The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, May 04, 1917, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    ■ J 1
■ I
W' ~
ia -
A S.. ____: . .
Now 1
com# at
to most of our 1
r. k .
city Mr. (W r a y
shipment of a big
cifttcB recently
which Mr. C<
south has toon I
and will bo testa
complete, new aad
D. Perot si, the field sum,
to Coquille foam Ashland
bring his fam ily fo r tbs
months at least
Mr. Perossi is a
wealthy Swiss whoso reputation as a
cheese producer stands very high In
the California m ariwt AH o f the out
fit has been contracted for fo r one
O. S. Butler, the
who already has
F. E. Conway Mortgage
quite heavily
$6,000 block o f stock In 'th e Dairy
Products company.
H. G. Mathes, a retired
induced Mr. Conway tosetl
stock in the F. E. Conway
and wouM have purchsael I
none was to bo ) S i Mr. M
ths intention o f coming 1
and, if C om county pMvM
like what ha thinks M is, wUl tevoat
in sums lino o f buslnas boforo loav-
‘ 8?
tie divide ba-
. • „>*1 ■
■ ry *
T' . ' • • , ‘
’J .
when dinner's rea
ttk a jag are udable to i%-
rhers, how or when tte
Hstary Loeocq loft Saturday for
Port fa California. Loeoc
toeaced work at Fort Point, Port Or-
ved about IS years in the I
ford harbor, putting in a wire cable
on Friday
' ^ I ’^ ^ w m b e iW O fo e t ie e m n n d r f
guard duty.
report far LaSMmit strength to handle large
A faU at coal from the
<» «s . I1“ *
°r ¡***7 machinery that
£ ” *“ , * * might want to bo laadod tore. Ia
J Stafford. I - T T - T T 1** ***[addNion to putting in the cable the
S !
Joeespaay wfll build e large
aad am o f hie ».k U . «
“ S M 0" °*o
their plans eaUtag for
wll tston
M’*00 feet
Trust that
selection o f a tobacco. G et its flavor! W h iff
it dose to your nose. Its p ore fragrance
will appeal. It will always satisfy—“ Your
■ * * ) HM-1 started at the wort Saturday, and It
Jadge Watson in — - __________
1 ^ “ P * * * 1 that H wfll take abtout
" * * * * * “ ® » ',* »ltw u month, to complete the work at
the John Golden will
Ho has uphold
nntoU the
i.. , wiU
„¡n of n
lu Z T I Im
cost of $7,000. Many
the last
Z n ! . ««tlmaUd
that te
V he toquoattod
I_____ S L .J ___ * - . . l w 1
in Which
ont wharf facilities the tie
ta the Cattotie Sie
alone dote not testify the expenditure
tty. Mrs. Keaaedy, of
en the cable, ami that ttore is
D. H. Barasburg, who is rogardad ether relatives filed the
thing behind the move that has not
as one of ths Hvost enttlomsn In the
state, .and who is tho third
dent of the F. E. Csnowy
will cosm hero aad make this oKy his
headquarters. Mr. Barnsbnrg owns * $SU» to $8.00 per day. The m anage1“ “ * r* ° r°* d-
lot of cattle and win bo in charge of
■“¡diS^T■ ï'ïü I Zeppelins Out of
the dairy loah department o f the F. JL
o f the mill remained idle.
Atout a year, ago a
Conway oompany.
•* ***• Btever MiU mine,
produced in Ireland by an announce-
Coming back to C om Bay
Mr. Conoray brought to MarehSoM owned by the Southern Pacifie, be- ment in the pr ess that a young stu-
twten the miners and the manage- dept of the Harding« Street Chris-
$26,000 which ho wUl
the F*. E. Conway Mortgage company • «n t, was adjusted last week and P .Ilian Brothers School, Belfast, Alexan-
Mr. Conway was given the meney by I* Burckbalter, of Portland, who was dar Corr, had, whilst experimenting
friends who desired him to invest it in tore representing the owners, left lia his own tome, discovered a new an-
Friday for home.
The miners re-1 aline dye, and for this
Coos county.
up to your nose—"Your Nose Knows.”
While in San Frandaco looking for tumad to work Friday pad it is un-1 other services, had torn awarded by
dairy product equipment, it eaaee to dtoetoed that tha settlaasent is final. I the British government an annual pay-
B. F. BUsier end eeeocietoe les: I ment of OJKtO ($16,000 approximate-
Mr. Cohway*s ears that an <
week dosed the deal for a site oa the ly ) and a permanent scientific poet of
pany wa^trying to obtain M
Try this Teat: Rub a little Tuxedo briskly
of egg crates.
Mr. Conway sought Isthmus Slough waterfront, on the importance in London when to could
hand to
opposite aids from tho Smith mill, for I continue Us r
out ths parties aad prevailed
them to allow him an opportunity to
°t throe ncTM with a water frontage covered e new ray by meant of which
have Coos Bay mills bid on the
and this was granted. It ia poesible of 600 fe e t It la proposed to utilise Zeppelins could to destroyed. (Ex
from sawmills, alder wood,[perte on science and aviation
the 60 carloads o f eratoa will bo
cedar stamps, etc, and the maintained that this represented tto
plied from
plaat will also use waste from seal only possible way o f dealing effective-
fron^ fish ly with Zeppelin raids over tto coast
He H urri« U p The Work.
oases, for I defenses or inland towns o f England
On his recent visit to C om county, tto manufacture of chemical products whore ordinarily tto odds were all
Other industrUs will in favof of tto raiders.) Wishing to
State Highway
be added later on, as those interested test his discovery at
Nunn advised County
have mad# a thorough investigation Is stoat at paper on e window at the
R. B. Murdock that to was
anxious to have the contracts for road in this section and find plenty of raw back of tto house and standing with
improvement under C o m county’s
to justify them ia a I his apparatus at a distance of 10 feet
bond issue let at the earliest possible largo Investment of capital. Tto jab- from tto window, directed the new rm-
date. He gave three very' pertinent oratory Is to be built immediately and, diatioo toward tto sheet of paper. He
when completed, teste will to made expected to transmit sufficient er
reasons for immediate action:
at the various materials. Marshfield |to ignite tto paper. Actually, tto win-
First, to reduce overtoad
contributed $1600 towards buying the I dow was blown out and q wall at the
ing expense which might' be
if work were delayed over a long site for tto plant and Eastaide put op end of tto gardon demolished.
Probate Court N et«.
I confess that on hearing about tto
petition was filed in thé Probet,
I discovery I was inclined to take it wit
Second, to taka advantage of the
coart lu t Monday in the matter of the
dry season which will insure bettor Governor’s Y. M. C. A. Plml* * * * .T* How,vw’
*•* estate of John Waltender, deceased. for eieren additional locomotive, for
Whereas, no agency, aside from the
A petition ohs filed Tuesday in the deiieerey this year in time to assist
Third, more proposals wUl be re­
school, has dene more for the develop­
matter of the eetate of Silas W. Noah, in the heavy crop movement
ceived and more rtej ’
ment o f Christian character, manly in­
The new en fines will be the largest
tors will bid if the pr
tegrity and physical well being among
locomotive, on the System,
ed before general prork 'starts all oar boys and young men tfcantto Young
only exceeded in six. and power by the
along tbs' Coast.
Men’s Christian Association, and
huge Mallets which are really a com­
Road master Murdock has called the
Whereas, The Association in this per­
bination of two engines.
attention o f the County Court to Engi­ iod o f Whr-timo «trees faces unexam­
Designed particularly far increased
Boats Depart.
neer Nunn’s desire and urged that the pled opportunities for development sad
capacity at high speed, the
Coos Bay north section aad th| Co- petriotic'service, and -
(AH leave for Bandon and «ray
new locomotives . will enable the
quille-Myrtle Point seetion to adver­
landings except the Myrtle.)
Whereat, It I* urgently desirable
Southern Pacific to expedite freight
tised as soon as possible. The Coele- that the work which the Young Men’s
Telegraph.........................1.60 p. m.
service and better handle passenger
do-Coquille section is already being Christian Association ia doing, end can
Charm . . . . l : l i a. m. and 4:1S p. as.
trains on grade.
advertised, end the Coquills-Bandon do, for oar soldiers in the field, receive
Norma (amil and express) .6:00 p. m.
section still requires that
the fullest possible recognition and as-
Dispatch woek days........1:00 p. m.
right of way be secured before the
Dispatch Sundays.......... 1 « p. m.
Now, therefore, I, James Withy-
contract can be let.
Belief ...................... .. .7:00 a. m.
combe, Governor o f Oregon, do hereby
Myrtle for Myrtle Point . .1.00 p. m.
proclaim Sunday, May «, 1017, as Ore­
Boats Arrive.
New Casista Circuit Court gon
Y . M. C. A. day, and I ask that
nhO N O h
*10.30 •. m.
Aprii 27—Jas. Mago, aad Jno. F. the ministers o f the state on that day
Chaim . . . .0:00 a. m. aad 4 HR) p. m.
Hall, Trustee, ve. Charlotte E. Raab, stake special mention of seeeeletlon
Norma (mail aad expsem).IK)0 p. m.
A. G. Raab, L. F. Faltonatote, Henry «rack and association needs with s view j
Dispatch, Weak days ....10:00 a. m.
Hoeck, G. GUbertaon.
Aprii 27 . ,,
Commision ve. Krwse Shingle Co.
frontage, fall corner
Aprii 28— D. H. Stewart ve. May
let; foer Mocks « S I of
Taylor, George King aad Charles
State University, Eu­
Aprii 28—P ori Orford W torf Co. Hand and caused the 8
fidO a. m.; 7:26 p. m.
gene. Price f 1,800. Will
vs. Steamer Bandon.
o f Oregon to be bereu
2.00 p. m.
Aprii SO-J. W. Calchine aad Bat­ Hat deg o f April, 1017.
trade for good piece of
8.66 p. m.
ti. Catehiag vs. Mary Norrie and Geo.
•J6 a. bl ; 4KK) p. m.
W. Nonria.
river bottom land.
Arago (by boat)
l f i t p. m.
Aprii 80—Jennio Richard, vs. Geo.
Ik e first
E. Richard.. Suit for diverte.
6:12 a. m.| 4:16 p. m.
Aprii 80—Frank A. Gardner ve.
9:00 a. m.
Eunice Gardaer. Suit for divoree.
9:00 a.
7:49 pu m.
May 1—B. C. Fatoy va. Mrs. Max
ta to :
S u ch a t
And the reason is that TUXEDO is mads of tha
most fragrant leaves of the tobaceo plant, the tender
N m m S u
New Home
For Trade
-- aue —
Q u a lit y
__4M m m. 1178 Acati St
New Home Sewing Ms-