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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1917)
--------— -------------- * ■ — — 3C •<*.* at It will soon be a pleasant memory. That’s all • i '■ • v J w — ~ fYfT àl-mrsà'r w rtW ? ***$ asked by Md on sa order for dm« -, |: ' • - :: , i 5 ■ !-%.... » j i ■ - u £ '■ which it wUl p ay yen to look over when in need o f shoes. W ith the present U gh prices o f leath er and shoes, this is a ra re oppor tu n ity to secare footw ear a t less than f orm » reta il pries«. ' W e w ish to d ose otft the stock as quickly as possible. L Y O First N National S & Bank J Building ONES We Will Handle Subscrip- . tions to the Govern ment War Loans Without Charge nahar o f the H . M. ByUesby A Company the oiwWfsIgnod w ill receive and handle subscriptions (w ithout charge or profit) in any denom inations authorized, fo r the new Government Bonde, issued to finance the w a r fo r Dem ocracy. O a r Organization matataine a well equipped Bond Deportment, norm ally employed in financing the con struction requirements o f the utility propertiee under Byllesby management. The fedH tlee o f the Bond Departm ent have been placed at the dispoeal o f the Government and the pub lic without expense o f any kind in the nation-wide e f fo rt to make the W a r Loan an immediate success. It is a patriotic duty fo r all those who are able to invest liberally in the new Government Bonds. W e wifi be glad to take y oar order fo r any amount — large or ornai— and to supply all available inform a tion regarding thé issue. OREGON POWER! CO. H B B B P. b . ' Telephone 71. CoquiUe, Oregon. “The supreme test of the Nation has come: We must all speak, act and serve together. PRESIDENT WILSON Have your Car giv en a thorough over hauling O ur Repair Departm ent is now thorough- ly equipped to do first class work. W e _____ have secured the services o f A N E X P E R IE N C E D A U T O M O B IL E M E C H A N IC and T W O A S S IS T A N T S which enables us to turn ou t.first class work without any delay. 1 Batteries Repaired and Recharged We carry Ford Parts r~ x T ’ * » uf c. „ . £ S I - F I 1 ! Yours to please Gardner & Larsen's - - ; -- - V / i 1 ! ____________ : ___________ j i 1 • - • 1 ;■ ' «m - . •V " . : Price— Noxall Flour a Cash $10. We need the money; you need the Flour. It’s |3.00 per barrel under today’s market Why not trade. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. We have hundreds of bargains equally good. Some better. We can't list them all. Come in and see. M r. R obert Annin suffered last sek from s sligh t attack o f pneu- Fan cy C a liforn ia Rica, p« 1 b ,...6 V ic oaia. S ilver L e a f Laud, la rg e p a il,....$ 2 .5 0 Q u iller A rn old is laid up by a boil Jew el Shortening, la rg e p ail, ...$ 2 .2 0 i his ja w . H e ia stopping w ith hia Salad O il, bulk p er gallon , . . . ..$1.50 it «- , M rs. O tto P rey, on F ifth st. Pickled Pork, p er pound, ..............25c Th e Barnes circus camped and did P ost Toasties, package, . , , ........... 10c busiuees around, in and over the H igh R olled B arley, per s a c k ,............$2.10 School grounds. T h eir m arks are there today. ./ * No. That isn’t alii lust reminders. The stow is full of such bargains. W . C. Dancer, WHS fa r a couple, o f years owned and conducted th# Club C afe, has returned to his “ Bees’* which business he w as engaged In be- he w as called s w a y 's yea r ago by interests in the N orth. H e has in over much te rrito ry in Canada and W ashington but is pleased to bo back ia our CoquiUe v a lle y to rem ain. T h e Barnes Circus could not got into too Coos and C u rry Fab- grounds «au oo o f too urad, so too c ity p o U ll ons in to o H igh School grounds. 1L John F . G re ig w is the now salos- sn ia the RezaU D rug Store. Ho mea from Portland, Ore., though the kind* o f m oney w o knee. About grandaon, L y le Hardm an, who ia here Portlan d and w ill spend the summer B home is in F lorid a and he was 8 w eek* ago M r. W eek ly waa ludden- under the care -of D r. O. H . C larke, w ith h w parents, M r. and Mrs. W. T. deed in V irgin ia . H e likes M yrtle ly otrieken down w h ile in the A dd. who ia trea tin g him fo r an in ju ry to Lehnherr on F loras creek. P oin t and h o p « to bd perm anently H e waa carried to hia houae and Boon hia eye, cut on barbed w ire. Grandm a H ays, m other of the sev The one o f ms. became unable to m ove. M edical ae- boy ia doin g finely. era l H ays brothers on South Fork, Th e B a r n « circus had 7 span e f aiatanee waa called and gradu ally he A t the m eetin g o f the c ity council is v e ry sick. M rs. Calvin Gant, of rallied and now though a little lam e Tueeday even in g D r. Clarice waa ap M y rtle P oin t, ia a daughter. in the hip he can m ove about w ithout pointed health officer. County Com m issioners Philip and aaaiatance. The d octor« pronounce Robt. J. M ontgom ery and O. E. A rm stron g w ere here Tuesday to hia affiction lum bago. H ill, o f B rid ge, w ere in tow n on buei- keep the local road affairs on the A b ig black bear waa ehaaed by neea W ednesday. rig h t track. Jim Hobson from hia ranch. Jim The W itta k er saw m ill in tow n ia 4 --------------------- “ aeon” it ‘and it waa a b ig one. now d oin g fu ll h avin g a* The M odern W oodmen are thia «team engine put ia w here the electric J. L. Sm ith, county agent, last week pu ttin g in the Ju rn itu re they m otor fa iled to w ork the planer. bought fo r th eir recreation and read The county now haa a 80 years’ n igh t received from 0 . A . C. the fork in g room on the upper lease on the rock a t Cooper brid ge on o f an enlistm ent blank fo r service on M cCloaky building. the N orth Fo?k. Th e rock w ill b g the farm s. I t establishes a scale o f wages for H ary Llew ellert waa this week used to g ra v e l the road from M yrtle able bodied boys over 16 providing a sellin g the R m diey C lear Candy Poin t up the N orth Fork. which is made in M arshfield. H arry W e are pleased to say th at M rs. minimum w age o f $27.60 a month and him self grew to his present stature Jake S tron g ia ite a d ily im provin g in board fo r those who have had satis fa c to ry fa rm experience. Green hands health. M rs. Claude N osier le ft yesterday M ra. D r. W hite, who has been here w ill g e t $22.60 the first two months w ith her sm all children fo r th eir the la st several weeks v is itin g her and a fte r th at $27.60. Boys and girls from the hospital Tuesday. ranch N o te a t B ridge. Ljrte, who is parents, M r. and M ra. R. C. Dem ent, o f any a ge not able to o f doing reg Ben W inguast was down from P ow In high school w ill rem ain till the and oth er rela tives, leaves F rid a y fo r ular farm w ork but fit to do berry ers • to see the circus .inciden tally. end o f the term . her home a t Klam ath F alls. She w ill pickin g and w ork in canneries are to Th ere is not much w orth seeing that Mias Lelah S ch riefer, late o f the v is it her sister, M rs. L . Braden, at g e t the aame w ages fo r those classes Ben does not see. H e has other in o f work. telephone force here, haa been at terests here. Th e fo lo w in g ia the pledge which home the last w eek troubled w ith A lo t o f fine lookin g people came the boys are required to sign: tonsilitus. here to the circus from Coquills. I hereby en list as « member of the Ben W lnquiat has quite recovered U N IT E D S T A T E S B O YS’ WORK from his indisposition, w e hope. Dan G iles is quite indisposed these rig h t o f w ay through the E . N . Sm ith IN G R E S E R V E and pledge my ser- days and w e m iss his usual appear p rop erty a t the fo o t o f Spruce street vicea to the country as a farm la- ance up town. and ia now asking fo r bids fo r the fo r w , to the end that the nations ' engaged in w ar fo r the preserva A ttorn ey K . C. R oberts has been overhead b rid ge to b e bu ilt across appointed m ilita ry census tak a- fo r the railroad track and thb CoquiUe tion o f dem ocracy m ay be adequately fad. I w ill continue nty regular school precinct N o. 66. riv e r a t th at p o in t Ed. H untly g o t one o f his fin gers H erbert D. Patton and fa m ily have duties w h ile school is in session un- crushed a t the saw m ill and Was ob taken up th eir residence here. Th ey leaa assigned to -active service, but 1 liged to have it am putated. D r. Pem w ill liv e in the Seaman house on M ap- w ill hold m ysolf in readiness to re berton was his surgeon. pie s tr e e t M r. Patton is one b f the spond im m ediately to assignment to duty. I am w illin g to accept the M ike Yoekim , o f M ariana, A rkan train man on the Portland train . sas, is here today lookin g fo r a loca Circus day Jim g o t three fu ll o f w age scale as printed hereon. I will tion fo r his fa th er and m other. H e boose and they contributed $ 80 . keep N . F . Johnson, D irector of the P u b lic E m ploym ent Bureau, Portland, feels as though he w ere in a strange in form ed o f m y address or place re I m ay be located. I offer my s e r v ie « in the s p irit o f patriotism. I w ill stay w ith the job and endure his 'fa m ily and w ill occupy one o f the hardship lika a p atriotic American. L lew ellen houses on Seventh s tre e t Th e B erry-Schroeder Fu rnitu re Co. Th e V irg in ia M instrels, real negro is m ovtng from the brick building at com edians, g a v e us some fine music the corner o f 6th and Spruce to the on tim street W ednesday noon and M eCloeky building in the same block M in g and th eir ten t on the Collier on Spruce s tre e t corner opposite the laundry was R . F . Goodrich, la te o f Los Gatos, crowded by auditors that evening. It Cal., but la tte rly here w ith U s daugh lined aa i f the w hole populat-on ter, M rs. H ouge, is now confined to waa turning out th at night. the house by sickness. John F . A ppleton, o f M yrtle Creek, Send the Sentinel to eastern friends was in tow* this weak to see his C a llin g Cards fa r 60. ASK THE PRICE! Comer Grocery Front and C Streets Coquille, Oregon Phones 691 and 541 For War^Against Weeds. 60s r ;** JE • 1 Ï0HT Subscription Bate N ed Changing? D r. M eikdn V . 8. a fte r his profession in the c w eek found it neeoeoary to g o to M arshfield fo r repairs. H e an M . D. > Jacobsen, trim ! w ith the Sm ith-Pow ers in railroad a ll winto i last w eek to look a fte r en joy a little rust. H e has been i s team shovel, some cuts o f 76 fa s t and o f .the tim e worn in mud slush a fo e « deep, but„toe,com pany is tak in g good care o f its man. T b s road ia ~ fo r the Eden country. Sunday la st a fte r dinner, Jena delds, a young man liv in g a t Ban cro ft, shot h im self through the h eart w ith a 88 revolver. H o appeared to ha norm al m entally and ph ysically and no cause is known fo r the act»- . It comes to a ckru s parade the m otor car isn’t in it w ith the More so for those who were lucky enough to get it. HOW ABOUT YOU? Í1 v ’r ’ ‘ ‘ ' ;