The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, May 04, 1917, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    o f roar trip
Ig in cash what
ra* interest on
forever after twenty-four years of successful merchandising.
This sale has been in progress fo r just one week and exceeded all expectations. Hundreds o f people from all parts o f
Coos county have attended, bought in quantities, and say they're coming back again.
N o merchandise has been
brought from the outside; none o f the articles sold w ill be replaced. 1rs a fa ir and square sale, and a sale to the finish.
M atsan qu its; th at’ s p o s itiv e . The old bell still rings true: you’ll receive the same fa ir treatm ent during the sale as ever before
of bargains await y o u . If you
iy attended this sale, ask y oar
ey probably have, far we have
i m a y customers from the Co­
t i . 50 Boss of the Road Overalls . $1.10
Gingham, per yard
$100 Middies
Greatly Reduced
Muslin Underwear
Lot to $1.00 Dress Goods, per yard 30c
This is a SALE to the FINISH! Thousands of Bargains. Counters piled with great values.
Come to the cir­
cus Next Week
and incidentally
make your pur­
chase# at THIS
STORE pay your
MT. and M r*. A . B. W llaon e o n ov­
er here from Roseburg la st week to
attend the fu n eral o f th eir sister-in-
day. Th ere was n ot on ly b righ t sun­ law , M rs. E verett H atcher a t N orw ay
shine w ith alm ost elondlees sides, but on Saturday. T h ey started fo r homo
it was warm enough to be real “ grow ­ W ednesday.
in g ” weather.
L a st Sunday B ert Folsom trapped a
W ednesday M rs. T . H . Downs ac­ w ild cat out a t M cK in ley, which, had
companied her m other, M rs. James been m an ifestin g clerical fondness fo r
Clarke to the B ay to see her sa fely yellow legged chicken. H e brought
started on her return trip to her it in here M onday and the county
home a t Corinth, O ntario.
M rs. C. d ork gave him the bounty.
has been liv in g a t the Downs’ home
N ex t Tuesday and W ednesday w ill
here since last July.
■ :
be H egira days fo r CoquiUe. A l. G.
Ramoa* circus
oiwona at
Lieu t. A . Cantoni, o f the Italian Barnes’
a t Iftrwtlo
M y rtle P
oin t am
R oyal F ly in g Corps, and J. W . Reid, M onday w ill catch a lo t o f our folk s
representing the A . C. Dutton Lum ­ and those who m iss it then w ill hear
ber Co., passed through here Tuesday so much about it from those who did
go th at they wont fa il to so# it a t
M arshfield on Tuesday.
W ednesday waa one o f W . E.
Foote’s unlucky days. A step ladder
broke udner him w h ile he was a t
N orth Fork la st Friday.
Fred Schunke has sold his chicken w ork at the Com m ercial C ollege aad.
rançh a t Glen A iken creek on the in the fa ll his wris| w as very badly
Bay Monday on road business.
M yrtle Poin t road and gone to M arsh­ sprained end his nose came within
an ace o f being broken.
The Roeeburg Strawber r y C arnival field to w ork in the Sm ith m ill
is to be held Saturday, M ay 19.
ton a t Pow ers played w ith a gun the
first o f the week w ith the usual re­
s u lt Fortu nately his little sixteen
months' old sister w as not killed, the
L ee Qoolmsn is sow one o f the
clerks in A ssessor B eyers’ office.
Lots o f beans are to he raised in
the parkings near the court house.
C. C, Jackson is a new conductor on
D m J
XNortn ocvmi
R. G. Perham , who is s till d ig g in g
aw ay on th at $64JM0 grad in g con­
tract oa the Marshfield-CoquiUe road
north o f Coaledo, says ho is about
throe-fifths through and expects to
finish it in July. B y th at tim e the
section between Coaledo and Cedar
Poitn w ill be under construction.
M r. and M rs. A . T . Bold on returned
le s t week from E verett, W ashington,
where they have been fo r a yea r past.
M r. B. has been sellin g insurance in
northwestern W ashington w hile M rs.
B. was carin g fo r her aged m other a t
E verett. T h eir old frien ds here are
a ll glad to g re e t them and th eir ga r*
W . J. Conrad, the M arshfield tim ­ den w ill soon begin to bloom again.
ber man, started fo r the national cap­
Although the Umpqua and other
ita l W ednesday to close up contracts Indians o f Southwestern O regon are
w ith the governm ent fo r building e claim ing th at th eir title to $12,000,-
la rg e number o f wooden vessels an 000 w orth o f land in this p a rt o f
O regon was never relinquished, when
Pow ers L o g g in g Co. fo r $10,000 in the
a m eeting o f the claim ants waa called
fed eral court a t Portland on account
recen tly a t the B ay there w eren’t
o f havin g his k g broken in ea e o f the
enough precent to m ake a quorum
lum ber camps a t Pow ers, M arch 10.
out Monday m orning to C orvallis to
bid goodbye to her son E arl who has
enlisted in the regu lar arm y and w ill
soon go into train in g at the Presidio.
Ho is in the Junior class at O. A . C.,
and a lieutenant in the cadet corps
VTA t 4 k
A t M arshfield la st w eek Judge
Skipw orth reduced the fine he had im ­
posed on Frank Cam eron, o f the A g i­
tator, fo r lib ellin g Mr/ and M rs. A l­
lan M cLeod, o f the County In firm ary,
from $600 to $800, which made it pos­
sible to liqu idate it w ith the sum sub­
scribed fo r th at purpose.
Drug Store
V . R. W ilson, the watchm aker—
“ The man who knows s watch.” N o
jo b too d ifficu lt; I make watches ran
aad keep tim e. V . R. W ilson, "T h e
W atchm aker,” Coquille, Oregon. 1614