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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1917)
; -A . C O Q U IL L E T A L L E Y PAG E = test W o have received a Cou- •nd number of city school and others who a re course, and who have to take up this work at a later period. F or the inform ation o f thoa^ who contemplate joining the N IG H T daaa w e wish to ad vise that on account o f the limited amount o f time in the N ig h t • •V r \ I I ■ • phers until these tw o classes are graduated which w ill require about six months. W e accordingly urge thoee interested to join the day school opens. This announcement, o f course, has no connection w ith the D ay nr-r— -ÿ. \% " h ff school where students may enroll at any time. AND ER SO NS’ b u s in e s s c o l l e g e is h e r e t o h e l p y o u D ay and N igh t S— fan . O f— . M ay 7th. 1917. S E E O U R D IS P L A Y A D V E R T IS E M E N T . Telling About People and Events in the City and County. Postatistrm s Endicott was up from "Lu n evs" Tuesday, accompanied by M rs. H enry E llis. Geo. A k er cam e down from P ow er» Tuesday fo r a fo w d ay» a t homo, re turning yesterday. Lam Crochrane and P . W . Hack- wood w ere am ong the Pow er* contin gent in town yesterday. School Supervisor »-— v ie ltin r the C oquille riv e r this F. A . Golden has at A . T . M orrison returned from P o rt land Sunday evening w here he attend ed the Good Roads m ooting. Deputy Labor Commissioner Was. A . Dal sells, o f Portland, lookad in to aee us yesterday afternoon. production reach the possibility. The Ladles A id w ill hold th eir cook ed food aalo Saturady adhrning a t 10 o’clock a t Andorson’s »to re. T . J. T h rift was the firot man in C o quille to apart a straw hut on M ay The K o-K eel Klub dance in th eir day when such hand gea r becomes a l b ell room last Saturday even in g was lowable. one o f the m ost enjoyable o f the many The Pow ers people made a mistake functions held there in m any months, in try in g to boost them selves by pull- and a la rg e crowd was in attendance in g ^ h e other fe llo w down. Th at is to help make the hours g lid e s w iftly alw ays poor policy. H . M. Shaw, M. I)., E ye, E ar, Noae principal part o f the decorations. and Throat Specialist, w ill be a t Bax The old-tim e social entertainm ent te r H otel, C oquille, on W ednesday, which the M odern W oodmen had fixed M ay 0th. Glasses fitted. fo r Saturday evening, M ay 12, has A pple and pear trees have been in been postponed on account o f the the height o f hloom tide week and Honor Guard dance that even in g until there has been nothing unfavorable the follo w in g week. M ay 18. The a f fa ir w ill be held in the M. W . A . hall, fo r the fru it in the w eather. and invitations w ill be issued next v e ry lim it o f Men who send to m arket im m ature and young stock th at could carry g rea ter w eigh t are w astin g the coun try ’s resources. In a ll human probe-! b ility th ey are also sacrificin g profits they m igh t reap. The unprecedented prices have been and are a tem ptation to cash in w hile the cashing is good; but when a man sends to m arket un d erw eigh t and young breeding stock he is k illin g the goose th at lays the golden e g g . H e is m aking it harder fo r him self and others to replenish feed lots and pastures. / T o be sure, no man can be expected to g o out and buy dear feed to make 1600 and 1700-pound steers o r S60 to 400-pound lard hogs, but it is little less than an economic crim e a t this tim e to send in h a lf finished 1000 to 1200-pound cattle and ISO to 180- pound bogs. M arketin g o f strictly d airy veal calves is excusable, but every ca lf a ten spot in the w ay o f a fine. P . W . Hackwood, o f Pow ere, was doing business in Coquille yesterday sU means be kept. Sending to slaughter pregnant cows and h eifers fo r b eef should be abso lu tely discontinued, a t least fo r the period o f the war. fo r the com m ercial club there. The leased pects again Sunset W oolen M ills which has the Bandon W oolen M ills ex to have the spindles w hirrin g there by the first o f June. Those eighth grade exam inations a ll over the A u n ty w ill be finished to day, though the gra lin g o f the papers w ill require considerable tim e y e t The Cream ery company has receiv ed its cheek from M t . Conway this afternoon and the fa ctory is now in The Honor Guard’s Donee. The local Honor Guard has g o t out posters announcing a benefit dance a t H easlet H all next Saturday, M ay 12. The g irls have been to some expense in p erfectin g th eir organisation and have decided on a benefit dance to rales a fund fo r th eir treasury. Good Th e fifth annual isèue o f " T l music win be had and a roya l good rei,” the Coquille H igh School tim e is prom ised. Th e patronesses fo r the occasion w ill be Meedamee Fred S lagle, J. A . Lam b, M . J. H art- The sh eriff's office here has turned eon, Leo J. G ary and G. E arl Low . over to Treasurer Dim m ick $310,761.- 48 o f the taxes o f 1016. This lacks som ething o f being h a lf the $602,108.- 6$ to be collected fo r last year. Clean-up day is due. A lo n g w ith the cam paign fo r m ore garden pro duction should be mentioned the need A ir $ school that we w ill only be able to have tw o classes of ' •M y ho held on th e even in g o f day. M ay 24. A s h eretofore, tfcs con test w ill ho in Ihre# section » w ith a as the prise fo r G e w is s e r o f each. la the firs t T ra v is T y rre ll w ill < k i fifth grade, sad Kath- Cl ara bel P ea rt w ill the sixth grads. In the »se ihe seventh grad e w ill be by E enneth Stanninger Chester H ow ard, w h ile B eryl W oodruff w ill speak fo r the eighth grads. Th e h igh school speakers w ill be M arvel SkeeU, Leanna Curry, Eu- by MacD onald, K a tie P rice and N ellie H is possible th at others rr la ter. Th e music fo r this w ill bp furnished by the high school orchestra, the g irle ’ R ise dub and by pupils o f the fou rth grado. The Baoeulaurdhte service w ill bo in the M ethodist qharoh South. The fo llo w in g is the order o f servies: O rgan V olu n tary.G en evieve C. Chase. Hym n, “ Coronation” . . .C on gregation . R ev. H . M . L ew . A n th em .. .H igh School G irla’ Chorus. Scripture R ead in g.R ev. T . H. Downs. n a ..............H igh School Q u in tet June W illey , A d a D ow n», G ladys Nos ier, M arvel Skeelc, Charles W illey. « n o n ........................John L . G ary. The D oxology..............C on grega tio n . m ediation. . . . . . R ev. T . H . Downs. Ik e fin al Commencement Exercises a t the M aeonie H a ll on Tuesday even ing, M ay 10, w ill he as fo llo w s : M u s k . . . . ................G irls’ Gius Q u it. In vocation ..............Rev. T . H. Downs. V ocal S olo................. M iss M abel Buy. . . . . . . . . . . . D r. John Straub. o f lib e r a l A rte , U . o f O. M usic........................ G irls’ G lee Club. o f Claas, . . -BupC C. A . Howard. Presentation o f Diplom as; W . L . K istn er, chairm an ths Board o f Education. M usic.......................G irls ' G lee Club. In our g rea t national em ergency every man should consider how he can beet help along. The easiest w ay fo r every ow ner o f liv e stock to “ do his b it" is to see that every ani m al gees to m arket carryin g as much w eigh t as it is practical to put on. W e are now draw ing upon the M ay and June and July supplies o f beef, pork and mutton. Farm ing and liv e stock feed in g is • good deal o f a gam ble, but there ■ •ver waa a tim e since the Am erican C ivil W ar when a fcoder could fe e l as sure o f a good p rofit on brin gin g his Hve stock up to norm al w e ig h t The higher the ptteee fo r grain, the m ore certain is the f coder o f a profit in putting w eigh t on im m ature stock. From one end o f the country to the other thare is a dcarth o f m ature stock. Peed lots, East, W est, North and South are bars. Hundreds o f thouaands o f sheep and ca ttle hâve been wiped out by alm ost unprece- dentod severity o f w in ter in the W est, and th ere is no spot on the map where en ean turn to fin<i a surplus o f young •tock to put in feed lots or turn on the pasture. P atriotism alone ought to be suffl- cient spur to induce farm ers and feed ers to m ature th eir holdings. At this tim e it seems h igh ly probable th at such a course would not only be h igh ly patriotic, but handsomely pro- «ta b le.— C hicago L iv e Stock W orld. t f^ g | p W J F t E | .M O N E Y KINGING, DANCING, WIRE-WALKERS, HOOP ROLLERS, JUGGLERS, FIRE-EATING, CONTORTION ACTS. . HEAR OUR QUARTETTE. k Show . * v UNDER CANVASS—AT NIGHT O N LY ' - W o r ld B e » t ^ ' r | r n i- r W Fb j Wednesday, MAY PARADE AND BAND CONCERT AT NOON D ouglas County Lining U p. T h oA who have wondered how our M yrtle Point-E osoburg rood was to connect up w ith the D ouglas county road w ill read the fo llo w in g from the SE N D Kosebudg N ew s w ith in terest: County Su rveyor M. B. Gesmond arrived in the c ity yesterday evening a fte r com pleting a su rvey o f the firs t tw o Bailee o f highw ay through the Coquille canyon, on the Roseburg- M yrtle P oin t road. H e p ill im m ed ia tely set to w ork in preparin g his plans and specifications and expects to have them ready fo r the n ext term o f the county court. T H E S E N T IN E L " - TO YO UR FRIENDS IN THE EAST ‘ ‘ *v‘*' * . t I - v, * » - ' *• * J* H is survey starts from the end o f .allow s the course a f the Coquille riv - .4 fo r a trifle m an tw o m iles. Surveyed on a lin e fo llo w in g closely the banks o f the riv e r the road makes long sw eeping curves w ith the w ater on bne side and the m assive trees o f one o f the fin est fo rests on the Pacific coast on the other, m aking one o f the most scenic roads to be found in the country. M r. Germond has planned a road which w ill be inexpensive in construc tion considering the nature o f the country through which the thorough fa re is built, one which w ill cost but little fo r upkeep and which can be traveled a t a ll tim es o f the year a t a grade o f less than tw o per cent fo r the en tire distance. The route is con sidered rem arkable fo r this one fe a ture, as previou sly the road has reach ed as high as tw en ty-five per cent, w hile only a s lig h t deviation from the present course brings It to grounds over which a vehicle can tra vel w ith practically no noticeable difference in the grade o f the bed. On one stretch about 1200 fe e t in length there is ab solutely no change in levels, although the surrounding country is very rough. The road winds a good deal, but on curves easily negotiated and which adds rath er than detracts from the beauty o f the highw ay. The road is to be planked fo r the entire tw o m iles according to present p i.» ., and although no etsim ate has been announced or prepared in any w ay it is the b e lie f that the cost w ill be between tw elve and fifteen thous and dollars fo r the en tire im prove ment. I t is very probable th at the county court w ill pass an order a t its next session authorising a contract fo r the w ork and that grad in g w ill be begun w ithin a fe w weeks. W ith a tw o-m ile im provem ent by the county, only six m iles rem ain be tw een D ouglas and Coos counties, a stretch alm ost im passable road which prevents the Unking o f tw o o f the m ost productive sections o f the state, Th e county, how ever, is w ith lo t ITS W E E K L Y VISITS AR E B O U N D TO IN T E R E ST TH EM IN THIS C O U N T R Y SHOW THE PAPER TO YOUR FRIENDS WHO ARE NOT TAKING IT. a THEY WILL BECOME INTERESTED IN IT TOO. THE PAPER THAT IT IS IS DIFFERENT. ADOKKSS ’ T H E S E N T IN E L, COQUILLE, ORE. BEE HIVES Buy d irect from the fa cto ry. Hive complète, knockdown, $1.90. Crate o f five, knockdown, $9.25 . V Empty Hives, knockdown, $1.207 J. H. OERDING & SONS Phone m ain 774. F a ctory opposite 8 . P . D ep o t C oquille, O re. Str. Elizabeth Bandon to San Franciaeo provem ent, under present conditions, b fit in the even t th at the county bond1 P in t d a m - f i t . issue is approved by the people a t the Salk from C»at»al Warehouse Company June election $50,000 w ill be appro J, E. W A LS TR O M , A g e a t Beadoa, O re. priated to com plete this im provem ent in a perm anent manner, m aking a E. & E. T. Kruse, Mgrs., 24 Calif. S t , 8. F. highw ay which w ill be open a ll the year round. W ith state aid tt w ill probably be hard surfaced fo r the grea ter part o f the distance and Roee- * i ■■■■................... ovues io r apse ___ jri'.i " .. j u—' m I i ■ — fcurg w ill have an i ou tlet fo auto « a ~ a w c-i_;” sjiu track tra vel throughout the seasons. J.. E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore. -■ . 1 S i” S3 - 'V-Cv ..... . . — i»ie » Your Subscription Date Need Changing?