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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1917)
V ■ V ’ All the Books be a : days of trouble. Get one of bodes by opening an account with this bank. It doesn’t take much to start an accouot and it will grow amazingly if yox give it at- TO CONTRACTORS. th— iii I tw , is prims facia evidence of sn intent to ssll to minors. A vio lation of this provision will subject the viols tor to s ftW tf sot more then 9100 for the first offense, end s fine of not more then 1500 nor less then 125 for the second offense. It is also mode s misdemeanor for any minor to smoke, nee, or be in possession of any cigarette in the state. Any min er using or being in possession of any cigarette, and being naked by a par ent, teacher, or say sheriff, deputy sheriff, mayor, police dtteor, consta ble, village marshal, or any other of ficer, to tell where or from whom such cigarette Isas obtained, who shall re fuse to fam ish such information, shall, on conviction, bo punished by a finer of not more than 16.00 for each offense. Any officer above named who shall fhil to perform aay of the duties required of him shall also bo guilty of a misdemeanor and subject The more the California people spend for tbs roads sad the mors hard surfaced roads they got the mors eag er they become for more. Six years ago their state bond issue of 118,000,- 000 for road work was voted by n bam majority. Last fall they worn pcople would have to put up. In or der to pay as larga a part of the cost .of tbs war as possible by direct tax it is im posed to eut the exempt amount fe» bachelors te 61,000 and for benedicts to 66,000. Tbs amount of the excess profits may also go up from fi per cent to 16 per cent on all amounts over 68,000. Tbs tentativo bill also carries in- BEE KEEPERS' OPPORTUNITY Every bse keeper has as opportun ity to “do his bit” by increasing his number of hives end seeing that ev ery colony is in first slam condition. Tbs unfavorable season has, in many instances, caused a depletion of stereo to such a s extent that brood rearing has practically ceased ia th | colony, and in such cases it may be advisable to do a little stim ulative feeding to get brood rearing started at once. It will be possible, through the Or- tomologiat at O. A. Cn to got assist ance ia marketing the cron through the U. 8. Department of H arkiO . The possibility of an over-production is groundless and there is real need for every extra pound of honey that can poaaibly bo produced. - t * U sslstpars am urged to write to Oregon Agricultural College, Corral- Ha, for advice ia regard to beekeep impair the security for the largo ing and to advise the college that And, what greater evidence of af amount of taxes now duo by the Bou fection can bo imaginad than to ksop tin company for the taxes of 1918 and the larder supplied with royal spuds 1914, for which it io expected that st $5 s hundredt foreclosure proceedings w ill be begun volved is about 668,000. Wo have no doubt that the County coart will bo informed by Mr. Hall that it has the right to protect the in terests of the eoaaty m this tract by ••curing an injunction forbidding the removal of aay auro timber from Further than this, we am of tbs opinion, after talking with a repre sentative of the Boutin company, that should our County court fed that the security for these taxes would be ren dered dubious by the removal of the timber from any portion o f this traet, the timber company would ha ready and willing to furnish an indemnity bond amply sscuring the county’s in terests In it Mom than this, th# repreeentativs referred to want on to say that the company doubts whether the county would have sufficient security for the taxes if the timber were removed. He emu went so far as to assort that this company had no disposition whatever to prevent the county from collecting the taxes that am doe H. While the company feels justified on more than one account in awaiting the judgment of the courts in regard to the taxes of 1018 and 1914 above referred to, it is not because it de- sim s or intends in any way to evade or moist the payment of any taxes legally levied against those lands. And of course the company hal^a right to point to the payment of tax es A subsequent to those of 1018 sad Cana County tb s Gravel Perd Bridge over the North Fork of the Coquille River in Cooo County, Oregon, will be received by the County Court of mid County at its office (n the Court House, Coquille, Oregon, until 1040 A. M. June 7th, 1917. No bid will be considered unisse a*- of contract m aybe soon at the same piane or may bo obtained upon the de posit of 616.00. Ike right is reserved to reject aay or all proposals or to accept the pro posal or proposals deemed best for said County. COUNTY COURT OF COOS COUNTY. James Watson, County Judge O. J. Armstrong, County Commissioner Archie Philip, County Commissioner A ttest: L. W. Oddy, County Clerk. Coquille, Oregon, May 0th, 1017. 17U Sealed bids for the construction of a portion o f the Coquilla-Myrtls Point Section of the C om Bay-Roeeburg Highway, in C om oountj, Oregon, will be feocived by the County Court of said County at its office ia the Coart House, Coquille, Oregon, untfl 10:00 A. M. June 7th, 1917. No bid will bo considered unless sc- 'ompanied by cash, bidder’s bond, or certified chock for an amount equal to at least 6 per cent of the total amount of the bid. A corporate surety bond will be required for the faithful performance of the contract in a sum equal to one-half the total amount of the bid. Propoeal blanks sad full informa tion for bidders may be obtained at the office of the County Clerk of said County, or at the office of the Road- master, in the Court House, Coquille, Oregon. Plans and specifications and forms of contract may be semi at the same place or may be obtained upon the de posit of 616.00. The right is reserved to reject any or all propoeala or to accept the pro posal or proposals deemed boot for have in their possession the follow ing articles: “Any firearms, weapon, or imple ment of war, or component port thereof, ammunition, maxim or other silencer, bomb, or explosive, or ma terial used in the manufacture of ax- plMivm; any aircraft, or wireless ap paratus, or say form of cipher cods, COUNTY COURT OF or any paper, document or book writ COOS COUNTY. ten or printed in cipher or in which James Watson, them may be invisible writing.’’ - County Judge G. J. Armstrong, Fish of the Oregon rivers and tha County Commissioner Alaskan coast am to bo hunted aa Archie Philip, never before as part of the campaign Commissioner to increase the food reeourcee of the A ttest: L. W. County Oddy, United States. County Clerk. This impetus is the result if the Coquille, Oregon, May 9th, 1917. 17t4 urging of W iliam a Rad field, secre tary of the United States department of commerce. The bureau of Asber- >«• is preparing an educational drive te acquaint tha people of the nation with advantage 1 of son food, and par ticularly wi*.*i species of fish which have not generally been introduced. Them will bo no waste ia any of tho It is of course greatly to bo regret canneries from Oregon to the moot ted from the standpoint o f the county noirtivuu plant. This, too, is recom- and in eonsiderstion of tho three er mended by the government. four yearn which county warrants am behind, that this 868,000 and other It is held by leading lawyers of sums a good deal larger still remain Bmeburg that tho bonds which worn T®tod a few years ago to assist in delinquent and uncollected. lad—d. we might truthfully my building a railroad from Rossburg to that the interests of every citixen and C om Bay am valueless, according to taxpayer hi C om coeaty would bo a recent decision of tho Supremo promoted by tho payment of those old court, on the ground that they were taxes running up into the hundreds issued as a bonus. Rossburg has had of thousands. Nor do wo believe the hard luck with her railroad "building. real internets of any taxpayer will be Hor last venture in voting bonds has promote* by a prolonged and bitter ap to tho present time availed notk- fight against paying the taxes he owes. The good w ill of tho eitisons of Com eoaaty is s live asset to ev- ery big taxpayer, resident or non-reo- idoat, and their ill will is a liability. 1 (h i . . ------- - - *______ a x ___ _ i n , f . . WHY WOMEN SUFFER. F « & MERCHANTS BANK C om m ercial and COQUILLE - PAINT Those Shabby Floors Painted kitchen floors make housework easier. Acme Quality Floor Paint forms’ a smooth hard surface that cleans almost as easily as tile. No need of back ' breaking scrubbing.' ACM E Q U ALITY FLOOR PAINT is inexpensive, a quart covers 75 square feet two coats, The Acmo Quality Painting Guide Book tells all about painting also waxing, staining and varnishing floors; what to use, how much will be required and how it should be applied. Free at our store. The Acme Quality Painting Guide Book tells all about painting, also waxing, staining and varnishing floors; what to use, how much will bo inquired and bow it should be ap plied. Free at our store. FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY The material for your Wisconsin Silo is ready for use. Come in and let us give you an estimate on the cost. They are indispensible to d ai rymen E. E. JOHNSON yea sm i i know raaivtaAL ■ or oun m 4 h mams changed 1 ^ -7 ^ — -------7 V 1 V t — O R D IN A R Y C“ —.T O B A C C O ( tow - s c u t . oanes—-the more sap there ia J« longer it takes before the edttp. W*B CUT io ohred- W A ly .......................... - - Savin* Deposits - - OREGON