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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1917)
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 9 ♦ ♦ HOW *° kjlnt nowii ♦ li TTv M u n f l VAD m n n a v .aitare, Piutoa, Automobiles and Carriages O-Cedar U U m polish that doss not r a n or venaar. Bo s to n s the Tarnish to its origin al brilliancy, b rin gin g oat ths grain o f ths wood and g ivin g to it the beautiful offset desired. - . ’ ’ ', ' ' rJi .JT j S. —-— 0-Cedar Mops, 75c and $1.25 which order the deceased had I O-Cedar Polish member, wer# in til# procstfion. U * council desired a weak to look them over, and m ore than th at they had about decided to put o ff the im provem ent o f these streets fo r a yaar, w ith the chances good th at H w ill g o over tw o y e a n o r moqs. On M r. Epperson’s estim ate that it would toko about 11,000 fo o t o f lum ber to replace th at which is u tter ly w orn out on F irs t street, ths coun c il figu red th at ths to ta l expanse o f rep lacin g! the planking on these tw o Mocks would n ot bo m ore thaa 910 fo r each (0 fo o t lo t W . H . M ansell said h e had in ter- W illiam A lb e rt SkeUey was b Jotuuon’s M ilf in N ovem ber 1880 and had' spent m ost s f his 8 « years and six months o f l i f t in th is soction— in fa c t »11 o f it except the six y e a n ha was em ployed in a m ill in C alifornia. In IM O ho m arried L g dia Simmons a t Eureka, C aliforn ia. O f this union there w ere born tw o beys, one o f them now eigh t and the other 8 years old. J. Ç. Simmons, hie father-in-law , who resided in this section until 10 years ago, cams up from Eureka a couple o f woeks ago. 4 ox. bottle. 25c 12 ox. bottle, 50c; Quart can, $1.00 Phone 496 H. 0. ANDERSON ’ fo r. In this a re iaeladod th e feilem , «■ g Hems: Ths M y rtle P ela * bridge, 918,000, G raved Ford bridge, 96.600, cost 91800, which has Just Furniture and Hardware M. E. Church South. N ow Casco in Circuit C o w l Th e Sunday School a t 10 a. m. , C O. Hudson S u p t ' Sermon by the pastor at 11 a. m. Epw orth League a t 7 p. m. Sermon by the pastor 8 p. m. N ew Testam ent S tory Serm on U . P rayer servies St the M. E . Church W ednesday evening a t 8 p. m. E veryone urged to be present. H. M arvin Law , Pastor. M ay 3?~€oaa Co. Business M en’s As$*a vs. A . L . Sm ith, Louis L . Sm ith end Tw in C ity T ra n sfer S Contract in g Co. M ay 6— D. C. K rants vs. Grace M. Krantx. Suit fo r divorce. out o f a tota l o f 970,000 o f the gen eral fand besides .Wh at w ill be spent from th eir own d istrict funds. In ths ■ »»**— o f the fia tritin g ersah■ road the county w ill spend dollar fo r Methodist Episcopal. dollar w ith the d istrict this year to Sunday School a t 10 a. m. M rs. im proving th at read. T o M a n d a m u s C u r r y O ffic ia l* . G eorgia Richmond, superintendent; About 96JM0 w ill be spent this S h eriff G age, o f Coon county, was H . 0 . Anderson, musical director. year on the road from Em pire to to P o rt O rford M onday, says the T ri The church service a t 11 a . m. A s South Slough. This wUl bo perman bune, and served mandamus papers next Sunday to " M other's D ay,” the ent w ork such as grading, straighten- upon Judge W ood who was there at pa«tpT w ill preach to the m orning on tending a law suit. Th s action is one “ Th e Beauty and Sacredness o f Moth Ths Jos N a y bridge w ill be taken No g a llo n Is quits com plete without erhood.” A ll mothers era especially that had beep brought through the ears o f a t ths earliest possible mo .mignonette and portulaca. Either re State Supremo court fo r the purpose L 0 8 T — N ear the court house block a ment aa w ell as various other m atters quires only ordinary care sad rultl- invited to this service. o f com pelling the C urry county court The Epw orth Leagu e at 7 p. m. linon U bi# d oth , ladies’ collar * which cams up fo r consideration. r«tlo o and thriven to most any soil. to call a special election on Juno 4th. cuff sat, and several handkerchiefs. R egardin g the C oquille river bridge NaturaHy the richer and deeper the soil This w ill <hs an Epw orth League an The .various members o f the local at this c ity th e ooort has ordered f 10,- and hotter the care they receive top n iversary service. M rs. Downs is the court are directed to call the election 004 a ya a r to b e ast aside fo r tots bettes th e results w ill be In the quan- leader. A ll Epwortheans are reques- or appear at Salem M m ,16th and p u rp ose-for a -period off th rd* year«, M ignonette is usually treated as sa show reason fo r not ca llin g it. a t th# expiration o f which tim e the annual, tbs seeds sown every year, but When asked what action he would bridge w ill be built. In the inesa I f ths plants ere preserved to pots over toko, Judge W ood said th at ha was tto»# every e ffo rt w ill bo mads to w inter In a few years the stem w ill goin g to see the m atter through, The union prayer m asting to to e com plete the Construction o f a trestle become woody end a shrubby plant which means th at he and U s col ths M. E . Church W ednesday evening roadway to the footh ills on the sooth leagues w ill appear, by attorney, be aid# o f the river, w ithout which a T bs scent o f mignonette Is alw ays at 8 p. m. Bro. Law leads. Strongest whan it is grown to light, fo re the Supreme court a t Salem on A cordial welcom e is extended to bridge would bo useless several study soil. When grow n to rich loam alL the day sot and show w hy they have months o f the yaar. it Is inclined to loot its fragrance. „ refused to ca ll ths election. 4 f at this T . H . D o w n , Fasten. R eferrin g to axpsnditares on roads For early flow ering plants sand can tjlpis ths Supreme court holds th at ths and bridges during ths pant few be sewn even before April. For tree County court m ust call ths election, years, the Judge stated th a t about mignonette, as tbe plants are celled S t James Episcopal Church the la tte r W ifi then ha com pelled to 97.000 waa expended on the C offee whoa they become shrubby, take a R ogation Sunday, M ay 18th. obey the mandates o f the higher strong A p ril sssdllng, pot It separately Cup h ill sbovo M yrtle Poin t, that Sunday school a t 10 a. sa. and alp o ff tbs fiow er buds as feat aa court had the election w ill bo bold. 99.000 was spent between M yrtle they appear, cutting o ff all tbe low er E vening prayer and sermon a t S 8h oriff G age w ent south yesterday Point end the N ort F ork brid ge to ride shoots to tbs autumn, givin g ths p. m. Subject, "R o ga tio n ." FO R S A L E — 16 acres, a ll bottom , pne servin g each member o f the court gra velin g ths read, th at over » (•sa t the appearance o f a small tree. m ile fra n i Coquille p o stofice; c ity Thursday, M ay 17th, is Ascension w ith a copy o f the mandamus pro was spent to gra velin g roads within A t that tim e transfer to a larger pot D ay. w ater. Inquire John Htrhsm 8 tf. ceedings. H e w ill continue to Cres the lim its o f the cHy o f M y rtle Point with fresh to ll end keep It grow ing In M orning P ra yer a t 8 a. m. cent C ity fo r tw o men who are being a warm place all winter, repeating the and that in ths neighborhood o f 99,- E vening prayer and sermon a t 7 operation the follow in g autumn. D o held there and who are wanted in ¿0 not perm it tbe plant to bloom until the p. m. Coos county fo r ; appropriating money R ev. F . O. Jennings. third season, a fter which it w ill flow er received in a subscription contest. every summer fo r a number o f years. I f seeds are started now and an Christian Church. I t is our opinion that ths Supremo other lot started to A pril and M ay tbe court w ill tell the Curry county offici plants win producw a succession o f B ible School a t 10 a. m. als that th ey w ill have to stay in the Y . P . 8. C. E . a t 6:80 p. m. gam a whan it comes to the road bond M arshfield road near Cedar Point, How te Avoid Vielte by Surgiere. election. I t novar pays to assume and a share o f the benefit from the H oosew lree who are anxioas to avoid th at s p art is g rea ter than the whole. expenditure o f the $IJX>0 on the rand the attention' o f prowlers end sneak The people down south o f Mason 4 to Johnson’s M ill. A lso 91,000 was th ievw would do w ell to herd the ad D ixon’s line found that out to the spent on rig h t o f w ay and construct vice e f a detective o f many years' ex sixties. in g ths road w here it enters the city perience. W elter W hltsett o f Ksnsas City, who to police service end to pri from M yrtle Point. vate practice has learned much o f ' Will G*t Farm Loua. This year Coquille w ill g e t practi thieves end their ways, gives th# fo l Christian Science Society. Between |60,000 and 9100,000 w ill cally none o f the money from too lowing counsel: general fund but w ill spend only dis • Services next Sunday a t 11100 a. m. I f you lasve the house vacant for be secured by d airy farm ers on the tric t money on the rands leading into ■»ora than ■ day errang* to bava the Subject, “ Adam and Fallen M an." dally papers taken o ff ths doorstep. W ednesday evening m eeting a t 8 federal farm loan w ithin the next 60 the d ty . Don’t lock tbe doors and forget to o’clock. The righ ts o f w ay fo r the ap days, a ll s f which is to be used to fu r lack tbs Windows. Sunday school a t 9:80 a. m. ther developing the d airy industry proaches sad roads to ths M yrtle Don't lot tbe postmen leave mall at P ros public reading room open ev there. Ths dairym an o f that section Point bridge have bean practically your boom when yoa are out o f the d ty . Don’t leave »otee to delivery man ery day, except Sundays sad holidays, have organised ths Band on- Curry »»cu red and the plans sad specifica County Farm Loan association w ith tion » fo r this aa w ell as ths G raval verta g you wUl not rotura until a cer from 8 to 4 p. m. / C om er Third and H a ll streets. the follo w in g d irector*: G eorge P. Ford and Cunningham bridges w ill tain hour. D on't leave keys under doormata. Laird , F . N . Perkins. J. W M ast, Don’t leave valuables la tbs bouse I f Bandon; J. 8. Capps, Denm ark; A . W . you Intend to bo gone from the d ty Cope, Lan gloia; T . P . H anley, L a m p »; ■»any days. A safe deposit box Is tbs R. M . Preaaey, Daw V alley. The of- safest place fo r thorn. I f yen carry burglar Insurance you wUl be doubly protected against thieves. 2,000 G o v e m s e a t T o F ix P r ie « * . U m fo llo w in g indicates the policy o f the S ecretary e f A gricu ltu re and A dm in istration w ith respect to pro tectin g the farm ers and ths people gen erally, i f necessary, by minimum p rice and anti-speculation law s: On M ay $rd Congressm an Lever, chairm an o f the House e f A gricu ltu r a l Com m ittee, introduced the Adm in istra tion ’s A gricu ltu ra l BUI la which it is proposed to em power tbs P resi dent, under the w ar clausa o f ths con stitu tion, to taka the follo w in g stops: (1 ) T o fix maximum and m ini mum prices o f food, clothing, fu el end oth er necessaries, and articles re quired fo r th eir production. - (• > T o prescribe regulations to govern the production o f these com m odities and i f nec essary to requisi tion ths producing factories, mines and other establishm ents. (8 ) T o com pel holders o f no osso Accident T h ree appraisers, G. P . L aird , T . P . Wnn l e y and J. S. cappe, have been The Racket Store ix headquarters in Coquille for Our ¡assortment of Ribbons is especially fine, large and well selected. You will find here all colors sizes and kinds, figured and plain, and at the most reasonable prices. Mannwrlte Clark at Secale F o il»w in g her thrilling romance in “ 8Uka and S atin s," little M argu erite d a r k is starred b y tb e Famous P la y era F ilm Com pany to an en tirely new •nvirom uent as “ L ittle Lad y E ileen,” a t the Scenic tom orrow . Th e scenes o f this quaint little play are laid on N ew shipments ju st received o f B ias B raidin g in fo o t races C aliforn ia U n iversity a t Stanford U ni- W hite, Rick Rack, B raid and Elastics. Very pretty Embr oideries ................ 5c, 15c and 20c E xtra good values in Laces at 5c yd. A ll one price. T h e N orth P acific Steam ship com pany has sold ths Breakw ater, the F . A . K ilbum and the Gee. W . E lder, to a San Francisco syndicate and H is expected that th ey w ill ha w ith- MRS. B O N N IE W A L K E R , Prop.