèphantine LESSONS f i pai i- IN LOVE I* ETHEL HOLMES ! “ G o OB." "Occasionally, In order to see more clearly what yon ara both looking at, yoar beads may cqase so dess that a tow loosa strands of your hair will grass his cheek. Whan you bava shown him the Inst picture yon needn't resume the relative position you have usually bald with regard to'him . Be atala where yon arai Ha Svili not change hie ra s t" "1 m b I win pot this «rat toaran Into practice, and if I seed mora I will At tb s and of a week M ki Blakeman came back for a second tosaon. 8 he reported‘that she had given the first a trial without definite result "Since be has not responded to thto mild trsahneat, ha most b ars a strong er dean The next time yon meet him on the street cot him (toad." “Great heavens! What shall I «0 that t»r' "Oountertrritant Ha most ha got out of his sluggish condition. Ha must be awakened to the fact that yoo are to him more than an acquaintance. 1 don't ora^the word friend, for I do not believe in friendship between men and women. It to either indifference or love." "We», after 1 have cot h lra r - "Ha will imagine either that ha baa dona somthing dreadful or that yoo need a largar quantity aad stronger madicinB There’s a dora that will taka bold of a man Ilka you. I was once callad to a menagerie to treat a sick elephant I gave him one of those pilla, and the next day ha was so fun of vira that ha cleaned up bis keeper." "Now ye're gitila' down to business, dorther," ha rato. “Coras agata tomorrow," rato Treax. About aran the next day the doctor raw a tall man whose clothes rasnisd too Mg far him staggering up the walk that tod to his office. The party cams la and sank aa to a sofa. Ha was Mika O’B ourtn "Dorther," ha gasped, "ara ya share it was an elephant ya give that pill to or was It one o' them Mg fallara they dig oat o’ the ground they call m ao- "Do yon tool bettor "I tool so if I'd been Ib o doctor poered temblor and gava It to hie patient to drink. Mike took It down and rato It want right to the spot "1 knew I needed a stiff dora, doetb- « ," be said, “and 1 got It." Mike toft the doctor convinced that tt waa the Mg pill be wad««. At any rate, bo got well. n o doctor's dean w raoet i ty harmful. ' - ' • " ’t o f N « I D istrict No. I t can give him " "If you a n too truthful to Invent one, tell him that you have dona him a great Injustice and are vary sorry tor your action. Ton need not explain, if ha presses you to do so, tell him that ha gives you pain; yoo wish to forget a m atter In which you have mads a grave mistake. This will show him that his good opinion of yoo to of groat moment and at the same time leave him In an Irritating doubt That's what wa want—something tor him to worry over." Mtoo Blakeman triad the second les son given by Mira Abercrombie. It worked vary well up to a certain point The subject was much rattled wbea ha came for an explanation and Intensely relieved when he found that the lady regretted what she had done; but be ing a man of sense, ha was not aetls- Oed at not getting a reason for w drastic a procoding. Ha had given Mabel credit tor more ranra. HU alarm was replaced by aa expression of dissatisfaction and disappointment The pupil applied to bar mentor for Instructions. "Do nothing," was the only reply. “If ha continues to blame you, show to difference." By this time Mabel had caught the spirit of the treatment she had bean giving under her teacher's Instructions and began to art upon bar own Jodg • o f the f ATIONAL BANK a t a point . »__ . ... A W * f' f . i . v'$jlpÇ Thars was aerar a doctor to the “If— Abercrombie,’' said Main* « atotog eratar of Lockyville-till arara llsbaaraa. "why to It that you have so fAm lira DfOBOnlfl mmA I Mn’i gni Oiwt tod. Ths m aT white7 alo— d id st «ton Weakley te a bean -on friendly fait as If I bad gone back to me chito- hood, and everything was got up for ara to thlm days Whan he’d got through with his tiny furato' bo give ara these pills. Look at ‘am. Ta can hardly ras 'ras without a glean" The next morning Mike reappeared a t the doctor's oft ce. "Dorther," ha rato, "1 took the little pllto ya giva ran I didn’t string 'ora out; 1 took 'am all at once, and even than there was as little of 'era that I couldn't taste 'am Giva ara a dose tor n man; not n moaatoy fitti# chap W- i ' W. 7Jfi No. ito,,.raltri■tf*»1'* y By F. A. MTTCHEL ¡V ! * fa i i a ... ____ _ ¡5 inches in t USING the Ilfs of aa aspma- n n N. 28 degrees W. 12 links gns bad each pleat should t, raid point being N. 8 * yield a dollar in returns,” B. 18.24 chains from tito cot said J. B. Norton recently «tien 1S-19-1S-24-T. 28 8. baton an audience a t Cornell anlver- » 1TB 13 W. of the W. M. r stty. "Land should ha wed drained, level, sandy toato th at does not dry Ihsneo & 84 degrara B. 16.75 out badly in summer, end uear to mar to the county rend, thanes N. kets. Manure fertiliser, green manure pera W. LfiO chains 1 should ell be N. 17 % degress W. to before planting asparagus N. 4 degress E. N. 84 degrees E. N u w of valletto« often mean noth thence N. 84 degrara E. 8.70 in«. Chooae planta front itock that has a good record as a producer. Se to hi to section lino 1 lect from a nearby field, If possible, W. through S. to of 8. 18, T. and be aure of your stock first Grow of B. 12 W. of W. M. thence enough roots so yon will have ten tmg cold to to section Uno to times as many plants as you will want for selecting the one roar,roots tor the rig h t bank of the Coquille River, up rig h t bank of Coquille Elv planting hi the'field- *'l never plant er to U m place of beginning and eon- 12.97 aereo, more or a boom privîtege the placa where tna to to Una running E. A W. through tito SWto of 8. 18, T. 28, 8. of E 12, W. of W. M. intersects high tide Una of the right bank of the Coquills River, thence E. 10 feat, th e n a t% || southwesterly direction, keeping a t a and plant shout the time thu last frost distance of 10 foot from and parallel A fter careful selection of root* plant to said high tide Una to the to to In rows four feet ap a rt plants fifteen section Uns running N, 4 8. through to eighteen Inches apart la the row, and cover three Inches deep at first the NEto of 8. 24, T. 28, & of I t The trenches are made deep enough, to IS, W. of .W illam ette Meridian, leave crowns eight er nine Inches be thence N- to low tide lino of CoquiJIt low the level. Dae. no intercropping River, thence in a northeasterly di system, bat plant a cover crop, hairy rection down stream , along said low vetch or crimson clover, the first two tide lino to a place west of the place winter*. jVIM» rust resisting aspara J jp f beginning, thenee E. to placo of gus the tope are left on In the fair and disked In the next spring, thus beginning. Said sato being made subject to re saving a great deal of labor and plant in the manner provided by food. Fertilise with manure in late Winter, ten tons or more to the acre, or with W. W. Gage, chemical fertiliser, 900 pounds of ni Sheriff of Cooo County, Oregon. trato of soda, 500 pounds of arid phos Doted the 10th day of May, 1917. 17t6 phate, 300 pounds of muriate of sods, applied before end of cutting season or before growth starts on young beds NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. May tot, 1917. 9 74,810.28 81.89 18,600.00 2.980.01 48,806.88 18. Not amount due from banks and be than included in 12 or 9 0 ).............. 16. Other shocks on banka to the same city M reoortinr bank __________. . . 16a. Outside checks aad other rv -». Items b. Fractional Currency, nickels, s 17. Notes of other national banks 19. Federal Reserve notes........... 99. Lawful reserve to vaalt and net F « U n l Reserve B&nk__ Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and due $270,71$. 03 TOTAL____ , LIABILITIES I 60,000.00 Capital stock paid 14. Surplus fu n d ___ 26*. Undivided p ro fits____________________________ b Lara current expenses, interest aad taxes paid 28. Orautoting notes outstanding............................; ___ 81. N et amounrdua to banks and bankers (other than included to 28 or 8 8 ).............„ .................. ____ 1,064.67 . 10 , 000.00 1,661.11 12.600.00 , 1 211.21 Demand deposits: Individual deposits subject to check..... ........... 148,164.90 Certificates of deposit due in leas than 80 days. 81,11194 Certified C hrake.\7.................................... 16100 State, county ar ether municipal deposits by pledge of assets of this b an k .._________ 84,019.87 Total demand deposits. Item s IK 84* 8K 86, >7, 88, N , 40 and 41............ . . „ ! ___ .........1 8 6 ,4 6 0 .7 1 TOTAL........... Lata of Oregon I County of Cara f “ L L. H. H asard, Chuddar of the above —mad bank, do th at the aba— sta tem ent is tru e to th e beat of my knowledge and belief. L. H. HAZARD, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of May, 1917. J . J . Stanley, Notary Public far Oregon. My commission expires January 4th, 1980. Correct—A ttest: A. J. Sherwood, O. C. Sanford, L. Hariocker, Directors. Oreara stains on leather may be re- araved by carefully applying benzine Sealed bids for the construction of ar perfectly pure tarpeotlne. Wash Three D rari Bridges across Larson, the spots over afterw ard with the well bastan white of an egg or a good Haynes, and North Sloughs pn the Cora Bey-North Section, Coast High leather reviver. way, in Coes County, Oregon, will be of aaid County a t its office in the Court House, Coquille, Oregon, until 10:00 A. M. June 7th, 1917. No bid will be considered unless an* eompanisd by cash, bidder's bond, or certified check for an amount equal hr fit toast 6 par can t of ths total amount of the bid. A corporate surety bend will be required for the faithful performance of the contract in n sum equal to one-half' the total amount of the bid. Proposal blanks and full inform a tion for bidders may be obtained at the office of the County Clerk of raid County, or n t the of the Bond- eras ter, in the Court House, Coquills, Oregon. Plans and specifications and forma of contract may be seen a t the tam e place or may be obtained upon the de posit of $15.00. The right is rrasrvad to reject any or all proposals or to accept the pro posal pr proposals deemed bast for aaid County. COUNTY COUBT OF COOS COUNTY. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON FORECLOSURE. Notice to Hereby Giran, That and by virtue of an execution a of sato issued out of tho Circuit Court of tito State of Oregon, for County of Coos, on tho 8th day 0 4 May, 1917, in a certain tag to said Court whereto B. H. Mast, Trustee, is plaintiff, and Ida J. Al berts, her husband D. L. Alberta; Al fred Johnson, Jr., his wife Flora Johnson; E. E. Johnson, his wife Julia on; C. McC. Johnson, his wife Doll Johnson; K itty Staffle, her has J. C. Slagle; Ethel Mehl, her husband T. H. Mahl; and Esther Dol tor and her husband J. Stanley Dol lar; and E. E. Johnson as the m inistra tor of the estate of Alfred Johnson, deceased, W. B. Bohrer Judge Cornwall, defendants, being cara No. 4717 of said Court and command ing bm to aril the hereinafter des cribed real propert y to satisfy the of 114,681.87 and tho sum of 8922A8, Attorney fees, and coats and disbursements taxed a t $20.90 with s t on said sums a t the rato of Archie Philip, 8% per annum from tho 28th day of County Commissioner April, 1817. t A ttest: L. W. Oddy, I WILL on Saturday, the 9th day County d a rk . of Juno, 1917, a t the hour of 19 Coquille, Oregon, May 9th, 1917. l7t4 o’clock to the forenoon of aaid day at the front door of tfcs County Court House, to the City of Coquille, Cora County, Oregon, offer for sals and sail a t public auction to the highest and bast bidder for cash to hand all of the right, title and’interest of the Sooled propooali, addressed to the defendants or either or any of them to and to the following described County Court of Caos County, Ore- real property to-wit: gon, and endorsad “Proposals for Con- Lot four; the south half of ths structing a Bridge in Cora County, northeast quarter; the southwest over the South Fork of the Coquille quarter of tho southeast quarter; the Rlver, M yrtle Point,' will be re southeast quarter of tho southwest ceived by the County Court of Cora quarter; the aast half of the north County a t its office in the Court west quarter of tho southeast quarter House, Coquills, Oregon, until 2:00 Section eighteen; and the north o’clock P, M , on the 7th day of Jam , half of the northwest quarter of Sec 1917, and a t th at time and place wul tion nineteen, all to Township twenty be publicly opened and rand. eight south of Benge twelve west of Proposals for the structure will the W illamette Meridian; also Lot two of Section thirteen, and Lot nine with alternate proposal on wood, con of Section twenty four, all to Town crete piers, tim ber approaches, and' a ship Twenty-eight south of range concrete viaduct over the tracks of thirteen W est of tito W illamette Mer the Southern Pacific Railroad Com idian; also tide land fronting Lot two pany- Section thirteen and Lot four of Bee il ghteen above mentioned, sav All proposals m ust be made upon ing and excepting, howkver, from the blank form to be obtained from the foregoing description the following County Ctork, a t his office a t the described paresis to-wit r Court Howe, Coquille, Oregon; must Begtantag a t th at place where the give the prices proposed, both in aaat boundary line of the right of writing and figuras; and must be way of the C. B. R. A E. R. R. A N. signad by the bidder, with his ad- Co. intersects th s to to section line, running E. A W. through th s SWto ef 8. 18, T. 28, 8 of R. 12, W. of the W illamette Meridian, thanes N. 81 da- g n m E. >800 chatos, E m m « 8. fio SEN D THE SENTINEL TO YOUR FRIENDS IN THE EAST "'O - ■ A'- • W . - ITS WEEKLY VISITS A dE - BOUND TO INTEREST THEM IN THIS COUNTRY SHOW THE PAPER TO YOUR FRIENDS WHO ARE NOT n n w n*. 0 . 1 . THEY WILL BECOME INTERESTED IN IT IT -—.- i . ^ . . TOO. . ^ IS _ TH E PAPER THAT IS D IFFER E N T . <$> ADDEESS THE SENTINEL, COQUILLE, ORE. I *■ w tioned th at if said bid be accepted, the party bidding will duly eater into and execute the contract. Should ^he successful Mdder to whom tbs eon- tract is awarded fail to execute the same within five days (not including The rig h t to reserved to reject any or all proposals or to accept the pre- poeel or propoeala doomed boat for Coos County. COUNTY COUBT OF > COOS COUNTY. 17t* Coquills, Oregon, May 9th, » 1 7 , •;••• - - 'J, ‘