..„-¿ S U - p a MAT u. m i af SO 4 lion »P a t ■ M I H. A .- ■ion o f thq IL I culture, who I down bora this standardisation and Curry oho« to say about that subject in issue of the O. A. U P The Coos end Curry factories making selling it through an which Claud Giles is salsa Their annual output will bo 2 , 000,000 pounds of cheese cheese, due to Gw method i dardizaUon. will be o f high quality. ’ Our aim is to put up an article with a trifle leas moisture, so that we may advertise and sail it aa cheese of hoop­ ing quality. We expect to develop .* market in southern California and Los Angelas as a baas. In order to keep the product up to the standard it will bo subject to frsqusnt moisture teste, upperstus for making which will bo onffiand shortly. I hope to go back to that district and help perfect arrangements for making ths Another bit of the interest# of order and whey separators, which already have been ordered and which will ha put into operation ia 10 hr IS of tha fac­ tories. Those machines will be to take about three-tenths per cant of butterfat out of ths wboy—betterfat which has boss going into the < mostly. This fat shauld go a siderablo distance ia carrying on the expense of the But the Mg thing is the quality %f the product and co-operation in ing. Heretofore the men of this dis­ trict have been some making a good pro poor, and all selling at the —the price of the poor. That is always the case whsfc good and bad pradur go into the same district from the skint difttrict tliR ttooT Mt$ the pri That is a ‘good deal the situation the Willamette valley at this til and what is the result T The eh« men a n taking about a cent a poo lees for their product than the Tilla­ mook and Coos-Curry man get. This amounts in ths aggrsgnto to a big sum. O f ths more than 8,000400 pounds praduosd yearly in Oregon, Tillamook puts out 4400,000. Coos- Curry puts out 8,000,000, and ths rest of Oregon, chiefly the Willamette valley, slightly Mm than 8,000,000 An additional cent par pound would good deal of money, and it would all be profit. Why noi (iardise, and got K? Conditions in Oregon are cellent for choose making. Clissate, transportation and, above all, feed, are good in all cheese districts. Breeding stock for building up the herds is likewise cheaper hare than in other parts of ths country, so that ths business can be increased bare at expense and more profit than ia I other sections of ths United ftai APPROPRIATION rtm coot county . at Mast 8 par « af Gw bid. A corporata aura quirod for the faiG it in a earn equal to on*-' half the total amdunt o f the bid. Proposal blanks and full informa­ ti«« for bidders may bo obtained at the ofliet flt ths Canity Clark of County, or at Gw offic* of the 1 M Gw Court House, Coq Oregon. Ptans and specifications and forms of contact may be man at place or may ha obtained upon Gw deposit of 116.00. The right M reserved to reject any all proposals or to accept the «al «r proposals deemed boat for said County. ~ COUNTY COURT OF COOS COUNTY. James Watson County Judge C. J. Armstrong County Archie Philip County L. W. Oddy County Clerk. Coquille, Oregon, May flrd, 1017. 16t3 The Better You Know Us and the better we know you, the more busi­ ness we can do together, to our mutual ad- * n C - ~ T £ :2 V vantage. . rill you not make it a point to come into bank more frequently and give us the rtunity to learn your requirements as as to show you how practical our aasit- ftnro ih hanln'ag matters? THE OLDMtT NATIONAL MANX IN COOS COUNT! QUICK’S Second Hand STORE First and H e n r y . S t r e e a t s STOVES HORSE COLLARS HARNESS SADDLES BABBY BUGGIES GO-CABT8 ' COMMODES 8TAND0 . ' and many other New and Second Hand Qoods WIR exchanga Guns. Phene graphs, and able goods. Is# ether---------- Alee make sperisi stas SCREEN BOORS and WIN­ DOWS. Call and See These Bargains COUNTY COURT O f COOS COUNTY. Professional Cards J J . A . RICH M ON D » PHYSICIAN and 8URGEOÎ DR. D. N. HAYDEN PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. COOS J Guns Law Violator, •rtf W. W. Cago eccomi NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. TELEPHONE Wo wash ovar y thing washable. A W O R D to the W IS E W h e n y o u n e e d n ea t, n e w a n d n ifty L e tte r h e a d s , E n v e lo p e s , C ir c u la r s o r o th e r a d v e rtis in g m a tte r, Tlw Coqnille Valley Sentinel is r e a d y to fill th e bilL W e a ls o have a large stock of Business Cards, Fine Pa­ pers and Envelopes, plain or linen finish, and can give yon something neat for your offiea stationery ; ^ ■ ta-v:-. . U '■*& - ^ ••• IS QUALITY PRINTING Uh for tho of Gw to CM*- o . infall far fib * r . • «£• Y ....M i y r- -, ■ * COQUILLE LA U N D R Y f t IC E CO M PA N Y SENTINEL PRINTING F. 6 . BUNCH ' .* CURRY THE ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE L * H ANO C ompany Sealed bids for the construction of a portion of Gw Empire-Sunset Bay Road, Empire to South Slough inCooo County, Oregon, will be received by the County Court of said County at its ofllce in the Court House, CoquilM, Oregon, until 1040 A. M„ May 10th, 1017. No bid wiB bo composted by cash, I certified check for an amount equal to at Mast 6 par cant, of W . C. CHASE « amount of the bid. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW J A corporate surety bond will be re­ quired for Gw faithful ^ O re g o n { the contract in n sum equal to half the total amount of the bid. DR. Q. W . LESLIE Proposal blanks and full informa­ tion for bidders asay bo obtained at . Physician J the office of Gw County Cleric of said ______ i of the American School « County, or at tho offiea at the Road- of Osteopathy of KirksvlUo, Mo. g master, in Gw Court House, CoquilM, Office in Eldorado Block. # Oregon. Owjon ^ Plans and specifications and fi of contract may bo aeon at Gw i DR. C. W . ENDICOTT place or may bo obtained upon tho arnfaiao ^ deposit of 81640. The right M reserved to reject any Flat r t ’l Bank B’M’g Phooo ♦ or aU proposals or to accept tho pro­ fi posal or proposals destood boat tot + Mata 11, Ooquillr, Oregon. W- ~_____________ ._____ ♦ said County. COUNTY COURT OF J ’ I J. J. STANLEY COOS COUNTY. UWVtf « Jaaws Watson County Judge Office In Parmer# A Merchants J C. J. ♦ County Archie Philip A. J. SHERWOOD ♦ County Attest: L. W. Oddy AITOENSV AT U W County CMrk. I CoquilM, Oregon, May trd, 1017. 10tS T a lk in g Railroad Again. The following from the Resaburg New» ia of local interest as it is prob­ able that if soothers Douglas ever gets direct rail connection with Coos Bay it will be by the Middle Pork can* yon through Myrtle Point and Co­ quill«. It monitions the meeting o f a number of prominent business men in that city recently, at which railroad matters and the lumber market, as it applisd to Douglas county, were talk­ ed over, and goto on: DoWitt Von Ostrand, president o f the Neenah Or­ egon Land Ca, was present and said that the eastern markets look to Ore­ gon for all lumber of extraordinary ■iso. It was the plan of Mr. Von Os­ trand that some steps should be taken at once to interest capital and pro­ mote rail connection with the coast, particularly Coos bay, then devise ways and means for promoting rands to the various timber districts throughout the country, including Sutherlin on the north to Riddle on the south, and a rand aoms 48 miles long up on ths South Umpqua river, where vast tracts of standing timber are available almost ths sntire length of the route. With the does of the great war in foreign lands the de­ mand for lumber ia the United States will be far greater than R is poesibls at this time to supply, and for this reason it would be a wtoo move, re­ marked the visiter, on the part of all those interested in the welfare and upbuilding of the southern part of the state to combine and plan for the early opening of the lumber industry of southern Oregon. » PAGE F IT ! Ü «•¿ tor. 71 fij '• i{ P I ! t : ■